107 results match your criteria: "centre hospitalier de Cadillac[Affiliation]"
June 2020
CIC-1431 Inserm, service de psychiatrie, CHU de Besançon, Besançon, France; Laboratoire de neurosciences, université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France.
The 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic (SARS-CoV-2; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) has dramatic consequences on populations in terms of morbidity and mortality and in social terms, the general confinement of almost half of the world's population being a situation unprecedented in history, which is difficult today to measure the impact at the individual and collective levels. More specifically, it affects people with various risk factors, which are more frequent in patients suffering from psychiatric disorders. Psychiatrists need to know: (i) how to identify, the risks associated with the prescription of psychotropic drugs and which can prove to be counterproductive in their association with COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), (ii) how to assess in terms of benefit/risk ratio, the implication of any hasty and brutal modification on psychotropic drugs that can induce confusion for a differential diagnosis with the evolution of COVID-19.
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February 2020
Institut psycho-judiciaire et de psychopathologie (IPJP), centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10 avenue Joseph-Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France; Unité pour malades difficiles (UMD), pôle de psychiatrie médico-légale (PPML), centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10, avenue Joseph-Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
When subjected to potentially traumatic events, adolescents can develop psychological trauma with varying levels of severity. For both preventive and therapeutic purposes, these psychological traumas should be assessed and managed by psychologists and/or psychiatrists who are well trained and experienced in performing these complex professional interventions.
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January 2020
Institut Psycho-Judiciaire et de Psychopathologie (IPJP), centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10 avenue Joseph Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, FrancecUnité pour malades difficiles (UMD), pôle de psychiatrie médico-légale (PPML), centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10 avenue Joseph Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
For a long time reduced to sexual and reproductive health issues (human immunodeficiency virus and medically assisted procreation in particular), lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) health has recently shifted to other topics that make it possible to report on the relationship between LGBT people and health care. A recent study attempts to qualify and quantify the fears, avoidances, strategies and representations that LGBT people have of the care, health care bodies and caregivers they encounter. It is possible to summarise some of the trends in this research and to propose avenues and topics to better support LGBT people in their care journey.
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June 2020
Groupe hospitalier La Rochelle Ré Aunis, 208, rue Marius-Lacroix, 17000 La Rochelle, France.
Introduction: In France, the use of seclusion in psychiatric hospitals is regulated by the Act of January 26th 2016 which enforces a reduction of the use of coercive measures and limiting their duration. Criteria that are unrelated to the patient's symptoms might affect this decision and extend the duration of seclusion. The goal of the current observational study is, firstly, to determine which factors - unrelated to the patient's symptoms - influence the length of stay in seclusion.
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December 2019
Institut psycho-judiciaire et de psychopathologie (IPJP), unité pour malades difficiles,centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10 avenue Joseph-Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France; Unité pour malades difficiles (UMD), pôle de psychiatrie médico-légale (PPML), centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10, avenue Joseph-Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
When subjected to potentially traumatic events, children can develop psychological trauma with varying levels of severity. For preventive and therapeutic purposes, these psychological traumas must be assessed and managed by psychologists and/or psychiatrists who are well-trained and experienced.
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November 2019
Institut psycho-judiciaire et de psychopathologie (IPJP), unité pour malades difficiles, centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10 avenue Joseph-Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
Autism is currently considered as a neurodevelopmental disorder called "autism spectrum disorder" (ASD). Its diagnosis is based on assessments focusing on two main areas: the presence of persistent impairments in communication and social interactions in varied contexts, as well as the presence of a stereotypical or repetitive nature of the subject's movements, use of objects or language. The complementary functional diagnosis enables a personalised project to be constructed taking into account the resources and difficulties of the individual with ASD.
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October 2019
Institut psycho-judiciaire et de psychopathologie (IPJP), unité pour malades difficiles, centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10, avenue Joseph-Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a serious neuro-degenerative disease related to involvement of central motor neurons (cerebral cortex) and peripheral neurons (anterior horn of the spinal cord and motor nuclei of the medulla). Clinical progression is marked by extensive paralysis leading to death, most frequently by respiratory failure. Specific nursing care is required at each stage of the illness.
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May 2019
Institut psycho-judiciaire et de psychopathologie (IPJP), Institute of forensic psychology and psychopathology, Unité pour malades difficiles (UMD), centre hospitalier de Cadillac 10, avenue Joseph-Caussil 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
PARKINSON'S DISEASE NEUROPSYCHOPATHOLOGY (1/2).: A progressive, neurodegenerative disease of unknown aetiology, Parkinson's disease is characterised mainly by motor disorders. As the disease progresses, other disorders appear: speech, swallowing, perspiration, genitourinary, etc.
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April 2019
Institut psycho-judiciaire et de psychopathologie (IPJP), Institute of psychology and psychopathology, unité pour malades difficiles (UMD), Centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10, avenue Joseph Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
The association of the two terms 'isolating' and 'protecting', seems counterintuitive. The practice of isolation conjures up images of an asylum or even prison, rather than a notion of safeguarding. Isolation is defined within caregiving institutions by a vast range of practices, neither rare nor recent.
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March 2019
Institut psycho-judiciaire et de psychopathologie (IPJP), Institute of psychology and psychopathology, unité pour malades difficiles (UMD), Centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10, avenue Joseph Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
A stroke is a medical emergency with potentially fatal consequences. The speed of the initial treatment has a direct impact on the person's outcome. Rehabilitation and the support provided to the patient and their families is long-term.
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July 2019
Institut psycho-judiciaire et de psychopathologie/Institute of Forensic Psychology and Psychopathology, unité pour malades difficiles (UMD), centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10, avenue Joseph-Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
Shaped by culture and education, human sexuality is organised around the principle of mutual consent, and other limits fixed by the law, between partners in emotional exchanges and sexual relationships. When this is not the case, complex issues of sexual violence, inflicted and suffered, arise. Certain health professionals then become involved, working either with the perpetrator and/or the victims of this violence.
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January 2019
Institut psycho-judiciaire et de psychopathologie (IPJP), unité pour malades difficiles (UMD), Centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10, avenue Joseph Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
The provision of physical, mental and social care to people with Alzheimer's disease is a major public health challenge. With the awareness of progressive neurological disorders and their consequences, the personal and psychological dimension of each patient must lie at the heart of the care provided throughout the disease's progression. This personalisation can have positive clinical effects while helping to preserve as much as possible the dignity of the people concerned.
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June 2019
Centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 89, rue Cazaux-Cazalet, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
The approach or practice known as Snoezelen is defined as the controlled multi-sensory stimulation of a person's sensoriality in a safe space. It has recognised benefits in the management of severe mental health disabilities. But, can it have a more specific benefit in psychiatry in terms of pain managment? Hospital caregivers go some way to answering the question by sharing their thoughts and experience regarding an innovative clinical experiment using the Snoezelen approach for this purpose.
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December 2018
Institut psycho-judiciaire (IPJ), Unité pour malades difficiles, centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10, avenue Joseph Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
The ageing of the population of criminals in prison is a trend that is expected to increase. Faced with this phenomenon, caregivers and penitentiaries must adapt to a prison environment that is not always designed to handle the increase in the number of elderly and pathological prisoners.
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December 2018
Institut Psycho-Judiciaire (IPJ), Psycho-legal Institute, Unité pour Malades Difficiles (UMD), Centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 10 avenue Joseph Caussil, 33410 Coolillac (France). Electronic address:
A methodological guide, updated in January 2018, outlines the responses jointly organized by the prison administration and the Ministry of Health to meet the health needs of prisoners. These care needs are significant and diverse, as are those of the rest of the population. The resources available for psychiatric care / support are often lower than the needs identified in the health units.
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August 2018
Centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 89, rue Cazeaux-Cazalet, 33410 Cadillac, France; Centre ressource pour les intervenants auprès des auteurs de violences sexuelles (CRIAVS) de la région Rhône-Alpes, délégation de Grenoble, centre médico-psychologique (CMP) Les Marronniers, 2, chemin des marronniers, 38000 Grenoble, France.
A support group brings together several people around a common theme. It aims to favour the expression of experiences, suffering, conflicts, problems as well as discussions about potential improvements or solutions. The themes of these supervised exchanges are varied and numerous.
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July 2018
Université de Bordeaux, chef du pôle médicojudiciaire-médecine légale et pénitentiaire du CHU de Bordeaux, Laboratoire de médecine légale, Site Pellegrin, 33076 Bordeaux cedex, France.
The prison population is ageing. Caregivers are having to work in an environment which is unsuited to the care of elderly prisoners. The French law of 18 January 1994 relating to public health and social protection, radically changed the health care provision for people in prisons.
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December 2018
Pôle de psychiatrie, CHU de Lille, 59000 Lille, France; CNRS UMR 9193, laboratoire de sciences cognitives et sciences affectives (SCALab-PsyCHIC), université de Lille, 59000 Lille, France.
The unités hospitalières spécialement aménagées (UHSA) are full-time inpatient psychiatric units for inmates in France. Their creation has been associated with several advances in access to psychiatric care for inmates in recent years. However, there is still only one means of involuntary hospitalization for prisoners in France: care by decision of a representative of the state (les soins sur décision d'un représentant de l'état [SDRE]).
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December 2017
Institut psycho-judiciaire, Centre Hospitalier de Cadillac, 89 rue Cazeaux-Cazalet, 33410 Cadillac, France; Unité pour Malades difficiles, Centre hospitalier de Cadillac, avenue Joseph-Caussil, 33410 Cadillac, France. Electronic address:
In France, minors over the age of 13 can be given a common law sentence but their status as a minor is taken into account, reducing the maximum sentence by half. They can however be subjected to a treatment order, a measure applicable in the context of social and legal supervision, which aims to prevent repeat offending.
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September 2017
Bordeaux Population Health Research Center, team Psychoepidemiology of aging and chronic diseases, UMR 1219, University of Bordeaux, Inserm, Bordeaux, France.
Objectives: Based on seemingly contradictory results in the existing literature, the objective of our study was to investigate whether older individuals suffering from chronic psychiatric disorders show a more rapid decline in cognitive performances than their non-psychiatric counterparts, or if the pattern of decline through older age is similar in both groups.
Method: A total of 820 older adults were selected from the Ageing Multidisciplinary Investigation (AMI) cohort study, which studies health-related issues of people over 65 years old living in rural areas. Among them, 30 suffer from chronic psychiatric disorders.
Soins Psychiatr
July 2017
Centre d'appui bruxellois, boulevard Simon-Bolivar 30, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique; Institut psycho-judiciaire, centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 89, rue Cazeaux-Cazalet, 33410 Cadillac-sur-Garonne, France. Electronic address:
Following the Dutroux affair which rocked Belgium in 1996, the Belgian minister for justice signed cooperation agreements with the country's three regions (Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels-Capital), imposing on sex offenders therapy or treatment as an alternative to imprisonment. What legal programme is now in place for their management? Experience of the Brussels support centre.
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July 2017
Unité pour malades difficiles, 89, rue Cazeaux-Cazalet, 33410 Cadillac-sur-Garonne, France; Unité de soins intensifs psychiatriques, 89, rue Cazeaux-Cazalet, 33410 Cadillac-sur-Garonne, France; Institut psycho-judiciaire, centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 89, rue Cazeaux-Cazalet, 33410 Cadillac-sur-Garonne, France. Electronic address:
Psychologists and a psychiatrist testify to the clinical condition of people sentenced to socio-judicial supervision with court-ordered therapy. Despite the extension of the indication of the programme, this complex supervision often concerns the perpetrators of intra and/or extra familial sexual abuse. Preventing reoffending through the global treatment of the patient is a major concern both for the doctor-coordinators as well as the doctor and psychologists delivering the therapy.
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July 2017
Unité pour malades difficiles, centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 89, rue Cazeaux-Cazalet, 33410 Cadillac-sur-Garonne, France; Unité de soins intensifs psychiatriques, centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 89, rue Cazeaux-Cazalet, 33410 Cadillac-sur-Garonne, France; Institut psycho-judiciaire, centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 89, rue Cazeaux-Cazalet, 33410 Cadillac-sur-Garonne, France. Electronic address:
As is the case with other contexts of mental health treatments, the therapeutic approaches to court-ordered therapy are varied. They are based on the principle of their clinical indication and must be delivered by therapists trained in the specific area. The classic therapeutic approaches are used: medication, psychoanalysis and psychoanalytically inspired therapies, cognitive behavioural therapies, group therapies and body-oriented approach.
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July 2017
Centre Erios, centre hospitalier Charles-Perrens, 121, rue de la Béchade, 33076 Bordeaux Cedex, France; Institut psycho-judiciaire, centre hospitalier de Cadillac, 89, rue Cazeaux-Cazalet, 33410 Cadillac-sur-Garonne, France. Electronic address:
Doctor-coordinators are nominated by the judge for the enforcement of sentences as soon as socio-judicial supervision with court-ordered therapy is to be implemented. Their mission is to facilitate the contact between offenders and the general practitioner likely to be working with them on the therapeutic level. The experience of the doctor-coordinator in Bordeaux sheds light on the conditions in which this function is performed.
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