91 results match your criteria: "Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ)[Affiliation]"

Thermalization rate of polaritons in strongly-coupled molecular systems.


June 2024

Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Vienna, Austria.

Polariton thermalization is a key process in achieving light-matter Bose-Einstein condensation, spanning from solid-state semiconductor microcavities at cryogenic temperatures to surface plasmon nanocavities with molecules at room temperature. Originated from the matter component of polariton states, the microscopic mechanisms of thermalization are closely tied to specific material properties. In this work, we investigate polariton thermalization in strongly-coupled molecular systems.

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How can detector click probabilities respond to spatial rotations around a fixed axis, in any possible physical theory? Here, we give a thorough mathematical analysis of this question in terms of "rotation boxes", which are analogous to the well-known notion of non-local boxes. We prove that quantum theory admits the most general rotational correlations for spins 0, 1/2, and 1, but we describe a metrological game where beyond-quantum resources of spin 3/2 outperform all quantum resources of the same spin. We prove a multitude of fundamental results about these correlations, including an exact convex characterization of the spin-1 correlations, a Tsirelson-type inequality for spins 3/2 and higher, and a proof that the general spin- correlations provide an efficient outer SDP approximation to the quantum set.

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We demonstrate a macrocoherent regime in exciton-polariton systems, where nonequilibrium polariton Bose-Einstein condensation coexists with macroscopically occupied vibrational states. Strong exciton-vibration coupling induces an effective optomechanical interaction between cavity polaritons and vibrational degrees of freedom of molecules, leading to vibrational amplification in a resonant blue-detuned configuration. This interaction provides a sympathetic mechanism to achieve vibrational condensation with potential applications in cavity-controlled chemistry, nonlinear, and quantum optics.

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Genuine Multipartite Entanglement Detection with Imperfect Measurements: Concept and Experiment.

Phys Rev Lett

October 2024

Faculty of Physics, Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria.

Standard procedures for entanglement detection assume that experimenters can exactly implement specific quantum measurements. Here, we depart from such idealizations and investigate, in both theory and experiment, the detection of genuine multipartite entanglement when measurements are subject to small imperfections. For arbitrary qubits number n, we construct multipartite entanglement witnesses where the detrimental influence of the imperfection is independent of n.

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Deriving Three-Outcome Permutationally Invariant Bell Inequalities.

Entropy (Basel)

September 2024

Department of Physics, ETH Zürich, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland.

Article Synopsis
  • Researchers developed methods to create Bell inequalities for systems with multiple three-level parties participating in experiments.
  • The study simplifies complex classical correlations by focusing on a lower-dimensional space involving specific one- and two-body observables.
  • The findings have potential applications in detecting Bell correlations in spin-1 models and experimental setups in solid-state physics or atomic ensembles.
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Quantum mechanics places noise limits and sensitivity restrictions on physical measurements. The balance between unwanted backaction and the precision of optical measurements imposes a standard quantum limit (SQL) on interferometric systems. In order to realize a sensitivity below the SQL, it is necessary to leverage a backaction evading measurement technique, reduce thermal noise to below the level of backaction, and exploit cancellations of any excess noise contributions at the detector.

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Indistinguishability between photons is a key requirement for scalable photonic quantum technologies. We experimentally demonstrate that partly distinguishable single photons can be purified to reach near-unity indistinguishability by the process of quantum interference with ancillary photons followed by heralded detection of a subset of them. We report on the indistinguishability of the purified photons by interfering two purified photons and show improvements in the photon indistinguishability of 2.

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Compatibility of Generalized Noisy Qubit Measurements.

Phys Rev Lett

June 2024

University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Vienna, Austria and Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI), Austrian Academy of Sciences, Boltzmanngasse 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria.

It is a crucial feature of quantum mechanics that not all measurements are compatible with each other. However, if measurements suffer from noise they may lose their incompatibility. Here, we consider the effect of white noise and determine the critical visibility such that all qubit measurements, i.

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Precision interferometry with quantum states has emerged as an essential tool for experimentally answering fundamental questions in physics. Optical quantum interferometers are of particular interest because of mature methods for generating and manipulating quantum states of light. Their increased sensitivity promises to enable tests of quantum phenomena, such as entanglement, in regimes where tiny gravitational effects come into play.

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The interference of nonclassical states of light enables quantum-enhanced applications reaching from metrology to computation. Most commonly, the polarization or spatial location of single photons are used as addressable degrees of freedom for turning these applications into praxis. However, the scale-up for the processing of a large number of photons of these architectures is very resource-demanding due to the rapidly increasing number of components, such as optical elements, photon sources, and detectors.

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Generating large multiphoton entangled states is of main interest due to enabling universal photonic quantum computing and all-optical quantum repeater nodes. These applications exploit measurement-based quantum computation using cluster states. Remarkably, it was shown that photonic cluster states of arbitrary size can be generated by using feasible heralded linear optics fusion gates that act on heralded three-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states as the initial resource state.

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Highly sensitive single-molecule detection of macromolecule ion beams.

Sci Adv

December 2023

Faculty of Physics and Vienna Doctoral School of Physics (VDSP) and Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.

The analysis of proteins in the gas phase benefits from detectors that exhibit high efficiency and precise spatial resolution. Although modern secondary electron multipliers already address numerous analytical requirements, additional methods are desired for macromolecules at energies lower than currently used in post-acceleration detection. Previous studies have proven the sensitivity of superconducting detectors to high-energy particles in time-of-flight mass spectrometry.

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High-Q Magnetic Levitation and Control of Superconducting Microspheres at Millikelvin Temperatures.

Phys Rev Lett

July 2023

Faculty of Physics, Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), University of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.

We report the levitation of a superconducting lead-tin sphere with 100  μm diameter (corresponding to a mass of 5.6  μg) in a static magnetic trap formed by two coils in an anti-Helmholtz configuration, with adjustable resonance frequencies up to 240 Hz. The center-of-mass motion of the sphere is monitored magnetically using a dc superconducting quantum interference device as well as optically and exhibits quality factors of up to 2.

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Digital payments have replaced physical banknotes in many aspects of our daily lives. Similarly to banknotes, they should be easy to use, unique, tamper-resistant and untraceable, but additionally withstand digital attackers and data breaches. Current technology substitutes customers' sensitive data by randomized tokens, and secures the payment's uniqueness with a cryptographic function, called a cryptogram.

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Can free agency be compatible with determinism? Compatibilists argue that the answer is yes, and it has been suggested that the computer science principle of "computational irreducibility" sheds light on this compatibility. It implies that there cannot, in general, be shortcuts to predict the behavior of agents, explaining why deterministic agents often appear to act freely. In this paper, we introduce a variant of computational irreducibility that intends to capture more accurately aspects of actual (as opposed to apparent) free agency, including computational sourcehood, i.

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Classical Cost of Transmitting a Qubit.

Phys Rev Lett

March 2023

University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Vienna, Austria.

We consider general prepare-and-measure scenarios in which Alice can transmit qubit states to Bob, who can perform general measurements in the form of positive operator-valued measures (POVMs). We show that the statistics obtained in any such quantum protocol can be simulated by the purely classical means of shared randomness and two bits of communication. Furthermore, we prove that two bits of communication is the minimal cost of a perfect classical simulation.

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As in modern communication networks, the security of quantum networks will rely on complex cryptographic tasks that are based on a handful of fundamental primitives. Weak coin flipping (WCF) is a significant such primitive which allows two mistrustful parties to agree on a random bit while they favor opposite outcomes. Remarkably, perfect information-theoretic security can be achieved in principle for quantum WCF.

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Locally Mediated Entanglement in Linearized Quantum Gravity.

Phys Rev Lett

March 2023

Quantum Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QD, United Kingdom.

The current interest in laboratory detection of entanglement mediated by gravity was sparked by an information-theoretic argument: entanglement mediated by a local field certifies that the field is not classical. Previous derivations of the effect modeled gravity as instantaneous; here we derive it from linearized quantum general relativity while keeping Lorentz invariance explicit, using the path-integral formalism. In this framework, entanglement is clearly mediated by a quantum feature of the field.

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Measuring entanglement is an essential step in a wide range of applied and foundational quantum experiments. When a two-particle quantum state is not pure, standard methods to measure the entanglement require detection of both particles. We realize a conceptually new method for verifying and measuring entanglement in a class of two-part (bipartite) mixed states.

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In the quantization of gauge theories and quantum gravity, it is crucial to treat reference frames such as rods or clocks not as idealized external classical relata, but as internal quantum subsystems. In the Page-Wootters formalism, for example, evolution of a quantum system S is described by a stationary joint state of S and a quantum clock, where time dependence of S arises from conditioning on the value of the clock. Here, we consider (possibly imperfect) internal quantum reference frames R for arbitrary compact symmetry groups, and show that there is an exact quantitative correspondence between the amount of entanglement in the invariant state on RS and the amount of asymmetry in the corresponding conditional state on S.

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Quantum reference frames for an indefinite metric.

Commun Phys

August 2023

Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.

The current theories of quantum physics and general relativity on their own do not allow us to study situations in which the gravitational source is quantum. Here, we propose a strategy to determine the dynamics of objects in the presence of mass configurations in superposition, and hence an indefinite spacetime metric, using quantum reference frame (QRF) transformations. Specifically, we show that, as long as the mass configurations in the different branches are related via relative-distance-preserving transformations, one can use an extension of the current framework of QRFs to change to a frame in which the mass configuration becomes definite.

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We explore a wide range of fundamental magnetic phenomena by measuring the dephasing of matter-wave interference fringes upon application of a variable magnetic gradient. The versatility of our interferometric Stern-Gerlach technique enables us to study the magnetic properties of alkali atoms, organic radicals, and fullerenes in the same device, with magnetic moments ranging from a Bohr magneton to less than a nuclear magneton. We find evidence for magnetization of a supersonic beam of organic radicals and, most notably, observe a strong magnetic response of a thermal C_{60} beam consistent with high-temperature atomlike deflection of rotational magnetic moments.

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Floquet Engineering a Bosonic Josephson Junction.

Phys Rev Lett

August 2022

Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), Atominstitut, Technical University Wien, 1020 Vienna, Austria.

We study Floquet engineering of the tunnel coupling between a pair of one-dimensional bosonic quasicondensates in a tilted double-well potential. By modulating the energy difference between the two wells, we reestablish tunnel coupling and precisely control its amplitude and phase. This allows us to initiate coherence between two initially uncorrelated Bose gases and prepare different initial states in the emerging sine-Gordon Hamiltonian.

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Arrays of optically trapped nanoparticles have emerged as a platform for the study of complex nonequilibrium phenomena. Analogous to atomic many-body systems, one of the crucial ingredients is the ability to precisely control the interactions between particles. However, the optical interactions studied thus far only provide conservative optical binding forces of limited tunability.

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