200,203 results match your criteria: "University of Sydney & Sydney Local Health District[Affiliation]"
Support Care Cancer
March 2025
Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia.
Purpose: To improve understanding of genitourinary symptoms (GUS) in women with breast cancer (BC).
Methods: Women with BC completed a survey assessing the type, severity, and impact of GUS experienced, and perceptions of treatment options.
Results: Surveys were completed by 506 women: median age 60 years (range 30 - 83).
Ear Hear
March 2025
Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Objectives: Early identification of congenital deafness enables early intervention, but evidence on the influence of age at fitting of hearing aids (HAs) or cochlear implants (CIs) on outcomes in school-aged children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) is limited. This study (1) described developmental outcomes and health-related quality of life in DHH children; and (2) examined the relationships among demographic factors, including age at fitting of HAs or CIs, and outcomes.
Design: This prospective cohort study included participants in a population-based study who were followed up at 9 years of age.
Int J Qual Health Care
March 2025
School of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Objectives: To investigate the frequency, timing, and characteristics of cardiovascular collapse after snakebite in Australia, and the complications of collapse following envenoming.
Study Design: Observational study; analysis of prospectively collected demographic and clinical data.
Setting, Participants: People with confirmed snake envenoming recruited to the Australian Snakebite Project at one of 200 participating Australian hospitals, 1 July 2005 - 30 June 2020.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev
March 2025
Centre for Pain IMPACT, Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, Australia.
Background: Antidepressants are commonly used to treat low back pain and spine-related leg pain. However, their benefits and harms are uncertain. This is an update of a 2008 Cochrane review of antidepressants for non-specific low back pain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Thromb Haemost
March 2025
School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia; Charles Perkins Centre, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia; The University of Sydney Nano Institute, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Electronic address:
Cardiovascular mechanical circulatory support (MCS) device use triggers thrombosis and haemostatic disorders, which may become fatal if thrombi occlude circulation or cause embolic complications. Consequently, anti-thrombotic medications are administered, which often cannot eliminate thrombosis, and further compromise patient survival by introducing an additional risk of severe bleeding events. MCS thrombosis is induced and affected by the combined relationships of patient pathology, the foreign artificial biomaterial's surface properties, and pathological flow conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActa Biomater
March 2025
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. Electronic address:
Nanoparticles are widely studied for delivering treatments to target tissues, but few have reached clinical use. Most nanoparticles encounter blood vessels on their way to target tissues. The inner surface of these vessels is lined with endothelial cells covered by a glycocalyx, an extracellular matrix rich in anionic glycans.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCentral nervous system atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (ATRT) is a rare and highly aggressive malignancy. We present the case of a 4-year-old girl with ATRT whose initial clinical sign was acute isolated oculomotor nerve palsy. While initial imaging was interpreted as normal, repeat cerebral magnetic resonance imaging with contrast indicated a compressive lesion in the left side of interpeduncular cistern.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFertil Steril
March 2025
IVIRMA Global Research Alliance, Genera, Clinica Valle Giulia, Rome, Italy; Department of Biomolecular Sciences, University of Urbino 'Carlo Bo', Urbino, Italy. Electronic address:
In vitro maturation (IVM) of immature oocytes has been explored for research and clinical purposes since the dawn of assisted reproduction technologies. Oocyte maturation is a highly specific process, based on complex mutual relationships between the germ and somatic cell compartments. The complexity of this relationship has made the quest for achieving oocyte maturation in vitro arduous.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEnviron Res
March 2025
School of River and Ocean Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, 400074, China; Engineering Laboratory of Environmental Hydraulic Engineering of Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, 400074, China. Electronic address:
Bioretention facilities (BRF) are widely utilized in sponge cities for stormwater management, but they face challenges in effectively controlling nitrogen due to the instability of traditional fillers. Pyrite has been extensively employed as an electron donor to enhance nitrogen removal; however, it generates by-products such as H, SO, and Fe/Fe that can pose environmental issues. Construction waste residues (CWR), consisting of waste brick and concrete, have been explored as alternative fillers, but they suffer from alkaline leaching problems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClin Psychol Rev
March 2025
National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of New South Wales, Australia.
The severity and impact of pain can vary greatly, even in individuals with the same physical injury. This variation underscores the need for a variety of treatment strategies in effective pain management. Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging technology that has been used as a treatment in diverse pain populations and for diverse indications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBioorg Med Chem
February 2025
School of Chemistry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. Electronic address:
Antimicrobial resistance has grown to become a global crisis consistently participating in the death of millions worldwide and accumulating costs on healthcare. Quorum sensing inhibition is a new alternative antimicrobial strategy that has been gaining attention due to its ability to suppress the resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA). This approach shows great potential in overcoming bacterial resistance and could provide a much needed substitute to conventional antibiotics in the future.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Colloid Interface Sci
March 2025
National Engineering Research Center of Industrial Wastewater Detoxication and Resource Recovery, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China; Shanghai Institute of Pollution Control and Ecological Security, Shanghai 200237, China. Electronic address:
Fe-based metal-organic frameworks (Fe-MOFs) have been extensively studied as fascinating photocatalysts due to their tunable structure and appealing light response. However, the application of traditional three-dimensional (3D) Fe-MOFs is limited by rapid carrier recombination and inaccessible active sites. In this work, a novel two-dimensional (2D) Bi decorated Fe-MOFs nanosheet photocatalyst was constructed, which exhibits significantly enhanced solar-driven photocatalytic activity due to the synergistic effect of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) and surface high-density exposed metal active sites.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSleep Med Rev
February 2025
The University of Sydney, Faculty of Science, School of Psychology, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; The University of Sydney, Brain and Mind Centre, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Electronic address:
Although recognition of the significant reciprocal interplay between sleep and social processes has grown over the past two decades, theoretical frameworks conceptualising this interplay have predominantly focused on psychosocial factors. The current lack of attention to putative neurobiological substrates and physiological mechanisms that may facilitate the dynamics of sleep-social relationships limits interdisciplinary research into sleep and clinical treatment of sleep problems and disorders. Thus, this narrative review hypothesises that the neuropeptide oxytocin represents a promising candidate physiological substrate underpinning sleep-social interplay, and integrates the endogenous oxytocin system into a novel tripartite biopsychosocial framework-the sleep-social-oxytocin nexus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Bone Miner Res
March 2025
Department of Diabetes & Endocrinology, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
Denosumab is a highly effective treatment for osteoporosis, and its long-term use is associated with incremental gains in bone mineral density (BMD) and sustained fracture risk reduction. Stopping denosumab, however, results in rebound increase in bone turnover, loss of treatment-associated BMD gains, and in the worst case, spontaneous vertebral fractures (VFs). Insights into the risk factors and the underlying mechanisms for rebound-associated bone loss and true incidence of rebound VFs are emerging.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCNS Drugs
March 2025
Institute for Musculoskeletal Health, Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, Australia.
Background: Opioids are prescribed for postsurgical pain management, but a balance between achieving adequate pain control and minimising opioid-related harm is required. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of different opioid regimens, in daily dose or treatment duration, prescribed at surgical discharge.
Methods: A systematic search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, and ICTRP was performed from inception to 12 January 2025.
Commun Biol
March 2025
School of Life Sciences, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Maternal exposure to particulate air pollution increases the incidence and severity of asthma in offspring, yet the mechanisms for this are unclear. Known susceptibility loci are a minor component of this effect. We interrogate a mouse allergic airway disease model to assess epigenetic associations between maternal air pollution exposure and asthma responses in offspring.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSci Data
March 2025
The MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia.
Understanding the neural basis of human object recognition and semantic knowledge has been a significant area of exploration, with recent focus aiming to reveal the developmental trajectory of this core brain function. At present, however, there is limited access to high-quality neuroimaging data obtained from human infants. Addressing this gap, we present a dataset comprising electroencephalography responses from 42 human infants obtained in response to visual presentations of various objects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Cardiovasc Magn Reson
March 2025
Adult Congenital Heart Disease Department, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Westminster Bridge Rd, London SE1 7EH, United Kingdom; Cardiovascular Imaging Department, King's College, London, United Kingdom.
Background: Main pulmonary artery (mPA) dilatation has been reported in patients with isolated pulmonary valve (PV) stenosis. The aim of our study was to detect the incidence of mPA dilatation and aneurysm in patients with isolated PV stenosis and the association with PV function.
Methods: In this single-centre retrospective observational study all patients with a diagnosis of isolated PV stenosis referred to our centre were enrolled.
Ann Hepatol
March 2025
Storr Liver Centre, Westmead Institute for Medical Research, Westmead Hospital and University of Sydney, NSW, Australia. Electronic address:
Liver fibrosis is a progressive response to chronic liver diseases characterized by a wound-healing process that leads to the accumulation of fibrillary extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins in and around the liver tissue. If left untreated, liver fibrosis can advance to cirrhosis and ultimately result in liver failure. Although there have been significant advancements in understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in liver fibrosis, effective therapeutic strategies to reverse or halt the condition remain limited.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProg Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry
March 2025
School of Medicine, Western Sydney University, NSW 2560, Australia. Electronic address:
Increasingly, the cannabis sativa plant compound cannabidiol (CBD) is used to treat various psychiatric and neurological health conditions which occur in early life or adolescence, including schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. However, behavioural effects CBD during adolescence have received limited attention, and the long-lasting behavioural consequences of adolescent CBD treatment are unknown. Thus, this study investigated the effects of chronic CBD in adolescence on behaviours in adulthood, in a mouse model of susceptibility to cannabinoid drugs and schizophrenia, i.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAm J Hum Genet
March 2025
Children's Cancer Institute, Lowy Cancer Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia; School of Clinical Medicine, UNSW Medicine & Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Electronic address:
Disease-causing genetic variants often disrupt mRNA splicing, an intricate process that is incompletely understood. Thus, accurate inference of which genetic variants will affect splicing and what their functional consequences will be is challenging, particularly for variants outside of the essential splice sites. Here, we describe a set of data-driven heuristics that inform the interpretation of human splice-altering variants (SAVs) based on the analysis of annotated exons, experimentally validated SAVs, and the currently understood principles of splicing biology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMar Environ Res
February 2025
School of Life and Environmental Sciences, The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006, Australia.
The sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii is an ecologically important species in southeastern Australia, where its grazing contributes to the formation of macroalgal-free barrens habitat. While climate warming has facilitated this species southward range extension, climate change is also causing an increase in the frequency of storm-driven hyposalinity events. These events can expose marine organisms to acute or gradual decrease salinity stress, depending on the rate and duration of freshwater influx.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNurse Educ Pract
February 2025
Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Program, Burnet Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia; Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Aim: To understand students' views on and experiences of their pre-registration midwifery education in Australia, including continuity of care experiences and clinical practice placements and their preferences for future employment.
Background: Increasing the number of midwifery student enrolments and improving student experience are suggested solutions to shortages in the Australian midwifery workforce.
Design: An anonymous online survey.
Semin Arthritis Rheum
February 2025
Neuroradiology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, University Hospital of Padua, Via Giustiniani, 2 - 35128 Padua, Italy.
Background: Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) represents a serious, life-threatening complication of primary antiphospholipid syndrome (PAPS), a thrombophilic disorder mainly characterized by vascular thrombosis and/or pregnancy morbidity. Risk factors for DAH in PAPS patients and the comorbidities that may trigger DAH were investigated here in the effort to identify possible independent predictors of DAH in PAPS patients.
Methods: Only PAPS patients fulfilling the Sydney criteria were taken into consideration.