140 results match your criteria: "University of California in San Francisco.[Affiliation]"
March 2025
Department of Ophthalmology, University of California in San Francisco.
Purpose: Adequately visualizing the vitreous at times during vitrectomy can be challenging for surgeons. We describe a novel technique using surgical data from the vitrectomy machine to differentiate between vitreous and balanced salt solution (BSS) in real time.
Methods: Vitrectomy was performed in ex vivo porcine eyes across a range of vacuum levels and across available vitrectors on the Alcon Constellation.
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol X
March 2025
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, University of California in San Francisco, San Franscisco, CA, United States.
While antenatal recommendations regarding preterm birth are essential to preventing neonatal morbidity and mortality, implementation of these recommendations underscore how health system capacity and systemic factors, such as access and quality, greatly influence their utilization. To date, there is limited synthesis focused on the implementation of antenatal preterm birth interventions. Our objectives were to focus on implementation science studies intended to 1) increase referral mechanisms of pregnant people to higher levels of care where the management of preterm labor or delivery is possible and 2) map the implementation of preterm birth interventions, including the administration of antenatal corticosteroids, magnesium sulfate, and antibiotics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHemodial Int
March 2025
Research Service, Department of Medicine, Raymond G. Murphy Veterans Affairs Medical Center, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
Background: Previously, two reports proposed a four-stream dialysis fluid delivery system consisting of an acid concentrate, a base concentrate, a sodium chloride concentrate, and product water for correcting dysnatremias and metabolic acid-base disorders separately, by hemodialysis.
Methods: This report describes a new method for the clinical use of the previously reported four-stream dialysis fluid delivery system to treat concurrently dysnatremias and metabolic acid-base disturbances by hemodialysis. Pumps attached to each concentrate are designed to control its flow rate.
Br J Dermatol
February 2025
Department of Dermatology, University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX, USA.
Background: Large and giant congenital melanocytic nevi present a risk for developing melanoma or neurocutaneous melanosis. Most are caused by NRAS or, less commonly, BRAF mutations.
Objectives: We present a series of patients with large to giant congenital melanocytic nevi with BRAF fusion genes as driver alterations and describe their unique clinical presentation.
J Clin Med
December 2024
Research Service, Department of Medicine, Raymond G. Murphy Veterans Affairs Medical Center, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM 87108, USA.
Hyperglycemic emergencies cause significant losses of body water, sodium, and potassium. This report presents a method for computing the actual losses of water and monovalent cations in these emergencies. We developed formulas for computing the losses of water and monovalent cations as a function of the presenting serum sodium and glucose levels, the sum of the concentrations of sodium plus potassium in the lost fluids, and body water at the time of hyperglycemia presentation as measured by bioimpedance or in the initial euglycemic state as estimated by anthropometric formulas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Phys Chem B
December 2024
IBM Accelerated Discovery and Cellular Engineering, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California 95120 United States.
Methane emissions from livestock contribute to global warming. Seaweeds used as food additive offer a promising emission mitigation strategy because seaweeds are enriched in bromoform─a methanogenesis inhibitor. Therefore, understanding bromoform storage and production in seaweeds and particularly in a cell-like environment is crucial.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDis Colon Rectum
March 2025
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
NPJ Genom Med
November 2024
Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA.
Cancer genetic data from Sub-Saharan African (SSA) are limited. Patients with female breast (fBC), male breast (mBC), and prostate cancer (PC) in Rwanda underwent germline genetic testing and counseling. Demographic and disease-specific information was collected.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeuropsychologia
December 2024
Memory & Aging Center, Department of Neurology, University of California in San Francisco, 1651 4th St, San Francisco, CA, 94158, United States; Douglas Research Centre & Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, 6875 Boulevard LaSalle, Montréal, QC, Canada, H4H 1R3. Electronic address:
Transl Vis Sci Technol
October 2024
Department of Ophthalmology, University of California in San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Purpose: Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is implicated in numerous retinal pathologies. A necessary step in developing new therapies, an area of significant interest, is a quantifiable assessment of posterior vitreous adhesion (PVA) that is also clinically relevant.
Methods: A 23-gauge vitrector was used at varying levels of vacuum to attempt PVD induction in a porcine eye model injected with either balanced salt solution (BSS) (control) or plasmin (2, 3, or 5 U), which can pharmacologically induce PVD.
Lancet Rheumatol
November 2024
Division of Rheumatology, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA, USA; University of California in San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Stud Health Technol Inform
August 2024
General Medicine, Department of Medicine, Columbia University, New York, USA.
We applied natural language processing (NLP) to a corpus extracted from 4 hours of expert panel discussion transcripts to determine the sustainability of a Stage II-III clinical trial of online social support interventions for Hispanic and African American dementia caregivers. Prominent topics included Technology/hard to reach populations, Training younger populations, Building trust, Privacy and security issues, Simplification of screening questions and recruitment procedures, Understanding participants' needs, Planning strategies and logistics, Potential recruitment places, Adjusting intervention size downwards to engage elderly participants, Targeting different generations, Internet-based interventions by age range, and Providing step-by-step instructions and an overview of the entire research process during recruitment. The application of NLP to qualitative data on a dementia caregiving clinical trial provides useful insights for recruitment, retention, and adherence to guidelines for such interventions serving Hispanic and African American dementia caregivers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci
September 2024
Center on Aging, UConn Health, Farmington, Connecticut, USA.
Lancet Rheumatol
August 2024
Division of Rheumatology, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, and University of California in San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.
J Orthop Res
October 2024
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Academic researchers faced a multitude of challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, including widespread shelter-in-place orders, workplace closures, and cessation of in-person meetings and laboratory activities. The extent to which these challenges impacted musculoskeletal researchers, specifically, is unknown. We developed an anonymous web-based survey to determine the pandemic's impact on research productivity and career prospects among musculoskeletal research trainees and faculty.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Clin Med
March 2024
Research Service, Department of Medicine, Raymond G. Murphy Veterans Affairs Medical Center, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM 87108, USA.
In hyperglycemia, the serum sodium concentration () receives influences from (a) the fluid exit from the intracellular compartment and thirst, which cause decreases; (b) osmotic diuresis with sums of the urinary sodium plus potassium concentration lower than the baseline euglycemic , which results in a increase; and (c), in some cases, gains or losses of fluid, sodium, and potassium through the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory tract, and the skin. Hyperglycemic patients with hypernatremia have large deficits of body water and usually hypovolemia and develop severe clinical manifestations and significant mortality. To assist with the correction of both the severe dehydration and the hypovolemia, we developed formulas computing the fractional losses of the body water and monovalent cations in hyperglycemia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVox Sang
April 2024
Medical Affairs and Innovation, Héma-Québec, Montréal and Québec, Quebec, Canada.
J Trauma Acute Care Surg
April 2024
From the Department of Orthopaedics (N.N.O.'H., R.V.O.'T., G.P.S.), R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, University of Maryland School of Medicine; Department of Health Policy and Management (K.P.F., R.C.C., A.R.C.), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland; Department of Surgery (J.C.), University of California in San Francisco, San Francisco, California; Department of Surgery (E.R.H.), Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland; Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine (R.F.), University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; Department of Surgery (A.C.), Carolinas Medical Center, Atrium Health, Charlotte, North Carolina; Department of Orthopaedic Surgery (W.T.O.), Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; Department of Orthopaedics (G.G.), Inova Fairfax Hospital, Fairfax, Virginia; Department of Surgery (M.E.K.), University of Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi; PREVENT CLOT Patient Stakeholder, (D.M.); and Program in Trauma/Department of Surgery (D.M.S.), R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.
Background: The PREVENT CLOT trial concluded that thromboprophylaxis with aspirin was noninferior to low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) in preventing death after orthopedic trauma. However, it was unclear if these results applied to patients at highest risk of thrombosis. Therefore, we assessed if the effect of aspirin versus LMWH differed based on patients' baseline risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Neurol
March 2024
Douglas Research Centre, Montréal, QC, H4H 1R3, Canada.
Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is a rare neurodegenerative condition characterized by progressive visual and visuospatial dysfunction. The consensus criteria state that patients should present "relatively spared behavior and personality" in early stages. However, limited research has focused on these symptoms in PCA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Surg Res
March 2024
Department of Surgery, VA Boston Healthcare System, Boston, Massachusetts; Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.
Introduction: The impact of postoperative oral anticoagulation (OAC) with warfarin on postoperative atrial fibrillation (POAF) after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) was the focus of this examination of patients from the randomized endo-vein graft prospective (REGROUP) Trial.
Material And Methods: REGROUP was a prospective randomized Veterans Affairs cooperative study comparing endoscopic versus open vein harvest in elective CABG patients (March 2014-April 2017) at 16 Veterans Affairs facilities. This study compared new-onset POAF patients who were treated with warfarin versus no-warfarin.
Nat Commun
November 2023
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of California in San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, 94158, USA.
A central role of viral capsids is to protect the viral genome from the harsh extracellular environment while facilitating initiation of infection when the virus encounters a target cell. Viruses are thought to have evolved an optimal equilibrium between particle stability and efficiency of cell entry. In this study, we genetically perturb this equilibrium in a non-enveloped virus, enterovirus A71 to determine its structural basis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStud Health Technol Inform
June 2023
School of Nursing, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA.
We compared emotional valence scores as determined via machine learning approaches to human-coded scores of direct messages on Twitter from our 2,301 followers during a Twitter-based clinical trial screening for Hispanic and African American family caregivers of persons with dementia. We manually assigned emotional valence scores to 249 randomly selected direct Twitter messages from our followers (N=2,301), then we applied three machine learning sentiment analysis algorithms to extract emotional valence scores for each message and compared their mean scores to the human coding results. The aggregated mean emotional scores from the natural language processing were slightly positive, while the mean score from human coding as a gold standard was negative.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStud Health Technol Inform
June 2023
General Medicine, Department of Medicine, Columbia University, New York, NY.
We applied social network analysis to compare Hispanic and Black dementia caregiving networks on Twitter that were established as part of a clinical trial from January 12, 2022, to October 31, 2022. We extracted Twitter data from our caregiver support communities (N=1980 followers, 811 enrollees) via the Twitter API and used social network analysis software to compare friend/follower interactions within each Hispanic and Black caregiving network. Analysis of the social networks revealed that enrolled family caregivers without prior social media competency had overall low connectedness compared to both enrolled and non-enrolled caregivers with social media competency, who were more integrated into the communities that developed through the clinical trial, partly due to their ties to external dementia caregiving groups.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Clin Med
June 2023
Research Service, Department of Medicine, Raymond G. Murphy Veterans Affairs Medical Center, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM 87108, USA.
Pseudohyponatremia remains a problem for clinical laboratories. In this study, we analyzed the mechanisms, diagnosis, clinical consequences, and conditions associated with pseudohyponatremia, and future developments for its elimination. The two methods involved assess the serum sodium concentration ([Na]) using sodium ion-specific electrodes: (a) a direct ion-specific electrode (ISE), and (b) an indirect ISE.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBrain Commun
March 2023
Memory and Aging Center, Department of Neurology, University of California in San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94158, USA.
Semantic variant primary progressive aphasia is a clinical syndrome characterized by marked semantic deficits, anterior temporal lobe atrophy and reduced connectivity within a distributed set of regions belonging to the functional network associated with semantic processing. However, to fully depict the clinical signature of semantic variant primary progressive aphasia, it is necessary to also characterize preserved neural networks and linguistic abilities, such as those subserving speech production. In this case-control observational study, we employed whole-brain seed-based connectivity on task-free MRI data of 32 semantic variant primary progressive aphasia patients and 46 healthy controls to investigate the functional connectivity of the speech production network and its relationship with the underlying grey matter.
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