128 results match your criteria: "University of Augsburg: Universitat Augsburg[Affiliation]"

Despite being a pan-cultural phenomenon, laughter is arguably the least understood behaviour deployed in social interaction. As well as being a response to humour, it has other important functions including promoting social affiliation, developing cooperation and regulating competitive behaviours. This multi-functional feature of laughter marks it as an adaptive behaviour central to facilitating social cohesion.

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Quantum systems out of equilibrium are presently a subject of active research, both in theoretical and experimental domains. In this work, we consider time-periodically modulated quantum systems that are in contact with a stationary environment. Within the framework of a quantum master equation, the asymptotic states of such systems are described by time-periodic density operators.

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In the present study, quantitative feasibility tests of the hydrodynamic description of a two-dimensional fluid at the molecular level are performed, both with respect to length and time scales. Using high-resolution fluid velocity data obtained from extensive molecular dynamics simulations, we computed the transverse and longitudinal components of the velocity field by the Helmholtz decomposition and compared them with those obtained from the linearized Navier-Stokes (LNS) equations with time-dependent transport coefficients. By investigating the vortex dynamics and the sound wave propagation in terms of these field components, we confirm the validity of the LNS description for times comparable to or larger than several mean collision times.

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Pulse-resolved intensity measurements at a hard X-ray FEL using semi-transparent diamond detectors.

J Synchrotron Radiat

January 2018

European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility, Holzkoppel 4, 22869 Schenefeld, Germany.

Solid-state ionization chambers are presented based on thin diamond crystals that allow pulse-resolved intensity measurements at a hard X-ray free-electron laser (FEL), up to the 4.5 MHz repetition rate that will become available at the European XFEL. Due to the small X-ray absorption of diamond the thin detectors are semi-transparent which eases their use as non-invasive monitoring devices in the beam.

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Single-temperature quantum engine without feedback control.

Phys Rev E

August 2017

Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 34141, South Korea.

A cyclically working quantum-mechanical engine that operates at a single temperature is proposed. Its energy input is delivered by a quantum measurement. The functioning of the engine does not require any feedback control.

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J(Si,H) Coupling Constants of Activated Si-H Bonds.

J Phys Chem A

September 2017

Institut für Physik, Universität Augsburg , Universitätsstraße 1, 86135 Augsburg, Germany.

We outline in this combined experimental and theoretical NMR study that sign and magnitude of J(Si,H) coupling constants provide reliable indicators to evaluate the extent of the oxidative addition of Si-H bonds in hydrosilane complexes. In combination with experimental electron density studies and MO analyses a simple structure-property relationship emerges: positive J(Si,H) coupling constants are observed in cases where M → L π-back-donation (M = transition metal; L = hydrosilane ligand) dominates. The corresponding complexes are located close to the terminus of the respective oxidative addition trajectory.

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In the absence of advection, confined diffusion characterizes transport in many natural and artificial devices, such as ionic channels, zeolites, and nanopores. While extensive theoretical and numerical studies on this subject have produced many important predictions, experimental verifications of the predictions are rare. Here, we experimentally measure colloidal diffusion times in microchannels with periodically varying width and contrast results with predictions from the Fick-Jacobs theory and Brownian dynamics simulation.

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Scalable and Transfer-Free Fabrication of MoS/SiO Hybrid Nanophotonic Cavity Arrays with Quality Factors Exceeding 4000.

Sci Rep

August 2017

Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik 1 and Augsburg Centre for Innovative Technologies (ACIT), Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstraße 1, 86159, Augsburg, Germany.

We report the fully-scalable fabrication of a large array of hybrid molybdenum disulfide (MoS) - silicon dioxide (SiO) one-dimensional, free-standing photonic-crystal cavities capable of enhancement of the MoS photoluminescence at the narrow cavity resonance. We demonstrate continuous tunability of the cavity resonance wavelength across the entire emission band of MoS simply by variation of the photonic crystal periodicity. Device fabrication started by substrate-scale growth of MoS using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on non-birefringent thermal oxide on a silicon wafer; it was followed by lithographic fabrication of a photonic crystal nanocavity array on the same substrate at more than 50% yield of functional devices.

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The statistics of work performed on a system by a sudden random quench is investigated. Considering systems with finite dimensional Hilbert spaces we model a sudden random quench by randomly choosing elements from a Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) consisting of Hermitian matrices with identically, Gaussian distributed matrix elements. A probability density function (pdf) of work in terms of initial and final energy distributions is derived and evaluated for a two-level system.

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Development of the competency-based medical curriculum for the new Augsburg University Medical School.

GMS J Med Educ

May 2018

Klinikum Augsburg, Institut für Labormedizin und Mikrobiologie, Augsburg, Deutschland.

With the resolution from April 28, 2014, the Bavarian state government in Germany decided to found a new medical school at Augsburg University, thereby requiring the development of a competency-based medical curriculum. Two interdisciplinary groups developed a spiral curriculum (following Harden) employing the model of Thumser-Dauth & Öchsner. The curriculum focuses on specifically defined competencies: medical expertise, independent scientific reasoning, argumentation and scholarship, as well as communication skills.

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Mo B O -Connecting Borate and Metal-Cluster Chemistry.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl

June 2017

Institut für Allgemeine, Anorganische und Theoretische Chemie, Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 80-82, 6020, Innsbruck, Austria.

We report on the first thoroughly characterized molybdenum borate, which was synthesized in a high-pressure/high-temperature experiment at 12.3 GPa/1300 °C using a Walker-type multianvil apparatus. Mo B O incorporates tetrahedral molybdenum clusters into an anionic borate crystal structure-a structural motif that has never been observed before in the wide field of borate crystal chemistry.

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Synthesis and Characterization of the High-Pressure Nickel Borate γ-NiBO.

Inorg Chem

April 2017

Institut für Allgemeine, Anorganische und Theoretische Chemie, Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 80-82, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria.

γ-NiBO was synthesized in a high-pressure/high-temperature experiment at 5 GPa and 900 °C. The single-crystal structure analysis yielded the following results: space group P622 (No. 179), a = 425.

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The performance of quantum heat engines is generally based on the analysis of a single cycle. We challenge this approach by showing that the total work performed by a quantum engine need not be proportional to the number of cycles. Furthermore, optimizing the engine over multiple cycles leads to the identification of scenarios with a quantum enhancement.

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Electronic properties of LaAlO/SrTiO n-type interfaces: a GGA+U study.

J Phys Condens Matter

March 2017

Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kremlyovskaya St. 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia. EP VI and Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstraße 1, 86135 Augsburg, Germany.

The role of electronic correlation effects for a realistic description of the electronic properties of [Formula: see text]/[Formula: see text] heterostructures as covered by the on-site Coulomb repulsion within the GGA+U approach is investigated. Performing a systematic variation of the values of the Coulomb parameters applied to the Ti 3d and La 4f orbitals we put previous suggestions to include a large value for the La 4f states into perspective. Furthermore, our calculations provide deeper insight into the band gap landscape in the space spanned by these Coulomb parameters and the resulting complex interference effects.

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Open system trajectories specify fluctuating work but not heat.

Phys Rev E

August 2016

Institut für Physik, Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstraße 1, D-86159 Augsburg, Germany.

Based on the explicit knowledge of a Hamiltonian of mean force, the classical statistical mechanics and equilibrium thermodynamics of open systems in contact with a thermal environment at arbitrary interaction strength can be formulated. Yet, even though the Hamiltonian of mean force uniquely determines the equilibrium phase space probability density of a strongly coupled open system, the knowledge of this probability density alone is insufficient to determine the Hamiltonian of mean force, needed in constructing the underlying statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. We demonstrate that under the assumption that the Hamiltonian of mean force is known, an extension of thermodynamic structures from the level of averaged quantities to fluctuating objects (i.

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Inorganic Double Helices in Semiconducting SnIP.

Adv Mater

November 2016

Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Munich, Lichtenbergstr. 4, 85748, Garching b. München, Germany.

SnIP is the first atomic-scale double helical semiconductor featuring a 1.86 eV bandgap, high structural and mechanical flexibility, and reasonable thermal stability up to 600 K. It is accessible on a gram scale and consists of a racemic mixture of right- and left-handed double helices composed by [SnI] and [P] helices.

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We study a quantum Otto cycle in which the strokes are performed in finite time. The cycle involves energy measurements at the end of each stroke to allow for the respective determination of work. We then optimize for the work and efficiency of the cycle by varying the time spent in the different strokes and find that the optimal value of the ratio of time spent on each stroke goes through sudden changes as the parameters of this cycle vary continuously.

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Background: In nanoscale layered S/F1/N/F2/AF heterostructures, the generation of a long-range, odd-in-frequency spin-projection one triplet component of superconductivity, arising at non-collinear alignment of the magnetizations of F1 and F2, exhausts the singlet state. This yields the possibility of a global minimum of the superconducting transition temperature T c, i.e.

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The ratio of leaf area to ground area (leaf area index, LAI) is an important state variable in ecosystem studies since it influences fluxes of matter and energy between the land surface and the atmosphere. As a basis for generating temporally continuous and spatially distributed datasets of LAI, the current study contributes an analysis of its spatial variability and spatial structure. Soil-vegetation-atmosphere fluxes of water, carbon and energy are nonlinearly related to LAI.

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Strecker degradation of amino acids promoted by a camphor-derived sulfonamide.

Beilstein J Org Chem

June 2016

University of Chester, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Natural Sciences, Thornton Science Park, Pool Lane, Ince, Chester, CH2 4NU, UK.

A camphor-derived sulfonimine with a conjugated carbonyl group, oxoimine 1 (O2SNC10H13O), reacts with amino acids (glycine, L-alanine, L-phenylalanine, L-leucine) to form a compound O2SNC10H13NC10H14NSO2 (2) which was characterized by spectroscopic means (MS and NMR) and supported by DFT calculations. The product, a single diastereoisomer, contains two oxoimine units connected by a -N= bridge, and thus has a structural analogy to the colored product Ruhemann´s purple obtained by the ninhydrin reaction with amino acids. A plausible reaction mechanism that involves zwitterions, a Strecker degradation of an intermediate imine and water-catalyzed tautomerizations was developed by means of DFT calculations on potential transition states.

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The electronic transport through Au-(Cu2O)n-Au junctions is investigated using first-principles calculations and the nonequilibrium Green's function method. The effect of varying the thickness (i.e.

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Aspects of quantum work.

Phys Rev E

February 2016

Institut für Physik, Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstraße 1, D-86135 Augsburg, Germany.

Various approaches of defining and determining work performed on a quantum system are compared. Any operational definition of work, however, must allow for two facts: first, that work characterizes a process rather than an instantaneous state of a system and, second, that quantum systems are sensitive to the interactions with a measurement apparatus. We compare different measurement scenarios on the basis of the resulting postmeasurement states and the according probabilities for finding a particular work value.

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Coulomb Mediated Hybridization of Excitons in Coupled Quantum Dots.

Phys Rev Lett

February 2016

Walter Schottky Institut and Physik-Department, Technische Universität München, Am Coulombwall 4, 85748 Garching, Germany.

We report Coulomb mediated hybridization of excitonic states in optically active InGaAs quantum dot molecules. By probing the optical response of an individual quantum dot molecule as a function of the static electric field applied along the molecular axis, we observe unexpected avoided level crossings that do not arise from the dominant single-particle tunnel coupling. We identify a new few-particle coupling mechanism stemming from Coulomb interactions between different neutral exciton states.

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Localization of Narrowband Single Photon Emitters in Nanodiamonds.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces

March 2016

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, New South Wales 2007, Australia.

Diamond nanocrystals that host room temperature narrowband single photon emitters are highly sought after for applications in nanophotonics and bioimaging. However, current understanding of the origin of these emitters is extremely limited. In this work, we demonstrate that the narrowband emitters are point defects localized at extended morphological defects in individual nanodiamonds.

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Linac4 H⁻ ion sources.

Rev Sci Instrum

February 2016

CERN-ABP, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland.

CERN's 160 MeV H(-) linear accelerator (Linac4) is a key constituent of the injector chain upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider that is being installed and commissioned. A cesiated surface ion source prototype is being tested and has delivered a beam intensity of 45 mA within an emittance of 0.3 π ⋅ mm ⋅ mrad.

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