1 results match your criteria: "University "St Cyril and Methodi"[Affiliation]"
Akush Ginekol (Sofiia)
June 2005
Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, Medical faculty, University "St Cyril and Methodi", Skopje, Macedonia.
Aim: Introduction of efficiency of liquid-based citoscreen cytology
Method: Conventional cytology with Papanicolaou method and comparison with novel cytology liquid-based method in women with histological findings associated to Human Papilloma Virus praecancerous lesions for "gold standard" method.
Results: 100 women with praecancerous cervical lesions were included in the study. In all of the women, biopsy and endocervical curettage were made, and histological results were taken as a "gold standard".