12,280 results match your criteria: "Universite Claude BERNARD Lyon 1[Affiliation]"
J Endod
February 2025
Faculté d'Odontologie, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France; Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France; INSA Lyon, CNRS, LaMCoS, UMR5259, 69621 Villeurbanne, France, Villeurbanne, France. Electronic address:
Introduction: Guided endodontics recently offers a conservative solution for conducting root canal treatment in cases of obliterated canals, but guide mispositioning remains a challenge. Recently, intraoral scanners (IOS) were proposed to detect deviations, but their effectiveness compared to expert visual assessments during guide insertion is uncertain. The objective of the present study was to primarily compare the risk of deviation predicted by an IOS versus expert assessment and secondarily identify factors influencing this risk.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBone
February 2025
Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, UJM-Saint Etienne, CNRS UMR 5220, Inserm U1206, CREATIS, 69621 Lyon, France.
Bone permeability is a key parameter that drives osteocyte-based mechanobiological modelling and remodelling. While previous experimental and numerical studies have estimated bone permeability based on the morphology of the lacuno-canalicular network, these studies often relied on simplified geometries. In the current study, bone permeability was characterized using more realistic canalicular geometry for the morphological data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProg Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry
March 2025
Fondation FondaMental, Créteil, France; Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), INSERM, Institut Henri Mondor the Recherche Biomédicale, Laboratoire Neuro-Psychiatrie Translationnelle, Créteil, France. Electronic address:
Background: Schizophrenia (SZ) commonly manifests through multiple relapses, each impeding the path to recovery and incurring personal and societal costs. Despite the identification of various risk factors associated to the risk of relapse, the development of accurate algorithms predictive of relapse has been limited, partly due to inadequate statistical methods. Additionally, despite the wealth of data showing strong associations between inflammation and schizophrenia, the two existing studies failed to demonstrate whether inflammatory parameters could predict relapse.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Clin Microbiol Antimicrob
February 2025
CIRI - Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon-1, Inserm U1111, CNRS UMR5308, Lyon, France.
Objectives: Rifamycin agents (rifampicin (RIF), rifapentine (RFP), rifabutin (RFB)) are the cornerstone of tuberculosis (TB) therapy. Rifamycins are metabolized into 25-deacetyl-metabolites, which have been described has active and may contribute to in vivo drug effect. However, little is known about the combined effect of rifamycins and their metabolites across different Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) lineages.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBMC Public Health
February 2025
Faculté de médecine Nord, UMR 7268 ADES, CNRS / EFS / AMU, Marseille cedex 15, 13916, France.
Background: The nutrition transition is linked to the double-burden of malnutrition worldwide, and its impact on the quality of life is considerable. The dietary diversity score and self-rated health are two proxies that have been used to assess, for the former, nutrient adequacy and overall diet quality, and for the latter, health from a sociological, epidemiological and economical lens. The general aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between food and subjective health, and to test the hypothesis that greater dietary diversity is positively associated with a better perception of health.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCentrioles play a central role in cell division by recruiting pericentriolar material (PCM) to form the centrosome. Alterations in centriole number or function lead to various diseases including cancer or microcephaly. Centriole duplication is a highly conserved mechanism in eukaryotes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBull Cancer
February 2025
Service d'immunologie hématologie oncologie pédiatrique, CHU d'Angers, Angers, France; Service d'immunologie hématologie oncologie pédiatrique, CHU de Caen, Caen, France; Inserm U 1018, épidémiologie des radiations, Gustave-Roussy, Villejuif, France.
Introduction: Advances in knowledge about late effects of childhood cancer treatments have led to implement long-term follow-up care. This raises the question of the ethical issues involved in providing information to survivors, and in proposals for long-term follow-up consultations.
Method: We conducted a two-part qualitative study: (1) A semi-directive interview survey to explore survivors' experiences of medical proposals for follow-up consultations; (2) The creation of a multidisciplinary ethical reflection group aimed at identifying the ethical issues associated with the systematization of follow-up care.
Phys Rev Lett
February 2025
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Frascati 00044, Italy.
The hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to (g-2)_{μ} can be determined via dispersive methods from e^{+}e^{-}→hadrons data. We propose a novel approach to measure the hadronic cross section σ_{had}(s) as an alternative to the initial-state radiation and energy scan techniques, which relies on positron annihilation off atomic electrons of a high Z target (^{238}U, Z=92). We show that by leveraging the relativistic electron velocities of the inner atomic shells, a high-intensity 12 GeV positron beam, such as the one foreseen at JLab, can allow measuring σ_{had}(s) with high statistical accuracy from the two-pion threshold up to above sqrt[s]∼1 GeV.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Hepatol
February 2025
AP-HP, Hôpital Paul Brousse, Unité d'Hépatologie, UMR-1193, FHU Hepatinov, Villejuif.
Background And Aims: The objective was to describe the dynamics of noninvasive tests (NITs) in cirrhotic patients following sustained virological response (SVR) and to assess their correlation with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) risk.
Methods: The dynamics of NITs (Fib4, APRI and LSM) were described in patients with cirrhosis after SVR included between 2006 and 2015 in two prospective French multicentre cohorts (ANRS CO22 Hepather and CO12 CirVir). To assess their relationship with the risk of HCC, a joint modeling approach was employed using both standard and flexible models adjusted for age and sex.
J Mech Behav Biomed Mater
February 2025
Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes, UMR CNRS 5513, Ecole Centrale Lyon, 69130, Ecully, France; Université de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, ISPB-Faculté de Pharmacie de Lyon, 69008, Lyon, France. Electronic address:
The management of unruptured intracranial aneurysms (UIA) involves assessing the risk of rupture, which requires a thorough understanding of risk factors such as the geometric characteristics of the neck (neck size) or local structural heterogeneities. This study explores the impact of neck size on the rupture risk of the aneurysmal sac and examines how local heterogeneities, such as calcifications or variations in tissue composition, influence the mechanical response of the wall of a saccular aneurysm during the insertion of an innovative arterial wall deformation device (DDP). The results reveal that high aspect ratios (AR) are associated with increased hemodynamic stress, thereby raising the risk of rupture.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltrasound J
February 2025
Service d'anesthésie-réanimation, Hôpital Louis Pradel, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Bron, France.
Background: A recent study suggested that point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) venous congestion assessment poorly describes the changes in venous return during a fluid challenge. The aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between POCUS venous congestion assessment parameters and the determinants of venous return in steady state and during a fluid challenge.
Methods: This study is a post-hoc analysis of a single-centre prospective cohort study of patients presenting acute circulatory failure and venous congestion.
Soft Matter
February 2025
Institute of Fluid Science (IFS), Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
We numerically study Turing patterns (TPs) on two-dimensional surfaces with a square boundary in using a surface model for polymerized membranes. The variables used to describe the membranes correspond to two distinct degrees of freedom: an internal degree of freedom for the polymer directions in addition to the positional degree of freedom. This generalised surface model enables us to identify non-trivial interference between the TP system and the membranes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Chem Chem Phys
March 2025
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS UMR5306, Institut Lumière Matière, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France.
In this study, we explore the influence of bromide anions concentration on the surface chemistry of colloidal gold nanoparticles synthesized pulsed laser ablation in liquids (PLAL). Using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in a controlled environment, by probing a beam of free-standing gold nanoparticles, we quantitatively characterize the surface composition of the nanoparticles, revealing that bromide adsorption significantly contributes to surface oxidation independently of counterion type and pH for alkaline solution. Additionally, our findings demonstrate the adjustability of halogen coverage post-synthesis, offering a versatile method for controlling nanoparticle properties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSci Data
February 2025
LIRIS UMR 5205 CNRS / Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 / INSA Lyon / Université Lumière Lyon 2 / École Centrale de Lyon, 69100, Villeurbane, France.
Research on Bitcoin (BTC) transactions is a matter of interest for both economic and network science fields. Although this cryptocurrency is based on a decentralized system, making transaction details freely accessible, making raw blockchain data analyzable is not straightforward due to the Bitcoin protocol specificity and data richness. To address the need for an accessible dataset, we present ORBITAAL, the first comprehensive dataset based on temporal graph formalism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Clin Monit Comput
February 2025
Service d'anesthésie-réanimation, Hôpital cardiologique Louis Pradel, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Bron, France.
Capillary Refill Time (CRT) is a valuable metric to assess cutaneous perfusion. Its prognostic value in patients with acute circulatory failure has been reported as improved when the measurement is standardized. The DiCART™ device is a fully automated CRT measurement tool requiring validation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBull Cancer
February 2025
CHU de La Reunion, 97410 Saint-Pierre, La Réunion; Inserm U1191, Montpellier, France. Electronic address:
Introduction: Reducing territorial inequalities in access to care and innovations in oncology is an objective of the ten-year strategy to fight cancer. The populations of Overseas Territories (OT) face limits in terms of access to clinical research in oncology (CRO).
Methods: The article aims to share an exhaustive inventory of the challenges observed in the development of CRO in the OT but also the means identified to respond to them, illustrated with recent successes in terms of setting up a CRO program.
Nutr Res Rev
February 2025
Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Grenoble-Alpes (CHUGA), University of Grenoble-Alpes, F-38000 Grenoble, France. Chair of the Committee on Nutrition, France.
In Europe, organic food must comply with specific regulations which do not include nutritional criteria. The ability of organic food to meet the nutritional needs of children is not assessed. This narrative review discusses the nutritional composition (macronutrients, micronutrients) of organic food compared to conventional products and its clinical relevance with a pediatric focus, and the health impact of these differences and of contaminants which interfere with metabolism.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClin Kidney J
January 2025
Service de néphrologie, dialyse, exploration fonctionnelle rénale, Hôpital Edouard Herriot, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France.
We are lacking tools to evaluate renal performance. In this review, we presented the current knowledge and potential future applications in nephrology of new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, focusing on diffusion-weighted (DWI) MRI, blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) MRI, and magnetic resonance relaxometry (T1 and T2 mapping). These sequences are sensitive to early changes in biological processes such as perfusion, oxygenation, edema, or fibrosis without requiring contrast medium injection and avoids irradiation and nephrotoxicity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLife (Basel)
January 2025
Centre Psychiatrie & Neurosciences, INSERM U894, 75014 Paris, France.
Chromosome 21 DYRK1A kinase is associated with a variety of neuronal diseases including Down syndrome. However, the functional impact of this kinase at the synapse level remains unclear. We studied a mouse model that incorporated YAC 152F7 (570 kb), encoding six chromosome 21 genes including .
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February 2025
Institut Lumière Matière UMR CNRS 5306, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, 69622, Villeurbanne, France.
Despite the difficulty of experimentally studying polyamorphic transitions in high-Tg glasses, it is well known that silica glass has two high-density phases: the cold-compressed and hot-compressed high-density amorphous phases (c-HDA and h-HDA). By means of vibrational spectroscopy techniques under pressure, we first evidence that the yield strength under hydrostatic pressure is identical for glasses of similar density, whatever the thermo-mechanical history, showing that the elastic limit of a silica glass depends solely of its density. Our results also reveal the changes in the energy landscape of amorphous silica under high pressure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInteract J Med Res
February 2025
University Institute for Primary Care (IuMFE), University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.
Background: Participation and completion rates in questionnaire-based surveys are often low.
Objective: This study aims to assess participation and completion rates for a survey using paper and mixed mode questionnaires with patients recruited by research assistants in primary care waiting rooms.
Methods: This cluster-randomized study, conducted in 2023 in France, involved 974 patients from 39 practices randomized into 4 groups: "paper with incentive" (n=251), "paper without incentive" (n=368), "mixed mode with tablet" (n=187), and "mixed mode with QR code" (n=168).
Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm
May 2025
Centre de référence des syndromes neurologiques paranéoplasiques et encéphalites auto-immunes, Hospices Civils de Lyon; and.
Background And Objectives: Abnormal brain MRI is associated with poor outcomes in anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis (NMDARE). We aimed to characterize the lesions on brain MRI in NMDARE and to assess the clinical and prognostic associations.
Methods: This retrospective cohort study included patients with NMDARE identified at the French Reference Center for Autoimmune Encephalitis, with at least a one-year follow-up, and with available brain MRI results.
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int
February 2025
Agri-Food Engineering and Biotechnology Department, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech, Campus Del Baix Llobregat, Edifici D-4 C/Esteve Terradas, 8, Castelldefels, 08860, Barcelona, Spain.
The aim of this work is the cryoconcentration of olive mill wastewater (OMW) to produce highly concentrated polyphenols solutions that can be applied in the tanning industry. The treatment by cryoconcentration consists of four steps: cooling, freezing, sweating, and melting. The operation purifies the ice in depth by partially melting the impure zones trapped in the pockets of concentrated solutions formed in the ice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Safety Res
December 2024
LBA UMRT24, Aix Marseille Université/Université Gustave Eiffel-IFSTTAR, Marseille, France; ILab-Spine - International Laboratory on Spine Imaging and Biomechanics, France.
Introduction: The recent increase in the use of bicycles and personal mobility devices (PMDs), including mostly E-scooters, is associated with a rapid rise in injuries. Understanding the main crash scenarios leading to these injuries is essential to evaluate and improve preventive and protective measures, especially for PMDs, which are often equated with bicycles. The objective of this study is to identify and compare the most common two-party collision scenarios for bicycles and PMDs, and to identify factors affecting injury severity.
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