12,284 results match your criteria: "Universite Claude BERNARD Lyon 1[Affiliation]"

Globalization of clinical trials in oncology: a worldwide quantitative analysis.


January 2025

Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France; Univ Lyon, INSA-Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, Inserm, CREATIS UMR 5220, U1294, Lyon, France. Electronic address:

Background: Over the past two decades, the globalization of oncology clinical trials has expanded, yet significant disparities persist across countries. This study aimed to evaluate these geographical inequalities, the evolution of trial phases, and the adherence to ethical standards according to the World Bank's income group.

Materials And Methods: The ClinicalTrials.

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The characterization of industrial working solutions containing numerous structurally related compounds and isomers requires the use of two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC × LC-HRMS). The separation of alkyl-anthraquinone derivatives produced during hydrogen peroxide production was achieved by coupling a biphenyl and a C18 in the first and second dimensions, combined with the use of continuous shifting gradients in the second dimension (D). The use of shifting gradients offers a significant advantage over regular gradients, with a 20% increase in occupancy and better separation of isomers eluted within the same modulation.

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Consensus on the Structure and Content of Birth Plans: A Modified Delphi Study.

Health Expect

December 2024

Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont Auvergne INP, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, CNRS, Institut Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Background: Few pregnant women in France wrote birth plans as in many other countries. The literature stresses the heterogeneity of birth plan content, which limits the utility of assessing the effects of birth plans on women's experience of childbirth. This study aimed to obtain a French national consensus on the structure and content of birth plans.

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Protective effects of miR-24-2-5p in early stages of breast cancer bone metastasis.

Breast Cancer Res

December 2024

Research Unit UMR_S1033, LyOS, Faculty of Medicine Lyon-Est, INSERM, 7 Rue Guillaume Paradin, Lyon, 69372, France.

Background: Bone is the most frequent site of metastasis for breast cancer (BC). Metastatic BC cells interact with bone cells, including osteoclasts and osteoblasts, creating a cancer niche where they seed and proliferate. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are regulators of breast-to-bone metastasis progression.

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Article Synopsis
  • Many individuals believe herbal products are safer than conventional medicine, but they can interact with treatments and cause harmful effects, which may result in serious consequences.
  • Despite the risks, there are limited guidelines available for assessing these interactions between herbs and medications.
  • The authors introduce a new scoring method called BABINE, which involves expert discussion to create a scale that simplifies and evaluates the risk of herb-drug interactions effectively.
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Addiction is considered a chronic disorder that requires long-term treatment. Early identification of predictors of outcome may enable better and early adjustment of treatment. Daily fluctuations of craving have been shown to predict substance use within hours, making it a major target for treatment.

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Introduction: Progressive interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) are rare but severe diseases, with high mortality and morbidity, with no effective pharmacological treatment allowing for long-term remission, and therefore no clear therapeutic recommendations. Several ILDs present inflammatory components (ILDic), which may justify the use of anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs, as first-step therapy. Except for systemic sclerosis (SSc)-ILD and sarcoidosis, the evidence in favor of this approach is very weak.

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A single exposure to prolonged flexor carpi radialis muscle vibration increases sensorimotor cortical areas activity.

J Neurophysiol

January 2025

Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, Lyon 1, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, Saint-Etienne, France.

Prolonged local vibration (LV) is thought to promote brain plasticity through repeated Ia afferents discharge. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. This study therefore aimed at determining the acute after-effects of 30-min LV of the flexor carpi radialis muscle (FCR) on sensorimotor (S1, M1) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC) areas activity.

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Stauffer, Emeric, François Caton, Raphael Marlu, Aurélien Pichon, Landry Seyve, Michael Furian, Aymeric Paillisser, Florence Berquet, Jeremy De Abreu, Blandine Deschamps, Benoit Polack, Philippe Connes, Paul Robach, Stéphane Doutreleau, Julien V Brugniaux, Samuel Verges, and Benoit Champigneulle.Acclimatized lowlanders exhibit a hypocoagulable profile after a passive ascent at high altitude. 00:00-00, 2024.

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A new scaling regime characterized by a z=1 dynamical critical exponent has been reported in several numerical simulations of the one-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang and noisy Burgers equations. In these works, this scaling, differing from the well-known KPZ one z=3/2, was found to emerge in the tensionless limit for the interface and in the inviscid limit for the fluid. Based on functional renormalization group, the origin of this scaling has been elucidated.

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Contrasting thermodynamic and hydrodynamic entropy.

Phys Rev E

November 2024

Ecole Centrale de Lyon, CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, INSA Lyon, LMFA, UMR5509, 69130 Ecully, France.

In this paper, using hydrodynamic entropy, we quantify multiscale disorder in Euler and hydrodynamic turbulence. These examples illustrate that the hydrodynamic entropy is not extensive because it is not proportional to the system size. Consequently, we cannot add hydrodynamic and thermodynamic entropies, which measure disorder at macroscopic and microscopic scales, respectively.

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Evidence of dual energy transfer driven by magnetic reconnection at subion scales.

Phys Rev E

November 2024

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London E1 4NS, United Kingdom and Space Weather Technology, Research and Education Center (SWx-TREC), University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA.

Article Synopsis
  • The study examines how energy moves within plasma turbulence, focusing on its effects on heating in space and astrophysical environments.
  • It suggests that magnetic reconnection plays a key role in energy transfer, facilitating both downward transfer to smaller scales and upward transfer to larger scales.
  • Utilizing advanced simulations, the research provides solid evidence that magnetic reconnection initiates this complex dual energy transfer process.
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Catch-Up Saccades in Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Deficit: Contribution of Visual Information?

Ear Hear

December 2024

Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, U1028, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, UMR5292, Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, Integrative Multisensory Perception and ACTion Team, Lyon, France.

Objectives: Catch-up saccades help to compensate for loss of gaze stabilization during rapid head rotation in case of vestibular deficit. While overt saccades observed after head rotation are obviously visually guided, some of these catch-up saccades occur with shorter latency while the head is still moving, anticipating the needed final eye position. These covert saccades seem to be generated based on the integration of multisensory inputs.

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A series of four new copper and silver-thiolate, [M(-SPhCOR)] (M = Cu, Ag and R = H, Me), coordination polymers is reported. The study shows that the hydrogen bonding between the carboxylic acids directs the formation of a 2D structure associated with poor photoemission, while the steric hindrance of the ester groups allows the assembly of a 1D network coupled with bright luminescence.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The research developed a new type of olefin triblock copolymer using an innovative process that combines anionic and coordinative chain transfer polymerization to create polymers made of polystyrene (PS), ethylene butadiene rubber (EBR), and crystalline polyethylene (PE).
  • - The preparation involved transmetalating PS chains to create macro chain transfer agents, allowing for the effective copolymerization of ethylene and butadiene, followed by further extension with pure ethylene to form well-defined triblock structures.
  • - The resulting materials exhibit a balance of good mechanical and rheological properties, showing low viscosity and high performance as thermoplastic elastomers, particularly effective at temperatures above 150 °C.
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We explored predictors of shift work adaptation and how it relates to disease risk biomarker levels. These analyses included 38 male, rotating shift workers, sampled twice at the end of a 3-week night shift and a 3-week day shift rotation. Participants collected all 24-h urine voids, wore activity sensors, and responded to questionnaires during each shift.

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Background: Dry January is a one-month alcohol abstinence challenge for the general population running since 2013 in the United Kingdom, and 2020 in France. Dry January has gained increasing popularity among the public, but studies assessing the individual characteristics associated with awareness and participation remain sparse.

Methods: Using quota sampling, a representative sample of 5,000 French adults completed an online cross-sectional survey between 8 and 17th January 2024.

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The RISMEAU project ( - Risks related to residues of pharmaceuticals and biocides, and antimicrobial resistance of human and veterinary origin on the water resources of the 2083 km Arve catchment located in the French Alps) was implanted from 2018 to 2024 on the SIPIBEL observatory. It was devoted to the evaluation of (i) transfers of and processes related to pharmaceutical residues and biocides from both urban sludge and manure spread on fields as fertilisers, and (ii) the environmental impacts of land spreading, in particular the ecotoxicological risks and antimicrobial resistance dissemination. The methodology was based on the physico-chemical, ecotoxicological and antimicrobial resistance (AMR - assessed by molecular biology) characterisation of leachate and soil matrices samples, and focused on organic waste products application at locally representative agronomic rates.

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Aluminum-Free Borosilicate Glass Functionalized Hydrogels for Enhanced Dental Tissue Regeneration.

Materials (Basel)

November 2024

Laboratoire des Multimatériaux et Interfaces UMR CNRS 5615, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 6 rue Victor Grignard, 69622 Villeurbanne, France.

Hydrogels are promising scaffolds for tissue regeneration, and borosilicate glass particles have demonstrated potential in enhancing the biological behaviour of dental pulp cells. However, the specific morphological characteristics of dental lesions and the diverse requirements of dental tissues require biocompatible, bioactive, and shapeable scaffolds. This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro biological behaviour of human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs) in contact with an experimental aluminum-free borosilicate glass-functionalized hydrogel.

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The study of biomolecules and their interactions in their natural environment requires increasingly sophisticated technological and methodological developments. The complexity of these developments is due, among other things, to the nature of these molecules and the small quantities available depending on their origin. In this context, this study focuses on the conditions for improving the detection of glycosaminoglycans on a miniaturized scale by mass spectrometry.

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Real-world multicentre study of cefiderocol treatment of immunocompromised patients with infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria: CEFI-ID.

J Infect

January 2025

Département des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, Hospices Civils de Lyon, F-69004 Lyon, France; Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI), Inserm 1111, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR5308, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Univ Lyon, F-69007, France.

Introduction: The increase in the population of immunocompromised patients due to advances in management of end-stage diseases and transplants poses challenges in treating infections caused by multi-drug resistant (MDR) pathogens. Cefiderocol (FDC), a siderophore cephalosporin, has shown efficacy against carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria.

Methods: This retrospective multicentre study investigated the real-world use of FDC in 114 immunocompromised adults treated for MDR infections in 12 French hospitals (June 2020-November 2023).

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Serotonin 5-HT receptor agonists are prime candidates for CNS drug discovery due to their involvement physiological and pathological processes relevant to neurology and psychiatry. However, the lack of target specificity of many previously characterized agonists has long been a barrier to pharmacological and therapeutic progress. Some of the obstacles may be overcome through the recent concept of biased agonism, which has attracted considerable attention to the development of novel chemical entities at 5-HT, and particularly 5-HT receptors, by specifically targeting intracellular signalling pathways that may themselves be linked to specific brain regions and therapeutic indications.

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Taybi-Linder syndrome (TALS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by severe microcephaly with abnormal gyral pattern, severe growth retardation and bone abnormalities. It is caused by pathogenic variants in the RNU4ATAC gene. Its transcript, the small nuclear RNA U4atac, is involved in the excision of ~850 minor introns.

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Effective population size () is one of the most important parameters in evolutionary biology, as it is linked to the long-term survival capability of species. Therefore, greatly interests conservation geneticists, but it is also very relevant to policymakers, managers, and conservation practitioners. Molecular methods to estimate rely on various assumptions, including no immigration, panmixia, random sampling, absence of spatial genetic structure, and/or mutation-drift equilibrium.

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