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The resonant conversion of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons into axions within large-scale structure induces an anisotropic spectral distortion in CMB temperature maps. Applying state-of-the-art foreground cleaning techniques to Planck CMB observations, we construct maps of axion-induced "patchy screening" of the CMB. We cross-correlate these maps with data from the unWISE galaxy survey and find no evidence of axions.

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The first-ever measurement of energy correlators within inclusive jets produced in heavy-ion collisions, revealed by the CMS Collaboration, shows a clear enhancement at large angles relative to the proton-proton (p-p) baseline. However, interpreting this enhancement is complicated due to selection bias from energy loss, which also distorts the energy correlator heavy-ion to p-p ratio in the hadronization region, hindering our understanding of parton/hadron dynamics in a colored medium. In this Letter, we introduce a new ratio of energy correlator observables that removes the leading effects of selection bias from the two-point energy correlator spectrum (E2C).

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The ringdown phase following a binary black hole coalescence is a powerful tool for measuring properties of the remnant black hole. Future gravitational wave detectors will increase the precision of these measurements and may be sensitive to the environment surrounding the black hole. This work examines how environments affect the ringdown from a binary coalescence.

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We report the application of the new elimination of Rutherford elastic scattering technique for the measurement of proton-induced reaction cross sections utilizing stored ions decelerated to astrophysical energies. This approach results in a background reduction factor of about 1 order of magnitude, enabling the first measurement of a (p, n) cross section in a storage ring. Here, the reaction channels ^{124}Xe(p,n) and ^{124}Xe(p,γ) have been studied just above the neutron threshold energy.

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Speeding Up Quantum Measurement Using Space-Time Trade-Off.

Phys Rev Lett

February 2025

University of Bristol, H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, United Kingdom.

We present a scheme for speeding up quantum measurement. The scheme builds on previous protocols that entangle the system to be measured with ancillary systems. In the idealized situation of perfect entangling operations and no decoherence, it gives an exact space-time trade-off meaning the readout speed increases linearly with the number of ancilla.

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First Determination of the Spin-Parity of Ξ_{c}(3055)^{+,0} Baryons.

Phys Rev Lett

February 2025

Institute of Physics, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland.

The Ξ_{b}^{0(-)}→Ξ_{c}(3055)^{+(0)}(→D^{+(0)}Λ)π^{-} decay chains are observed, and the spin-parity of Ξ_{c}(3055)^{+(0)} baryons is determined for the first time. The measurement is performed using proton-proton collision data at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt[s]=13  TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.4  fb^{-1}, recorded by the LHCb experiment between 2016 and 2018.

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Dual-Baseline Search for Active-to-Sterile Neutrino Oscillations in NOvA.

Phys Rev Lett

February 2025

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois 60510, USA.

We report a search for neutrino oscillations to sterile neutrinos under a model with three active and one sterile neutrinos (3+1 model). This analysis uses the NOvA detectors exposed to the NuMI beam, running in neutrino mode. The data exposure, 13.

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Plant roots play myriad roles that include foraging for resources in complex soil environments. Within this highly dynamic soil environment roots must sense, interact with, and acclimate to factors such as water availability, microbiota, and heterogeneous distribution of nutrients. To aid their acclimation, roots alter their growth and development to optimize their architecture and actively regulate the physical, chemical, and biological properties of their rhizosphere.

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Background: Wearable transdermal alcohol sensor (TAS) devices generate continuous data on alcohol consumption through the indiscernible sweat vapors on the skin. This continuous alcohol monitoring capability could provide a new method for alcohol services to monitor service users at various stages of their alcohol treatment.

Objective: We aimed to assess the feasibility of using a TAS as part of alcohol treatment with alcohol service users using the device with or without contingency management (CM).

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Background: Measuring vital signs (VS) is important in potentially unwell children, as a change in VS may indicate a more serious infection than is clinically apparent or herald clinical deterioration. However, currently available methods are not suitable for regular measurement of VS in the home or community setting, and adherence can be poor. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted a need for the contactless measurement of VS by nonclinical personnel, reinforced by the growing use of telemedicine.

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Estimating the Burden of Common Mental Disorders Attributable to Lifestyle Factors: Protocol for the Global Burden of Disease Lifestyle and Mental Disorder (GLAD) Project.

JMIR Res Protoc

March 2025

IMPACT (the Institute for Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Translation), Food & Mood Centre, School of Medicine, Barwon Health, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia.

Background: The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) collects and calculates risk-outcome data for modifiable lifestyle exposures (eg, dietary intake) and physical health outcomes (eg, cancers). These estimates form a critical digital resource tool, the GBD VizHub data visualization tool, for governments and policy makers to guide local, regional, and global health decisions. Despite evidence showing the contributions of lifestyle exposures to common mental disorders (CMDs), such as depression and anxiety, GBD does not currently generate these lifestyle exposure-mental disorder outcome pairings.

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Case: We present a unique case of bilateral ulnar longitudinal deficiency (ULD) with concurrent postaxial polydactyly (PAPD) in a 2-month-old boy, an association that has not previously been described.

Conclusion: ULD, a rare musculoskeletal anomaly, often manifests with complex digital abnormalities. ULD may be associated with other musculoskeletal differences and congenital heart anomalies, necessitating comprehensive evaluation.

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Introduction to Focus Issue: Data-driven models and analysis of complex systems.


March 2025

Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology, University of Aberdeen, King's College, AB24 3UE Aberdeen, United Kingdom.

This Focus Issue highlights recent advances in the study of complex systems, with a particular emphasis on data-driven research. Our editorial explores a diverse array of topics, including financial markets, electricity pricing, power grids, lasers, the Earth's climate, hydrology, neuronal assemblies and the brain, biomedicine, complex networks, real-world hypergraphs, animal behavior, and social media. This diversity underscores the broad applicability of complex systems research.

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In networked systems, the interplay between the dynamics of individual subsystems and their network interactions has been found to generate multistability in various contexts. Despite its ubiquity, the specific mechanisms and ingredients that give rise to multistability from such interplay remain poorly understood. In a network of coupled excitable units, we demonstrate that this interplay generating multistability occurs through a competition between the units' transient dynamics and their coupling.

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Background: People experiencing homelessness have high rates of multi-morbidity and age-related conditions at a young age. Despite having high support needs, they have disparately low access to palliative care services and often die at a young age. To facilitate access to support for this group towards the end of life, a multi-professional approach should be taken.

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This study explores the experiences of allied health professionals who work in interprofessional hospital complex care teams. The aim of the study was to identify factors influential to meaningful clinician experiences in these contexts. Increase in interprofessional complex care in hospital settings reflects rising population health complexity.

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Children and young people are disproportionately vulnerable to harm during crises, yet child public health expertise is limited in humanitarian settings and outcomes and impact data are lacking. This review characterises child public health indicators that are routinely collected, required by donors, and recommended for use in fragile, conflict-affected, and vulnerable (FCV) settings. We conducted database and grey literature searches and collected indicators from technical agencies, partnerships, donors, and nongovernmental organisations providing child public health services in FCV settings.

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Background: Population-wide newborn blood spot screening programmes are a successful public health intervention used to detect whether the baby is at risk of certain rare conditions, with the aim of earlier diagnosis and provision of optimal care and treatment. Evaluating candidate conditions to include in newborn blood spot and genetic sequencing raises questions regarding acceptability to parents/carers.

Methods: In the context of the possible expansion of the newborn blood spot screening programme in the United Kingdom, this review aimed to systematically review research on the acceptability to parents of newborn blood spot screening and genetic sequencing.

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The increased growth, popularity, and media interest in women's sport has led to calls for greater prioritisation of female-specific research and innovation. In response, science and medicine researchers have increased the volume of sport-related studies investigating female-specific matters, such as the menstrual cycle. Whilst the accelerated rate of published studies with female participants is welcome, the emerging trend of using assumed or estimated menstrual cycle phases to characterise ovarian hormone profiles is a significant concern.

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Background: Suboptimal medication adherence is a major determinant of treatment outcome. Between a third and a half of prescribed medicines for long-term conditions are not taken as intended, the reasons for which are numerous and multifaceted. Improving medication adherence should optimise therapeutic outcomes.

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The ubiquitin-binding protein p62, encoded by Sequestosome 1 (SQSTM1), is an essential molecular adaptor for selective autophagy. Heterozygous mutations deleting or disrupting the ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domain of p62 have been reported as the major genetic cause for Paget's disease of bone (PDB), the second most common skeletal disease, characterized by hyperactive osteoclasts and focal increases of bone turnover. In this study, we aimed to determine the impact of a similar sqstm1/p62 mutation on the skeleton of zebrafish.

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Childhood and adolescence are pivotal periods for mental health. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is the primary stress system and its chronic activation is measurable via hair cortisol concentration (HCC), indicating long-term stress exposure. While HCC is linked to adult mental health, this relationship remains unclear among youth.

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