51 results match your criteria: "Unidad de Críticos I. Hospital Clínico de San Carlos[Affiliation]"

There is no international consensus on the definition of the type of oncological resection that corresponds to each of the colectomies existing in the current literature. The objective is to define for each colectomy described in the literature: embryological dissection plane, vascular pedicles in which to perform central ligation, the extent of the colectomy, and the need for resection of the greater momentum. A consensus of experts is carried out through the Delphi methodology through two rounds from the Coloproctology Section of the Spanish Association of Surgeons.

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The comfort perception in the critically ill patient from the Kolcaba theoretical model.

Enferm Intensiva (Engl Ed)

November 2024

Unidad de Apoyo a la Investigación en Enfermería, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon, Madrid, Escuela de Enfermería Cruz Roja, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IiSGM), Madrid, Spain. Electronic address:

Background: The stay in a critical care unit (CCU) has a serious impact on physical condition causing numerous discomfort factors such as pain or difficulty in communicating. All of these are associated with possible sequelae following discharge from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) named post-ICU syndrome. The Kolcaba Comfort Theory allows, from a holistic approach, to identify care needs from the patient's perspective using instruments such as the General Comfort Questionnaire (GCQ).

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What is happening with the clinical nutritionist? Realities and challenges.

Clin Nutr ESPEN

April 2024

Centro Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Tecnológicas, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, San Lorenzo, Paraguay.

Article Synopsis
  • Clinical nutritionists in Latin America are essential for patient recovery in hospitals, but previous studies on their roles and performance factors have been lacking.
  • A study surveyed 1,222 nutritionists across 13 Latin American countries to assess their daily activities and established a Professional Activities Score (PAS).
  • Key findings showed that while essential activities like nutritional intervention and counseling were frequently performed, teaching and research were less common, and factors such as professional experience and specialties influenced their performance levels.
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Secondary vectors of Zika Virus, a systematic review of laboratory vector competence studies.

PLoS Negl Trop Dis

August 2023

Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California Davis, Davis, California, United States of America.

Background: After the unprecedented Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak in the western hemisphere from 2015-2018, Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus are now well established primary and secondary ZIKV vectors, respectively. Consensus about identification and importance of other secondary ZIKV vectors remain.

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Results and Feasibility of the Virtual Inspection of Clinical Trials During Pandemic of COVID-19 in Peru.

Ther Innov Regul Sci

July 2023

Escuela de Postgrado, Escuela de Medicina Humana, Vicerrectorado de Investigación Universidad Católica de Santa María, Arequipa, Peru.

Objective: This study aimed to describe the results of inspection of clinical trials (CTs) and the feasibility of conducting inspections virtually in Peruvian Social Security hospitals during the pandemic of COVID-19.

Methods: This study described 25 CTs that were inspected during August 2021-November 2021. The data for the variables were obtained from the CT inspection database of the Social Security Sub-directorate of Regulation and Management of Health Research which includes minutes and inspection reports.

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Comprehensive approach to people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Knowledge Area of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition.

Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr (Engl Ed)

March 2023

Departamento de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain; CIBER Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn), Spain; Grupo de Diabetes & Enfermedades Metabólicas, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA), Pamplona, Navarra, Spain.

Objective: To provide practical recommendations for the comprehensive approach of people with type 2 diabetes according to evidence-based medicine.

Participants: Members of the Diabetes Knowledge Area of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition.

Methods: The recommendations were formulated according to the degrees of evidence of the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2022.

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Introduction: radical resection is the surgical treatment of choice in musculoskeletal malignancies, which often settle in the pelvis and lower limbs. Megaprothesis reconstruction has been imposed in recent years as the gold standard in limb preservation surgery.

Material And Methods: descriptive retrospective study series of cases, including 30 patients operated between 2011 and 2019 of musculoskeletal pelvic and lower limb tumors at our institution that underwent limb-sparing reconstruction with the megaprosthesis.

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Consensus on complementary feeding from the Latin American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition: COCO 2023.

Rev Gastroenterol Mex (Engl Ed)

February 2023

Departamento de Pediatría, Medical Centre of LMU Munich, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, München, Germany.

Complementary feeding (CF) is defined as the feeding of infants that complements breastfeeding, or alternatively, feeding with a breast milk substitute, and is a process that is more than simply a guide as to what and how to introduce foods. The information provided by healthcare professionals must be up-to-date and evidence-based. Most of the recommendations that appear in the different international guidelines and position papers are widely applicable, but some must be regionalized or adapted to fit the conditions and reality of each geographic zone.

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Background: Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a rare disease that is associated with an increased risk of pulmonary emphysema. The European AATD Research Collaboration (EARCO) international registry was founded with the objective of characterising the individuals with AATD and investigating their natural history.

Methods: The EARCO registry is an international, observational and prospective study of individuals with AATD, defined as AAT serum levels < 11 μM and/or proteinase inhibitor genotypes PI*ZZ, PI*SZ and compound heterozygotes or homozygotes of other rare deficient variants.

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Background: The Spanish registry of α-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) integrated in the European Alpha-1 Research Collaboration (EARCO) provides information about the characteristics of patients, in particular those with the PI*SZ genotype, which is frequent in Spain.

Method: Individuals with severe AATD defined as proteinase inhibitor (PI) genotypes PI*ZZ, PI*SZ and other rare deficient variants were included from February 1, 2020, to February 1, 2022. The analysis focused on a comparison of the characteristics of PI*ZZ and PI*SZ patients.

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Guatemala is a country located in Central America, and while it is one of the most populated countries in the region, the genetic diversity of the population has been poorly analyzed. Currently, there are no analyses of the distribution of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system alleles in mixed ancestry (i.e.

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Background: GlobalSurg is an international group of researchers whose purpose is to conduct and disseminate robust collaborative, international and multicenter studies.

Objective: To expose the necessary strategies and the barriers crossed in conducting massive multicenter studies in surgery.

Method: During the second semester of 2020, the study Surg-Week Prospective International Cohort Study was carried out.

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Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Spanish hospitals, which have had to allocate all available resources to treat these patients, reducing the ability to attend other common pathologies. The aim of this study is to analyze how the treatment of acute appendicitis has been affected.

Methods: A national descriptive study was carried out by a online voluntary distribution of a specific questionnaire with Google Drive™ distributed by email by the Spanish Association of Surgeons (AEC) to all affiliated surgeons actually working in Spain (5203) opened from April 14th to April 24th.

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Causes of mortality associated with autoimmune rheumatic disease in a referral hospital.

Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed)

May 2022

Unidad de Reumatología, Departamento de Medicina Interna, Hospital Roosevelt, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala; Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Escuela de Estudios de Postgrado, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala. Electronic address:

The causes of mortality among rheumatic diseases vary widely between geographic areas and cannot be generalized, however, they are frequently associated with the aggressiveness of the clinical presentation and the secondary effects of the therapy used. The main purpose of this study was to characterize the causes of death in a group of patients with autoimmune rheumatic disease. For this purpose, a retrospective study was carried out over a period of 10 years (2009-2019), deceased patients were included from a referral centre in Guatemala City, the records were reviewed in search of demographic and clinical variables.

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We aimed to develop two models to estimate first AMI and stroke/TIA, respectively, in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, by applying backward elimination to the following variables: age, sex, duration of diabetes, smoking, BMI, and use of antihyperglycemic drugs, statins, and aspirin. As time-varying covariates, we analyzed blood pressure, albuminuria, lipid profile, HbA1c, retinopathy, neuropathy, and atrial fibrillation (only in stroke/TIA model). Both models were stratified by antihypertensive drugs.

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Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) characterized by the development of microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytopenia, and ischaemic organ dysfunction associated with ADAMTS13 levels lower than 10% in most cases. Recently there have been numerous advances in the field of PTT, new, rapid and accessible techniques capable of quantifying ADAMTS13 activity and inhibitors. The massive sequencing systems facilitate the identification of polymorphisms in the ADAMTS13 gene.

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Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Spanish hospitals, which have had to allocate all available resources to treat these patients, reducing the ability to attend other common pathologies. The aim of this study is to analyze how the treatment of acute appendicitis has been affected.

Method: A national descriptive study was carried out by an online voluntary specific questionnaire with Google Drive™ distributed by email by the Spanish Association of Surgeons (AEC) to all affiliated surgeons currently working in Spain (5203), opened from April 14th to April 24th.

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Causes of Mortality Associated with Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease in a Referral Hospital.

Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed)

April 2021

Unidad de Reumatología, Departamento de Medicina Interna, Hospital Roosevelt, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala; Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Escuela de Estudios de Postgrado, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala. Electronic address:

The causes of mortality among rheumatic diseases vary widely between geographic areas and cannot be generalized, however, they are frequently associated with the aggressiveness of the clinical presentation and the secondary effects of the therapy used. The main purpose of this study was to characterize the causes of death in a group of patients with autoimmune rheumatic disease. For this purpose, a retrospective study was carried out over a period of 10 years (2009 to 2019), deceased patients were included from a referral centre in Guatemala City, the records were reviewed in search of demographic and clinical variables.

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Best Practices for Human Milk Collection for COVID-19 Research.

Breastfeed Med

January 2021

Pathogenesis and Control of Chronic Infections, INSERM, University of Montpellier, Etablissement Franc¸ais du Sang, CHU Montpellier, Montpellier, France.

In addition to providing life-giving nutrients and other substances to the breastfed infant, human milk can also represent a vehicle of pathogen transfer. As such, when an infectious disease outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic occurs-particularly when it is associated with a novel pathogen-the question will naturally arise as to whether the pathogen can be transmitted through breastfeeding. Until high-quality data are generated to answer this question, abandonment of breastfeeding due to uncertainty can result.

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Dermatophytosis caused by Nannizzia nana.

J Mycol Med

June 2021

Psychodermatology task force of the Ibero-Latin American College of Dermatology (CILAD), Buenos Aires, Argentina; European Women's Dermatologic and Venereologic Society (EWDVS), Tui, Spain; Efficiency, Quality, and Costs in Health Services Research Group (EFISALUD), Health Research Institute, SERGAS-UVIGO, Vigo, Spain; Dermatology Department, Hospital do Meixoeiro and University of Vigo, 36200 Vigo, Spain. Electronic address:

In this paper, we reported three distinct cases of tinea, including tenia ungulum, tenia pedis, and tenia cruris caused by the infection of Nannizzia nana in the immunocompetent patients who were also the residents of Guatemala. Dermatophytes were identified phenotypically and genotypically. Thereafter, DNA was extracted from the fungal isolates and a fragment of the ITS1-5.

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Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a rare and underdiagnosed disease that is associated with the development of liver disease in adults and children and pulmonary emphysema in adults. Several studies have shown that there is limited knowledge about the disease and its diagnosis among health care providers, and there is an important inequity in the access to specialized care and appropriate treatment across Europe. The European Commision and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) recommend that the care of patients with AATD must be organized in reference centers at national or regional levels.

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