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Background: Surveys based on capillary blood show that anaemia is rampant in India, but capillary blood haemoglobin (Hb) may not accurately reflect venous blood Hb concentrations. Further, iron deficiency (ID) is thought to be the main cause of anaemia, there are no venous blood-based surveys to confirm this.

Methods: A community-based (urban, slum and rural) cross-sectional, venous blood survey was conducted in eight Indian states to estimate anaemia and ID prevalences from Hb and inflammation-corrected plasma ferritin concentrations in adolescents, adults, and elderly.

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Purpose: Achieving precise postoperative alignment is critical for the long-term success of total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Long-leg standing radiograph (LLR) at 6 weeks post-op is the gold standard for assessing alignment, but its reliance on weight-bearing and positioning makes it less practical in the early postoperative period. Supine computed tomography scanogram (CTS) offers a potential alternative.

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Collateral injuries are usually found in association with cruciate ligament tears. There are multiple techniques to reconstruct the collateral ligaments using autografts and allografts. Conventionally, interference screws are used to fix the graft on the femur, tibia, and fibula.

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The Oral Bioavailability of Vitamin B at Different Doses in Healthy Indian Adults.


November 2024

Division of Nutrition, St. John's Research Institute, St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore 560034, India.

Background/objectives: The bioavailability of crystalline vitamin B (B) through active absorption is reported to have a maximum capacity of 1.5-2.5 µg per dose.

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Introduction: Recent advancements in surgical techniques have led to renewed interest in ACL repair, particularly for acute, proximal tears. Suture tape augmentation (STA) has emerged as a promising technique to support ACL healing while preserving native tissue and potentially improving outcomes. This study aims to evaluate the outcomes of ACL repair with STA in patients with acute, proximal ACL tears.

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Purpose Of The Study: Multiligament injuries (MLKI) of the knee mainly result from high-velocity impacts. This study was done to analyse multilgament knee reconstructions done in a single setting at a minimum 12 month follow-up with objective gait, squat, stability and fluoroscopic examination along with PROMs and compare the individual KD categories. Also, the study analyses the difference between < 30- and > 30-year-olds as well as those who had sporting injuries versus RTAs.

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The profile of hypercalcaemia in hospitalized patients in India seems to be changing. However, studies evaluating the profile of hypercalcaemia in hospitalized settings in India are extremely limited. This prospective study aims to evaluate the clinical and biochemical profile of hospitalized patients with hypercalcaemia from a tertiary care centre in north India.

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Ovarian reserve tests are valuable for evaluation of female fertility, and to formulate appropriate treatment strategies for infertile women. Antral follicle count (AFC) and Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) are most reliable markers of ovarian reserve which are related inversely to age. There are many factors that affect ovarian reserve like race, ethnicity, fertility status, BMI or any chronic illness.

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Background: Vitamin B deficiency is widely prevalent in all age groups which is of major concern. However, there is no valid Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) for dietary vitamin B estimation. Hence, we aimed to develop and validate an FFQ for the estimation of dietary intake of Vitamin B.

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Article Synopsis
  • - The study aims to gather and compare fetal growth data in an Indian population with the Intergrowth-21st standards, using a longitudinal observation method from 2017 to 2022.
  • - It included 655 healthy singleton pregnancies, finding that measurements like crown-rump length and biparietal diameter were lower than Intergrowth standards at various weeks of gestation, while abdominal circumference was lower at 18-22 weeks but similar at 32-35 weeks.
  • - The results suggest that fetal growth patterns in urban western India differ from established Intergrowth standards, indicating the need for region-specific growth benchmarks.
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The participants in this debate agreed that: 1) target-based advocacy is required for ensuring countries' engagement and political commitments toward reducing child malnutrition, and the tools used for monitoring progress should be accurate and pose no risk of harmful consequences; and 2) physical growth is not the only dimension of nutritional status to be monitored in clinical and public health practice; anthropometry is thus only one of the diagnostic indicators of nutritional status. Key disagreements included methodological approaches for developing a single growth standard to evaluate nutritional status globally; the relative utility of universal and contextual growth standards for clinical practice and public health; the balance of benefits, harms, and acceptability among stakeholders; and their use as a screening or a definitive tool in individual and public health nutrition. Noteworthy agreements for research priorities included comparison of benefits and harms of using universal compared with contextual growth standards/references and different stakeholders' perception of expectations from and utility of growth standards.

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Should a single growth standard be used to judge the nutritional status of children under age 5 years globally? No.

Am J Clin Nutr

October 2024

Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

Universal growth standards for under-five children, given the worldwide variation in healthy growth and several determinants of anthropometry, are imprecise measures of nutritional status, particularly when used cross-sectionally. In constructing the global-use WHO growth standard, linear growth differences between contributing sites and pooled mean were >0.2 SD in 37% of observations.

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Childhood nutritional status serves as a lens through which nations and communities identify missed opportunities to improve health and wellbeing across the life cycle, as well as economic development and other related sectors. Countries have committed to the global nutrition targets endorsed by the World Health Assembly in 2012, which were included in the Sustainable Development Goals framework under the target to end all forms of malnutrition by 2030. The child malnutrition indicators for tracking countries' progress toward the agreed-upon targets are based on standard definitions of nutritional status against the widely adopted and used World Health Organization (WHO) Child Growth Standards.

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Background: Low birth weight (LBW) is a public health problem in India with consequences in the short and long term. It increases the risk of obesity and its related comorbidities including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in later life. This study aimed to assess the risk markers of chronic disease in term born low birthweight Indian children aged 8-14 years.

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Background & Aim: Much of the cost data from India is restricted to patients recruited purely from healthcare institutions and do not explore determinants. Therefore, the out of pocket expenditure for ambulatory diabetes care was evaluated in Delhi.

Methods: The DEDICOM-II survey used a two-stage probability-proportionate-to-size(systematic) cluster design.

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Background: In large supplementary feeding programs for children, it is challenging to create and sustain contextual, acceptable, nutritionally complete, and diverse supplemental foods. For example, the Indian Supplementary Nutrition Program (SNP) supplements the dietary intake of children, pregnant and lactating women, and severely acutely malnourished (SAM) children by offering dry take home rations (THRs) or hot cooked meals (HCMs) across India, but an optimization tool is necessary to create local contextual recipes for acceptable and nutritionally adequate products.

Objectives: This study aimed to create a linear programming (LP) model to optimize diverse food provisions for a SNP to meet its program guidelines, using locally available foods, within budgetary allocations.

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Background: Globally, recent estimates have shown there have been 3·6 million stillbirths and neonatal deaths in 2022, with nearly 60% occurring in low-income and middle-income countries. The Small Vulnerable Newborn Consortium has proposed a framework combining preterm birth (<37 weeks of gestation), small for gestational age (SGA) by INTERGROWTH-21st standard, and low birthweight (<2500 g) under the category small vulnerable newborns (SVN). Reliable data on SVN from sub-Saharan Africa, central Asia, and south Asia are sparse.

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Background & Aims: Metformin is a widely prescribed first line drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Studies have shown that the use of metformin is often associated with a decrease in vitamin B (B) levels in patients with DM. Few studies have shown that this effect could be mitigated with calcium supplementation.

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The recent WHO guideline on acute malnutrition overestimates therapeutic energy requirement.

Lancet Reg Health Southeast Asia

June 2024

Department of Physiology, St. John's Medical College, Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru, 560034, India.

The World Health Organization has recently updated the guideline on the prevention and management of wasting and nutritional oedema (acute malnutrition) in infants and children under 5 years. Apart from differences with regard to the nutritional framework that defines the quantity of energy required as Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) for the outpatient treatment of severe wasting and/or nutritional oedema, there are also important gaps in the practical guidance. Instead of the recommended energy intake of 150-185 kcal/kg/day, our alternative calculations indicate the requirement to be only 105-120 kcal/kg/day.

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Post-partum quality of life is an inadequately studied and poorly understood outcome of delivery care, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Hence, we evaluated the postpartum quality of life and its clinic-demographic context as part of a 3-stage cluster randomized community survey (DECLARE; covered quality of care as primary outcome) conducted in 2009-2011 in Delhi. In stage 1 of participant selection(sampling), 20 wards (of 150; geographically defined administrative units) were selected using a probability-proportionate-to-size systematic method.

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Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus

April 2024

Department of Food and Nutrition, Lady Irwin College, New Delhi, 110001 India.

Article Synopsis
  • - A study in Faridabad, India analyzed data from 198 non-anemic and 202 anemic girls aged 12-19, focusing on various blood markers including hemoglobin and hepcidin levels.
  • - The research found that deficiencies in iron and folate were linked to increased severity of anemia, with iron deficiency being a major contributor, especially to mild and moderate anemia.
  • - It was concluded that current iron and folic acid programs could significantly reduce anemia rates in adolescent girls, but further investigation is needed to understand the causes of anemia that remain unexplained.
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