340 results match your criteria: "Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering[Affiliation]"
Materials (Basel)
November 2023
National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructure, School of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China.
In this study, we improved the growth procedure of EuTe and realized the epitaxial growth of EuTe. Our research demonstrated a selective growth of both EuTe and EuTe on Si(100) substrates using the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technique and reveals that the substrate temperature plays a crucial role in determining the structural phase of the grown films: EuTe can be obtained at a substrate temperature of 220 °C while lowering down the temperature to 205 °C leads to the formation of EuTe. A comparative analysis of the transmittance spectra of these two films manifested that EuTe is a semiconductor, whereas EuTe exhibits charge density wave (CDW) behavior at room temperature.
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November 2023
Hefei National Research Center for Physical Sciences at the Microscale and School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, People's Republic of China.
Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) is a fundamental cryptographic primitive that allows a prover to convince a verifier of the validity of a statement without leaking any further information. As an efficient variant of ZKP, noninteractive zero-knowledge proof (NIZKP) adopting the Fiat-Shamir heuristic is essential to a wide spectrum of applications, such as federated learning, blockchain, and social networks. However, the heuristic is typically built upon the random oracle model that makes ideal assumptions about hash functions, which does not hold in reality and thus undermines the security of the protocol.
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November 2023
State Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Physics, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China.
Nontrivial electronic states are attracting intense attention in low-dimensional physics. Though chirality has been identified in charge states with a scalar order parameter, its intertwining with charge density waves (CDW), film thickness, and the impact on the electronic behaviors remain less well understood. Here, using scanning tunneling microscopy, we report a 2 × 2 chiral CDW as well as a strong suppression of the Te-5 hole-band backscattering in monolayer 1-TiTe.
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October 2023
Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering and Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, 518055, China.
Heisenberg-type measurement uncertainty relations (MURs) of two quantum observables are essential for contemporary research in quantum foundations and quantum information science. Going beyond, here we report the first experimental study of MUR of three quantum observables. We establish rigorously MURs for triplets of unbiased qubit observables as combined approximation errors lower bounded by an incompatibility measure, inspired by the proposal of Busch et al.
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September 2023
Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China.
Berry curvature is a fundamental element to characterize topological quantum physics, while a full measurement of Berry curvature in momentum space was not reported for topological states. Here we achieve two-dimensional Berry curvature reconstruction in a photonic quantum anomalous Hall system via Hall transport measurement of a momentum-resolved wave packet. Integrating measured Berry curvature over the two-dimensional Brillouin zone, we obtain Chern numbers corresponding to -1 and 0.
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October 2023
State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics and Frontiers Science Center for Nano-optoelectronics, School of Physics, Peking University, 100871, Beijing, China.
Edge supercurrent has attracted great interest recently due to its crucial role in achieving and manipulating topological superconducting states. Proximity-induced superconductivity has been realized in quantum Hall and quantum spin Hall edge states, as well as in higher-order topological hinge states. Non-Hermitian skin effect, the aggregation of non-Bloch eigenstates at open boundaries, promises an abnormal edge channel.
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September 2023
Department of Physics and Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (SIQSE), Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, People's Republic of China.
The long-sought Chern insulators that manifest a quantum anomalous Hall effect are typically considered to occur in ferromagnets. Here, we theoretically predict the realizabilities of Chern insulators in antiferromagnets, in which the magnetic sublattices are connected by symmetry operators enforcing zero net magnetic moment. Our symmetry analysis provides comprehensive magnetic layer point groups that allow antiferromagnetic (AFM) Chern insulators, revealing that an in-plane magnetic configuration is required.
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September 2023
State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics, Department of Physics, Center for Field Theory and Particle Physics, and Institute for Nanoelectronic Devices and Quantum Computing, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, and Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute, Shanghai 200030, China.
Topological quantum computation (TQC) is one of the most striking architectures that can realize fault-tolerant quantum computers. In TQC, the logical space and the quantum gates are topologically protected, i.e.
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July 2023
School of Information Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China.
The quantum battery capacity is introduced in this Letter as a figure of merit that expresses the potential of a quantum system to store and supply energy. It is defined as the difference between the highest and the lowest energy that can be reached by means of the unitary evolution of the system. This function is closely connected to the ergotropy, but it does not depend on the temporary level of energy of the system.
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August 2023
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart 70569, Germany.
Gate tunable two-dimensional (2D) superconductors offer significant advantages in studying superconducting phase transitions. Here, we address superconductivity in exfoliated 1T'-MoTe monolayers with an intrinsic band gap of ∼7.3 meV using field effect doping.
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July 2023
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.
Bulk photovoltaic effect (BPVE), a second-order nonlinear optical effect governed by the quantum geometric properties of materials, offers a promising approach to overcome the Shockley-Quiesser limit of traditional photovoltaic effect and further improve the efficiency of energy harvesting. Here, we propose an effective platform, the nano edges embedded in assembled van der Waals (vdW) homo- or hetero-structures with strong symmetry breaking, low dimensionality and abundant species, for BPVE investigations. The BPVE-induced photocurrents strongly depend on the orientation of edge-embedded structures and polarization of incident light.
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August 2023
State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic Physics, Frontiers Science Centre for Nano-optoelectronics, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Dongguan 523808, China; International Centre for Quantum Materials, Collaborative Innovation Centre of Quantum Matter, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China. Electronic address:
Sci Bull (Beijing)
July 2023
International Center for Quantum Materials, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; Key Laboratory for the Physics and Chemistry of Nanodevices, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences, Beijing 100193, China; Interdisciplinary Institute of Light-Element Quantum Materials and Research Center for Light-Element Advanced Materials, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China. Electronic address:
Phys Rev Lett
May 2023
Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA.
Experiments have demonstrated that the strong light-matter coupling in polaritonic microcavities significantly enhances transport. Motivated by these experiments, we have solved the disordered multimode Tavis-Cummings model in the thermodynamic limit and used this solution to analyze its dispersion and localization properties. The solution implies that wave-vector-resolved spectroscopic quantities can be described by single-mode models, but spatially resolved quantities require the multimode solution.
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May 2023
International Center for Quantum Materials, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China.
Sci Bull (Beijing)
June 2023
State Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Quantum Physics, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; New Cornerstone Science Laboratory, Frontier Science Center for Quantum Information, Beijing 100084, China; Hefei National Laboratory, Hefei 230088, China. Electronic address:
The recently discovered antiferromagnetic (AFM) topological insulator (TI) MnBiTe represents a versatile material platform for exploring exotic topological quantum phenomena in nanoscale devices. It has been proposed that even-septuple-layer (even-SL) MnBiTe can host helical hinge currents with unique nonlocal behavior, but experimental confirmation is still lacking. In this work, we report transport studies of exfoliated MnBiTe flakes with varied thicknesses down to the few-nanometer regime.
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May 2023
Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (SIQSE) and Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), 518055, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
The century-long development of surface sciences has witnessed the discoveries of a variety of quantum states. In the recently proposed "obstructed atomic insulators", symmetric charges are pinned at virtual sites where no real atoms reside. The cleavage through these sites could lead to a set of obstructed surface states with partial electronic occupation.
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April 2023
School of Science, Huzhou University, Huzhou 313000, China.
CaFe4As4 with = K, Rb, and Cs are close to the doped 122 system, and the parent material can reach a superconducting transition temperature of 31-36 K without doping. To study the role of alkali metals, we investigated the induced hole doping and chemical pressure effects as a result of the introduction of alkali metals using density-functional-based methods. These two effects can affect the superconducting transition temperature by changing the number of electrons and the structure of the FeAs conductive layer, respectively.
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May 2023
Department of Physics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, United States.
Defects are of significant importance to determine and improve the distinct properties of 2D materials, such as electronic, optical, and catalytic performance. In this report, we observe four types of point defects in atomically thin flakes of 1T-PtTe by using low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/S). Through the combination of STM imaging and simulations, such defects are identified as a single tellurium vacancy from each side of the top PtTe layer and a single platinum vacancy from the topmost and next layer.
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May 2023
Department of Physics and Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Quantum Functional Materials and Devices, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, People's Republic of China.
Charge density waves (CDWs) in 1T-TaS maintain 2D ordering by forming periodic in-plane star-of-David (SOD) patterns, while they also intertwined with orbital order in the axis. Recent theoretical calculations and surface measurements have explored 3D CDW configurations, but interlayer intertwining of a 2D CDW order remains elusive. Here, we investigate the in- and out-of-plane ordering of the commensurate CDW superstructure in a 1T-TaS thin flake in real space, using aberration-corrected cryogenic transmission electronic microscopy (cryo-TEM) in low-dose mode, far below the threshold dose for an electron-induced CDW phase transition.
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September 2023
School of Chemical Engineering and Light Industry, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510006, China.
Catalytic performance can be greatly enhanced by rational modulation of the surface state. In this study, reasonable adjustment of the surface states around the Fermi level (E ) of molybdenum carbide (MoC) (α phase) via a Pt-N dual-doping process to fabricate an electrocatalyst named as Pt-N-MoC is performed to promote hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) performance over the MoC surface. Systematically experimental and theoretical analyses demonstrate that the synergistic tuning of Pt and N can cause the delocalization of surface states, with an increase in the density of surface states near the E .
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May 2023
CAS Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China.
Hole spin qubits based on germanium (Ge) have strong tunable spin-orbit interaction (SOI) and ultrafast qubit operation speed. Here we report that the Rabi frequency () of a hole spin qubit in a Ge hut wire (HW) double quantum dot (DQD) is electrically tuned through the detuning energy (ϵ) and middle gate voltage (). gradually decreases with increasing ϵ; on the contrary, is positively correlated with .
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April 2023
Jinan Institute of Quantum Technology, Jinan 250101, China.
The sending-or-not-sending (SNS) protocol is one of the most major variants of the twin-field (TF) quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol and has been realized in a 511-km field fiber, the farthest field experiment to date. In practice, however, all decoy-state methods have unavoidable source errors, and the source errors may be non-random, which compromises the security condition of the existing TF-QKD protocols. In this study, we present a general approach for efficiently calculating the SNS protocol's secure key rate with source errors, by establishing the equivalent protocols through virtual attenuation and the tagged model.
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March 2023
Hefei National Research Center for Physical Sciences at the Microscale and School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China.
Although near-term quantum computing devices are still limited by the quantity and quality of qubits in the so-called NISQ era, quantum computational advantage has been experimentally demonstrated. Moreover, hybrid architectures of quantum and classical computing have become the main paradigm for exhibiting NISQ applications, where low-depth quantum circuits are repeatedly applied. In order to further scale up the problem size solvable by the NISQ devices, it is also possible to reduce the number of physical qubits by "cutting" the quantum circuit into different pieces.
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February 2023
School of Physics and Astronomy and Yunnan Key Laboratory for Quantum Information, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China.
Entanglement swapping is gaining widespread attention due to its application in entanglement distribution among different parts of quantum appliances. We investigate the entanglement swapping for pure and noisy systems, and argue different entanglement quantifiers for quantum states. We explore the relationship between the entanglement of initial states and the average entanglement of final states in terms of concurrence and negativity.
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