340 results match your criteria: "Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering[Affiliation]"

Spatiotemporal Single-Photon Airy Bullets.

Phys Rev Lett

April 2024

Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, 518055, China.

Uninhibited control of the complex spatiotemporal quantum wave function of a single photon has so far remained elusive even though it can dramatically increase the encoding flexibility and thus the information capacity of a photonic quantum link. By fusing temporal waveform generation in an atomic ensemble and spatial single-photon shaping, we hereby demonstrate for the first time complete spatiotemporal control of a propagation invariant (2+1)D Airy single-photon optical bullet. These correlated photons are not only self-accelerating and impervious to spreading as their classical counterparts, but can be concealed and revealed in the presence of strong classical stray light.

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  • The polar Kerr effect and anomalous charge Hall effect are significant indicators of the superconducting state in materials like Sr_{2}RuO_{4}, typically linked to chiral superconducting pairing.
  • Previous theories often suggested that strong interband Cooper pairing was necessary to explain these effects, which seems unrealistic.
  • This study shows that nonunitary superconducting states can produce an intrinsic anomalous charge Hall effect without interband pairing, relying on quantum geometric properties and normal-state spin Hall effects, thus implying that the superconducting state in Sr_{2}RuO_{4} is likely nonunitary with odd parity.
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A wideband, high-resolution vector spectrum analyzer for integrated photonics.

Light Sci Appl

April 2024

International Quantum Academy, 518048, Shenzhen, China.

The analysis of optical spectra-emission or absorption-has been arguably the most powerful approach for discovering and understanding matter. The invention and development of many kinds of spectrometers have equipped us with versatile yet ultra-sensitive diagnostic tools for trace gas detection, isotope analysis, and resolving hyperfine structures of atoms and molecules. With proliferating data and information, urgent and demanding requirements have been placed today on spectrum analysis with ever-increasing spectral bandwidth and frequency resolution.

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Unification of Energy Concepts in Generalized Phase Space Theories.

Phys Rev Lett

March 2024

Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China.

We consider how to describe Hamiltonian mechanics in generalized probabilistic theories with the states represented as quasiprobability distributions. We give general operational definitions of energy-related concepts. We define generalized energy eigenstates as the purest stationary states.

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Orbital Magneto-Nonlinear Anomalous Hall Effect in Kagome Magnet Fe_{3}Sn_{2}.

Phys Rev Lett

March 2024

State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructure and Mesoscopic Physics, Frontiers Science Center for Nano-optoelectronics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China.

It has been theoretically predicted that perturbation of the Berry curvature by electromagnetic fields gives rise to intrinsic nonlinear anomalous Hall effects that are independent of scattering. Two types of nonlinear anomalous Hall effects are expected. The electric nonlinear Hall effect has recently begun to receive attention, while very few studies are concerned with the magneto-nonlinear Hall effect.

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The discovery of three-dimensional Van Hove singularity.

Nat Commun

March 2024

State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, East China Normal University, 200241, Shanghai, China.

Arising from the extreme/saddle point in electronic bands, Van Hove singularity (VHS) manifests divergent density of states (DOS) and induces various new states of matter such as unconventional superconductivity. VHS is believed to exist in one and two dimensions, but rarely found in three dimension (3D). Here, we report the discovery of 3D VHS in a topological magnet EuCdAs by magneto-infrared spectroscopy.

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Time-Dependent Ultrafast Quadratic Nonlinearity in an Epsilon-Near-Zero Platform.

Nano Lett

March 2024

Department of Physics and London Centre for Nanotechnology, King's College London, London WS2R 2LS, U.K.

Ultrafast nonlinearity, which results in modulation of the linear optical response, is a basis for the development of time-varying media, in particular those operating in the epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) regime. Here, we demonstrate that the intraband excitation of hot electrons in the ENZ film results in a second-harmonic resonance shift of ∼10 THz (40 nm) and second-harmonic generation (SHG) intensity changes of >100% with only minor (<1%) changes in linear transmission. The modulation is 10-fold enhanced by a plasmonic metasurface coupled to a film, allowing for ultrafast modulation of circularly polarized SHG.

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2D van der Waals (vdW) magnets open landmark horizons in the development of innovative spintronic device architectures. However, their fabrication with large scale poses challenges due to high synthesis temperatures (>500 °C) and difficulties in integrating them with standard complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology on amorphous substrates such as silicon oxide (SiO) and silicon nitride (SiN). Here, a seeded growth technique for crystallizing CrTe films on amorphous SiN/Si and SiO/Si substrates with a low thermal budget is presented.

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Optical switching has important applications in optical information processing, optical computing, and optical communications. The long-term pursuit of optical switch is to achieve short switching time and large modulation depth. Among various mechanisms, all-optical switching based on Kerr effect represents a promising solution.

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Observation of plaid-like spin splitting in a noncoplanar antiferromagnet.


February 2024

Department of Physics and Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (SIQSE), Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China.

Spatial, momentum and energy separation of electronic spins in condensed-matter systems guides the development of new devices in which spin-polarized current is generated and manipulated. Recent attention on a set of previously overlooked symmetry operations in magnetic materials leads to the emergence of a new type of spin splitting, enabling giant and momentum-dependent spin polarization of energy bands on selected antiferromagnets. Despite the ever-growing theoretical predictions, the direct spectroscopic proof of such spin splitting is still lacking.

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Motivated by recent surprising experimental findings, we develop a strong-coupling theory for Bose-Fermi mixtures capable of treating resonant interspecies interactions while satisfying the compressibility sum rule. We show that the mixture can be stable at large interaction strengths close to resonance, in agreement with the experiment, but at odds with the widely used perturbation theory. We also calculate the sound velocity of the Bose gas in the ^{133}Cs-^{6}Li mixture, again finding good agreement with the experimental observations both at weak and strong interactions.

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Anyons, exotic quasiparticles in two-dimensional space exhibiting nontrivial exchange statistics, play a crucial role in universal topological quantum computing. One notable proposal to manifest the fractional statistics of anyons is the toric code model; however, scaling up its size through quantum simulation poses a serious challenge because of its highly entangled ground state. In this Letter, we demonstrate that a modular superconducting quantum processor enables hardware-pragmatic implementation of the toric code model.

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Randomness-Enhanced Expressivity of Quantum Neural Networks.

Phys Rev Lett

January 2024

Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200438, China.

Article Synopsis
  • Quantum neural networks (QNNs) combine artificial intelligence and quantum computing, making them a promising area for current quantum devices that are still developing.
  • The authors propose adding a random layer in QNNs that features single-qubit gates from a trainable ensemble to improve the network's ability to learn and predict outcomes.
  • Their method, backed by Uhlmann's theorem, shows that incorporating randomness enhances QNN expressiveness for various tasks like observable learning and image recognition, highlighting its potential in quantum machine learning.
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To investigate the higher order topology in MoTe, the supercurrent interference phenomena in Nb/MoTe/Nb planar Josephson junctions have been systematically studied. By analyzing the obtained interference pattern of the critical supercurrents and performing a comparative study of the edge-touched and untouched junctions, it's found that the supercurrent is dominated by the edges, rather than the bulk or surfaces of MoTe. An asymmetric Josephson effect with a field-tunable sign is also observed, indicating the nontrivial origin of the edge states.

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Giant intrinsic photovoltaic effect in one-dimensional van der Waals grain boundaries.

Nat Commun

January 2024

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, 1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Shenzhen, 518055, China.

The photovoltaic effect lies at the heart of eco-friendly energy harvesting. However, the conversion efficiency of traditional photovoltaic effect utilizing the built-in electric effect in p-n junctions is restricted by the Shockley-Queisser limit. Alternatively, intrinsic/bulk photovoltaic effect (IPVE/BPVE), a second-order nonlinear optoelectronic effect arising from the broken inversion symmetry of crystalline structure, can overcome this theoretical limit.

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Progress on the antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBiTe.

Natl Sci Rev

February 2024

International Center for Quantum Materials, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China.

Topological materials, which feature robust surface and/or edge states, have now been a research focus in condensed matter physics. They represent a new class of materials exhibiting nontrivial topological phases, and provide a platform for exploring exotic transport phenomena, such as the quantum anomalous Hall effect and the quantum spin Hall effect. Recently, magnetic topological materials have attracted considerable interests due to the possibility to study the interplay between topological and magnetic orders.

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On the topological surface states of the intrinsic magnetic topological insulator Mn-Bi-Te family.

Natl Sci Rev

February 2024

Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (SIQSE) and Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen 518055, China.

We review recent progress in the electronic structure study of intrinsic magnetic topological insulators (MnBiTe) · (BiTe) ([Formula: see text]) family. Specifically, we focus on the ubiquitously (nearly) gapless behavior of the topological Dirac surface state observed by photoemission spectroscopy, even though a large Dirac gap is expected because of surface ferromagnetic order. The dichotomy between experiment and theory concerning this gap behavior is perhaps the most critical and puzzling question in this frontier.

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Annealing is the process of gradually lowering the temperature of a system to guide it towards its lowest energy states. In an accompanying paper [Y. Luo et al.

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General limit to thermodynamic annealing performance.

Phys Rev E

November 2023

Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China.

Annealing has proven highly successful in finding minima in a cost landscape. Yet, depending on the landscape, systems often converge towards local minima rather than global ones. In this Letter, we analyze the conditions for which annealing is approximately successful in finite time.

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Understanding strongly correlated quantum materials, such as high-T_{c} superconductors, iron-based superconductors, and twisted bilayer graphene systems, remains as one of the outstanding challenges in condensed matter physics. Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms in particular optical lattices, which provide orbital degrees of freedom, is a powerful tool to contribute new insights to this endeavor. Here, we report the experimental realization of an unconventional Bose-Einstein condensate of ^{87}Rb atoms populating degenerate p orbitals in a triangular optical lattice, exhibiting remarkably long coherence times.

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The emergence of exotic quantum phenomena in frustrated magnets is rapidly driving the development of quantum many-body physics, raising fundamental questions on the nature of quantum phase transitions. Here we unveil the behaviour of emergent symmetry involving two extraordinarily representative phenomena, i.e.

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  • The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in antiferromagnetic metals presents unique physics and potential applications, particularly in materials with a rutile crystal structure.
  • Recent research shows that doping chromium into RuO (a candidate material) allows for AHE to occur at zero magnetic field by altering the Néel vector orientation.
  • The findings reveal that doping can effectively adjust the magnetic properties in antiferromagnetic metals, showcasing a viable method to control AHE through material engineering.
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High-temperature magnetically topological candidate material MnBiTe.

J Phys Condens Matter

December 2023

Key Laboratory of Materials Physics, Institute of Solid State Physics, HFIPS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, People's Republic of China.

Article Synopsis
  • Researchers found that the antiferromagnetic structure of MnBiTe with three layers of MnTe is stable and has a magnetic energy difference that is four times greater than that in a single layer.
  • The Néel transition point, which is the temperature at which magnetism changes, is raised to 102.5 K, making it usable above the temperature of liquid nitrogen.
  • The study reveals a transformation in topological properties from non-trivial to trivial phases as the number of MnTe layers increases and highlights the potential of MnBiTe as a platform for advanced magnetically topological devices.
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Superconductivity in the High-Entropy Ceramics Ti Zr Nb Mo Ta C with Possible Nontrivial Band Topology.

Adv Sci (Weinh)

February 2024

School of Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Magnetoelectric Physics and Devices, Sun Yat-Sen University, No. 135, Xingang Xi Road, Guangzhou, 510275, China.

Topological superconductors have drawn significant interest from the scientific community due to the accompanying Majorana fermions. Here, the discovery of electronic structure and superconductivity (SC) in high-entropy ceramics Ti Zr Nb Mo Ta C (x = 1 and 0.8) combined with experiments and first-principles calculations is reported.

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Hidden magnetism uncovered in a charge ordered bilayer kagome material ScVSn.

Nat Commun

November 2023

Laboratory for Muon Spin Spectroscopy, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232, Villigen PSI, Switzerland.

Charge ordered kagome lattices have been demonstrated to be intriguing platforms for studying the intertwining of topology, correlation, and magnetism. The recently discovered charge ordered kagome material ScVSn does not feature a magnetic groundstate or excitations, thus it is often regarded as a conventional paramagnet. Here, using advanced muon-spin rotation spectroscopy, we uncover an unexpected hidden magnetism of the charge order.

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