176 results match your criteria: "School of Mathematics and Science[Affiliation]"

Coupled Electron- and Ion-Transfer Processes at a Liquid/Liquid Interface Decorated with Photoactive Nanomaterials.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl

September 2024

Institute of Chemistry, School of Mathematics and Science, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 26111, Oldenburg, Germany.

The influence of the ion transfer on photoinduced electron transfer (ET) reactions was studied on the surface of hyperbranched semiconducting BiVO particles spontaneously adsorbed at the liquid-liquid (L/L) interface between an aqueous LiCl solution and bis(triphenylphosphoranylidene) ammonium tetrakis(pentaflurophenyl)borate (BATB) in 1,2-dichlorethane. The organic electrolyte was supplemented with [Co(bpy)](PF) to accept photoexcited electrons from BiVO under formation of the corresponding Co(II) complex. The L/L interface was stabilized at the orifice of a micropipette (MP) and allowed to record ion transfer cyclic voltammetry (ITCV) by applying a Galvani potential difference between two reference electrodes in the electrolyte solutions with intermittent illumination by visible light (λ>420 nm).

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Time me by the moon : The evolution and function of lunar timing systems.


August 2024

Max Perutz Labs, University of Vienna, Vienna BioCenter, Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9/4, 1030, Vienna, Austria.

The moon has significant impact on the timing of organisms. Can the study of molecular timing mechanisms of marine animals and algae help to understand some of the “weird” correlations between human physiological/behavioral rhythms and the lunar cycle? [Image: see text]

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In this paper, a broadband solar absorber is constructed and simulated based on the finite difference time domain method (FDTD). The modeled structure of the absorber consists of cyclic stacking of five absorber cells with different periods on refractory metal W, where a single absorber cell is composed of a three-layer SiO-InAs-TiN square film. Due to the Fabry-Perot resonance and the surface plasmon resonance (SPR), an absorptivity greater than 90% within a bandwidth of 2599.

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This article examines the development of primary English education from teachers' and students' perspectives; this is done by investigating environment, curriculum and teacher and students' information. The study was carried out with 42 primary English teachers and 404 primary students from 90 urban and rural primary schools in 13 regions in the Hunan Province, China, the participants engaged in the questionnaire tasks to investigate the present status and problems with primary English education in the Hunan Province. Based on the assessment indicators through CIPP model, combining educational theory and sustainable development theory, the present study develops a primary school English education evaluation model and conducts a practical investigation of primary school English education in the Hunan Province, based on the established model.

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The candidate phyla radiation (CPR) represents a distinct monophyletic clade and constitutes a major portion of the tree of life. Extensive efforts have focused on deciphering the functional diversity of its members, primarily using sequencing-based techniques. However, cultivation success remains scarce, presenting a significant challenge, particularly in CPR-dominated groundwater microbiomes characterized by low biomass.

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We report on the unexpected precessional motion that occurs when a small, rigid ring is rotated on a vertical smooth rod. Using high-speed imaging, two distinct regimes of motion are observed experimentally. (i) Oscillatory motion when the ring has a single contact with the rod (transient motion).

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Parameter identification involves the estimation of undisclosed parameters within a system based on observed data and mathematical models. In this investigation, we employ DAISY to meticulously examine the structural identifiability of parameters of a within-host SARS-CoV-2 epidemic model, taking into account an array of observable datasets. Furthermore, Monte Carlo simulations are performed to offer a comprehensive practical analysis of model parameters.

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Age and longevity are key parameters for demography and life-history evolution of organisms. In clonal species, a widespread life history among animals, plants, macroalgae and fungi, the sexually produced offspring (genet) grows indeterminately by producing iterative modules, or ramets, and so obscure their age. Here we present a novel molecular clock based on the accumulation of fixed somatic genetic variation that segregates among ramets.

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Migratory songbirds may navigate by extracting positional information from the geomagnetic field, potentially with a magnetic-particle-based receptor. Previous studies assessed this hypothesis experimentally by exposing birds to a strong but brief magnetic pulse aimed at remagnetizing the particles and evoking an altered behaviour. Critically, such studies were not ideally designed because they lacked an adequate sham treatment controlling for the induced electric field that is fundamentally associated with a magnetic pulse.

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Ligand cross-feeding resolves bacterial vitamin B auxotrophies.


May 2024

Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), School of Mathematics and Science, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany.

Cobalamin (vitamin B, herein referred to as B) is an essential cofactor for most marine prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Synthesized by a limited number of prokaryotes, its scarcity affects microbial interactions and community dynamics. Here we show that two bacterial B auxotrophs can salvage different B building blocks and cooperate to synthesize B.

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A novel cubic mesoporous metal-organic framework (MOF), consisting of hexahydroxy--hexabenzocoronene (-HBC) and Fe ions is presented. The highly crystalline and porous MOF features broad optical absorption over the whole visible and near infrared spectral regions. An electrical conductivity of 10 S cm was measured on a pressed pellet.

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The leading cause of high expense in gold standard coupled cluster theory is that calculations of electronic energies converge exceedingly slowly with an increased basis set size. Extrapolation principally allows for achieving higher-quality outcomes at reduced costs. Numerous extrapolation formulas have been developed, with attempts to predict energies up to the complete basis set limit.

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Background: The number of donors from donation after circulatory determination of death (DCDD) has increased by at least 4-fold over the past decade. This study evaluated the association between the antecedent cardiac arrest status of controlled DCDD donors and the risk of delayed graft function (DGF).

Methods: Using data from the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant, the associations between antecedent cardiac arrest status of DCDD donors before withdrawal of cardiorespiratory support, DGF, posttransplant estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and allograft loss were examined using adjusted logistic, linear mixed modeling, and cox regression, respectively.

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Migrating animals perform astonishing seasonal movements by orienting and navigating over thousands of kilometres with great precision. Many migratory species use cues from the sun, stars, landmarks, olfaction and the Earth's magnetic field for this task. Among vertebrates, songbirds are the most studied taxon in magnetic-cue-related research.

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The circadian clock controls behavior and metabolism in various organisms. However, the exact timing and strength of rhythmic phenotypes can vary significantly between individuals of the same species. This is highly relevant for rhythmically complex marine environments where organismal rhythmic diversity likely permits the occupation of different microenvironments.

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Marine permeable sediments are important sites for organic matter turnover in the coastal ocean. However, little is known about their role in trapping dissolved organic matter (DOM). Here, we examined DOM abundance and molecular compositions (9804 formulas identified) in subtidal permeable sediments along a near- to offshore gradient in the German North Sea.

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Synergistic Combination of SbSiTe Additives for Enhanced Average ZT and Single-Leg Device Efficiency of BiSbTe-based Composites.

Adv Sci (Weinh)

June 2024

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Ave, Block N4.1 #01-30, Singapore, 639798, Republic of Singapore.

Thermoelectric materials are highly promising for waste heat harvesting. Although thermoelectric materials research has expanded over the years, bismuth telluride-based alloys are still the best for near-room-temperature applications. In this work, a ≈38% enhancement of the average ZT (300-473 K) to 1.

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The impact of rainfall on the sea surface salinity: a mesocosm study.

Sci Rep

March 2024

Center for Marine Sensors (ZfMarS), Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), School of Mathematics and Science, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118, 26129, Oldenburg, Germany.

Sea surface salinity may serve as a tracer for freshwater fluxes because it is linked to evaporation and precipitation that force the freshwater balance of the ocean's surface. The relationship between freshwater fluxes and salinity anomalies in the upper few centimeters remains widely unknown. In a mechanistic approach, we investigated how these anomalies develop by conducting experiments with artificial rain over a large basin.

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Modification of nitrilase based on computer screening and efficient biosynthesis of 4-cyanobenzoic acid.

Biotechnol J

March 2024

The National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Biomanufacturing of Chiral Chemicals, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China.

4-cyanobenzoic acid serves as a crucial intermediate for the synthesis of various high-value organic compounds. The enzymatic hydrolysis of terephthalonitrile to produce 4-cyanobenzoic acid using nitrilase offers the advantages of a simple reaction pathway, environmental friendliness, and easy product separation. In order to efficiently develop nitrilases that meet industrial production requirements, the virtual screening method used in the study is established and mature.

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Importance of magnetic information for neuronal plasticity in desert ants.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

February 2024

Division of Behavioral Physiology and Sociobiology (Zoology II), Biocenter, University of Würzburg, 97074 Würzburg, Germany.

Many animal species rely on the Earth's magnetic field during navigation, but where in the brain magnetic information is processed is still unknown. To unravel this, we manipulated the natural magnetic field at the nest entrance of desert ants and investigated how this affects relevant brain regions during early compass calibration. We found that manipulating the Earth's magnetic field has profound effects on neuronal plasticity in two sensory integration centers.

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Conspicuous chloroplast with light harvesting-photosystem I/II megacomplex in marine Prorocentrum cordatum.

Plant Physiol

April 2024

School of Mathematics and Science, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 26129 Oldenburg, Germany.

Marine photosynthetic (micro)organisms drive multiple biogeochemical cycles and display a large diversity. Among them, the bloom-forming, free-living dinoflagellate Prorocentrum cordatum CCMP 1329 (formerly P. minimum) stands out with its distinct cell biological features.

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Pharmaceutical compounds are micropollutants of emerging concern, as well as other classes of chemicals such as UV filters and artificial sweeteners. They enter marine environments via wastewater treatment plants, aquaculture runoff, hospital effluents, and shipping activities. While many studies have investigated the presence and distribution of these pollutants in numerous coastal areas, our study is the first to focus on their occurrence, spatial distribution, and vertical distribution in the sea surface microlayer (SML) and the near-surface layer of marine environments.

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Acute Toxicity Assays with Adult Coral Fragments: A Method for Standardization.


December 2023

Environmental Biochemistry Group, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), School of Mathematics and Science, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118, 26129 Oldenburg, Germany.

Coral reefs are globally declining due to various anthropogenic stressors. Amongst those, chemical pollutants, such as pesticides from agricultural runoff, sewage or an overabundance of personal care products in coastal waters due to intense tourism, may be considered as a local stressor for reef-building corals. The extent to which such chemicals exhibit toxic effects towards corals at environmentally relevant concentrations is currently controversially discussed and existing studies are often based on varying and sometimes deficient test methods.

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The vertical detachment energy (VDE) is a vital factor for predicting the stability of anions that have important applications in the atom, molecule and cluster science. Due to the synthetic or characterization difficulty of anions, accurate and efficient predictions of VDE independent of laboratory data have always been an appealing task to remedy the experimental deficiencies. Unfortunately, the generally adopted CCSD(T) and electron propagator theory (EPT) methods have respectively been proven to be reliable but very cost-expensive, and cost-effective but sometimes problematic when Koopman's theorem is invalid.

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Disentangling Biological Transformations and Photodegradation Processes from Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in the Global Ocean.

Environ Sci Technol

December 2023

Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), School of Mathematics and Science, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118, Oldenburg 26129, Germany.

Article Synopsis
  • Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is the largest reservoir of organic carbon in the ocean, mostly found in deep waters for long periods, but the reasons for its persistence are not fully understood.
  • Two key processes affecting DOM are microbial transformations in surface waters and photochemical degradation, which alter its molecular make-up.
  • Researchers used advanced mass spectrometry to analyze two experiments on fresh and deep-sea DOM, correlating findings with global DOM data to reveal how these processes impact DOM distribution and composition in various ocean regions.
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