16 results match your criteria: "School of Habitat Studies[Affiliation]"

The study highlights the vulnerability of the eastern coast to tropical cyclones and the unique characteristics of the Bay of Bengal region. Seasonality, driven by global climatic events and geography, significantly affects the marine ecosystem. Furthermore, it underscores the effects of extreme climate events on marine pelagic fisheries and advocates for a state-based approach to raise awareness among government institutions and fishing communities.

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The COVID pandemic has exposed several faultlines of urbanism in India. This paper is a narrative of the remarkable continuities between the past legacies of governance of informal settlements, pandemic response and emerging ideas of alternate urbanisms and their inability to address issues of inequity, exclusion and vulnerability. The pandemic and the resultant situation exposes the limits of the current policies, programming linked to informal settlements, their imagination of informality and outlines the urgent need to escape the trap of bracketing of informal settlements as an 'issue' within itself delinked from the dynamic and ever-changing processes of urbanization through community led policy responses and effective local governance.

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Introduction: While females generally have better outcomes than males after traumatic injury, higher mortality has been shown to occur in females after intentional trauma in lower-income countries. However, gender differences in trauma outcomes in different countries have not been previously compared. We conducted a two-country comparative analysis to characterise gender differences in mortality for different mechanisms of injury.

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Use of pellet guns for crowd control in Kashmir: How lethal is "non-lethal"?

Indian J Med Ethics

March 2018

Senior Research Officer, Implementing Lancet Commission on Global Surgery in India (iLCoGS-India); Environmental Health Resource Hub, School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India,.

The use of pellet guns during the recent unrest in Kashmir as a method of crowd control has been questioned because of several deaths and numerous injuries. Across the world, these rubber pellets have been shown to inflict serious injuries, permanent disability, and death. The volatility of mob violence, inaccuracies in aim of the pellets, over-use of the pellet guns, and the perception of their harmlessness enhances the destructive potential of these so-called non-lethal weapons.

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A question of ethics, not nationalism: author's response.

Indian J Med Ethics

March 2018

Senior Research Officer, Environmental Health Resource Hub, School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai, MH, 400 088, India,.

The aim of the comment "Use of pellet guns for crowd control in Kashmir: How lethal is 'non-lethal'?" was neither to disparage the armed forces, nor recommend counterinsurgency strategies, nor support any particular community or group. It sought to raise discussions around the question pointed out by the responder himself, namely, "the ethical point of view" on the use of pellet guns in controlling violent mobs. The author also feels that the question is not so much about "favouring" the protestors or the security forces, but whether an instrument that causes significant fatalities and morbidities among bystanders should continue to be used as a method of crowd control.

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Assessment of radiological protection systems among diagnostic radiology facilities in North East India.

J Radiol Prot

March 2017

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai 400094, India. School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai 400088, India.

This study aims to assess the adequacy level of radiological protection systems available in the diagnostic radiology facilities located in three capital cities of North East (NE) India. It further attempts to understand, using a multi-disciplinary approach, how the safety codes/standards in diagnostic radiology framed by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to achieve adequate radiological protection in facilities, have been perceived, conceptualized, and applied accordingly in these facilities. About 30 diagnostic radiology facilities were randomly selected from three capitals of states in NE India; namely Imphal (Manipur), Shillong (Meghalaya) and Guwahati (Assam).

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Lessons from the frontline: using experiences from conflict zones to improve trauma care and outcomes.

Int Health

November 2016

Implementing Lancet Commission on Global Surgery in India (iLCoGS-India), India

Over the years healthcare services during conflict have informed healthcare practice especially in trauma care. Conflict zones have constraints not very different from low-resource settings specifically in dealing with urban violence. Yet, there is limited in-depth study on conflict medicine.

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Ethics in occupational health and safety: case studies from Gujarat.

Indian J Med Ethics

July 2017

Senior Research Officer, Environmental Health Resource Hub, School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai 400 088, India,.

Rapid industrialisation in India is giving employment to millions of people in the formal sector, and many more in the unorganised sector. However, the absence of clear policies, poorly enforced regulations, lack of systematic reporting of occupational diseases, lamentable socioeconomic conditions of the workers and their limited access to healthcare make occupational health and safety (OHS) a critical area.

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What is the experience from previous mass gathering events? Lessons for Zika virus and the Olympics 2016.

Int J Infect Dis

June 2016

Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark; Department of Infectious Diseases, The Royal Hospital, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. Electronic address:

All previous experiences from different mass gathering show that vaccine preventable diseases is the most important infections like influemza, hepatitis A, polio and meningitis. Three mass gathering held in Africa during the Ebola outbreak accepted participants from West Africa and was able to handle the theoretical risk without any incident. Therefore we believe that the Olympc games in Rio de Janeiro should not be canceled.

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The Millennium Development Goals are now replaced by 17 sustainable development goals. The emphasis of old goals was on improving water, sanitation, and child mortality conditions in developing countries. The study explored the major question about the association between different household environment conditions with child survival and health in Sub-Saharan African and South Asian countries in the current scenario.

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Introduction: In India, half of the annual 200,000 road traffic deaths occur in hospitals, but the exact in-hospital trauma mortality rate remains unknown. A research consortium of universities, with a mandate to reduce trauma mortality, measured the baseline 30-day in-hospital mortality rate.

Methods: Between September 2013 and February 2015, trained data collectors collected on-admission demographic, physiological vital signs, and health service performance indicators (time of injury to admission, investigation, or intervention) on all patients with traumatic injuries admitted to four public university hospitals in three Indian megacities.

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Public health perspectives from the biggest human mass gathering on earth: Kumbh Mela, India.

Int J Infect Dis

June 2016

Environmental Health Resource Hub, School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai 400 088, India; WHO Mass Gatherings Virtual Interdisciplinary Advisory Group, Geneva.

Mass gathering events pose critical health challenges, especially for the control of diseases. The rising population, better connectivity, and scope of travel have increased the frequency and magnitude of mass gatherings and underscore the need to shift the discourse from reacting to the public health issues they throw up to taking active steps in preventing them based on evidence through research. The Kumbh Mela is a religious event in India that constitutes the largest number of people gathered at a specific place and at a specific time.

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Background: Mass gatherings including a large number of people makes the planning and management of the event a difficult task. Kumbh Mela is one such, internationally famous religious mass gathering. It creates the substantial challenge of creating a temporary city in which millions of people can stay for a defined period of time.

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Association of household environment and prevalence of anemia among children under-5 in India.

Front Public Health

November 2014

Environmental Health Resource Hub, School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences , Mumbai , India ; Department of Public Health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm , Sweden.

Objective: The study explores the association between the household environment and the prevalence of anemia among children under the age of 5 years in India. Data and methodology: The study is based on 52,868 children under the age of 5 years, included in India's National Family Health Survey-3. The outcome variable was the prevalence of anemia.

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