17 results match your criteria: "Robotics and Mechatronics Center[Affiliation]"
Sci Robot
February 2025
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Robotics and Mechatronics Center, Wessling, Germany.
Humans exhibit a particular compliant behavior in interactions with their environment. Facilitated by fast physical reasoning, humans are able to rapidly alter their compliance, enhancing robustness and safety in active environments. Transferring these capabilities to robotics is of utmost importance particularly as major space agencies begin investigating the potential of cooperative robotic teams in space.
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January 2024
Department of Industrial Engineering, DII, University of Trento, Via Sommarive, 9, 38123, Trento, Italy.
This work presents the design, implementation and validation of learning techniques based on the kNN scheme for gesture detection in prosthetic control. To cope with high computational demands in instance-based prediction, methods of dataset reduction are evaluated considering real-time determinism to allow for the reliable integration into battery-powered portable devices. The influence of parameterization and varying proportionality schemes is analyzed, utilizing an eight-channel-sEMG armband.
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April 2022
European Space Agency (ESA), Noordwijk, Netherlands.
Current space exploration roadmaps envision exploring the surface geology of celestial bodies with robots for both scientific research and in situ resource utilization. In such unstructured, poorly lit, complex, and remote environments, automation is not always possible, and some tasks, such as geological sampling, require direct teleoperation aided by force-feedback (FF). The operator would be on an orbiting spacecraft, and poor bandwidth, high latency, and packet loss from orbit to ground mean that safe, stable, and transparent interaction is a substantial technical challenge.
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September 2021
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics Center, Weßling, Germany.
Minimally invasive robotic surgery copes with some disadvantages for the surgeon of minimally invasive surgery while preserving the advantages for the patient. Most commercially available robotic systems are telemanipulated with haptic input devices. The exploitation of the haptics channel, e.
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July 2021
Institute of System Dynamics and Control, Robotics and Mechatronics Center, German Aerospace Center (DLR), 82234 Weßling, Germany.
In Kalman filter design, the filter algorithm and prediction model design are the most discussed topics in research. Another fundamental but less investigated issue is the careful selection of measurands and their contribution to the estimation problem. This is often done purely on the basis of empirical values or by experiments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Robot AI
April 2021
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Robotics and Mechatronics Center, Weßling, Germany.
We propose a fault-tolerant estimation technique for the six-DoF pose of a tendon-driven continuum mechanisms using machine learning. In contrast to previous estimation techniques, no deformation model is required, and the pose prediction is rather performed with polynomial regression. As only a few datapoints are required for the regression, several estimators are trained with structured occlusions of the available sensor information, and clustered into ensembles based on the available sensors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSensors (Basel)
October 2019
Institute of System Dynamics and Control, Robotics and Mechatronics Center, German Aerospace Center (DLR), 82234 Weßling, Germany.
Future electrified autonomous vehicles demand higly accurate knowledge of their system states to guarantee a high-fidelity and reliable control. This constitutes a challenging task-firstly, due to rising complexity and operational safeness, and secondly, due to the need for embedded service oriented architecture which demands a continuous development of new functionalities. Based on this, a novel model based Kalman filter framework is outlined in this publication, which enables the automatic incorporation of multiphysical Modelica models into discrete-time estimation algorithms.
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May 2019
Institute of System Dynamics and Control, Robotics and Mechatronics Center, German Aerospace Center (DLR), 82234 Weßling, Germany.
The design of high-performance state estimators for future autonomous vehicles constitutes a challenging task, because of the rising complexity and demand for operational safety. In this application, a vehicle state observer with a focus on the estimation of the quantities position, yaw angle, velocity, and yaw rate, which are necessary for a path following control for an autonomous vehicle, is discussed. The synthesis of the vehicle's observer model is a trade-off between modelling complexity and performance.
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December 2018
Humanoids and Human Centred Mechatronics Lab, Department of Advanced Robotics, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy.
Despite enhancements in the development of robotic systems, the energy economy of today's robots lags far behind that of biological systems. This is in particular critical for untethered legged robot locomotion. To elucidate the current stage of energy efficiency in legged robotic systems, this paper provides an overview on recent advancements in development of such platforms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Neurorobot
October 2017
Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
PLoS One
August 2017
Robotics and Mechatronics Center, DLR - German Aerospace Center, Wessling, Germany.
Simultaneous and proportional myocontrol of dexterous hand prostheses is to a large extent still an open problem. With the advent of commercially and clinically available multi-fingered hand prostheses there are now more independent degrees of freedom (DOFs) in prostheses than can be effectively controlled using surface electromyography (sEMG), the current standard human-machine interface for hand amputees. In particular, it is uncertain, whether several DOFs can be controlled simultaneously and proportionally by exclusively calibrating the intended activation of single DOFs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Electromyogr Kinesiol
April 2016
Department of Informatics, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany; fortiss, TUM Associate Institute, Munich, Germany.
Advanced data analysis and visualization methodologies have played an important role in making surface electromyography both a valuable diagnostic methodology of neuromuscular disorders and a robust brain-machine interface, usable as a simple interface for prosthesis control, arm movement analysis, stiffness control, gait analysis, etc. But for diagnostic purposes, as well as for interfaces where the activation of single muscles is of interest, surface EMG suffers from severe crosstalk between deep and superficial muscle activation, making the reliable detection of the source of the signal, as well as reliable quantification of deeper muscle activation, prohibitively difficult. To address these issues we present a novel approach for processing surface electromyographic data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Neurorobot
November 2014
Robotics and Mechatronics Center, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Weßling , Germany.
In the framework of rehabilitation robotics, a major role is played by the human-machine interface (HMI) used to gather the patient's intent from biological signals, and convert them into control signals for the robotic artifact. Surprisingly, decades of research have not yet declared what the optimal HMI is in this context; in particular, the traditional approach based upon surface electromyography (sEMG) still yields unreliable results due to the inherent variability of the signal. To overcome this problem, the scientific community has recently been advocating the discovery, analysis, and usage of novel HMIs to supersede or augment sEMG; a comparative analysis of such HMIs is therefore a very desirable investigation.
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September 2014
Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of New Brunswick Fredericton, NB, Canada.
One of the hottest topics in rehabilitation robotics is that of proper control of prosthetic devices. Despite decades of research, the state of the art is dramatically behind the expectations. To shed light on this issue, in June, 2013 the first international workshop on Present and future of non-invasive peripheral nervous system (PNS)-Machine Interfaces (MI; PMI) was convened, hosted by the International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics.
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March 2014
Robotics and Mechatronics Center, German Aerospace Center (DLR) Weßling, Germany.
Stable myoelectric control of hand prostheses remains an open problem. The only successful human-machine interface is surface electromyography, typically allowing control of a few degrees of freedom. Machine learning techniques may have the potential to remove these limitations, but their performance is thus far inadequate: myoelectric signals change over time under the influence of various factors, deteriorating control performance.
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December 2015
Information Systems Institute at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais), Technoark 3, 3960 Sierre, Switzerland.
Recent advances in rehabilitation robotics suggest that it may be possible for hand-amputated subjects to recover at least a significant part of the lost hand functionality. The control of robotic prosthetic hands using non-invasive techniques is still a challenge in real life: myoelectric prostheses give limited control capabilities, the control is often unnatural and must be learned through long training times. Meanwhile, scientific literature results are promising but they are still far from fulfilling real-life needs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFront Neurorobot
October 2013
Robotics and Mechatronics Center, German Aerospace Center (DLR) Weßling, Germany.
In the past years, especially with the advent of multi-fingered hand prostheses, the rehabilitation robotics community has tried to improve the use of human-machine interfaces to reliably control mechanical artifacts with many degrees of freedom. Ideally, the control schema should be intuitive and reliable, and the calibration (training) short and flexible. This work focuses on medical ultrasound imaging as such an interface.
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