127 results match your criteria: "Pushpagiri institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre[Affiliation]"

Natural Products as Anticancer Agents.

Curr Drug Targets

November 2021

Pushpagiri Research Centre, Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Tiruvalla, Kerala- 689101, India.

Medicinal plants and mushrooms have always fascinated the world as an attractive source of natural compounds for cancer therapy. From ancient times, they have been valued as gourmet food and folk medicine in Oriental practice. For over 40 years, the world has witnessed the overwhelming interest of the western scientific fraternity in the pharmaceutical potential of natural products in combating cancer.

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Objective: The objective of this review is to evaluate the effectiveness of physical stimulation on injection pain in adults receiving intramuscular injections.

Introduction: Intramuscular injections are the most commonly used modality for administration of pharmacological treatments. Despite this, pain from intramuscular injections is the most commonly reported side effect.

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Gambling is a popular pastime in India and the number of problem gamblers is on the rise. Although the impact of gambling disorder on families is grossly under-researched in India, drawing on international evidence it is only reasonable to assume that this is an important area deserving further clinical and research attention. Of the several types of interventions possible with families of persons with gambling disorder, in our clinical experience, the 5-step intervention is a feasible and culturally adaptable psychotherapeutic intervention.

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Background: Quality of Life (QoL) reflects the quality and outcome of healthcare along with key indicators of performance such as mortality and morbidity.

Objective: The aim of the study was to measure the QoL among patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) on maintenance hemodialysis and to understand various correlates of QoL.

Methods: A total of 95 ESRD patients from three dialysis centres in Southern districts of Kerala were interviewed.

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Infective endocarditis (IE) caused by is rare. The true incidence rate of this pathogen is likely underestimated as this is easily misidentified as or . It is also associated with increased risk of complications such as systemic emboli.

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Pathways to care in children- perspectives from a child guidance clinic in South India.

Asian J Psychiatr

December 2020

Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Department of Psychiatry, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India; All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Department of Community and Family Medicine, Mangalagiri, India.

Purpose: In India the pathways to care in children with mental health problems remain relatively unexplored. Investigating the factors that drive the pathway will help determine interventions and also draft policies for a streamlined Child and adolescent mental health service.

Method: Children who attended the Child Guidance Clinic sampled by WHO Pathways Encounter questionnaire.

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COVID-19 has emerged as a global health threat. The catastrophic reaction to a pandemic in spite of knowing the deadly outcomes, has been referred to as the 'social absurdity'. Such reaction creates a negativistic outlook with regard to the infection, thus contributing to chaos and preventing containment.

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Role of Endoscopic Internal Maxillary Artery Ligation in Intractable Idiopathic Epistaxis.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg

June 2020

Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Tiruvalla, 689101 India.

The protocols for managing intractable idiopathic epistaxis have evolved with advances in endoscopic techniques. Transnasal endoscopic sphenopalatine artery ligation (TESPAL) has been the treatment of choice for idiopathic intractable epistaxis. If TESPAL fails, transantral ligation of internal maxillary artery (IMA) used to be the dictum along with radiological interventions.

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Unlabelled: To find out the improvement in cosmetic and functional aspects as measured using Rhinoplasty outcome evaluation questionnaire following Septorhinoplasty. To measure the increase in nasal airflow as measured using "Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow meter" in patients undergoing Septorhinoplasty.

Design: prospective cohort study.

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Older people suffering from dementia are prone to develop malnutrition. Ensuring adequate nutrition among such patients has always been a challenge for the carers due to the pathological and chronic nature of the disease. In this article, the author tries to analyze the use of five different strategies in providing adequate nutrition for such patients in their own homes by the carers using a narrative literature review method.

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Objectives: To highlight the typical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in hyperglycemia-induced seizures and compare the results with similar previous studies with a brief mention of pathophysiological mechanisms.

Materials And Methods: This retrospective study included medical and imaging records of six consecutive patients with hyperglycemia-induced seizures. The data analysis included a clinical presentation and biochemical parameters at admission.

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Mushrooms are macroscopic fungi which can be either epigeous or hypogeous and is estimated to be 140,000 on earth, yet only 10% are known. Since ancient time, it played a diverse role in human history for mycolatry, mycophagy and as medicine in folklore and religion. Many Asian and western countries consider mushrooms as panacea for a large number of diseases and utilized for consumption as a gourmet food for its taste as well as flavor.

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Anti NMDA receptor (NMDAR) antibody mediated limbic encephalitis is the most common type of autoimmune encephalitis. Nearly half of the females presenting with anti NMDAR encephalitis have associated ovarian teratoma. Almost all of them have positive anti NMDAR antibody.

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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is now a global public health issue and is projected to affect the longevity of people and increase health expenditure of countries. Its impact is going to be higher in low-middle income countries as the healthcare systems are suboptimal and ill-equipped to deal with the issue. As antibiotic misuse is the primary driver for AMR, there is an acute need to create awareness among general public regarding antibiotic misuse.

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This study investigates the hepatoprotective effect of a water-alcohol extract of the medicinal mushroom Phellinus caryophylli (Racib.) G. Cunn.

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Background: Multidrug-resistant (MDR) colonisers act as a reservoir for transmission of antibiotic resistance and are a source of infection. Exposure to antibiotics by the commensal flora renders them resistant. Antibiotic consumption and hospitalisation are two major factors influencing this.

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Context: Nurses play an inevitable role in providing compassionate care and support to dying patients and their families. However, it has been a bone of contention that whether the nursing curriculum is sufficiently set to achieve this goal.

Aims: The primary objective of this study is to assess the attitude of nursing students attending a private nursing school in Central Travancore region toward the care of dying using the Frommelt Attitude Toward Care of the Dying Scale Form-B (FATCOD-B).

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A revisit to high riding jugular bulb with a newer classification. Observational study. Patients in the age group between 15 to 60 years, who underwent various Tympanomastoid and otosclerotic surgeries from April 2015 to 2018, have been included in the study.

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Background And Purpose: The purpose of our study was to assess the prevalence of variations in the extent of sphenoid pneumatization in the Indian population and compare with existing literature.

Materials And Methods: This retrospective study included 500 patients who underwent CT of the paranasal sinuses. The multiplanar reformations of paranasal sinus were assessed for the type of pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus and type of clival, lateral recess, lesser wing, and anterior recess extensions.

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Introduction: As we are moving from millennium development goals to sustainable development goals, food insecurity is imposing a formidable challenge to the policymakers, especially in developing countries such as India. A survey conducted in the urban slum areas of Vellore district, 6 years back, had reported food insecurity as high as 75%. The current study was a resurvey to assess the food security status in the aforementioned area.

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Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks are extracranial egress of CSF into the adjacent paranasal sinus or tympanomastoid cavity due to an osteodural defect involving skull base. It can be due to a multitude of causes including accidental or iatrogenic trauma, congenital malformations and spontaneous leaks. Accurate localization of the site of the leak, underlying causes and appropriate therapy is necessary to avoid associated complications.

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Tumor control by hypoxia-specific chemotargeting of iron-oxide nanoparticle - Berberine complexes in a mouse model.

Life Sci

February 2018

Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies, Thiruvalla 689101, India; St.Gregorios Dental College Research Centre, Kothamangalam, Kerala, India. Electronic address:

Aim: To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of hypoxic cell-sensitizer Sanazole (SAN) -directed targeting of cytotoxic drug Berberine (BBN) and Iron-oxide nanoparticle (NP) complexes, to solid tumor in Swiss albino mice.

Main Methods: NP-BBN-SAN complexes were characterized by FTIR, XRD, TEM and Nano-size analyzer. This complex was orally administered to mice-bearing solid tumor in hind limb.

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Context: Decompressive craniectomy followed by cranioplasty (CP) uses autologous craniectomy flaps or synthetic materials like titanium. Sterilization and preservation methods for the autologous bone flaps continue to be the surgeon's choice.

Aim: This study aimed to assess the short-term as well as long-term clinical outcomes of CP using autoclaved autologous bone grafts.

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There have been rapid technological advances in the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its drug susceptibility in clinical samples. These include advances in microscopic examination, in vitro culture and application of molecular techniques. The World Health Organization (WHO) has played a large role in evaluating these technologies for their efficacy and feasibility, especially in the developing countries.

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