144 results match your criteria: "Praticien hospitalier[Affiliation]"
June 2007
Praticien Hospitalier, CMME, Service du Professeur Rouillon, Hôpital Sainte-Anne, 75014 Paris.
June 2007
Psychiatre, Praticien Hospitalier, CHU Pasteur, Clinique de Psychiatrie et de Psychologie Médicale, 30, avenue de la Voie romaine, BP 69, 06002 Nice cedex 1, France.
Introduction: The validation of a questionnaire of subjective quality of life was used as pretext to question the way in which various fields of the everyday life were understood by schizophrenic subjects and nursing team members. Content analysis allowed the development of logico-semantic categories shared by the two populations and likely to give body to the subjacent social representations.
Method: Patients were asked to comment on the different items of the SQUALA.
Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac
December 2006
Praticien Hospitalier, CHU Rangueil-Larrey, 24, chemin de Pouvourville TSA 300 30, 31059 Toulouse Cedex 9, France.
Introduction: Sino-nasal inverted papilloma is a rare benign tumor of the nasal fossa and the paranasal sinuses for which the successful surgical treatment by an endonasal approach has been corroborated in the literature. Nevertheless, the authors aim in this study to evaluate the advantages and the limits of this approach, to analyse its failures and its recurrences, and to define the indications for using it with the external or dissimulated approach.
Material And Methods: 42 patients presenting with a sino-nasal inverted papilloma and treated surgically over a ten year period were included in this retrospective study.
Rev Neurol (Paris)
June 2006
Maître de Conférence des Universités, Praticien Hospitalier en Nutrition.
Artificial nutrition is necessary when oral feeding becomes insufficient to cover protein and energetic needs and becomes dangerous (risk of malnutrition, dehydration and aspiration). In ALS patients, enteral nutrition is the method of choice and gastrostomy is preferable to nasogastric tube which must be limited for a short term enteral nutrition or if gastrostomy is at risk (because of pulmonary function) or refused by the patient. The percutaneous gastrostomy can be placed endoscopically (PEG) or radiologically (RIG), surgical gastrostomy has to be avoided because of general anaesthesia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEncephale
April 2006
Praticien Hospitalier, Centre Mémoire de Ressources et de Recherche, Hôpital Pasteur, Nice.
September 2006
Praticien Hospitalier, Centre Hospitalier Sainte-Anne, Clinique des Maladies Mentales et de l'Encéphale, Service du Professeur Guelfi, 100 rue de la Santé, 75014 Paris.
Background: Many authors evoke the role of cognition in the persistence of symptoms or in relapse. In pathology the cognitions produced by the patients are called dysfunctional or erroneous. The content of the cognitions are words or images issued from the treatment of information.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCrit Care Med
November 2005
Praticien Hospitalier, Medical Intensive Care Unit, Centre Hospitalier Régional, d'Orléans, Hôpital de la Source, Orléans, France.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of intrahospital transport of critically ill ventilated patients on the acquisition of ventilator-associated pneumonia.
Design: An exposed/unexposed matched cohort study.
Setting: An 18-bed adult medical-surgical intensive care unit in a 1,100-bed regional and teaching hospital in France.
October 2005
Praticien Hospitalier, Centre de Ressources Autisme Languedoc-Roussillon, SMPEA Peyre Plantade, 291, avenue Doyen Gaston-Giraud, 34295 Montpellier cedex 5.
The Pervasive Developmental Disorders complications can lead to an important life long handicap. There is an important literature about autism, but in most cases, specifically concerning children and adolescents problems. We wished to focus our attention on adults, in order to describe, on one hand their socio-adaptive profile, and on the other hand, the necessity to resort to a psycho-active treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEncephale
August 2005
Praticien Hospitalier, Centre de Traitement des Addictions, Hôpital E. Roux, 1, avenue de Verdun, 94456 Limeil-Brévannes.
Care access for the drug addict patients in prison (in particular for the treatments of substitution) in France is very unequal from one establishment to another. This reflects the great variability of the practices of substitution and especially the absence of consensus on the methods of adaptation of these practices to the prison environment. Because of difficulties expressed by prisoners and medical staff on this subject and of stakes (let us recall that approximately 30% of the prisoners are dependent or abusers of one or more psychoactive substances), the formulation of recommendations or of a good practices guide of substitution in prison appeared necessary.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris)
February 2005
Praticien Hospitalier, Professeur à la faculté de Médecine de Marseille, Laboratoire de biologie de la Reproduction, Hôpital de la Conception, Marseille.
August 2005
Psychiatre, praticien hospitalier, Cellule d'Urgence Médico-Psychologique, SAMU Régional de Lille, Clinique Universitaire de Psychiatrie, CHRU de Lille, 59037 Lille cedex.
Of all the psychological complications that an individual is likely to present with when confronted with an exceptional event, the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is characterized by being progressive, frequent, invalidating, strongly associated with comorbidity, and having the tendency to become chronic if it is not detected clinically. By definition, it is threatening and produces an intense fear reaction. The traumatic event is a situation of extreme stress, not only capable of altering the physical and psychological homeostasis of the individual, but is also recognized as determinant in the aetiopathology of complications.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy
February 2005
Praticien Hospitalier, Faculté de Médecine de Créteil, Centre Hospitalier, F 94195 Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, France.
Vasculitis is definitely associated with familial Mediterranean fever. This familial Mediterranean fever-associated vasculitis takes one of three forms: polyarteritis nodosa, with or without microscopic polyangiitis, and Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Behcet disease and inflammatory bowel diseases may also be associated with familial Mediterranean fever, though this is yet to be formally proven.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPresse Med
November 2004
Praticien hospitalier, Hôpital Saint-Louis (AP-HP), 1 av. Claude Vellefaux, 75010 Paris, France.
A MAJOR RISK RECURRENCE: The sparcity of data in the absence of treatment renders assessment of the natural course of depressive disorders difficult. Naturalist studies have identified various elements that characterise the evolution. After an episode of depression, usually lasting 6 to 8 months, the disorder is marked by a high risk of recurrence.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnesthesiology
July 2004
Praticien Hospitalier, Surgical Intensive Care Unit Pierre Viars, Research Coordinator, La Pitié-Salpétrière Hospital, France.
Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord)
June 2004
Praticien Hospitalier, Hôpital de Jour 1, CHU La Grave Casselardit, 170 avenue de Casselardit, F-31300 Toulouse, France.
Dysphagia is most common in geriatric medicine. Aspirations may cause chronic inflammatory syndrome or acute pneumonia or heart failure. At-risk patients should be recognised: some risks are caused by an acute condition, some by chronic disease or handicap.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEncephale
April 2004
Praticien Hospitalier, Chef de Service - SMPR, EPS Charcot, 30, avenue Marc-Laurent, BP 20, 78373 Plaisir cedex.
Adverse effects of benzodiazepines are well known since the first one was used in 1958 (chlordiazepoxide). The literature collects study-cases or rarely controlled studies concerning side effects or paradoxical reactions to benzodiazepines. They mostly described drowsiness and behavioral disinhibition, including increased well-being feeling but also hostility, rage access with feeling of invulnerability, serious crimes and sometimes homicides.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEncephale
May 2004
Praticien Hospitalier, responsable du Centre Psychiatrique d'Orientation et d'Accueil, Centre Hospitalier Sainte-Anne, 1, rue Cabanis, 75674 Paris cedex 14.
The practice of physical restraint is relatively frequent in medical emergency and geriatric units. Its use in psychiatry is controversial. Although distinct, it is often associated with seclusion, as a response to or prevention of agitated mentally ill patients'behavior.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEncephale
January 2004
Praticien Hospitalier, Service de Psychiatrie du Docteur Legal M. Epsan, 67720 Hoerdt.
Unlabelled: Hepatitis C represents a major public health challenge due to its chronic evolution and major complications (eg liver tumor and cirrhosis). New treatment strategies (interferon pégylé +/- ribavirine) have recently improved the prognosis except in case of poor compliance. Psychiatric comorbidity, especially affective disorders, is commonly associated with hepatitis C and constitutes the main cause of poor compliance, therapeutic discontinuations and treatment contra-indication.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEncephale
February 2004
Praticien Hospitalier Centre Hospitalier Gérard Marchant, Service Médico-Psychologique Régional, rue Danielle Casanova, BP 85 Seysses, 31603 Muret cedex.
According to the DSM IV, pica is a trouble of alimentary behavior, which is characterized by the ingestion of non-nutriment substances during at least on the month. The main objective of this study conducted at the Clermont-de-l'Oise Interdepartmental Medical Center is to evaluate pica's prevalence for hospitalized patients. Secondary objectives are to describe clinical characteristics, complications and outcome upon the different therapeutic approaches.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArch Pediatr
March 2003
Service de chirurgie pédiatrique, professeur des universités, praticien hospitalier, hôpital Bicêtre AP-HP, 78, rue du Général-Leclerc, 94275 cedex, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France.
Gonadal tumours are rare in children. Benign tumours are more frequent in girls than in boys (3 cases among 4 cases in girls and 1 case among 2 or 3 cases in boys), due to the prevalence of functional ovarian pathology (functional cysts, ovarian torsion). Whatever the clinical presentation of these tumours (mainly abdominal pain or mass in girls, scrotal mass in boys) and even before an emergency procedure, radiological investigations (abdominal x-rays, ultrasound scans) and biological ones (alpha-foeto-protein and human chorionic gonadotropin dosages) should be performed in order to precise the diagnosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Med Interne
July 2003
Service de médecine interne, praticien hospitalier, centre hospitalier universitaire Jean-Minjoz, 25000, Besançon, France.
Purpose: The value of eosinopenia as a test in favour of an infectious disease was suggested by Schilling since 1929. We tried to verify this hypothesis with a prospective and multicentric study.
Patients And Methods: One thousand and thirty-eight patients were included (82 females and 56 males, means age: 71.
Presse Med
March 2003
Praticien Hospitalier Service de neurologieadulte, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Bicêtre, 78 rue du Général Leclerc, 94275 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre.
THE EXTENT OF THE PROBLEM: A patient can be misleadingly considered as epileptic although he is not. Conversely an epileptic man not be recognised as such. Moreover, in some patients epilepsy seizures may co-exist with pseudo-seizures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEncephale
October 2002
Praticien Hospitalier, Centre de Ressources Autisme, SMPEA Peyre Plantade, CHU de Montpellier, 291, avenue du Doyen Giraud, 34295 Montpellier cedex 5.
Autism is an early developmental disorder. It leads to severe and durable disturbances. Given this problem, no treatment can be excluded a priori.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBull Acad Natl Med
May 2002
Praticien Hospitalier, Service d'Ophtalmologie, Faculté de Médecine de Tours.
The geophysics of the north Yemen, associating a north-south directed mountainous fish bone (rising in more of 2,000 meters), to numerous rivers or "wadis" is convenient to the development of simulium shelters, main vectors for cutaneous filariasis to Onchocerca sp. Following several missions of bio-clinical and epidemiological evaluations in neighbouring villages of wadis, it has been possible to study different clinical aspects: one reminding the classical african onchocerciasis with generalized and diffused dermatitis, and, on an other hand, a hyperreactive dermatitis on one side of the body and associated with a collateral lymphatic ganglion. This disease is well known for local populations as "aswad" meaning "black" or "sowda".
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