531 results match your criteria: "Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics[Affiliation]"

Bell Nonlocality in Classical Systems Coexisting with Other System Types.

Phys Rev Lett

May 2024

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

The realistic interpretation of classical theory assumes that every classical system has well-defined properties, which may be unknown to the observer but are nevertheless part of reality and can, in principle, be revealed by measurements. Here we show that this interpretation can, in principle, be falsified if classical systems coexist with other types of physical systems. To make this point, we construct a toy theory that (i) includes classical theory as a subtheory and (ii) allows classical systems to be entangled with another type of system, called anticlassical.

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Tight Bounds on Pauli Channel Learning without Entanglement.

Phys Rev Lett

May 2024

Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA.

Quantum entanglement is a crucial resource for learning properties from nature, but a precise characterization of its advantage can be challenging. In this Letter, we consider learning algorithms without entanglement to be those that only utilize states, measurements, and operations that are separable between the main system of interest and an ancillary system. Interestingly, we show that these algorithms are equivalent to those that apply quantum circuits on the main system interleaved with mid-circuit measurements and classical feedforward.

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Probabilistic cellular automata describe the dynamics of classical spin models, which, for sufficiently small temperature T, can serve as classical memory capable of storing information even in the presence of nonzero external magnetic field h. In this article, we study a recently introduced probabilistic cellular automaton, the sweep rule, and map out a region of two coexisting stable phases in the (T,h) plane. We also find that the sweep rule belongs to the weak two-dimensional Ising universality class.

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Experimental Demonstration of Input-Output Indefiniteness in a Single Quantum Device.

Phys Rev Lett

April 2024

QICI Quantum Information and Computation Initiative, Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong.

Article Synopsis
  • * The authors propose a theoretical method to detect this input-output indefiniteness and successfully demonstrate it using a photonic setup, achieving remarkable statistical results.
  • * This research could help advance the understanding of input-output indefiniteness as a useful resource for quantum information and photonic technologies, allowing for tabletop experiments that simulate time-related quantum scenarios.
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Solving conformal defects in 3D conformal field theory using fuzzy sphere regularization.

Nat Commun

April 2024

Department of Physics, School of Science, Westlake University, Hangzhou, 310030, PR China.

Defects in conformal field theory (CFT) are of significant theoretical and experimental importance. The presence of defects theoretically enriches the structure of the CFT, but at the same time, it makes it more challenging to study, especially in dimensions higher than two. Here, we demonstrate that the recently-developed theoretical scheme, fuzzy (non-commutative) sphere regularization, provides a powerful lens through which one can dissect the defect of 3D CFTs in a transparent way.

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Every Quantum Helps: Operational Advantage of Quantum Resources beyond Convexity.

Phys Rev Lett

April 2024

Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan.

Identifying what quantum-mechanical properties are useful to untap a superior performance in quantum technologies is a pivotal question. Quantum resource theories provide a unified framework to analyze and understand such properties, as successfully demonstrated for entanglement and coherence. While these are examples of convex resources, for which quantum advantages can always be identified, many physical resources are described by a nonconvex set of free states and their interpretation has so far remained elusive.

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Lagrangian Partition Functions Subject to a Fixed Spatial Volume Constraint in the Lovelock Theory.

Entropy (Basel)

March 2024

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada.

We evaluate here the quantum gravity partition function that counts the dimension of the Hilbert space of a simply connected spatial region of a fixed proper volume in the context of Lovelock gravity, generalizing the results for Einstein gravity. It is found that there are sphere saddle metrics for a partition function at a fixed spatial volume in Lovelock theory. Those stationary points take exactly the same forms as in Einstein gravity.

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Virtual Quantum Broadcasting.

Phys Rev Lett

March 2024

QICI Quantum Information and Computation Initiative, Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong.

The quantum no-broadcasting theorem states that it is impossible to produce perfect copies of an arbitrary quantum state, even if the copies are allowed to be correlated. Here we show that, although quantum broadcasting cannot be achieved by any physical process, it can be achieved by a virtual process, described by a Hermitian-preserving trace-preserving map. This virtual process is canonical: it is the only map that broadcasts all quantum states, is covariant under unitary evolution, is invariant under permutations of the copies, and reduces to the classical broadcasting map when subjected to decoherence.

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A lanthanide-rich kilonova in the aftermath of a long gamma-ray burst.


February 2024

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), Granada, Spain.

Observationally, kilonovae are astrophysical transients powered by the radioactive decay of nuclei heavier than iron, thought to be synthesized in the merger of two compact objects. Over the first few days, the kilonova evolution is dominated by a large number of radioactive isotopes contributing to the heating rate. On timescales of weeks to months, its behaviour is predicted to differ depending on the ejecta composition and the merger remnant.

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Thermodynamic bound on quantum state discrimination.

Phys Rev E

January 2024

Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1; Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1; and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 2Y5.

We show that the second law of thermodynamics poses a restriction on how well we can discriminate between quantum states. By examining an ideal gas with a quantum internal degree of freedom undergoing a cycle based on a proposal by Peres, we establish a nontrivial upper bound on the attainable accuracy of quantum state discrimination. This thermodynamic bound, which relies solely on the linearity of quantum mechanics and the constraint of no work extraction, matches Holevo's bound on accessible information, but is looser than the Holevo-Helstrom bound.

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Linear Program for Testing Nonclassicality and an Open-Source Implementation.

Phys Rev Lett

February 2024

International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies, University of Gdańsk, 80-309 Gdańsk, Poland.

A well-motivated method for demonstrating that an experiment resists any classical explanation is to show that its statistics violate generalized noncontextuality. We here formulate this problem as a linear program and provide an open-source implementation of it which tests whether or not any given prepare-measure experiment is classically explainable in this sense. The input to the program is simply an arbitrary set of quantum states and an arbitrary set of quantum effects; the program then determines if the Born rule statistics generated by all pairs of these can be explained by a classical (noncontextual) model.

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Limiting Light Dark Matter with Luminous Hadronic Loops.

Phys Rev Lett

February 2024

Department of Physics, Engineering Physics, and Astronomy, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, K7N 3N6, Canada; The Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 2Y5, Canada.

Dark matter is typically assumed not to couple to the photon at tree level. While annihilation to photons through quark loops is often considered in indirect detection searches, such loop-level effects are usually neglected in direct detection, as they are typically subdominant to tree-level dark-matter-nucleus scattering. However, when dark matter is lighter than around 100 MeV, it carries so little momentum that it is difficult to detect with nuclear recoils at all.

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We perform three-dimensional general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations with weak interactions of binary neutron-star (BNS) mergers resulting in a long-lived remnant neutron star, with properties typical of galactic BNS and consistent with those inferred for the first observed BNS merger GW170817. We demonstrate self-consistently that within ≲30  ms postmerger magnetized (σ∼5-10) incipient jets emerge with asymptotic Lorentz factor Γ∼5-10, which successfully break out from the merger debris within ≲20  ms. A fast (v≲0.

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The gravitational waves emitted by a perturbed black hole ringing down are well described by damped sinusoids, whose frequencies are those of quasinormal modes. Typically, first-order black hole perturbation theory is used to calculate these frequencies. Recently, it was shown that second-order effects are necessary in binary black hole merger simulations to model the gravitational-wave signal observed by a distant observer.

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Superposed Quantum Error Mitigation.

Phys Rev Lett

December 2023

Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technikerstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria.

Overcoming the influence of noise and imperfections is a major challenge in quantum computing. Here, we present an approach based on applying a desired unitary computation in superposition between the system of interest and some auxiliary states. We demonstrate, numerically and on the IBM Quantum Platform, that parallel applications of the same operation lead to significant noise mitigation when arbitrary noise processes are considered.

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Model for Emergence of Spacetime from Fluctuations.

Phys Rev Lett

November 2023

Department of Physics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada.

We use a result of Hawking and Gilkey to define a Euclidean path integral of gravity and matter which has the special property of being independent of the choice of basis in the space of fields. This property allows the path integral to also describe physical regimes that do not admit position bases. These physical regimes are pregeometric in the sense that they do not admit a mathematical representation of the physical degrees of freedom in terms of fields that live on a spacetime.

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We consider two interacting systems when one is treated classically while the other system remains quantum. Consistent dynamics of this coupling has been shown to exist, and explored in the context of treating space-time classically. Here, we prove that any such hybrid dynamics necessarily results in decoherence of the quantum system, and a breakdown in predictability in the classical phase space.

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The presence of nearby conformal field theories (CFTs) hidden in the complex plane of the tuning parameter was recently proposed as an elegant explanation for the ubiquity of "weakly first-order" transitions in condensed matter and high-energy systems. In this work, we perform an exact microscopic study of such a complex CFT (CCFT) in the two-dimensional O(n) loop model. The well-known absence of symmetry-breaking of the O(n>2) model is understood as arising from the displacement of the nontrivial fixed points into the complex temperature plane.

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The majority of extensions to general relativity (GR) display mathematical pathologies-higher derivatives, character change in equations that can be classified within partial differential equation theory, and even unclassifiable ones-that cause severe difficulties to study them, especially in dynamical regimes. We present here an approach that enables their consistent treatment and extraction of physical consequences. We illustrate this method in the context of single and merging black holes in a highly challenging beyond GR theory.

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Device-independent certification of indefinite causal order in the quantum switch.

Nat Commun

September 2023

Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QD, United Kingdom.

Quantum theory is compatible with scenarios in which the order of operations is indefinite. Experimental investigations of such scenarios, all of which have been based on a process known as the quantum switch, have provided demonstrations of indefinite causal order conditioned on assumptions on the devices used in the laboratory. But is a device-independent certification possible, similar to the certification of Bell nonlocality through the violation of Bell inequalities? Previous results have shown that the answer is negative if the switch is considered in isolation.

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Super Interferometric Range Resolution.

Phys Rev Lett

August 2023

Department of Applied Mathematics and Department of Physics, University of Waterloo, and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

We probe the fundamental underpinnings of range resolution in coherent remote sensing. We use a novel class of self-referential interference functions to show that we can greatly improve upon currently accepted bounds for range resolution. We consider the range resolution problem from the perspective of single-parameter estimation of amplitude versus the traditional temporally resolved paradigm.

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Operator Product Expansion Coefficients of the 3D Ising Criticality via Quantum Fuzzy Spheres.

Phys Rev Lett

July 2023

Institute of Natural Sciences, Westlake Institute for Advanced Study, 18 Shilongshan Road, Hangzhou 310024, Zhejiang Province, China.

Conformal field theory (CFT) plays a crucial role in the study of various critical phenomena. While much attention has been paid to the critical exponents of different universalities, which correspond to the conformal dimensions of CFT primary fields, other important and intricate data such as operator product expansion (OPE) coefficients governing the fusion of two primary fields, have remained largely unexplored, especially in dimensions higher than 2D (or equivalently, 1+1D). Motivated by the recently proposed fuzzy sphere regularization, we investigate the operator content of 3D Ising criticality from a microscopic perspective.

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Cross-impact balance (CIB) analysis provides a system-theoretical view of scenarios useful for investigating complex socio-economic systems. CIB can synthesize a variety of qualitative or quantitative inputs and return information suggestive of system evolution. Current software tools for CIB are limited to identifying system attractors as well as describing system evolution from only one scenario of initial conditions at a time.

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We analyze the effect of decoherence, modeled by local quantum channels, on quantum critical states and we find universal properties of the resulting mixed state's entanglement, both between system and environment and within the system. Renyi entropies exhibit volume law scaling with a subleading constant governed by a "g function" in conformal field theory, allowing us to define a notion of renormalization group (RG) flow (or "phase transitions") between quantum channels. We also find that the entropy of a subsystem in the decohered state has a subleading logarithmic scaling with subsystem size, and we relate it to correlation functions of boundary condition changing operators in the conformal field theory.

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Can free agency be compatible with determinism? Compatibilists argue that the answer is yes, and it has been suggested that the computer science principle of "computational irreducibility" sheds light on this compatibility. It implies that there cannot, in general, be shortcuts to predict the behavior of agents, explaining why deterministic agents often appear to act freely. In this paper, we introduce a variant of computational irreducibility that intends to capture more accurately aspects of actual (as opposed to apparent) free agency, including computational sourcehood, i.

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