9 results match your criteria: "Pôle Universitaire Euclide Intergovernmental UN Treaty[Affiliation]"
Arch Sex Behav
July 2024
Pôle Universitaire Euclide Intergovernmental UN Treaty, Bangui, Central African Republic.
We used an Intervention Mapping Approach (IMA) to derive multi-level HIV prevention strategies aiming to develop an HIV prevention intervention program among female sex workers (FSWs). We also aimed at pilot testing the effects of the IMA-based "HIV Prevention and Awareness Program (HIV-PAP)" on safe sex behaviors and its determinants among FSWs in Tabriz, Iran. To develop HIV-PAP, we conducted the six-step process of IMA.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfect Dis Obstet Gynecol
November 2022
Pôle Universitaire Euclide Intergovernmental UN Treaty 49006/49007, Bangui, Central African Republic.
Objective: We assessed knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding two malaria prevention measures (long-lasting impregnated mosquito nets, LLINs, and intermittent preventative therapy with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP)) among pregnant women in Nigeria.
Methods: Pregnant women selected from among the four communities of Nnewi were interviewed by using a semistructured, interviewer-administered questionnaire on the respondents' demography, knowledge of the cause, consequences, and malaria prevention methods. Also, a total of 48 focused group discussions, 24 key informant interviews, and 24 in-depth interviews were held among women leaders, village heads, pregnant women, community health workers, husbands of pregnant wives, and drug and insecticide-treated net sellers.
Health Promot Perspect
August 2022
Department of Statistics and Epidemiology, Faculty of Health, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
We aimed to determine the role of demographic, lifestyle, and personality trait factors in predicting control of blood pressure (BP) among patients with hypertension (HTN) in West Azerbaijan, Iran. In this case control study we recruited participants from all primary health centers of Salmas city; who were at least 18 years of age, had a HTN diagnosis during the previous six months, and had a mandatory household record. Of 490 random subjects approached, 441 (84.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTraffic Inj Prev
January 2022
Pôle Universitaire euclide Intergovernmental UN Treaty, Bangui, Central African Republic.
Objective: Our aim in the present study was to estimate the psychometric properties of the full-length Adelaide driving self-efficacy scale (ADSES) for use among community-based resident older adults in Tehran, Iran.
Methods: We recruited older adults (60+ years) from various sampling units nested in the Tehran district's general urban population (20 subjects/questionnaire-item). The questionnaire was translated and back-translated by using recommended pathways.
February 2022
Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
With the lack of respite care, caregivers will often suffer from physical, mental, and financial hardships. In the Middle East and North African countries, religion and cultural considerations may pull in opposite directions as a vast majority of families in the region care for their loved ones at home. Moreover, the sense of responsibility and obligations toward caring for an older family member also influences caregivers' decision-making, even though such considerations may deprive them of even a short vacation or break.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSyst Rev
March 2021
Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
Purpose: Our objective was to estimate the change in community-based education interventions throughout the world that may effectuate in risk parameters of type II diabetes (T2D), including the diabetes incidence rate, fasting blood glucose, hemoglobin A1C, body mass index, waist circumference, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Methods: A comprehensive search for globally eligible studies was conducted on PubMed, Embase, ProQuest, CINAHL nursing & allied health source, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, conference proceedings, and reference lists. Data were extracted using JBI standardized data extraction tool.
Neurol Res Int
October 2020
Iranian Epilepsy Association, Tehran, Iran.
Introduction: The primary objective of our study was to determine the nature of medication beliefs and their association with adherence to antiseizure medications (ASMs) among elderly epilepsy patients. Our secondary objective was to enhance the psychometric properties and factor structure parameters of the Beliefs about Medications Questionnaire (BMQ) adapted to epilepsy and affected aged subjects.
Methods: A population-based survey was performed in which older adults (≥60 years of age) were invited for a free face-to-face consultation with the specialists as well as for the collection of necessary data.
J Multidiscip Healthc
September 2020
Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess depressive symptoms among rural health workers (RHWs) through a multi-factorial socio-ecological framework (SEF) encompassing personal, interpersonal, organizational and community components.
Patients And Methods: A random sample of 394 RHWs in all rural areas of East Azerbaijan and fulfilling our other inclusion criteria were recruited. The participants underwent the Short-Form Beck's Depression Inventory and a validated researcher-constructed SEF questionnaire, including subscales on personal, interpersonal, organizational and community factors associated with depressive symptoms.
Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat
July 2020
Nepal Interest Group of Epilepsy and Neurology (NiGEN), Kathmandu, Nepal.
Introduction: The primary objective of this study was to evaluate fear related to epilepsy and its treatment among those with idiopathic epilepsy. Our secondary objective was to estimate the psychometric properties of a brief Bhalla-Gharagozli Fear in epilepsy Questionnaire (BG-FEQ).
Methods: We conducted patient-finding exercise in our study areas through various means to obtain subjects with idiopathic epilepsy.