6,240 results match your criteria: "Ovum Woman & Child Specialty Hospital[Affiliation]"

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  • * A study was conducted on 80 laying hens divided into four groups to evaluate the effects of different levels of Fe and Zn on feed intake, egg production, and micronutrient deposits in egg yolk.
  • * Results showed that while overall feed intake and egg production weren't affected, the highest supplementation level (300 mg/kg) significantly increased iron and zinc content in the egg yolk without negatively impacting other production metrics.
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Purpose: To investigate any correlation between the outcomes of the first euploid frozen-thawed blastocyst embryo transfer (FBT) and the subsequent euploid FBT derived from sibling oocytes.

Methods: This retrospective study analyzed data from 1051 women who underwent preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy and had a euploid FBT. Of these patients, 159 underwent a second transfer.

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Ovarian tissue cryopreservation in breast cancer patients: glass half empty or glass half full?

Reprod Biomed Online

January 2025

Gynaecology Research Unit, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium.

This is a commentary to a paper recently published in RBMOnline by Macklon and De Vos, in which they argue for a discontinuation of ovarian tissue freezing for fertility preservation in women with breast cancer. Instead, they suggest the use of oocyte vitrification following ovarian stimulation as the preferred method of fertility preservation. This commentary presents nine separate arguments that should be considered in the context of ovarian tissue freezing and fertility preservation in girls and women.

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To identify novel genes responsible for recurrent hydatidiform moles (HMs), we performed exome sequencing on 75 unrelated patients who were negative for mutations in the known genes. We identified biallelic deleterious variants in 6 genes, FOXL2, MAJIN, KASH5, SYCP2, MEIOB, and HFM1, in patients with androgenetic HMs, including a familial case of 3 affected members. Five of these genes are essential for meiosis I, and their deficiencies lead to premature ovarian insufficiency.

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Purpose: Oocyte aging is a significant factor in the negative reproductive outcomes of older women. However, the pathogenesis of oocyte aging remains unclear. This study aimed to identify the hub genes involved in oocyte aging via bioinformatics methods.

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Purpose: This study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a PPOS protocol in poor prognosis patients undergoing IVF with DuoStim and PGT-A versus the conventional protocol with GnRH antagonist.

Methods: Retrospective cohort study encompassing 444 couples obtained matching one PPOS-DuoStim with two antagonist-DuoStim cycles at a private IVF center between 2020 and 2023 (average maternal age: 40 years, average cumulus-oocyte complexes collected after the first stimulation: 5). The study was powered to exclude a two-sided different euploid blastocyst rate per MII oocytes (EBR per MII) in the two groups (alpha = 0.

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Oocyte developmental competence declines in women aged 35 and older resulting in many women resorting to IVF. The present study determined whether adding Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) during in vitro oocyte maturation (IVM) could improve oocyte developmental competence in a mouse model of advanced maternal age. Oocytes from 12-14 month C57BL6 J × CBA mice were treated with 10 ng/ml of GM-CSF during IVM, and embryo development, mitochondrial activity, spindle formation and chromosomal alignment were examined.

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Background: Ectopic pregnancy (EP) occurs when a fertilized ovum is implanted outside the uterine cavity. Its incidence is 2% of all pregnancies and is known to decrease fertility. This study aimed to measure pregnancy rates after EP, identify the various parameters influencing pregnancy, and compare these variables in women with and without a history of EP, as well as determine in which medical facilities women with EP seek medical help.

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Oocyte death is triggered by the stabilization of TAp63α dimers in response to cisplatin.

Cell Death Dis

November 2024

Olson Center for Women's Health, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA.

The TAp63α protein is highly expressed in primordial follicle oocytes, where it typically exists in an inactive dimeric form. Upon DNA damage, TAp63α undergoes hyperphosphorylation, transitioning from a dimeric to a tetrameric structure, which initiates oocyte apoptosis by upregulating pro-apoptotic gene. Our results demonstrate that cisplatin, an alkylating anti-cancer agent, predominantly produced the TAp63α dimer rather than the tetramer.

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Purpose: To assess oocyte competence and embryo chromosomal constitution in phenotype-D PCOS women undergoing ICSI for PGT-A at the blastocyst stage.

Methods: Retrospective study at a private IVF center. In the period 2013-2021, 58 naïve phenotype-D PCOS women (i.

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The incidence of multiple pronuclei (≥ 3PN) zygotes and blastomere multinucleation was found to be elevated in the presence of increased estradiol (E) levels and a greater number of retrieved oocytes. This implies a potential link between the incidence of multinucleation at the two-cell stage (MN2) and a higher proportion of ≥ 3PN zygotes. We aimed to investigate the effect of high proportion of ≥ 3PN zygotes on MN2 incidence during conventional in vitro fertilization (C-IVF) by using time-lapse monitoring.

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Article Synopsis
  • - Social elective egg freezing (EEF) is popular worldwide but is often too expensive for many women due to high costs and the lack of insurance coverage, highlighting the need for cost-reducing strategies.
  • - The authors conducted a literature review to establish a standard protocol for EEF that maximizes oocyte yields and patient safety, identifying a specific method involving a daily gonadotropin dose of 300 IU and a multiple-dose GnRH antagonist protocol.
  • - Recommendations include using recFSH as the initial gonadotropin, adding LH, triggering final follicular maturation with a GnRH agonist, and considering a dual trigger for those with suboptimal responses, while also addressing the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS
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  • Full-grown mammalian oocytes exposed to moderate to severe DNA damage show ineffective DNA damage repair (DDR), leading to conditions like aneuploidy due to altered chromatin states and inaccessible repair proteins.* -
  • Mouse and pig oocytes do not activate autophagy in response to DNA damage like somatic cells do, which contributes to their impaired DDR and potentially explains the chromatin alterations.* -
  • Reduced autophagy is notably pronounced in aged oocytes with severe DNA damage and is linked to improved DNA repair, suggesting enhancing autophagy could benefit assisted reproductive technologies for women with lower oocyte quality.*
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Study Question: Are there significant differences in fertility outcomes between transferring two cleavage-stage embryos in a single fresh cycle and transferring one cleavage-stage embryo in a fresh cycle and one blastocyst-stage embryo in the subsequent frozen-thawed cycle?

Summary Answer: In women aged <38 years with two embryos available, transferring one cleavage-stage embryo in a fresh cycle and one blastocyst-stage embryo in the subsequent frozen-thawed cycle increased live birth rates and decreased multiple live birth rates compared to transferring two cleavage-stage embryos in a single fresh cycle.

What Is Known Already: The strategy of repeated single embryo transfer (SET) has emerged as a solution to address the reduced live birth rates associated with SET per cycle. There is substantial evidence indicating that the cumulative live birth rate after repeated SET is comparable to that of double embryo transfer (DET), while significantly reducing the incidence of multiple pregnancies.

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The mechanisms contributing to age-related deterioration of the female reproductive system are complex, however aberrant protein homeostasis is a major contributor. We elucidated exceptionally stable proteins, structures, and macromolecules that persist in mammalian ovaries and gametes across the reproductive lifespan. Ovaries exhibit localized structural and cell-type-specific enrichment of stable macromolecules in both the follicular and extrafollicular environments.

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Study Question: What are the reproductive outcomes of patients who cryopreserved oocytes or embryos in the context of fertility preservation in the Netherlands?

Summary Answer: This study shows that after a 10-year follow-up period, the utilization rate to attempt pregnancy using cryopreserved oocytes or embryos was 25.5% and the cumulative live birth rate after embryo transfer was 34.6% per patient.

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  • The quality of female eggs is crucial to reproductive lifespan, heavily influenced by the presence of the right number of chromosomes (euploidy), with common errors in meiosis leading to egg aneuploidy.
  • Researchers used a genetic biobank to identify 404 genes associated with higher rates of egg aneuploidy, highlighting the role of the kinesin protein family in this process.
  • They demonstrated that specific genetic variants in kinesin genes can cause increased aneuploidy in mouse eggs and validated that certain variants accelerate reproductive aging, paving the way for potential noninvasive biomarkers to assess egg quality in fertility medicine.
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Egg (oocyte) vitrification is the dominant method for preserving fertility for women of reproductive age. However, the method is typically performed by hand, requiring precise (∼0.1 to 10 μL) and time-sensitive (∼1 s) liquid exchange of cryoprotectants (CPA) around eggs as well as fine handling of eggs (∼100 μm) for immersion into liquid nitrogen (LN).

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deficiency causes oocyte ferroptosis.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

November 2024

Institute of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Fudan University, The Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China.

Article Synopsis
  • Mitochondria have different structures and functions in oocytes compared to somatic cells, and their specific roles in oocyte health are not well understood.
  • A study analyzed genetic data from women with oocyte issues and identified a candidate gene linked to female infertility due to ferroptosis, a type of cell death.
  • The research highlights how disruptions in mitochondrial function can lead to infertility and suggests potential treatments using ferroptosis inhibitors to improve oocyte health.
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Context Chronic psychosocial stress negatively affects folliculogenesis and oogenesis. Intraovarian mechanisms mediating these effects are poorly understood. Aims This work aimed to find out how chronic psychosocial stress affects ovarian IGF1 and its receptor (IGF1R), as well as Igf1 and Igf1r gene expression in cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs).

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Multi-omics approach to reveal follicular metabolic changes and their effects on oocyte competence in PCOS patients.

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne)

October 2024

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Center for Reproductive Medicine, The Third Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China.

Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common heterogeneous disorder linked with endocrine and metabolic disturbances. The underlying mechanism of PCOS, especially its effect on oocyte competence, remains unclear. The study aimed to identify abnormal follicular metabolic changes using a multi-omics approach in follicular fluid from PCOS patients and to determine their effects on oocyte competence.

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Unlabelled: The relationship between follicle size, oocyte quality, and blastocyst ploidy is not fully established. This question becomes especially important for poor responders and older reproductive age women, where optimal follicle size and oocyte quantity cannot always be achieved during ovarian stimulation. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between follicle size, oocyte maturation, blastocyst formation, blastocyst ploidy, and pregnancy outcomes in young women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF).

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  • - Classic galactosemia (CG) is linked to mutations in the GALT gene and leads to early ovarian insufficiency (POI) in 80% of women due to a decrease in ovarian reserve, though the underlying mechanisms are still unclear.
  • - This study utilized advanced techniques like single-nucleus RNA sequencing to analyze ovary biopsies from prepubertal girls with CG, revealing seven key cell types and identifying disruptions in gene expression related to stress responses and cell survival.
  • - The research highlighted significant changes in signaling pathways associated with ovarian function, indicating increased cellular stress and damage in primordial follicles, which could explain accelerated follicular loss in CG patients.
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Vertebrate embryos are protected from bacterial infection by various maternally derived factors, yet little is known about the defence mechanisms in elasmobranchs. This study aimed to characterize the intracapsular environment of freshly laid eggs of the oviparous catshark (Scyliorhinus torazame) by investigating the microbial abundance and microbiota to understand its potential contribution to embryonic defence. The egg capsule of oviparous elasmobranchs is tightly sealed until pre-hatching, after which seawater flows into the capsule, exposing the embryos to the surrounding seawater.

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Little is known about the origin of germ cells in humans. We previously leveraged post-zygotic mutations to reconstruct zygote-rooted cell lineage ancestry trees in a phenotypically normal woman, termed NC0. Here, by sequencing the genome of her children and their father, we analyze the transmission of early pre-gastrulation lineages and corresponding mutations across human generations.

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