9 results match your criteria: "Mental Health Center Region Oost-Brabant[Affiliation]"

Background: Stigma significantly hinders treatment seeking, adherence to treatment, referrals, and can prolong recovery, while increasing the risk of relapse due to social exclusion and stress. Stigmatizing attitudes towards anorexia nervosa are widespread, and not only held by the general public, but also by professionals.

Objective: As stigmatizing attitudes towards mental disorders often develop early during education and training, the study's objective was to investigate stigmatizing attitudes towards anorexia nervosa among Dutch psychiatry residents, as well as their mental health literacy.

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Sleep disturbances in anorexia nervosa.

Eur Eat Disord Rev

March 2025

Department of Pediatrics, Emma Children's Hospital, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Article Synopsis
  • Sleep is essential for mental and physical health, and its disturbances are linked to psychiatric disorders, particularly in anorexia nervosa (AN), where the connection is not well understood.
  • A systematic review analyzed 67 studies on sleep in patients with AN, revealing significant differences in sleep patterns compared to healthy controls, such as reduced total sleep time and efficiency, increased wake after sleep onset, and altered sleep stages.
  • The findings indicate that sleep issues in AN are significant, and simply restoring weight may not improve sleep quality, highlighting the need for treatment strategies that address these sleep disturbances.
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Background: Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders (SEED), in particular SEED-Anorexia Nervosa (SE-AN), may represent the most difficult disorder to treat in psychiatry. Furthermore, the lack of empirical research in this patient group, and, consequently the lack of guidelines, call for an urgent increase in research and discussion within this field. Meanwhile experts concur that effective care should be structured in a collaborative manner.

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The true risk of COVID-19 infection in anorexia nervosa (AN) including the duration of viral RNA shedding and infectivity is still unclear. We report on a case of a patient with severe AN with a mild course of COVID-19 and prolonged viral RNA shedding for at least 39 days after symptom onset. A careful evaluation of long-term infectivity must include viral load, live virus isolation, and viral genome sequencing.

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Group autonomy enhancing treatment versus cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders: A cluster-randomized clinical trial.

Depress Anxiety

February 2022

Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology, Center of Research on Psychological disorders and Somatic diseases (CoRPS), Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Background: Although cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders, few evidence-based alternatives exist. Autonomy enhancing treatment (AET) aims to decrease the vulnerability for anxiety disorders by targeting underlying autonomy deficits and may therefore have similar effects on anxiety as CBT, but yield broader effects.

Methods: A multicenter cluster-randomized clinical trial was conducted including 129 patients with DSM-5 anxiety disorders, on average 33.

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The role of autonomy-connectedness in stress-modulating effects of social support in women: An experimental study using a virtual Trier Social Stress Test.

Int J Psychophysiol

December 2021

Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology, CoRPS - Center of Research on Psychological and Somatic disorders, Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands; Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University, the Netherlands; Clinical Child & Family Studies, Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Social support is associated with mental well-being and favorable therapy outcomes. As autonomy-connectedness, the capacity for self-governance in interpersonal context, may affect reliance on others, we investigated whether stress-modulating effects of social support are moderated by autonomy-connectedness. Ninety-seven undergraduates completed measures on autonomy-connectedness and trait social anxiety, and attended a laboratory session with a friend (support) or alone (control).

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Since COVID-19 is a global health emergency, there is an urgent need to share experiences on decision-making with regard to safety recommendations and for hypotheses that can inform a more focused prevention and treatment. Moreover, combining research into eating disorders and obesity with research into COVID-19 may provide a unique opportunity to shed light on the susceptibility to COVID-19.

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Background: Autonomous individuals are characterized by self-governance; awareness of and capacity to realize one's wishes and needs, while being connected with and sensitive towards others. In line with earlier research showing consistent associations between autonomy-connectedness deficits and anxiety, we tested in two studies whether autonomy deficits predict anxious responses to acute stressors.

Methods: In Study 1, participants (N = 177) viewed an anxiety-inducing film fragment and reported anxiety before and after viewing the clip.

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Anorexia nervosa and uric acid beyond gout: An idea worth researching.

Int J Eat Disord

February 2018

Center for Eating Disorders Helmond, Mental Health Center Region Oost-Brabant, Wesselmanlaan 25a, Helmond, HA, 5707, The Netherlands.

Uric acid is best known for its role in gout-the most prevalent inflammatory arthritis in humans-that is also described as an unusual complication of anorexia nervosa (AN). However, beyond gout, uric acid could also be involved in the pathophysiology and psychopathology of AN, as it has many biological functions serving as a pro- and antioxidant, neuroprotector, neurostimulant, and activator of the immune response. Further, recent research suggests that uric acid could be a biomarker of mood dysfunction, personality traits, and behavioral patterns.

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