127 results match your criteria: "Loughborough University of Technology.[Affiliation]"

Eighteen games players (9 males, 9 females) performed 30 maximum 6-sprints on a non-motorized treadmill. Each sprint was preceded by a 60-s jog at 40% maximum speed and was followed by a 54-s walk at 20% maximum speed. Thus, the entire test was of 60-min duration.

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A high wavelength fluorescent probe, Nile Red, was added to four proteins, viz., bovine albumin, alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, beta-lactoglobulin and ovomucoid. Nile Red showed an enhancement in fluorescence and a shift in emission wavelength, suggesting it was bonding hydrophobically to these proteins.

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Ventilatory responses to exercise and carbon dioxide in elderly and younger humans.

Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol

June 1993

Department of Human Sciences, Loughborough University of Technology, Leicestershire, England.

The present investigation examined the relationship between CO2 sensitivity [at rest (SR) and during exercise (SE)] and the ventilatory response to exercise in ten elderly (61-79 years) and ten younger (17-26 years) subjects. The gradient of the relationship between minute ventilation and CO2 production (delta VE/delta VCO2) of the elderly subjects was greater than that of the younger subjects [mean (SEM); 32.8 (1.

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A competitive electrochemical enzyme immunoassay has been developed for the antiasthmatic drug theophylline, utilizing a controlled-pore glass-protein A immunoreactor and flow injection techniques. p-Aminophenyl phosphate, a substrate for alkaline phosphatase, has been used in this assay, and its hydrolysis product p-aminophenol was determined at +0.2 V versus the saturated calomel electrode.

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In the present study, I intended to determine the similarity between Rubin's (1970) Love Scale components and five of Lee's (1976) six lovestyles in a relatively homogenous sample of 301 16- and 17-year-old British females. Items describing loving behaviors toward a particular individual were formulated to measure these lovestyles together with that of Ludus. The six orthogonal factors extracted from the correlation matrix of these and Rubin's items were called Love, Mutual Love, Respect, Similarity, Physical Attraction and Hostility.

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The measurement of short-term changes in maternal body composition during the post-partum period under field conditions poses many problems: (1) body composition techniques depend on the constancy of the proportions of components or their physical properties and are less suitable for measuring changes; (2) many of the techniques require expensive, technically sophisticated apparatus that is inappropriate to field conditions in many countries; (3) changes in body composition affect some areas of the body more than others so regional as well as whole body approaches are required. The measurements of body weight, triceps and subscapular skinfold thicknesses and upper arm circumference are essential measurements. These can be supplemented with further skinfold thicknesses and circumferences, and possibly body density and body water measurements.

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Calculating upper limb inertial parameters.

J Sports Sci

June 1992

Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Loughborough University of Technology, UK.

In the kinematic and kinetic analysis of human movement, an accurate assessment of the inertial properties of the body segments under investigation is often essential. Statistical and geometric models of the segments of the upper limb were examined to determine their ability to predict the moments of inertia of these segments. The cadaver data of Chandler et al.

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Origin of the Romany gypsies--genetic evidence.

Z Morphol Anthropol

June 1992

Department of Human Sciences, Loughborough University of Technology, United Kingdom.

Genetic heterogeneity and affinity was examined between nine Romany speaking gypsy populations and two of their possible ancestral populations from India. For AB0, Rhesus (D), MN and HP systems there exists a conclusive heterogeneity among these populations. Three gypsy populations from Western Europe (English, Welsh and Swedish) are genetically distinct from the rest of the East European gypsies and the populations of India analysed in this investigation.

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Considerable interest is currently being shown in the use of information technology to assist in improving group process, particularly those associated with strategic planning. Three major approaches are developing to provide this support, and these are described in this article. In general, articles about Group DSS are overwhelmingly favourable to the approaches, although research findings suggest that some forms of Group DSS can have deleterious effects on the quality of meetings.

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Previous studies have reported strong correlations between 5-km performance times and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and also for running speeds equivalent to blood lactate concentrations of 4 mM. However, there is little information on the physiological responses of individuals during races over this distance. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to measure the physiological and metabolic responses of endurance trained male (n = 8) and female (n = 8) runners during a 5-km time trial using an instrumented treadmill.

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Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was shown to be effective in stabilizing pharmaceutical compounds, which contain acetamido groups, from degradation by light, e.g. paracetamol.

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The long-term reproducibility of the separation of basic drugs by high-performance liquid chromatography using a silica column with a methanol-high-pH eluent was examined. The relative capacity factors of specific tertiary amines changed systematically compared with the other drugs on storage of the columns for 1 year. The changes were enhanced on storing the column in mobile phase and were accelerated by prolonged washing with water.

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The acute effects of low-intensity exercise on plasma lipids were assessed in 22 healthy, normolipidaemic volunteers [mean age (SEM) 21.1 (0.2) years] of whom 11 were untrained and 11 endurance trained.

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Phenotype and gene frequencies of several polymorphic genetic markers were examined in a Sikh agriculturist caste group, Lobanas of Punjab, India. Lobanas have been a trading community, now settled as cultivators, but for their origin there have been a difference of opinions. To trace their genetic relationship the gene frequency data was compared using multivariate analysis with several populations of India, which historically shared not only a common life style but also have a synonymous meaning of Lobana.

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If we remember the visual appearance of documents, and other attributes such as location, then a number of new information management strategies become possible candidates for application in the design of filing systems. This paper describes a number of experiments aimed at investigating aspects of memory for documents in office settings. There is no evidence, as has previously been suggested, that automatic encoding for appearance or location of documents occurs at significant levels.

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Social support and psychological distress in women and men.

Br J Med Psychol

June 1991

Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University of Technology, Leicestershire, UK.

The relationship between psychological distress and social support was investigated, along with various other health-relevant variables, in a nationally representative sample of some 2050 women and 1873 men, who also returned the self-completion questionnaire in the 1984-85 British Health and Lifestyle Survey. Psychological distress was measured with the 30-item General Health Questionnaire. Stepwise regression analyses indicated that the quality of family support accounted for a significant increase of 0.

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The factorial structure of a nine-item Framingham Type A Scale, the 30-item General Health Questionnaire, the 57-item Eysenck Personality Inventory and a 20-item checklist of predominantly physical symptoms was examined in a nationally representative sample of 3065 women and 2520 men. For both women and men, the six principal components extracted from the 116 items and orthogonally rotated clearly corresponded to the six variables of psychological distress, neuroticism, symptoms, extraversion, the Lie scale and the Type A behaviour pattern. While Type A was positively correlated with neuroticism, psychological distress, extraversion and symptoms, there was no support for the idea that it could be more parsimoniously subsumed under these variables.

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A heterogeneous fluorescence immunoassay for theophylline has been automated using a flow injection analysis system containing a protein A solid phase reactor to separate antibody-bound and unbound fluorescein-theophylline. For each sample the antibody-protein A reaction takes place at near neutral pH, and the complexes are eluted at acid pH. The antibody-binding capacity of the reaction greatly exceeds the antibody level in each sample incubation mixture, and a single reactor can be repeatedly cycled between neutral and acid pHs.

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Six games players (GP) and six endurance-trained runners (ET) completed a standardized multiple sprint test on a non-motorized treadmill consisting of ten 6-s all-out sprints with 30-s recovery periods. Running speed, power output and oxygen uptake were determined during the test and blood samples were taken for the determination of blood lactate and pH. Games players tended to produce a higher peak power output (GP vs ET: 839 +/- 114 vs 777 +/- 89 W, N.

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Seven healthy male subjects performed 10 maximal 6-s sprints, separated by 30-s recovery periods, on a non-motorized treadmill. On two occasions, separated by 3 days, the subjects ingested a solution of either sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3; alkaline) or sodium chloride (NaCl; placebo), 2.5 h prior to exercise.

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McLennan & Omodei (1988) suggested that Cramer's (1985) of an association between psychological adjustment and the facilitativeness of a close relationship is primarily due to a general affective outlook in females. Their main measures of this outlook were extraversion and neuroticism, the latter of which is itself closely related to psychological adjustment. When their data were reanalyzed excluding neuroticism, facilitativeness was found to be substantially correlated with psychological wellbeing in both men and women, indicating that this association cannot be wholly explained in terms of a global evaluative orientation.

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Value of physiological measurement in sport.

J R Coll Surg Edinb

December 1990

Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Loughborough University of Technology, UK.

The value of physiological measurement in sport lies in the opportunity it provides to learn more about the responses of individuals to the demands of exercise, the particular physiological characteristics which allow some individuals to become successful at some sports, but not others, and the physiological adaptations to training which underlie improvements in human performance. In this paper, running has been used to illustrate the value of making physiological measurements on sportsmen and women because it is an activity which is common to many sports. Sports can be divided into two broad groups, namely the 'endurance sports' and, what may be called, the 'multiple sprint' sports.

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This paper presents a wide-ranging overview of compact disc technology in the library environment. It raises important issues currently being debated in the literature and aims to question and stimulate thought on the nature and purpose of CD-ROM provision in health-care libraries.

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