124 results match your criteria: "Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) & Clean Water Center (CWC)[Affiliation]"

Road traffic is a major source of atmospheric pollution, especially in urban areas, contributing significantly to particulate matter (PM) emissions. While electric vehicles (EVs) help reduce exhaust emissions, they do not substantially address non-exhaust emissions (NEEs), such as brake wear dust (BWD), which remains a significant source of PM, particularly in urban environments. This study investigates at a preliminary level the environmental fate of BWD, studying at the laboratory scale its mobility and behaviour in unsaturated and saturated porous media, which simulate subsoil and aquifer conditions.

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End-of-life (EoL) mobile phones represent a valuable reservoir of critical raw materials at higher concentrations compared to primary ores. This review emphasizes the critical need to transition from single-material recovery approaches to comprehensive, holistic strategies for recycling EoL mobile phones. In response to the call for sustainable techniques with reduced energy consumption and pollutant emissions, biohydrometallurgy emerges as a promising solution.

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Exploration of the tram-involved crashes' characteristics and contributing factors to fatality in tram crashes in Japan.

Accid Anal Prev

April 2025

School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China; Department of Civil, Environmental & Construction Engineering, University of Central Florida, United States; Queensland University of Technology, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Australia. Electronic address:

Modern trams have garnered worldwide attention as an alternative urban rail transit system since they offer advantages such as higher accessibility, convenience, lower construction and maintenance costs compared with subways. Nevertheless, due to the system's characteristics, particularly regarding right-of-way issues, crashes involving trams often lead to severe consequences. This study utilizes traffic crash data from across Japan, including 1,121,299 crashes that occurred from 2019 to 2022, of which 304 were tram involved.

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Natural radon levels act as markers of hydrodynamic behavior in the mountain karst aquifer of Bossea Cave, Italy.

Sci Rep

November 2024

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI), Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy.

Article Synopsis
  • - Radon is transported within the Bossea karstic mountain aquifer through both advective and diffusive processes, with fluctuations correlating to hydrodynamics rather than external weather factors.
  • - Delayed concentration peaks of radon in underground water occur after flooding, with a 45-hour delay in the upper canyon and 66 hours in collapse chambers due to varying water flow dynamics.
  • - Different radon levels are detected in the main creek compared to secondary inflows; the main creek experiences increases during flooding, while secondary inflows see dilution from new infiltrating water, with no significant relationship found between radon emissions and seismic activity.
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Spatial variation, temporal evolution, and source direction apportionment of PM, PM, and PM: 3-year assessment in Turin (Po Valley).

Environ Monit Assess

November 2024

Politecnico Di Torino, DIATI - Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, Turin, Italy.

As the population of urban areas is increasing continually, analysis of the particulate concentration dynamics in these areas is crucial. Therefore, this study investigated the temporal and spatial variabilities of PM, PM, and PM over the urban area of Turin in the Po Valley, Italy, based on high-resolution data from a monitoring campaign conducted between 2018 and 2021 (including COVID-19 lockdown period). The study also performed a source direction analysis of the urban observation using the conditional bivariate probability function (CBPF).

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Membrane aerated biological reactors (MABRs) to enhance the biological treatment process at a WWTP.

J Environ Manage

December 2024

DIATI, Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca Degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Torino, Italy. Electronic address:

The goal of climate neutrality, under the provision of the European Green Deal, will require great efforts to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to reduce and optimize their energy consumption. The utilization of membrane aerated biological reactors (MABRs) to renovate existing WWTPs could be an opportunity in this sense. In this study, the control of the flow at the outlet of a pure, open-end MABR was used as a strategy to minimize the oxygen consumption and obtain high oxygen transfer efficiencies (OTEs).

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Feasibility of biogas upgrading at a WWTP after pre-treatment application: Techno-economic assessment validation with pilot test data.

J Environ Manage

November 2024

DIATI, Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Torino, Italy. Electronic address:

Article Synopsis
  • * A techno-economic assessment (TEA) evaluated different treatment processes, comparing traditional mesophilic AD and innovative methods like temperature-phased AD and thermo-alkali pre-treatment.
  • * The findings showed that while temperature-phased AD slightly increased biogas production, it wasn't cost-effective, whereas thermo-alkali pre-treatment significantly enhanced biogas yield, highlighting varying economic feasibility for WWTPs depending on pre-treatment methods.
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Unveiling trends in migration of iron-based nanoparticles in saturated porous media.

J Environ Manage

November 2024

Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute, Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Palacký University Olomouc, Šlechtitelů 27, 783 71, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Article Synopsis
  • Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) is commonly used for environmental cleanup, but understanding its movement in various conditions is challenging, limiting its effectiveness.
  • This study presents a new method to predict how nZVI moves in a saturated porous environment using advanced devices that measure magnetic properties, along with numerical modeling.
  • The findings indicate that nZVI's mobility is influenced by its surface charge, with negatively charged particles moving more effectively, and suggest that slight sulfidation and organic modifications can improve nZVI's distribution in groundwater.
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Microparticles of anthropogenic origin (microplastics and microfibers) in sandy sediments: A case study from calabria, italy.

Environ Monit Assess

October 2024

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI), Politecnico Di Torino, Corso Duca Degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Turin, Italy.

Microparticles of anthropogenic origin, such as microplastics and microfibers, are pervasive pollutants in the marine environment of the world. These microparticles pollute water and can be ingested by biota; however, while microplastics are often monitored, very few studies focus on microfibers. Coastal areas, such as beaches, are more vulnerable to pollution due to their location between terrestrial and marine environments and their recreational and touristic functions.

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Wildfire governance requires addressing driving physical, biological and socio-economic processes, by promoting the development of fire-resistant and resilient landscapes. These landscapes can best be achieved by strategies that integrate fuel management for direct prevention with allied socio-economic activities, through the collaboration of stakeholders with different and sometimes conflicting interests. This work aims to address the need for new approaches supporting the participatory process of collective decision-making, helping stakeholders explore land management strategies for landscape fire resilience.

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Theater as a means of communicating research on climate change: The case of "Cambiare il clima".


August 2024

Società Cooperativa Faber Teater, loc. Baraggino, Campus Associazioni, casetta 7, Chivasso, TO, Italy.

Between 2018 and 2023, the Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) at the Polytechnic University of Turin (PoliTo) implemented a project to advance research and education on climate change monitoring, adaptation and mitigation solutions. As part of their communication efforts, DIATI partnered with Faber Teater to create the play "Cambiare il clima" (in Italian, this means "Change the Climate"). This involved a collaboration between DIATI researchers, communication officers, and Faber Teater.

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An analysis of the PM chemical composition and its spatial and seasonal variation in Piedmont (Italy) using Raman spectroscopy.

Sci Total Environ

November 2024

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI), Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy.

Particulate Matter (PM) dramatically affects the well-being of a growing global population, particularly in urban areas. While air quality control is an important and pressing issue, particulate matter analysis typically focuses on size distribution and concentration, offering limited insights into chemical composition and pollutant sources. This study analyzes PM samples collected from five air quality monitoring stations across the Piedmont region.

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Towards sustainable water management for Galdieria sulphuraria cultivation.

Sci Total Environ

November 2024

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering - DIATI, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Torino, Italy. Electronic address:

The red microalga Galdieria sulphuraria has emerged as a promising biotechnological platform for large-scale cultivation and production of high-value compounds, such as the blue pigment phycocyanin. However, a large amount of freshwater and a substantial supply of nutrients challenge both the environmental and the economic sustainability of algal cultivation. Additionally, the extremophilic nature of Galdieria sulphuraria requires cultivation in an acidic culture medium that directly leads to strongly acidic wastewater, which in turn generally exceeds legal limits for industrial wastewater discharge.

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Exposure to airborne particulate matter during commuting using portable sensors: Effects of transport modes in a French metropolis study case.

J Environ Manage

August 2024

Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique (LMFA), UMR5509, Université de Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, INSA Lyon, 36 Avenue Guy de Collonge, 69130 Ecully, France; Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI), Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin (TO), Italy.

Outdoor exposure to particulate matter (PM and PM) in urban areas can vary considerably depending on the mode of transport. This study aims to quantify this difference in exposure during daily travel, by carrying out a micro-sensor measurement campaign. The pollutant exposure was assessed simultaneously over predefined routes in order to allow comparison between different transport modes having the same starting and ending points.

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Author Correction: A global dataset of carbon pumping by the world's largest tropical rivers.

Sci Data

June 2024

DIATI Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, 10129, Italy.

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Environmental reporting in Italian thermal power plants: insights from a comprehensive analysis of EMAS environmental statements.

J Environ Manage

May 2024

DIATI, Department of Environment, Land, and Infrastructure Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Turin, Italy. Electronic address:

The global energy sector heavily relies on fossil fuels, significantly contributing to climate change. The ambitious European emissions' reduction targets require sustainable processes and alternatives. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of 73 Italian thermal power plants registered to the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) aimed at assessing EMAS effectiveness in addressing and quantifying the environmental impacts of this relevant industrial sector.

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Article Synopsis
  • COVID-19 patients appear to have a higher prevalence of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) compared to non-COVID-19 patients, with a significant difference found before matching groups.
  • Antimicrobial use (AMU) was initially higher in COVID-19 patients, but this difference diminished after matching patients for factors like age and severity of conditions.
  • The study suggests that the increased risk of HAIs in COVID-19 patients may stem from underlying health issues rather than the virus itself, highlighting the need for better management of antimicrobials in these patients.
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Article Synopsis
  • * This study aimed to analyze how long R-R intervals during AF affect cerebral blood flow and oxygenation using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in patients undergoing electrical cardioversion.
  • * Findings showed that long R-R intervals significantly lowered diastolic blood pressure and cerebral blood volume, with subsequent decreases in oxygen levels; these changes were temporary and smoothed out over time, suggesting the brain's regulatory mechanisms are at work in response to these blood flow fluctuations.
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A global dataset of carbon pumping by the world's largest tropical rivers.

Sci Data

April 2024

DIATI Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, 10129, Italy.

The eco-morphodynamic activity of large tropical rivers interacts with riparian vegetation causing implications for the carbon cycle within inland waters. Through a multi-temporal analysis of satellite data spanning the years 2000-2019, we analyzed rivers exceeding 200 m in width across the tropical regions, revealing a Carbon Pump mechanism driving an annual mobilization of 12.45 million tons of organic carbon.

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Selective nanofiltration membranes with accurate molecular sieving offer a solution to recover rare metals and other valuable elements from brines. However, the development of membranes with precise sub-nanometer pores is challenging. Here, we report a scalable approach for membrane fabrication in which functionalized macrocycles are seamlessly oriented via supramolecular interactions during the interfacial polycondensation on a polyacrylonitrile support layer.

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Review of lithium-ion batteries' supply-chain in Europe: Material flow analysis and environmental assessment.

J Environ Manage

May 2024

DIATI, Department of Engineering for Environment, Land, and Infrastructures, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Turin, Italy. Electronic address:

European legislation stated that electric vehicles' sale must increase to 35% of circulating vehicles by 2030, and concern is associated to the batteries' supply chain. This review aims at analysing the impacts (about material flows and CO eq emissions) of Lithium-Ion Batteries' (LIBs) recycling at full-scale in Europe in 2030 on the European LIBs' supply-chain. Literature review provided the recycling technologies' (e.

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Introduction: Residents of long-term care facilities (LTCFs) are a population at high risk of developing severe healthcare associated infections (HAIs). In the assessment of HAIs in acute-care hospitals, selection bias can occur due to cases being over-represented: patients developing HAIs usually have longer lengths of stays compared to controls, and therefore have an increased probability of being sampled in PPS, leading to an overestimation of HAI prevalence. Our hypothesis was that in LTCFs, the opposite may occur: residents developing HAIs either may have a greater chance of being transferred to acute-care facilities or of dying, and therefore could be under-represented in PPS, leading to an underestimation of HAI prevalence.

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Microalgae biotechnology is hampered by the high production costs and the massive usage of water during large-volume cultivations. These drawbacks can be softened by the production of high-value compounds and by adopting metabolic engineering strategies to improve their performances and productivity. Today, the most sustainable approach is the exploitation of industrial wastewaters for microalgae cultivation, which couples valuable biomass production with water resource recovery.

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Closed-loop recycling of lithium iron phosphate cathodic powders via citric acid leaching.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int

March 2024

Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, DIATI, Politecnico Di Torino, Corso Duca Degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Turin, Italy.

Lithium recovery from Lithium-ion batteries requires hydrometallurgy but up-to-date technologies aren't economically viable for Lithium-Iron-Phosphate (LFP) batteries. Selective leaching (specifically targeting Lithium and based on mild organic acids and low temperatures) is attracting attention because of decreased environmental impacts compared to conventional hydrometallurgy. This study analysed the technical and economic performances of selective leaching with 6%vv.

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Is the assimilation to a solid recovered fuel a viable solution for automobile shredder residues' management?

Environ Res

April 2024

DIATI, Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca Degli Abruzzi 24, 10129, Torino, Italy.

Directive 2000/53/EC and the European Circular Economy Package (2018) required the Member States to take all the necessary measures to reach the reuse-recycling goal of 85% for end-of-life vehicles (ELVs). In 2019, Europe achieved 89.6% of reuse-recycling, but most EC countries are still not completely compliant, Italy standing, for example, at only 84.

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