3 results match your criteria: "Jinnah Medical College and Hospital[Affiliation]"
Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol
January 2020
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, The Aga Khan Hospital, Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania.
 Posttonsillectomy pain results in significant morbidity to the patients. There is a disagreement in the literature regarding the use of local anesthetics during tonsillectomy. The aim of this placebo-controlled, double-blind study is to evaluate the effect of peritonsillar administration of local anesthetics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Coll Physicians Surg Pak
January 2017
Department of Pharmacy, University of Lahore, (Islamabad Campus), Islamabad.
J Pak Med Assoc
December 2010
Department of Paediatrics, Jinnah Medical College and Hospital, Karachi.
Objective: To assess the knowledge of mothers regarding commonly used Complimentary alternative medicines, their usage and various therapeutic choices for common ailments.
Methods: A cross-sectional Survey on a predesigned proforma was done from July 2007- August 2007 in the out patient department of a tertiary care hospital. Consent was taken from the participants and 375 complete proformas were included in the study out of 500 interviewed.