49 results match your criteria: "J. W. Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main[Affiliation]"

The mycobacterial membrane protein large 3 (MmpL3) transports key precursor lipids to the outer membrane of Mycobacterium species. Multiple structures of MmpL3 from both and in various conformational states indicate that the protein is both structurally and functionally monomeric. However, most other resistance, nodulation and cell division (RND) transporters structurally characterised to date are either dimeric or trimeric.

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How to attract our future? - Perception of plastic surgery among medical students.

J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg

May 2023

Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany; Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States.

Background: There is a mounting body of evidence that underscores the worldwide and US national need for increased plastic surgery recruitment of trainees. Thus, plastic surgery must attract more applicants while maintaining the high-level qualifications of residency candidates.

Methods: A total of 250 (w = 197) medical students rated the prototypical plastic surgeon (PS), general practitioner (GP), and craniomaxillofacial surgeon (CMF) with respect to traits derived from a literature review on the general perception of surgery, favorability, and their intention to pursue a respective career.

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Cardiolipin, the mitochondria marker lipid, is crucially involved in stabilizing the inner mitochondrial membrane and is vital for the activity of mitochondrial proteins and protein complexes. Directly targeting cardiolipin by a chemical-biology approach and thereby altering the cellular concentration of "available" cardiolipin eventually allows to systematically study the dependence of cellular processes on cardiolipin availability. In the present study, physics-based coarse-grained free energy calculations allowed us to identify the physical and chemical properties indicative of cardiolipin selectivity and to apply these to screen a compound database for putative cardiolipin-binders.

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Metagenomics - shotgun sequencing of all DNA fragments from a community DNA extract - is routinely used to describe the composition, structure, and function of microorganism communities. Advances in DNA sequencing and the availability of genome databases increasingly allow the use of shotgun metagenomics on eukaryotic communities. Metagenomics offers major advances in the recovery of biomass relationships in a sample, in comparison to taxonomic marker gene-based approaches (metabarcoding).

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Evaluation of the Proximal Tibia as a Donor Site of Cancellous Bone for Intraoral Grafting Procedures-A Retrospective Study.

J Clin Med

March 2022

Department of Facial Aesthetics and Cosmetology, School of Medicine, Katowice Business School, 3 Harcerzy Wrzesnia Str., 40-659 Katowice, Poland.

Background: Autogenous bone grafts remain the "gold standard" in maxillofacial reconstructive procedures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the proximal tibia as a donor site of cancellous bone for bone grafting procedures of the mandible on the basis of intraoperative parameters and clinical observations.

Methods: The study was based on a medical record search of 40 patients who underwent surgical procedures because of benign pathological lesions of the jaws resulting in 3-wall bone defects of the mandible and qualified for surgical removal of the lesion with simultaneous bone grafting of the defect with autogenous cancellous bone harvested from the proximal tibia.

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Aflibercept appears to accumulate in systemic circulation following intravitreal injections in therapy of neovascular age-related macular degeneration. This gives raise to the question of whether aflibercept affects platelets and their function such as activation and aggregation, which are substantial in the pathogenesis of an arterial thromboembolic event (ATE). In order to determine the effect of aflibercept in platelet activation, platelets from healthy volunteers were treated with aflibercept and its solvents at equal concentrations (0.

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1,4-Dioxane pollution at contaminated groundwater sites in western Germany and its distribution within a TCE plume.

Sci Total Environ

April 2018

Department of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, J. W. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

An effective and sensitive method for the analysis of 1,4-dioxane in water has been available since 2008 (EPA 522). This method is increasingly being applied to investigate the distribution of 1,4-dioxane in the aquatic environment. However, there is a need for more information about the possible occurrence of 1,4-dioxane in groundwater in Europe in general, and in Germany in particular, where virtually no data have been collected so far.

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Probing the correlation of neuronal loss, neurofibrillary tangles, and cell death markers across the Alzheimer's disease Braak stages: a quantitative study in humans.

Neurobiol Aging

January 2018

Memory and Aging Center, Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA; Department of Pathology, LIM-22, University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil. Electronic address:

Clarifying the mechanisms connecting neurofibrillary tangle (NFT) neurotoxicity to neuronal dysfunction in humans is likely to be pivotal for developing effective treatments for Alzheimer's disease (AD). To model the temporal progression of AD in humans, we used a collection of brains with controls and individuals from each Braak stage to quantitatively investigate the correlation between intraneuronal caspase activation or macroautophagy markers, NFT burden, and neuronal loss, in the dorsal raphe nucleus and locus coeruleus, the earliest vulnerable areas to NFT accumulation. We fit linear regressions with each count as outcomes, with Braak score and age as the predictors.

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Occurrence and human exposure assessment of organophosphate flame retardants in indoor dust from various microenvironments of the Rhine/Main region, Germany.

Indoor Air

November 2017

Department of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, J. W. Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

We analyzed organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) in 74 indoor dust samples collected from seven microenvironments (building material markets, private cars, daycare centers, private homes, floor/carpet stores, offices, and schools) in the Rhine/Main region of Germany. Ten of 11 target OPFRs were ubiquitously detected, some with more than 97% detection frequency, including tris(1,3-dichloroisopropyl)phosphate (TCIPP), tris(2-butoxyethyl)phosphate (TBOEP), triphenyl phosphate (TPHP), and tris(isobutyl) phosphate (TIBP). Total concentrations (∑OPFRs) ranged from 5.

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Organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) in indoor and outdoor air in the Rhine/Main area, Germany: comparison of concentrations and distribution profiles in different microenvironments.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int

April 2017

Department of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, J. W. Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

The concentrations of 9 organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) were determined in 56 indoor and 9 outdoor air samples in the Rhine/Main area in Germany. The indoor samples were collected from seven different indoor microenvironments including private cars, private homes, floor/carpet stores, building material markets, schools, offices, and day care centers, while outdoor samples were simultaneously collected close to the indoor sampling locations. The total OPFR concentrations (∑OPFRs) in indoor air ranged from 3.

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Permissive hypercapnia in extremely low birthweight infants (PHELBI): a randomised controlled multicentre trial.

Lancet Respir Med

July 2015

Division of Neonatology and Pediatric Critical Care, University Hospital for Children and Adolescents, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany.

Background: Tolerating higher partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in mechanically ventilated, extremely low birthweight infants might reduce ventilator-induced lung injury and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. We aimed to test the hypothesis that higher target ranges for pCO2 decrease the rate of bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death.

Methods: In this randomised multicentre trial, we recruited infants from 16 tertiary care perinatal centres in Germany with birthweight between 400 g and 1000 g and gestational age 23-28 weeks plus 6 days, who needed endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation within 24 h of birth.

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14q32 miRNA cluster takes center stage in neovascularization.

Circ Res

September 2014

From the Institute of Cardiovascular Regeneration, Centre of Molecular Medicine, J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt, Germany (S.D.); and A.I.Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Science Service Center, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland (S.Y.-H.).

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In a former study, a German lignite extract exhibited toxicity to Danio rerio and Caenorhabditis elegans and was shown to have mutagenic and dioxin-like activity. Besides the comparatively low content of known toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), highly intensive peaks of m/z 274 and m/z 324 were observed during the chromatographic analysis. These compounds are assumed to be alkylated chrysenes and picenes (3,3,7-trimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrochrysene, 1,2-(1'-isopropylpropano)-7-methylchrysene and an isomer of the latter, 1,2,9-trimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropicene and 2,2,9-trimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropicene).

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Investigations of the bioavailability and toxicity of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC) have rarely considered the heterogeneity of coals and the impact of more polar PAC besides polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Earlier, we investigated the toxicity of eight heterogeneous coals and their extracts. In the present study, the hazard potential with respect to mechanism-specific toxicity of polar fractions of dichloromethane extracts from coals was studied.

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Using ICP-qMS to trace the uptake of nanoscale titanium dioxide by microalgae-potential disadvantages of vegetable reference material.

Anal Bioanal Chem

April 2014

Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Department of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, J.W. Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

As nanoscale materials have gained in economic importance over recent years, concerns about accumulation in the environment and, consequently, analysis of nanoparticles in biological material have increasingly become the focus of scientific research. A nanomaterial used in a wide range of food, consumer and household products is titanium dioxide (nTiO2). Monitoring of nTiO2 via determination of elemental titanium (Ti) can be very challenging because of a variety of possible interferences.

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Unilateral hearing during development: hemispheric specificity in plastic reorganizations.

Front Syst Neurosci

December 2013

Cluster of Excellence, Department of Experimental Otology, Institute of Audioneurotechnology, ENT Clinics, Hannover Medical School Hannover, Germany ; Department of Physiology and Otolaryngology, J. W. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

The present study investigates the hemispheric contributions of neuronal reorganization following early single-sided hearing (unilateral deafness). The experiments were performed on ten cats from our colony of deaf white cats. Two were identified in early hearing screening as unilaterally congenitally deaf.

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Increased myeloperoxidase plasma levels in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

J Alzheimers Dis

October 2014

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany Section for Dementia Research, Hertie-Institute of Clinical Brain Research and Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany DZNE, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Tübingen, Germany.

Background: Increasing evidence supports the role of cardiovascular risk factors in the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Objective: In the present pilot study, we investigated plasma concentrations of myeloperoxidase (MPO) and its possible association with plasma amyloid-β (Aβ)1-42/1-40 ratio in AD patients and elderly healthy controls.

Methods: The study sample included 28 AD patients and 27 elderly individuals with a normal cognitive status as a control group.

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Printing ink and paper recycling sources of TMDD in wastewater and rivers.

Sci Total Environ

January 2014

Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Department of Analytical Environmental Chemistry, J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Electronic address:

2,4,7,9-Tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (TMDD) is a non-ionic surfactant which is preferentially used as defoamer in paints and printing ink and for the treatment of surfaces. Effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been identified as the domination point sources for TMDD in rivers since the removal rate of the compound in the WWTPs is in general less than 70%. However, the dominating entry pathways of TMDD into the sewage were unknown so far.

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Background: To examine whether nuclear NF-κB expression correlates with outcome in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) treated with primary chemoradiation therapy (CRT).

Methods And Materials: Between 2007 and 2010, 101 patients with locally advanced primary HNSCC were treated with definitive simultaneous CRT. Pretreatment biopsy specimens were analyzed for NF-κB p65 (RelA) nuclear immunoreactivity.

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Degradation of lidocaine, tramadol, venlafaxine and the metabolites O-desmethyltramadol and O-desmethylvenlafaxine in surface waters.


February 2013

Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Department of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

The photodegradation and biotic transformation of the pharmaceuticals lidocaine (LDC), tramadol (TRA) and venlafaxine (VEN), and of the metabolites O-desmethyltramadol (ODT) and O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODV) in the aquatic environmental have been investigated. Photodegradation experiments were carried out using a medium pressure Hg lamp (laboratory experiments) and natural sunlight (field experiments). Degradation of the target compounds followed a first-order kinetic model.

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Impact of wastewater treatment plant discharge of lidocaine, tramadol, venlafaxine and their metabolites on the quality of surface waters and groundwater.

J Environ Monit

May 2012

Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Department of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

The presence of the anesthetic lidocaine (LDC), the analgesic tramadol (TRA), the antidepressant venlafaxine (VEN) and the metabolites O-desmethyltramadol (ODT) and O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODV) was investigated in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents, in surface waters and in groundwater. The analytes were detected in all effluent samples and in only 64% of the surface water samples. The mean concentrations of the analytes in effluent samples from WWTPs with wastewater from only households and hospitals were 107 (LDC), 757 (TRA), 122 (ODT), 160 (VEN) and 637 ng L(-1) (ODV), while the mean concentrations in effluents from WWTPs treating additionally wastewater from pharmaceutical industries as indirect dischargers were for some pharmaceuticals clearly higher.

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Occurrence and removal of lidocaine, tramadol, venlafaxine, and their metabolites in German wastewater treatment plants.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int

March 2012

Department of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Purpose: Some of the pharmaceuticals that are not extensively investigated in the aquatic environment are the anesthetic lidocaine (LDC), the analgesic tramadol (TRA), and the antidepressant venlafaxine (VEN). LDC metabolizes to 2,6-xylidine (2,6-DMA) and monoethylglycinexylidine (MEGX), TRA to O-desmethyltramadol (ODT), and VEN to O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODV). Within this study, the distribution and behavior of these compounds in German wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were investigated.

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Occurrence and fate of TMDD in wastewater treatment plants in Germany.

Water Res

October 2011

Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Department of Analytical Environmental Chemistry, J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

The occurrence and fate of 2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (TMDD) was investigated in four wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Germany. The concentration of TMDD in influents and effluents in the WWTPs ranged from 134 ng/L to 5846 ng/L and from View Article and Find Full Text PDF

There is a body of literature demonstrating an association between altered hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis reactivity and aggressive behavior. Aggressive and disruptive behavior also is highly prevalent in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Findings on HPA-axis reactivity in ADHD, however, are rather inconsistent.

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Occurrence and temporal variations of TMDD in the river Rhine, Germany.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int

February 2010

Institute of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Department of Analytical Environmental Chemistry, J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Background, Aim, And Scope: The chemical substance 2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (TMDD) is a non-ionic surfactant used as an industrial defoaming agent and in various other applications. Its commercial name is Surynol 104 and the related ethoxylates are also available as Surfynol 420, 440, 465 and 485 which are characterized by different grades of ethoxylation of TMDD at both hydroxyl functional groups. TMDD and its ethoxylates offer several advantages in waterborne industrial applications in coatings, inks, adhesives as well as in paper industries.

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