2 results match your criteria: "Ireland. ratnesh.sahay@insight-centre.org.[Affiliation]"
J Biomed Semantics
September 2017
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUIG, Galway, Ireland.
Background: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is playing a key role in therapeutic decision making for the cancer prognosis and treatment. The NGS technologies are producing a massive amount of sequencing datasets. Often, these datasets are published from the isolated and different sequencing facilities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Biomed Semantics
February 2017
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUIG, Galway, Ireland.
Background: Several query federation engines have been proposed for accessing public Linked Open Data sources. However, in many domains, resources are sensitive and access to these resources is tightly controlled by stakeholders; consequently, privacy is a major concern when federating queries over such datasets. In the Healthcare and Life Sciences (HCLS) domain real-world datasets contain sensitive statistical information: strict ownership is granted to individuals working in hospitals, research labs, clinical trial organisers, etc.
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