197 results match your criteria: "Institute of Higher Education and Research DU[Affiliation]"

Introduction: Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT) poses a rare but life-threatening challenge, warranting meticulous treatment approaches. Traditional therapy involves Vitamin K Antagonists (VKAs), but Newer Oral Anticoagulants (NOACs) offer potential advantages. This study addresses a crucial knowledge gap in the Indian context, analyzing real-world data to guide CVT management decisions.

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The most prevalent kind of odontogenic cysts is radicular cysts, which usually develop from the epithelial remnants in the periodontal ligament as a result of inflammation that follows pulp necrosis. We report a case of a 49-year-old male patient who complained of painless swelling in the maxillary anterior region, which turned out to be a radicular cyst. Upon clinical examination, a soft, nontender swelling that fluctuated was found.

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Cervical spine changes with functional appliance treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

J Oral Biol Craniofac Res

May 2024

Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Sri Ramachandra Dental College & Hospital, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (DU), Porur, Chennai, 600116, India.

Objective: Cervical spine posture is related to craniofacial morphology, airway, gait and body posture. This posture may be influenced by the changes in the mandibular position brought about by functional appliance therapy. Therefore, this systematic review aimed to assess the changes in the cervical spine posture with functional appliance treatment in Skeletal Class II subjects.

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Background: Obesity has reached an alarming rate affecting all categories of the population. A tremendous rise in obesity has been observed in children and adolescents. In India, the prevalence of adolescent obesity is more than 30% of the population.

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Article Synopsis
  • Pes planus, or flatfoot, is a congenital condition where the arch of the foot is lower than normal, leading to less shock absorption and more stress during walking, but it often doesn't cause noticeable symptoms.
  • A case study presents a 20-year-old woman with flatfeet and an underdeveloped heel, focusing on her struggles with gait but showing no other significant health issues.
  • The treatment approach includes orthotics and rehabilitation, emphasizing the need for education on flatfoot management to improve patient quality of life and function.
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Introduction: Preeclampsia, a hypertensive disorder in pregnancy, is a multisystem disease of unknown etiology and is associated with an increased risk of maternal mortality and morbidity. Infants from preeclampsia mothers have significantly higher incidence of prematurity, somatic growth retardation, thrombocytopenia, low birth weight, respiratory distress syndrome, and long duration of admission to neonatal intensive care (NICU).

Aims And Objectives: This study was done to study the maternal mortality and morbidity and foetal outcome in pregnant women with severe preeclampsia.

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Effectiveness of Syrebo's Glove Rehabilitation Program in a Patient With Middle Cerebral Artery Infarct: A Case Report.


April 2024

Department of Neuro-Physiotherapy, Center for Advanced Physiotherapy Education & Research (CAPER) Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College, Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research (DU) Sawangi Meghe, Wardha, IND.

In India, stroke is a significant health concern, with an estimated prevalence of around 1.54% in adults over 20 years old. The incidence of stroke in India varies regionally but is generally high due to factors like hypertension and lifestyle changes.

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Painless legs and moving toe syndrome (PoLMT) is a rare syndrome characterized by involuntary movements of the toe without pain. The exact etiology of the patient's PoLMT is unknown. We present a case of PoLMT in 45-year-old woman with a history of haloperidol intake for 10 months.

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Almost all biological processes in the human body are regulated by circadian rhythm, which results in drastically different biochemical and physiological conditions throughout a 24 h period. Hence, suitable drug delivery systems should be efficiently monitored to attain the required therapeutic plasma concentration and therapeutic drug responses when needed as per chrono pharmacological concepts. "Chronotherapy" is the fast and transient release of a particular quantity of drug substance post a predetermined off-release period, termed as 'lag time'.

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Introduction Lymphadenopathy, characterized by the enlargement of lymph nodes, is a common concern encountered by physicians in outpatient settings. It is deemed significant and warrants evaluation due to the diverse range of potential causes, ranging from treatable infections to incurable metastatic malignancies. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) emerges as a crucial tool in addressing these concerns, acknowledged for its rapid diagnostic capabilities, simplicity, accuracy, and minimal invasiveness.

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Black cohosh () is a perennial plant used to treat menopause. This plant is known to have a serotonergic rather than estrogenic impact. It has been recommended to treat vasomotor symptoms associated with breast cancer patients.

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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are common mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Some somatic factors have been linked to an increased incidence risk. The diagnostic process for GIST poses difficulties since it bears limited resemblance to ovarian masses, given its manifestation through symptoms like abdominal pain, abdominal mass, fever, weight loss, and loss of appetite.

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Introduction: The health of women is of particular concern because they often have greater health needs than men and many women still lack access to quality healthcare services, preventing their ability to attain the best possible level of health. Hence, this study aimed to assess the accessibility and availability of health services among rural women.

Methods: A household survey was conducted by using a multi-stage sample with 407 married women aged 18-45 years, having at least one child and living in Tiruchirappalli District, Tamil Nadu were recruited for this study.

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The current study was a first step towards planning the implementation of tele-practice in a South Indian state's public-sector services for childhood hearing and speech, language disorders. The aim was to understand the perceptions of public-sector health care providers (HCPs) regarding their need and readiness to accept and implement tele-practice-based diagnostics and rehabilitation services. A cross-sectional study design was used, which included focus group discussions (FGDs), semi-structured interviews (SSIs) and geo-spatial analysis.

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Discitis linked to Pott's spine is an infrequent yet severe issue, especially difficult to manage among elderly individuals due to age-related bodily changes and concurrent health issues. This report details the successful physiotherapy-based recovery of a senior patient afflicted with discitis related to Pott's spine. The individual, a 61-year-old man, presented symptoms including intense back pain, restricted movement, and neurological issues.

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Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) affecting the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) represents a unique clinical challenge, necessitating a multifaceted approach to rehabilitation. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of physiotherapeutic interventions tailored specifically for individuals with AIS involving the PCA territory. The PCA supplies critical areas of the brain responsible for visual processing, memory, and sensory integration.

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The most severe form of spastic cerebral palsy (CP), which affects the arms and legs and often the face, is known as spastic quadriplegia. In addition to other developmental disabilities such as intellectual disability and seizures, it can cause difficulty in walking. Children with CP often have seizures as a result of brain injury, and spastic quadriplegic CP is typically associated with global developmental delay.

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Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is a rare disorder that generally affects the elderly multigravida females. It is a type of dilated cardiomyopathy that generally affects the last trimester of pregnancy or early postpartum period. Several risk factors are associated with the development of PPCM.

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Background: Alcohol dependence is a prevalent issue worldwide. The wives of persons with alcohol dependence (WPAD) often experience several psychological, physical, and social problems, and it is essential to identify their coping strategies. This study aims to explore the coping strategies employed by WPAD by conducting a focus group discussion (FGD).

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Introduction Thyroid gland disorders, such as goiters or tumor masses, are the result of localized or systemic aberrations of the thyroid gland. The purpose of this research was to see how effective fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) was in detecting thyroid swelling in patients with thyroid swelling. It is critical to be able to differentiate between benign and malignant thyroid nodules to reduce unnecessary thyroid surgeries.

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Periapical Cyst Forming Cutaneous Sinus Tract: Unusual Presentation-Case Report.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg

February 2024

Department of ENT, Datta Meghe Medical College and SMHRC Hospital, Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research (DU) Sawangi, Hingna Road, Wanadongri, Nagpur, 441110 India.

A cutaneous sinus tract due to periapical cyst being very rare may easily be misdiagnosed, leading to incorrect treatment. Identifying the etiology is difficult, but it is the key to effective therapy. The case presented here is a cutaneous sinus tract in the nasolabial region of odontogenic origin.

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Development of Phonemically Balanced Word List in Tamil for Speech Audiometry and Evaluation of Its Effectiveness in Adults.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg

February 2024

Department of Audiology, Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (DU), Porur, Chennai, India.

Speech audiometry has become an essential component of the audiological test battery. Various speech audiometry materials have been developed in different languages and also revised later to meet criteria such as familiarity of the words, phonetic/phonemic balance, number of test items, and dialectal variations. The current study focused on developing a PB word list in Tamil for adults.

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Background: This study aimed to assess silymarin's anticancer and antifibrotic potential through in silico analysis and investigate its impact on in vitro arecoline-induced fibrosis in primary human buccal fibroblasts (HBF).

Methods & Results: The study utilized iGEMDOCK for molecular docking, evaluating nine bioflavonoids, and identified silymarin and baicalein as the top two compounds with the highest target affinity, followed by subsequent validation through a 100ns Molecular Dynamic Simulation demonstrating silymarin's stable behavior with Transforming Growth Factor Beta. HBF cell lines were developed from tissue samples obtained from patients undergoing third molar extraction.

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An abutment having edentulous space on both sides is referred to as a pier abutment. The rehabilitation of a patient whose primary concern when they first came to the hospital was missing teeth is discussed in this case report. When using a pier abutment for a fixed dental prosthesis, there is a problem with fulcrum and torqueing pressures at the intermediate abutment.

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