31 results match your criteria: "Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS[Affiliation]"

The recent experiments on fast (microsecond) pulse heating of graphite suggest the existence of sharp maximum (6500 K at 1-2 GPa) on its melting curve. To check the validity of these findings, we propose to investigate the accumulation of extended in-plane defects in graphene. Such defects would contribute to thermodynamic properties of graphene and impose the upper limit on its melting temperature.

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The change in dispersion of high-frequency excitations in fluids, from an oscillating solidlike to a monotonic gaslike one, is shown for the first time to affect thermal behavior of heat capacity and the q-gap width in reciprocal space. With in silico study of liquified noble gases, liquid iron, liquid mercury, and model fluids, we established universal bilinear dependence of heat capacity on q-gap width, whereas the crossover precisely corresponds to the change in the excitation spectra. The results open novel prospects for studies of various fluids, from simple to molecular liquids and melts.

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Impact shock origin of diamonds in ureilite meteorites.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

October 2020

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Khartoum, 11111 Khartoum, Sudan.

The origin of diamonds in ureilite meteorites is a timely topic in planetary geology as recent studies have proposed their formation at static pressures >20 GPa in a large planetary body, like diamonds formed deep within Earth's mantle. We investigated fragments of three diamond-bearing ureilites (two from the Almahata Sitta polymict ureilite and one from the NWA 7983 main group ureilite). In NWA 7983 we found an intimate association of large monocrystalline diamonds (up to at least 100 µm), nanodiamonds, nanographite, and nanometric grains of metallic iron, cohenite, troilite, and likely schreibersite.

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Opening a way to designing tunable interactions between colloidal particles in rotating electric and magnetic fields provides rich opportunities both for fundamental studies of phase transitions and engineering of soft materials. Spatial hodographs, showing the distribution of the field magnitude and orientation, allow the adjustment of interactions and can be an extremely potent tool for prospective experiments, but remain unstudied systematically. Here, we calculate the tunable interactions between spherical particles in rhodonea, conical, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal field hodographs, as the most experimentally important cases.

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An orthorhombic modification of (Fe,Ni)P, allabogdanite, found in iron meteorites was considered to be thermodynamically stable at pressures above 8 GPa and temperatures of 1673 K according to the results of recent static high-pressure and high-temperature experiments. A hexagonal polymorphic modification of (Fe,Ni)P, barringerite, was considered to be stable at ambient conditions. Experimental investigation through the solid-state synthesis supported by ab initio calculations was carried out to clarify the stability fields of (Fe,Ni)P polymorphs.

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A significant number of key properties of condensed matter are determined by the spectra of elementary excitations and, in particular, collective vibrations. However, the behavior and description of collective modes in disordered media (e.g.

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Defects play a crucial role in physics of solids, affecting their mechanical, electromagnetic, and chemical properties. However, influence of thermal defects on wave propagation in exothermic reactions (flame fronts) still remains poorly understood at the molecular level. Here, we show that thermal behavior of the defects exhibits essential features of double-step exothermic reactions with preequilibrium.

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Although the understanding of excitation spectra in fluids is of great importance, it is still unclear how different methods of spectral analysis agree with each other and which of them is suitable in a wide range of parameters. Here, we show that the problem can be solved using a two-oscillator model to analyze total velocity current spectra, while other considered methods, including analysis of the spectral maxima and single mode analysis, yield rough results and become unsuitable at high temperatures and wavenumbers. To prove this, we perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and calculate excitation spectra in Lennard-Jones and inverse-power-law fluids at different temperatures, both in 3D and 2D cases.

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If interacting modes of the same symmetry cross, they repel from each other and become hybridized. This phenomenon is called anticrossing and is well-known for mechanical oscillations, electromagnetic circuits, waveguides, metamaterials, polaritons, and phonons in crystals, but it still remains poorly understood in simple fluids. Here, we show that structural disorder and anharmonicity, governing properties of fluids, lead to the anticrossing of longitudinal and transverse modes, which is accompanied by their hybridization and strong redistribution of excitation spectra.

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The heat capacity of classical crystals is determined by the Dulong-Petit value C ≃ D (where D is the spatial dimension) for softly interacting particles and has the gas-like value C ≃ D/2 in the hard-sphere limit, while deviations are governed by the effects of anharmonicity. Soft- and hard-sphere interactions, which are associated with the enthalpy and entropy of crystals, are specifically anharmonic owing to violation of a linear relation between particle displacements and corresponding restoring forces. Here, we show that the interplay between these two types of anharmonicities unexpectedly induces two possible types of heat capacity anomalies.

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Excitation spectra of liquid iron up to superhigh temperatures.

J Phys Condens Matter

August 2017

Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS, Kaluzhskoe shosse, 14, Troitsk, Moscow, 108840, Russia.

Investigation of excitation spectra of liquids is one of the hot test topics nowadays. In particular, recent experimental works showed that liquid metals can demonstrate transverse excitations and positive sound dispersion. However, the theoretical description of these experimental observations is still missing.

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Structure and topology of three-dimensional hydrocarbon polymers.

Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater

August 2016

Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS, 142190 Troitsk, Moscow, Russian Federation.

A new family of three-dimensional hydrocarbon polymers which are more energetically favorable than benzene is proposed. Although structurally these polymers are closely related to well known diamond and lonsdaleite carbon structures, using topological arguments we demonstrate that they have no known structural analogs. Topological considerations also give some indication of possible methods of synthesis.

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In experiments two-dimensional systems are realized mainly on solid substrates, which introduce quenched disorder due to some inherent defects. The defects of substrates influence the melting scenario of the systems and have to be taken into account in the interpretation of experimental results. We present the results of molecular dynamics simulations of a two-dimensional system with a core-softened potential in which a small fraction of the particles is pinned, inducing quenched disorder.

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Most of the hydrocarbons are either molecular structures or linear polymeric chains. Discovery of graphene and manufacturing of its monohydride - graphane have incited interest in the search for three-dimensional hydrocarbon polymers. However, up to now all hypothetical hydrocarbon lattices significantly have lost in terms of energy to stacked graphane sheets and solid benzene.

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We consider the correlation between static conductivity and dynamic dielectric relaxation in a number of polar organic liquids. Experimental evidence suggests that in the simple cases the linear dependence between characteristic frequency of relaxation process and the value of static susceptibility is observed. However, this proportionality can be broken due to the appearance of additional relaxation processes (secondary or high-frequency ones) so it can be confused with the "fractional" variant of Debye-Stokes-Einstein relation.

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We present the high pressure (up to 3 GPa) dielectric spectroscopy study of ethanol in supercooled liquid and solid states. It was found that ethanol can be obtained in the glassy form by relatively slow cooling in the pressure range below 1.5 GPa.

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In the present paper, using a molecular dynamics simulation, we study a nature of melting of a two-dimensional (2D) system of classical particles interacting through a purely repulsive isotropic core-softened potential which is used for the qualitative description of the anomalous behavior of water and some other liquids. We show that the melting scenario drastically depends on the potential softness and changes with increasing the width of the smooth repulsive shoulder. While at small width of the repulsive shoulder the melting transition exhibits what appears to be weakly first-order behavior, at larger values of the width a reentrant-melting transition occurs upon compression for not too high pressures, and in the low density part of the 2D phase diagram melting is a continuous two-stage transition, with an intermediate hexatic phase in accordance with the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Halperin-Nelson-Young scenario.

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We present a computer simulation study of the phase diagram and anomalous behavior of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) classical particles repelling each other through an isotropic core-softened potential. As in the analogous three-dimensional case, in 2D a reentrant-melting transition occurs upon compression under not too high pressure, along with a spectrum of thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in the fluid phase. However, in two dimensions the order of the region of anomalous diffusion and the region of structural anomaly is inverted in comparison with the 3D case, where there exists a water-like sequence of anomalies, and has a silica-like sequence.

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Anomalous melting scenario of the two-dimensional core-softened system.

Phys Rev Lett

April 2014

Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS, Kaluzhskoe Shosse, 14, Troitsk, 142190 Moscow, Russia and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 141700 Moscow, Russia.

We present a computer simulation study of the phase behavior of two-dimensional (2D) classical particles repelling each other through an isotropic core-softened potential. As in the analogous three-dimensional (3D) case, a reentrant-melting transition occurs upon compression for not too high pressures, along with a spectrum of waterlike anomalies in the fluid phase. However, in two dimensions in the low density part of the phase diagram melting is a continuous two-stage transition, with an intermediate hexatic phase.

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Multistage structural evolution in simple monatomic supercritical fluids: superstable tetrahedral local order.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

November 2013

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 141700 Moscow, Russia and L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432, Moscow Region, Chernogolovka, Russia and Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University Northridge, Northridge, California 91330, USA and Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS, 142190, Moscow, Russia.

The local order units of dense simple liquid are typically three-dimensional (close packed) clusters: hcp, fcc, and icosahedrons. We show that the fluid demonstrates the superstable tetrahedral local order up to temperatures several orders of magnitude higher than the melting temperature and down to critical density. While the solid-like local order (hcp, fcc) disappears in the fluid at much lower temperatures and far above critical density.

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Recently, we have proposed a new dynamic line on the phase diagram in the supercritical region, the Frenkel line. Crossing the line corresponds to the radical changes of system properties. Here, we focus on the dynamics of model Lennard-Jones and soft-sphere fluids.

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The dielectric response in methanol measured in wide pressure and temperature ranges (P < 6.0 GPa; 100 K < T < 360 K) reveals a series of anomalies which can be interpreted as a transformation between several solid phases of methanol including a hitherto unknown high-pressure low-temperature phase with the stability range P > 1.2 GPa and T < 270 K.

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We present the high pressure dielectric spectroscopy (up to 4.2 GPa) and ultrasonic study (up to 1.7 GPa) of liquid and glassy propylene carbonate (PC).

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It is generally agreed that the supercritical region of a liquid consists of one single state (supercritical fluid). On the other hand, we show here that liquids in this region exist in two qualitatively different states: "rigid" and "nonrigid" liquids. Rigid to nonrigid transition corresponds to the condition τ≈τ(0), where τ is the liquid relaxation time and τ(0) is the minimal period of transverse quasiharmonic waves.

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The electrotransport and magnetic properties of new phases in the Cr-GaSb system were studied. The samples were prepared by high-pressure (P=6-8 GPa), high-temperature treatment and identified by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. One of the CrGa(2)Sb(2) phases with an orthorhombic structure Iba2 has a combination of ferromagnetic and semiconductor properties and is potentially promising for spintronic applications.

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