8 results match your criteria: "Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)- National Institute for Plant Biotechnology (NIPB)[Affiliation]"

Background: Biofortified maize with enhanced carotenoid content was developed to combat vitamin A deficiency. However, it was observed that during storage, carotenoids present in maize grain get degraded and it has been reported that carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase1 (ccd1) is responsible for this degradation.

Methods And Results: In our current study, comprehensive in-silico analysis deciphered a complete overview of the ccd1 gene in maize including the gene structures, phylogeny, chromosomal locations, promoter analysis, conserved motifs and interacting protein partners.

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In India, amphidiploid (AABB, 2n=36) is a significant oilseed crop, but its small gene pool limits its ability to develop traits of higher breeding and economic value. Through interspecific hybridization from various lines of the progenitor species, resynthesized (RBJ) can provide breeders with additional resources for creating genetically diverse stress-tolerant and high-yielding cultivars. Three accessions and eight accessions were crossed in this study to develop 33 synthetic lines.

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Pollen-pistil interactions in divergent wide crosses lead to spatial and temporal pre-fertilization reproductive barrier in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.).

Sci Rep

February 2025

Division of Germplasm Evaluation, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (ICAR-NBPGR), New Delhi, India.

Linseed, has been a source of natural fiber for textile industries since its domestication. However, despite being the potential source of trait reservoir, the use of Linum wild genetic resources for the improvement of economic traits are not exploited widely. This is mainly due to the degree of genetic divergence that exists among the interspecific ecotypes causing crossability issues.

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Durum wheat, less immunogenically intolerant than bread wheat, originates from diploid progenitors known for nutritional quality and stress tolerance. Present study involves the analysis of major grain parameters, viz. size, weight, sugar, starch, and protein content of Triticum durum (AABB genome) and its diploid progenitors, Triticum monococcum (AA genome) and Aegilops speltoides (BB genome).

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In the current global warming scenario, it is imperative to develop crops with improved heat tolerance or acclimation, for which knowledge of major heat stress-tolerant genes or genomic regions is a prerequisite. Though several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for heat tolerance have been mapped in rice, candidate genes from these QTLs have not been reported yet. The meta-analysis of microarray datasets for heat stress in rice can give us a better genomic resource for the dissection of QTLs and the identification of major candidate genes for heat stress tolerance.

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Angiotensin-converting enzyme I (ACE I) is a zinc-containing metallopeptidase involved in the renin-angiotensin system (RAAS) that helps in the regulation of hypertension and maintains fluid balance otherwise, which results in cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). One of the leading reasons of global deaths is due to CVDs. RAAS also plays a central role in maintaining homeostasis of the CV system.

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TEnGExA: an R package based tool for tissue enrichment and gene expression analysis.

Brief Bioinform

May 2021

ICAR-National Institute for Plant Biotechnology, LBS Centre, IARI, New Delhi 110012, India.

RNA-seq data analysis with rapidly advancing high-throughput sequencing technology, nowadays provides large number of transcripts or genes to perform downstream analysis including functional annotation and pathway analysis. However for the data from multiple tissues, downstream analysis with tissue-specific or tissue-enriched transcripts is highly preferable. However, there is still a need of tool for quickly performing tissue-enrichment and gene expression analysis irrespective of number of input genes or tissues at various fragments per kilobase of transcript per million fragments mapped (FPKM) thresholds.

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Wheat grain development after anthesis is an important biological process, in which major components of seeds are synthesised, and these components are further required for germination and seed vigour. We have made a comparative RNA-Seq analysis between hexaploid wheat and its individual diploid progenitors to know the major differentially expressed genes (DEGs) involved during grain development. Two libraries from each species were generated with an average of 55.

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