104 results match your criteria: "IVI RMA Madrid; and Rey Juan Carlos University[Affiliation]"

A comprehensive study of common and rare genetic variants in spermatogenesis-related loci identifies new risk factors for idiopathic severe spermatogenic failure.

Hum Reprod Open

November 2024

Departamento de Genética e Instituto de Biotecnología, Centro de Investigación Biomédica (CIBM), Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain.

Study Question: Can genome-wide genotyping data be analysed using a hypothesis-driven approach to enhance the understanding of the genetic basis of severe spermatogenic failure (SPGF) in male infertility?

Summary Answer: Our findings revealed a significant association between SPGF and the gene and identified three novel genes (, , and ) along with 32 potentially pathogenic rare variants in 30 genes that contribute to this condition.

What Is Known Already: SPGF is a major cause of male infertility, often with an unknown aetiology. SPGF can be due to either multifactorial causes, including both common genetic variants in multiple genes and environmental factors, or highly damaging rare variants.

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The First Lugano Workshop on the role of adenomyosis in ART.

Reprod Biomed Online

January 2025

The Fertility Clinic, Skive Regional Hospital, Skive, Denmark; Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.

Adenomyosis is an important clinical condition with uncertain prevalence, and clinical focus on adenomyosis in patients undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) has increased during recent years. Recognizing the limited clinical knowledge on the impact of adenomyosis on ART outcomes, the First Lugano Adenomyosis Workshop was a symposium involving experts in the field of adenomyosis, covering basic research, imaging, surgery and infertility to highlight current advances and future research areas over a wide range of topics related to adenomyosis. Adenomyosis is characterized by altered oestrogen and progesterone signalling pathways.

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Introduction: This large multicenter study aimed to evaluate clinical outcomes using three follitropin alfa preparations within a progestin-primed ovarian stimulation (PPOS) protocol, while identifying contributing factors to cycle success.

Methods: A retrospective, anonymized cohort analysis was conducted on donor-recipient cycles from 12 clinics during 2019 to 2021. 7389 oocyte donors underwent ovarian stimulation (OS) with three follitropin alfa preparations (Ovaleap [n=3231], Bemfola [n=3542], Gonal-F [n=616]) were included.

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DuoStim: Do we have enough evidence to use it?

Fertil Steril

October 2024

Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine, San Francisco, California. Electronic address:

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Associations between Non-Essential Trace Elements in Women's Biofluids and IVF Outcomes in Euploid Single-Embryo Transfer Cycles.

J Xenobiot

August 2024

IVI-RMA Global Research Alliance, IVI Foundation, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe (IIS La Fe), 46026 Valencia, Spain.

Previous studies have found inconsistent associations between heavy metals and metalloids (cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic), and reproductive outcomes. The biofluid concentrations of ten non-essential trace elements (Hg, Pb, As, Ba, Sr, Rb, Cs, Sn, Ni, and Co) were evaluated in 51 Spanish women undergoing ICSI, PGT-A, and SET/FET. Nine out of ten non-essential elements were detectable in follicular fluid, whole blood, and urine collected the day of vaginal oocyte retrieval (VOR) and the day of embryo transfer and then analyzed by ICP-MS or Tricell DMA-80 for mercury.

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Essential trace elements are micronutrients whose deficiency has been associated with altered fertility and/or adverse pregnancy outcomes, while surplus may be toxic. The concentrations of eight essential trace elements were measured using inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and assessed with respect to clinical in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes in a population of 51 women undergoing IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), pre-implantation genetic screening for aneuploidy (PGT-A), and single frozen euploid embryo transfer (SET/FET). Specifically, copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), molybdenum, selenium, lithium, iron, chromium, and manganese were quantified in follicular fluid and whole blood collected the day of vaginal oocyte retrieval (VOR) and in urine collected the day of VOR and embryo transfer.

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Luteal phase support using micronized vaginal progesterone as pessaries or capsules in artificial cycles: is there any difference?

Reprod Biomed Online

May 2024

IVI Foundation, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe, Valencia, Spain.; Human Reproduction Department, IVI RMA Valencia, Valencia, Spain.

Article Synopsis
  • The study investigates whether there’s a difference in the progesterone levels of patients using vaginal pessaries versus capsules for luteal phase support during embryo transfer.
  • A total of 2665 hormone replacement treatment-embryo transfer cycles were analyzed, revealing that those using pessaries had significantly higher mean progesterone levels and a lower rate of suboptimal progesterone (<8.8 ng/ml).
  • While the pessary group showed fewer patients needing extra treatment, there were no differences in overall pregnancy outcomes between the two methods.*
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ESHRE guideline: number of embryos to transfer during IVF/ICSI†.

Hum Reprod

April 2024

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland.

Study Question: Which clinical and embryological factors should be considered to apply double embryo transfer (DET) instead of elective single embryo transfer (eSET)?

Summary Answer: No clinical or embryological factor per se justifies a recommendation of DET instead of eSET in IVF/ICSI.

What Is Known Already: DET is correlated with a higher rate of multiple pregnancy, leading to a subsequent increase in complications for both mother and babies. These complications include preterm birth, low birthweight, and other perinatal adverse outcomes.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study investigates whether dydrogesterone, when administered during the first trimester for pregnancy-related issues, increases the risk of congenital anomalies in newborns.
  • Results indicate that dydrogesterone does not pose a significant additional risk for congenital anomalies, despite some past controversial claims.
  • The research involved a systematic review of studies with strict inclusion criteria, focusing on patients undergoing treatments like ART and those experiencing miscarriage, comparing dydrogesterone use to alternatives.
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Progestin-primed ovarian stimulation.

Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol

June 2024

IVI-RMA Madrid, Avda del Talgo 68; Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain.

Article Synopsis
  • The use of progestins as pituitary suppressors in ovarian stimulation has gained traction, offering a personalized approach to infertility treatment.
  • Progestins help prevent premature ovulation during in vitro fertilization by inhibiting luteinizing hormone surges, serving as a cost-effective alternative to GnRH analogues.
  • They have shown effectiveness in improving ovarian response and reproductive outcomes while allowing for oral administration, making them a more convenient and safer choice, especially in cases of frozen-thawed embryo transfer.
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The HERA (Hyper-response Risk Assessment) Delphi consensus for the management of hyper-responders in in vitro fertilization.

J Assist Reprod Genet

November 2023

Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, McGill University Health Care Center, 888 Boul. de Maisonneuve E #200, Montreal, QC, H2L 4S8, Canada.

Purpose: To provide agreed-upon guidelines on the management of a hyper-responsive patient undergoing ovarian stimulation (OS) METHODS: A literature search was performed regarding the management of hyper-response to OS for assisted reproductive technology. A scientific committee consisting of 4 experts discussed, amended, and selected the final statements. A priori, it was decided that consensus would be reached when ≥66% of the participants agreed, and ≤3 rounds would be used to obtain this consensus.

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This study aims to determine the association of non-essential trace elements present in follicular fluid, plasma, and urine with reproductive outcomes of women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (PGT-A) and single frozen euploid embryo transfer (SET/FET). This single-center, prospective cohort study included sixty women undergoing ICSI with PGT-A and SET/FET between 2018 and 2019. Urine, plasma and follicular fluid samples were collected on the vaginal oocyte retrieval day to simultaneously quantify ten non-essential trace elements (i.

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The Impact of Essential Trace Elements on Ovarian Response and Reproductive Outcomes following Single Euploid Embryo Transfer.

Int J Mol Sci

June 2023

IVIRMA Global Research Alliance, IVI Foundation, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe (IIS La Fe), 46026 Valencia, Spain.

Essential trace elements are required in extremely small amounts and obtained through diet. This research focuses on detecting major trace elements in different biofluids of sixty women undergoing ICSI with PGT-A and SET/FET at IVI-RMA, New Jersey, and assessing their impact on their IVF outcomes. Urine, plasma, and follicular fluid samples were collected on the vaginal oocyte retrieval day to measure the concentrations of eight essential trace elements (copper, zinc, molybdenum, lithium, selenium, manganese, chromium, and iron) using ICP-MS.

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Cadmium and lead are known to interfere with the endocrine function. Thus, hormonally regulated processes such as menarche, menopause and pregnancy are likely influenced by chronic exposure to these metals. In US post-menopausal women, who already completed their reproductive lifespan, we evaluated the association between blood cadmium and lead levels with self-reported reproductive lifespan and personal history of pregnancy loss.

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Background: Systematic monitoring of key performance indicators (KPI) is an important component of quality management within the IVF laboratory and, as success of assisted reproduction depends on many variables, it is important to examine how each variable can be optimized to achieve the best possible outcome for patients.

Objective: To analyze how the design of a QMS impacts homogenization, safety, and efficacy in multiple fertility centers. Study Design Multicenter, retrospective cohort study with 188,251 patients who underwent 246,988 assisted reproductive treatments at 14 private centers belonging to IVI-RMA clinics between January 2005 and December 2019.

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Article Synopsis
  • A study examined the impact of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) on maternal and neonatal outcomes in singleton pregnancies from IVF/ICSI cycles and found it did not lead to worse outcomes.
  • Previous research suggested PGT-A pregnancies might have increased risks like lower birthweight and preterm delivery, but they showed better overall outcomes than general IVF/ICSI pregnancies aside from a higher risk of hypertensive disorders.
  • The study analyzed 7,146 live births and, despite initial findings of increased risks in certain conditions, further statistical analysis revealed that these outcomes were not significantly different after adjusting for confounding factors.
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Purpose: The regulated transportation of cryopreserved human embryos resulting from assisted reproduction treatments offers opportunities for patients undergoing embryo transfer in other regions/countries. However, the principal concern for fertility clinics is maintaining unaltered embryo quality to ensure satisfactory clinical outcomes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of the transportation process comparing the survival rate and competence of transported embryos to embryos produced and transferred on-site, in frozen embryo transfer cycles.

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Medroxyprogesterone acetate: an alternative to GnRH-antagonist in oocyte vitrification for social fertility preservation and preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy.

Reprod Biomed Online

August 2023

Human Reproduction Department, IVI-RMA, Plaza de la Policia Local, 3, PC, Valencia 46015, Spain; IVI Foundation - IIS La Fe. Avenida Fernando Abril Martorell, Torre 106 A, 7(a) planta, 46026, Valencia, Spain.

Research Question: Can medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) be used as a pituitary suppressor instead of a gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist during ovarian stimulation in elective fertility preservation and preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) cycles?

Design: A multicentre, retrospective, observational, cohort study conducted in 11 IVIRMA centres affiliated to private universities. Of a total of 1652 cycles of social fertility preservation, 267 patients were stimulated using a progestin-primed ovarian stimulation protocol (PPOS), and 1385 patients received a GnRH antagonist. In the PGT-A cycles, 5661 treatments were analysed: 635 patients received MPA and 5026 patients received GnRH antagonist.

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Live birth rates following individualized dosing algorithm of follitropin delta in a long GnRH agonist protocol.

Reprod Biol Endocrinol

May 2023

Reproductive Medicine & Maternal Health, Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S, Amager Strandvej 405, Kastrup, 2770, Denmark.

Purpose: To explore the efficacy and safety of individualized follitropin delta dosing, based on serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) concentration and bodyweight, in a long gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist protocol.

Methods: Clinical outcomes after one treatment cycle are reported in women with AMH: 5-35 pmol/L. Oocytes were inseminated by intracytoplasmic sperm injection, blastocyst transfer was on Day 5 and remaining blastocysts were cryopreserved.

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Objective: To determine the incidence and severity of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in high responders (25-35 follicles with a diameter of ≥12 mm on day of triggering) who received a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist to trigger final follicular maturation.

Methods: We used individual data from women who participated in four different clinical trials and were high responders to ovarian stimulation in a GnRH antagonist protocol in this retrospective combined analysis. All women were evaluated for signs and symptoms of OHSS using identical criteria based on Golan's system (1989).

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Although a wealth of data has been published regarding fertility preservation (FP) in women with malignant diseases who receive gonadotoxic treatment, the role of FP in non-malignant conditions has been studied to a much lesser extent. These include benign haematological, autoimmune, and genetic disorders, as well as a multitude of benign gynaecological conditions (BGCs) that may compromise ovarian reserve and/or reproductive potential due to pathogenic mechanisms or as a result of medical or surgical treatments. Alongside accumulating data that document the reproductive potential of cryopreserved oocytes and ovarian tissue, there is potential interest in FP for women with BGCs at risk of infertility; however, there are currently insufficient data about FP in women with BGCs to develop guidelines for clinical practice.

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