61 results match your criteria: "ICAR- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture[Affiliation]"

Chickpea, a protein-rich legume grown primarily in tropical and subtropical regions, faces significant challenges due to drought stress. A field study was conducted over two years (2020-21 and 2021-22) aimed to identify chickpea genotypes that are tolerant to drought. The study involved 25 chickpea genotypes subjected to irrigated (control) and water stress (drought) conditions and the experiment was arranged in a split-plot design.

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Rice yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is a serious pest, that causes significant yield loss (10-40%) to rice crop in India and other parts of the world. This study emphasizes the prediction of the potential invasion risk, distribution, and further spread of S. incertulas during current and future climate change scenarios in India and the world.

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Poor nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and water use efficiency (WUE) is a predominantly faced problem in semi-arid regions that limit the crop production. This problem can be addressed with the application of zeolite that is a naturally available mineral with very high cation exchange and water holding capacity, which aids in improving NUE and WUE. Moreover, zeolites are safe for the environment and living organisms, and their use in agriculture results in improving physical and chemical properties of soil.

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This study explores the development of diversified legume-oilseed cropping systems aimed at enhancing yield and water-use efficiency in rainfed areas of semi-arid tropics. Dryland agriculture, often limited by mono-cropping practices and erratic rainfall, necessitates innovative approaches for crop intensification and sustainability for the future. The integration of legumes and oilseeds into double cropping systems offers a viable solution for optimizing land use and improving productivity under precipitation-limited conditions.

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Microbes play an important role in the food chain by metabolizing organic matter, cycling nutrients, and maintaining a dynamic equilibrium among organisms in water and sediment. The objective is to study the fluctuating taxonomic microbial diversity profile in the sediment-water interface at different days of culture (DOC) of Penaeus vannamei in varying salinities using the Illumina MiSeq platform. Sediment samples were collected in Tamil Nadu, India, from low-saline, brackish water, and high-saline ponds at 30, 60, and 90 DOC.

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This study aimed to determine the effects of elevated carbon dioxide (eCO) and temperature (eT) on the phytochemical and nutritional parameters of legumes. Field experiments were conducted using black gram ( L.), green gram ( L.

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Polyhalite-based POLY4, a multi-nutrient source containing potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulphur, is increasingly recognised for its potential to improve crop yields and soil health in agricultural systems. It is also been considered as a feasible approach for addressing the deficiency in potassium, calcium, and sulphur within a single application source. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of polyhalite-based POLY4 application, either as a complete or partial substitute for traditional potassium fertiliser and gypsum supplement, on the improvement of peanut () growth and soil quality.

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Diabetes is a major health concern and is approaching epidemic proportions worldwide. In 2021, diabetes mellitus was responsible for 6.7 million deaths across the globe.

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To analyse the effect of nutrient management on the growth, physiology, energy utilization, production and quality of black gram, a field trial on black gram was conducted at eastern Indian Gangetic alluvium during the autumn of 2020 and 2021. Treatments were two soil applications of cobalt (Co) and foliar spray of potassium (K) and boron (B) in five combinations. All treatments were arranged in a split-plot design and repeated three times.

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Stability of soil organic carbon (SOC) is pre-requisite for stabilization of C leading to long-term C sequestration. However, development of a comprehensive metric of SOC stability is a major challenge. The objectives for the study were to develop novel SOC stability indices by encompassing physical, chemical, and biochemical SOC stability parameters and identifying the most important indicators from a Mollisol, an Inceptisol, a Vertisol, and an Alfisol under long-term manuring and fertilization.

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Intense cultivation with narrow row spacing in wheat, a common practice in the Indo-Gangetic plains of South Asia, renders the crop more susceptible to lodging during physiological maturity. This susceptibility, compounded by the use of traditional crop cultivars, has led to a substantial decline in overall crop productivity. In response to these challenges, a two-year field study on the system of wheat intensification (SWI) was conducted.

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Soybean-wheat is the predominant cropping system covering >2.5 Mha area in India. The lower productivity of soybean-wheat cropping system (SWCS), remains a serious concern primarily due to inadequate nutrient management.

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As the best-fit leguminous crop for intercropping across time and space, mungbean promises to sustain soil health, carbon sequestration, and nutritional security across the globe. However, it is susceptible to waterlogging, a significant constraint that persists during heavy rains. Since the predicted climate change scenario features fewer but more intense rainy days.

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The rising temperatures and levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are anticipated to have a significant impact on the productivity of agricultural crops. Although, the individual effects of elevated CO and temperature have been extensively studied in C3 and C4 crops, there remains a scarcity of research investigating their interactive effects specifically on maize hybrids. The impact of elevated temperature and its interaction with elevated CO on phenology, physiology, biomass, and grain yield of maize hybrids was assessed in a field experiment using Free Air Temperature Elevation (FATE) facility.

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The intensive agriculture practices improved the crop productivity but escalated energy inputs (EI) and carbon foot print (CF) which contributes to global warming. Hence designing productive, profitable crop management practices under different production systems with low environmental impact (EI and CF) is the need of the hour. To identify the practices, quantification of baseline emissions and the major sources of emissions are required.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study investigates the effects of combining nano-fertilizers with conventional fertilizers on soil microbial structure and crop yield in a wheat-maize system, aiming to improve nutrient efficiency.
  • Results show that using 75% of the recommended nitrogen combined with full phosphorus and potassium via conventional methods, along with nano-urea or nano-zinc sprays, can achieve similar grain yields as the full recommended dose.
  • The application of nano-fertilizers boosted soil microbial diversity and certain beneficial microbial groups, suggesting that integrating nano and conventional fertilizers is an effective strategy for sustainable agricultural practices and enhancing soil health.
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Increasing complexity in crop nutrient requirement in intensive crop production systems needs alternate multi-nutrient sources. Polyhalite (POLY-4) which contains 14% KO along withcalcium (17% CaO), magnesium (6% MgO), and sulfur (19% S) can be a possible recourse in this regard. In maize-wheat systems, it was evaluated for productivity, profitability, nutrient usage, and nutrient use efficiency under Indo-Gangetic plain (IGP) zones for consecutive two years (2018-19 and 2019-20).

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Plants perceive environmental fluctuations as stress and confront several stresses throughout their life cycle individually or in combination. Plants have evolved their sensing and signaling mechanisms to perceive and respond to a variety of stresses. Epigenetic regulation plays a critical role in the regulation of genes, spatiotemporal expression of genes under stress conditions and imparts a stress memory to encounter future stress responses.

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Rice yields are largely influenced by variability in weather. Here, we demonstrate the effect of weather variables viz., maximum and minimum temperatures, rainfall, morning and evening relative humidity, bright sunshine hours on the yield of rice cv.

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A field experiment with wheat was conducted at Pusa (25.98°N, 85.67°E, 52 m amsl), Bihar (middle Gangetic plains of India), to assess the responses of phenology, yield attributes, and yield to growing season temperature and heat stress.

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One of the biggest challenges to be addressed in world agriculture is low nitrogen (N) use efficiency (<40%). To address this issue, researchers have repeatedly underlined the need for greater emphasis on the development and promotion of energy efficient, and environmentally sound novel fertilizers, in addition to improved agronomic management to augment nutrient use efficiency for restoring soil fertility and increasing farm profit. Hence, a fixed plot field experiment was conducted to assess the economic and environmental competency of conventional fertilizers with and without nano-urea (novel fertilizer) in two predominant cropping systems viz.

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Article Synopsis
  • Soils with conservation agriculture (CA) show greater bacterial diversity and enzyme activity, aiding nutrient availability and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to conventional tillage (CT).
  • Research over 10 years examined the impact of tillage and crop residue levels in a semi-arid pigeonpea-castor bean system, using advanced DNA sequencing techniques.
  • CA practices increased soil organic carbon by 34% and available nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) by 10-34% compared to CT, while significantly lowering nitrous oxide emissions.
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The Paris Agreement goal of a net-zero equation will require decarbonization technologies in agriculture. Agri-waste biochar offers huge potential for carbon abatement in agricultural soils. The present experiment was carried out to compare the effects of residue management, viz.

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Mineral and vitamin deficiencies together affect a greater number of human populations in the world than does protein malnutrition. Organic farming is reported to improve nutritional quality of food grains while also improving soil health. However, sufficient scientific information on several aspects of organic farming based on long-term studies is lacking particularly under rainfed conditions of India.

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