67 results match your criteria: "Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences MATE[Affiliation]"

The tomato leaf miner (syn. ) Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is invasive in many agricultural regions. Its larvae feed inside leaf mines or tomato fruits and are difficult to reach with plant protection products.

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Enhancing Acclimatization Conditions for 'Fire': A Comparative Analysis of Substrate Effects on Growth and Survival.

Plants (Basel)

January 2025

Department of Floriculture and Dendrology, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), Villányi Street 29-43, 1118 Budapest, Hungary.

This study investigates the acclimatization success of 'Fire', a popular ornamental bromeliad, through in vitro propagation on various substrates. Due to the increasing demand for , micropropagation offers a promising solution to overcome the limitations of traditional propagation methods. In this research, acclimatization was conducted in two trial types: in the one-step greenhouse conditions, and in two-step acclimatization, which introduced a controlled laboratory step before transferring plants to the greenhouse.

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The processing of beans begins with a particularly time-consuming procedure, the hydration of the seeds. Ultrasonic treatment (US) represents a potential environmentally friendly method for process acceleration, while near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) is a proposedly suitable non-invasive monitoring tool to assess compositional changes. Our aim was to examine the hydration process of red kidney beans of varying sizes and origins.

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Comparative Evaluation of Different Mint Species Based on Their In Vitro Antioxidant and Antibacterial Effect.

Plants (Basel)

January 2025

Department of Microbiology and Applied Biotechnology, Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), Páter Károly utca 1., H-2100 Gödöllő, Hungary.

In our research six different mint species (peppermint, spearmint (five different chemotypes), Horse mint, mojito mint, apple mint (two different chemotypes), bergamot mint) have been evaluated by referring to their chemical (essential oil (EO) content and composition) and in vitro biological (antibacterial, antioxidant effect) characteristics. The EO amount of the analyzed mint populations varied between 1.99 and 3.

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This study aimed to understand the phenological changes in the shoots of temperate bamboo spp. grown in Hungary, with a focus on how these changes were influenced by local climatic conditions. Data collected over two years on shoot phenology were analyzed with weather variables, especially air temperature and soil temperature.

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Plant viruses have evolved different viral suppressors of RNA silencing (VSRs) to counteract RNA silencing which is a small RNA-mediated sequence-specific RNA degradation mechanism. Previous studies have already shown that the coat protein (CP) of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) reduced RNA silencing suppression (RSS) activity of the VSR of CMV, the 2b protein. To demonstrate the universality of this CP-VSR interference, our study included three different viruses: CMV and peanut stunt virus (PSV) from the Bromoviridae, and plum pox virus (PPV) from the Potyviridae family.

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Effective population size () is one of the most important parameters in evolutionary biology, as it is linked to the long-term survival capability of species. Therefore, greatly interests conservation geneticists, but it is also very relevant to policymakers, managers, and conservation practitioners. Molecular methods to estimate rely on various assumptions, including no immigration, panmixia, random sampling, absence of spatial genetic structure, and/or mutation-drift equilibrium.

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Article Synopsis
  • Listeria monocytogenes can form tough biofilms in food processing areas, making it hard to eliminate despite existing control strategies.
  • Research on fungal proteins showed that they effectively disrupt biofilm formation without directly killing the bacteria at higher temperatures.
  • Fungal lectins specifically inhibited biofilm development at room temperature, suggesting potential use in preventing Listeria contamination on surfaces in food processing.
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Genetic advancements and future directions in ruminant livestock breeding: from reference genomes to multiomics innovations.

Sci China Life Sci

November 2024

Frontiers Science Center for Molecular Design Breeding (MOE); State Key Laboratory of Animal Biotech Breeding; College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100193, China.

Article Synopsis
  • * Recent advancements include better genome assemblies and the identification of genes linked to traits like meat quality, milk production, and disease resistance, enhancing our understanding of domestication and trait genetics.
  • * The emergence of new genomic tools, like graphical pangenomics, promises to revolutionize research, promoting more effective molecular breeding and accurate prediction models for improving livestock genetics.
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The Effect of Motivators and Barriers on Attitudes and Willingness to Consume Dairy Functional Foods in Hungary.


October 2024

Department of Marketing, Management and Methodology, Keleti Károly Faculty of Business and Management, Óbuda University (OE) Budapest, Tavaszmező Str. 15-17, H-1084 Budapest, Hungary.

Article Synopsis
  • The study examines consumer attitudes and their readiness to consume dairy functional foods (DFFs) in Hungary, a region less studied compared to Western Europe.
  • It reveals that consumer attitudes significantly impact the willingness to consume DFFs, with motivators and barriers affecting this relationship.
  • The findings highlight the importance of targeting consumer attitudes and lifestyle traits to enhance the market acceptance of DFFs.
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Quantifying the effects of the mitochondrial genome on milk production traits in dairy cows: Empirical results and modeling challenges.

J Dairy Sci

January 2025

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Zagreb 10000, Croatia; Institute of Animal Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), 7400 Kaposvár, Hungary. Electronic address:

Substantial advances in livestock traits have been achieved primarily through selection strategies targeting variation in the nuclear genome, with little attention given to mitogenome variation. We analyzed the influence of the mitogenome on milk production traits of Holstein cattle in Croatia based on strategically generated next-generation sequencing data for 109 cows pedigree-linked to 7,115 milk production records (milk, fat, and protein yield) from 3,006 cows (first 5 lactations). Because little is known about the biology of the relationship between mitogenome variation and production traits, our quantitative genetic modeling was complex.

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The introduction of the Nearctic predaceous stink bug species, (Perillus bioculatus) was attempted multiple times in various countries throughout Europe to mitigate the damage caused by the invasive and harmful pest species, the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). Though these attempts were thought to be unsuccessful for decades, more recent data elucidated that the species have established small self-sustaining populations in the Balkans Peninsula, Southern Russia, and Türkiye and recently began to expand. In the past years, the European range of the species reached Eastern Europe.

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Purpose: Nowadays, many studies discuss scholarly publishing and associated challenges, but the problem of hijacked journals has been neglected. Hijacked journals are cloned websites that mimic original journals but are managed by cybercriminals. The present study uses a topic modeling approach to analyze published papers in hijacked versions of medical journals.

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Genome-wide technologies open up new possibilities to clarify questions on genetic structure and phylogeographic history of taxa previously studied with microsatellite loci and mitochondrial sequences. Here, we used 736 individual red deer (Cervus elaphus) samples genotyped at 35,701 single nucleotide polymorphism loci (SNPs) to assess the population structure of the species throughout Europe. The results identified 28 populations, with higher degrees of genetic distinction in peripheral compared to mainland populations.

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Evaluation of water quality is crucial for managing surface water effectively, ensuring its suitability for human use, and sustaining the environment. In the lower Danube River basin, various methods were employed to assess surface water quality for irrigation, drinking, human health risk purposes and the main mechanism control the surface water chemistry. These methods included water quality indicators (WQIs), complex statistical analyses, geographic information systems (GIS), Monte Carlo simulation, and geochemical modeling.

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The current research study evaluated the health and environmental risks issues associated with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in the complex terminal aquifer located in the Algerian desert. The methods used included principal component and cluster (dendrogram) analysis to estimate source of ions and contamination. Various indices such as the Heavy Metal Pollution Index (HPI), Metal Index, hazard quotient, hazard index (HI), and cancer risk (CR) were applied to assess both environmental and human health risks.

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Global water demand has grown intensively over the last three decades, and the predictions suggest this trend will continue. Sustainable Water Management (SWM) defines water-based principles and action frameworks interconnecting societal, economic, and environmental aspects to establish and maintain good practices serving long-term objectives related to water resources. Water scarcity, deterioration of water quality, less effective water technologies, hydrological changes caused by climate change, and increased water demand require the thorough revision of conventional approaches, new methods, and new policy measures.

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The time-consuming nature of culturing methods has urged the exploration of rapid modern technologies. One promising alternative utilizes redox potential, which describes the oxidative changes within complex media, indicating oxygen and nutrient consumption, as well as the production of reduced substances in the investigated biological system. Redox potential measurement can detect microbial activity within 16 h, what is significantly faster than the minimum 24 h incubation time of the reference plate counting technique.

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Masquerade of authority: hijacked journals are gaining more credibility than original ones.

Diagnosis (Berl)

August 2024

John von Neumann University, Faculty of Economics and Business, John von Neumann University, Kecskemét, Department of Tourism and Hospitality, Kecskemét, Hungary.

At the moment, the academic world is faced with various challenges that negatively impact science integrity. One is hijacked journals, a second, inauthentic website for indexed legitimate journals, managed by cybercriminals. These journals publish any manuscript by charging authors and pose a risk to scientific integrity.

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Genomic analysis of conservation status, population structure, and admixture in local Czech and Slovak dairy goat breeds.

J Dairy Sci

October 2024

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; Institute of Animal Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), 7400 Kaposvár, Hungary. Electronic address:

Although dairy goat production, characterized by traditional production on small farms, is an important source of income in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, locally adapted breeds have not been fully consolidated over the last 100 yr due to large fluctuations in population size and inconsistent breeding programs that allowed for different crossbreeding strategies. Our main objective in this study was therefore to assess the conservation status of 4 Czech (Alpine Goat, White Shorthair, Brown Shorthair, and Czech Landrace) and 1 Slovak (Slovak White Shorthair) local goat breeds, to analyze their population structure and admixture, and to estimate their relatedness to several neighboring breeds. Our analyses included 142 goats belonging to 5 local breeds genotyped with the Illumina 50K BeadChip, and 618 previously genotyped animals representing 15 goat breeds from Austria and Switzerland (all analyses based on 46,862 autosomal SNPs and 760 animals).

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Investigation of a Perspective Urban Tree Species, L., by Scientific Analysis of Historical Old Specimens.

Plants (Basel)

May 2024

Ornamental Plant and Green System Management Research Group, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), 1223 Budapest, Hungary.

In this study, we examined over 200-year-old L. specimens under different environmental conditions. The overall aim was to explore which factors influence their vitality and general fitness in urban environments and thus their ability to tolerate stressful habitats.

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Biostimulants and other plant growth promoters can provide an effective solution to the challenge of urbanisation and climate change. 'Roseum' is a globally popular deciduous shrub species that can be made more resistant to urban influences by using natural growth-promoting substances. In our study, we investigated the effects of growth promoters Kelpak, Bistep and Yeald Plus on the species, both histologically and physiologically (proline stress hormone measurement).

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Effects of slaughter weight and backfat depth on trimming, curing, and deboning losses and quality traits of Italian dry-cured ham.

Food Res Int

July 2024

Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and Environment (DAFNAE), University of Padova, Viale dell' Università 16, Legnaro, I-35020 Padova, Italy. Electronic address:

This study aimed at assessing the effects of two infra-vitam traits, specifically the slaughter weight (SW) and the ultrasound backfat depth (BCKF) on several post-mortem and quality traits of typical Prosciutto Veneto protected designation of origin (PDO) dry-cured ham. The trial was conducted on a population of 423 pigs fed using different strategies to generate a high variation in SW (175 ± 15.5 kg) and BCKF (23.

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There is no practical and at the same time objective colour system available for describing cultivated roses ( L. cultivars). For this reason, a new colour classification system was developed which is colorimetrically balanced and appropriate for algorithmic colour identification; however, it is also suitable for field-work.

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Rabbit (RM) has become a valuable source of nutrients since the 1970s, helping to transform the European food industry into the largest RM producer in the world. However, the RM industry is experiencing a critical period of ethical imbalance. This trend, described as feed conversion ratio, impacts the environmental and financial performance of RM farms, which could lead to an increase production of industrial waste.

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