43 results match your criteria: "Hospital das Clínicas of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School[Affiliation]"
Diagn Pathol
June 2024
Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Biosciences and Oral Diagnosis, São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos Av. Engenheiro Francisco José Longo Avenue, 777/778, Jardim São Dimas, São José dos Campos, SP, 12245000, Brazil.
Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (IPEH) represents an uncommon reactive endothelial hyperplastic proliferation. A 46-year-old man experienced increased volume in the right maxilla, elevation of the nasal ala, and swelling of the hard palate with a reddish hue for 3 months. Computed tomography revealed an expansive hypodense region and cortical bone destruction associated with an impacted supernumerary tooth and an endodontically treated tooth.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Dermatol
February 2024
Department of Dermatology, Hospital das Clinicas of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.
J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth
October 2023
Instituto do Coração (InCor), Hospital das Clinicas Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; Hospital Paulistano, Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Objectives: The aim of this analysis was to compare the effect of extubating in the operating room (OR) versus and the intensive care unit (ICU) among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).
Design: A retrospective cohort analysis.
Setting: Ten cardiac referral hospitals in Latin America; participants of the São Paulo Registry of Cardiovascular Surgery II (REPLICCAR II).
Arch Endocrinol Metab
May 2022
Instituto do Coração (InCor), Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of sitagliptin treatment in early type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and the impact of different macronutrient compositions on hormones and substrates during meal tolerance tests (MTT).
Methods: Half of the drug-naive patients with T2DM were randomly assigned for treatment with 100 mg of sitagliptin, q.d.
Pediatr Nephrol
October 2021
Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Nephrology Unit, Instituto da Criança Hospital das Clinicas of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Av Dr Eneas de Cravalho Aguiar, São Paulo, 647 0503-000, Brazil.
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) can affect quality of life and mental health of patients and their primary caregivers (PCs) in different disease stages.
Methods: This prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, comparative, and analytical study of patients with stage 3-5 CKD, aged 8-18 years, assesses the association between patients' general and disease-specific health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and behavioral problems and their PCs' QoL and mental health status. PedsQL 4.
Support Care Cancer
June 2021
Dental Oncology Service, Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo, ICESP-FMUSP, São Paulo, Brazil.
Aims: Evaluate the abundance of the selected targets, alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT) and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), and correlate these findings with the risk of developing severe oral mucositis (OM).
Materials And Methods: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients submitted to radiotherapy (RT) or chemoradiotherapy (CRT) were assessed. OM grade and pain were evaluated daily during treatment.
J Dtsch Dermatol Ges
June 2020
Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, Department of Dermatology, São Paulo, Brazil.
J Dtsch Dermatol Ges
June 2020
Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, Department of Dermatology, São Paulo, Brazil.
Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg
October 2019
Stricto Sensu Program Master and Doctorate in Biomedical Engineering, Anhembi Morumbi University, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brasil.
This research evaluated the hemodynamic conditions before and after the transcranial photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) and investigated neurocognitive changes before and after treatment. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the major cause of morbidity and mortality among individuals 21-60 years old and causes ∼500,000 people to be hospitalized in Brazil annually. Some survivors develop an irreversible decrease in neurological function, and the mortality rate is as high as 70% in severe cases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Dermatol
November 2019
Department of Dermatology, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.
Background: Vulvar complaints are among the most frequent causes for a woman to visit a healthcare provider. The diseases of this area of the body may be a challenge to diagnose. In this study, we assess epidemiologic and clinical data of patients in an outpatient vulvar clinic in the dermatology department of a tertiary hospital.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContact Dermatitis
August 2019
Department of Dermatology, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.
J Epidemiol Community Health
June 2019
Department of Information Technology, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Background: The world's population is progressively ageing, and this trend imposes several challenges to society and governments. The aim of this study was to investigate the burden generated by the hospitalisation of older (60 years) compared with non-older population, as well as the epidemiology of these hospital admissions.
Methods: Using the Brazilian Unified Health System (known as 'Sistema Único de Saúde' (SUS)), an analysis of all hospital admissions of adult patients in the SUS from 2009 to 2015 was undertaken.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand
April 2018
Pain Service, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.
Background: Post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is one of the most important causes of patient discomfort after laparoscopic surgeries despite the use of a multimodal pharmacological approach. This study assessed whether the addition of aprepitant to a multimodal regimen would further decrease the incidence of PONV in high-risk patients.
Methods: Apfel-score three or four patients, scheduled for laparoscopic procedures to treat abdominal or pelvic cancer, were randomized to receive oral starch (control group) or 80 mg of oral aprepitant (treatment group) before induction of anaesthesia in a double-blind study.
Allergol Int
January 2018
Department of Dermatology, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil. Electronic address:
Background: Chronic urticaria has an expressive prevalence in general population, especially in adults, and is defined by the presence of intermittent hives for six weeks or longer. Our study aims to characterize the histological patterns of chronic spontaneous urticaria, based on the inflammatory cell infiltrate, and correlate them to laboratory exams.
Methods: It was performed a retrospective analysis of laboratory, histopathology and direct immunofluorescence data of 93 patients with chronic urticaria.
Allergol Int
January 2017
Department of Dermatology, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.
J Dtsch Dermatol Ges
October 2015
Department of Dermatology, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.
J Dtsch Dermatol Ges
October 2015
Department of Dermatology, Hospital das Clínicas of the -University of Sao Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.
Perit Dial Int
May 2015
Renal Unit, Greys Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa; Renal and Intensive Care Units, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Exeter, United Kingdom; Pediatric Nephrology Unit, Soba University Hospital, University of Khartoum, Sudan; Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences and Madras Medical Mission, Chennai, India; Department of Medicine, Botucatu School of Medicine, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Division of Nephrology-Hypertension, University of California, San Diego, USA; Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Pediatric Nephrology Unit, Instituto da Criança of the Hospital das Clinicas of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Pediatric Nephrology Department, Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa; Department of Surgery, Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa; School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil; Division of Pediatric Nephrology, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, Kansas City, USA; Division of Nephrology, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada; and Yale University, New Haven, USA.
Pediatr Nephrol
July 2014
Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Nephrology Unit, Instituto da Criança Hospital das Clinicas of the University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Rua das Mangabeiras 91/81, 01233-010, São Paulo, Brazil.
Background: Renal replacement therapies may affect the quality of life of patients and their primary caregivers (PC).
Methods: This study describes the perception of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of children/adolescents with CKD stages 4-5, as well as of their PC (n = 64), in comparison to healthy peers and their PC (n = 129), respectively, based on the Peds QL™ 4.0 and Short Form-36 (SF-36) questionnaires and selected biomarkers.
Int J Dermatol
June 2014
Department of Dermatology, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Background: Dermatology is primarily an outpatient clinical and surgical specialty, but substantial numbers of patients are admitted to hospital for inpatient treatment in dermatology wards.
Methods: We performed a retrospective study of patients admitted to dermatology beds between September 1, 2002, and September 30, 2010. Patient data were analyzed for age, gender, ethnicity, length of stay (LoS), dermatologic disease, comorbidities, hospital-acquired infection (HAI), transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU), and mortality.
Horm Res Paediatr
May 2011
Unit of Developmental Endocrinology and Laboratory of Hormone and Molecular Genetics LIM/42, Hospital das Clinicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.
Background: The potential involvement of SRY in abnormal gonadal development in 45,X/46,X,der(Y) patients was proposed following the identification of SRY mutations in a few patients with Turner syndrome (TS). However, its exact etiological role in gonadal dysgenesis in patients with Y chromosome mosaicisms has not yet been clarified.
Aims: it was the aim of this study to screen for allelic variation in SRY in a large cohort of patients with disorders of sex development due to chromosomal abnormalities with 45,X/46,X,der(Y) karyotype.
Adv Exp Med Biol
June 2010
Endocrine Service and Diabetes and Heart Center of the Heart Institute, Hospital das, Clinicas of The University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, SP 05403-000, Brazil.
In type 2 diabetes (DM2) there is progressive deterioration in beta-cell function and mass. It was found that islet function was about 50% of normal at the time of diagnosis and reduction in beta-cell mass of about 60% at necropsy (accelerated apoptosis). Among the interventions to preserve the beta-cells, those to lead to short-term improvement of beta-cell secretion are weight loss, metformin, sulfonylureas, and insulin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInvest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
August 2009
Division of Ophthalmology, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.
Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between pattern electroretinogram (PERG) amplitude, macular and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness by optical coherence tomography (OCT), and visual field (VF) loss on standard automated perimetry (SAP) in eyes with temporal hemianopia from chiasmal compression.
Methods: Forty-one eyes from 41 patients with permanent temporal VF defects from chiasmal compression and 41 healthy subjects underwent transient full-field and hemifield (temporal or nasal) stimulation PERG, SAP and time domain-OCT macular and RNFL thickness measurements. Comparisons were made using Student's t-test.
Jpn J Ophthalmol
May 2009
Division of Ophthalmology, Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.
Purpose: To compare color Doppler imaging (CDI) parameters of the superior ophthalmic vein (SOV) in patients with Graves' orbitopathy (GO) and in normal controls.
Methods: Forty-three GO patients and 14 normal controls underwent CDI of the SOV. Patients had either fibrotic (lipogenic or myogenic) or congestive orbitopathy.
Endocr Pract
October 2008
Diabetes and Heart Center, Heart Institute, Hospital das Clinicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Objective: To evaluate the role of glycemic control in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM).
Methods: We review the literature regarding coronary atherosclerosis, coronary artery calcification, and the epidemiologic studies related to the role of glycemia and the classic risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) in type 1 DM.
Results: Four prospective studies (Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy, EURODIAB, Steno Diabetes Center Study of Adults With Type 1 DM, and Pittsburgh Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications study) do not show that glycemic control predicts CAD occurrence.