2,302 results match your criteria: "Haessleholms sjukhus; Goete-borgs universitet; Lunds universitet.[Affiliation]"
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol Nurs
April 2023
CHILD Research Group, Department of Nursing, School of Health and Welfare, 4161Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden.
Nausea is a problematic side effect of childhood cancer treatment. However, it is not clear what interventions and assessments pediatric oncology nurses make when caring for a child with nausea. A person-centered approach can illuminate nausea management in pediatric care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBMJ Open
September 2022
Surgical Care Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.
Objectives: To explore whether the minimally invasive oesophagectomy (MIE) or hybrid minimally invasive oesophagectomy (HMIE) are associated with better nutritional status and less weight loss 1 year after surgery, compared with open oesophagectomy (OE).
Design: Prospective cohort study.
Setting: All patients undergoing oesophagectomy for cancer in Sweden during 2013-2018.
Clin Physiol Funct Imaging
May 2023
Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Unit, Umeå University, Umea, Sweden.
Background: Cardiac mechanics are influenced by loading conditions as well as sympathetic tone. Left atrial (LA) contractile function assessed by two-dimensional (2D) strain has been described in the setting of controlled preload alterations; however, studies show conflicting findings about change or direction of change. We hypothesized that the controlled preload reduction and the sympathetic nervous system activation that occurs during a standardized Valsalva manoeuvre would bring about a change in LA contraction strain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur Urol
March 2023
The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK; UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Science, London, UK; Department of Urology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Eur Urol Focus
May 2023
Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Sweden.
Background: The Rotterdam Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator (RPCRC) and Stockholm3 can be used to aid urologists in their decision to refer men to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or biopsy for early detection of prostate cancer.
Objective: To assess the external validity of the RPCRC and compare it with using PSA and Stockholm3 to detect clinically significant prostate cancer.
Design, Setting, And Participants: Using data from the prospective, population-based, randomised STHLM3-MRI screening trial, we included participants with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) ≥3 ng/ml or Stockholm3 risk threshold ≥11% in the standard group who underwent systematic prostate biopsies.
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother
February 2023
Department of Clinical sciences, Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, 182 52 Stockholm, Sweden.
Aims: Most trials showing benefit of beta-blocker treatment after myocardial infarction (MI) included patients with large MIs and are from an era before modern biomarker-based MI diagnosis and reperfusion treatment. The aim of the randomized evaluation of decreased usage of beta-blockers after acute myocardial infarction (REDUCE-AMI) trial is to determine whether long-term oral beta-blockade in patients with an acute MI and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) reduces the composite endpoint of death of any cause or recurrent MI.
Methods And Results: It is a registry-based, randomized, parallel, open-label, multicentre trial performed at 38 centres in Sweden, 1 centre in Estonia, and 6 centres in New Zealand.
Eur Urol
January 2023
The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK; UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Science, University College London, London, UK; Department of Urology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Electronic address:
In KEYNOTE-564, adjuvant pembrolizumab, a PD-1 antibody, significantly improved disease-free survival (DFS) in localised clear-cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) with a high risk of relapse. In 2021, the European Association of Urology RCC Guidelines Panel issued a weak recommendation for adjuvant pembrolizumab for high-risk ccRCC as defined by the trial until final overall survival data and results from other trials were available. Meanwhile, the primary DFS endpoints were not met for adjuvant atezolizumab (PD-L1 inhibitor; IMmotion010), adjuvant nivolumab plus ipilimumab (CheckMate 914), or perioperative nivolumab (PROSPER).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Gastrointest Surg
February 2023
Division of Upper Gastrointestinal Diseases, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.
Surg Obes Relat Dis
May 2023
Department of Surgery, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Background: There is a lack of randomized studies examining diabetes remission and dietary intake between patients undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) versus sleeve gastrectomy (SG).
Objective: To examine longitudinal differences in diabetes resolution, dietary intake, and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) randomized to either RYGB or SG and according to remission of T2D.
Setting: Four hospitals in Sweden, 2 of which are university hospitals.
Eur Urol
February 2023
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary and Alberta Precision Laboratories, Calgary, Canada.
The fifth edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of urogenital tumours published in 2022 will be implemented in the European Association of Urology guidelines on renal cell carcinoma for 2023. Here we provide an update summarising changes in the new WHO classification of renal tumours from a clinician perspective.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLakartidningen
November 2022
docent, överläkare, gastrosektionen, Skånes universitetssjukhus Malmö.
These new guidelines are based on the recommendations published by European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) in 2020. Low risk patients, i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAm Heart J
January 2023
Cardiology Unit, Department of Medicine Solna, Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden.
Background: Influenza vaccination early after myocardial infarction (MI) improves prognosis but vaccine effectiveness may differ dependent on type of MI.
Methods: A total of 2,571 participants were prospectively enrolled in the Influenza vaccination after myocardial infarction (IAMI) trial and randomly assigned to receive in-hospital inactivated influenza vaccine or saline placebo. The trial was conducted at 30 centers in eight countries from October 1, 2016 to March 1, 2020.
Sci Rep
October 2022
Ericsson Research, Ericsson, 164 40, Kista, Sweden.
Reliable forecast of COVID-19 hospital admissions in near-term horizons can help enable effective resource management which is vital in reducing pressure from healthcare services. The use of mobile network data has come to attention in response to COVID-19 pandemic leveraged on their ability in capturing people social behavior. Crucially, we show that there are latent features in irreversibly anonymized and aggregated mobile network data that carry useful information in relation to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
May 2023
Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
Background: During nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) treatment in neonates, leakage is inevitable and can lead to reduced distending pressure in the lungs of the infant. In current practice, neither leakage nor expiratory flow is measured, which makes it difficult to assess if exhalation is through the device or entirely through leakages.
Objective: To examine if infants treated with nCPAP exhale through the CPAP system.
Optimizing antibiotic use to control the spread of antimicrobial resistance is a global health priority. The Swedish strategic programme against antibiotic resistance (Strama) has for many years supported the rational use of antibiotics. A key element has been the bottom-up approach, working closely with prescribers at the local level.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEur Urol
January 2023
17The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK; UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Science, University College London, London, UK; Department of Urology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Over the past decade, only minor changes have been introduced in the TNM staging system for renal cancer. Conversely, many milestones and modifications in management of the disease have been achieved, especially for patients with locally advanced and metastatic cancers. The European Association of Urology guidelines panel proposes a new TNM classification scheme for staging of renal cell carcinoma to reflect these breakthrough clinical improvements.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltraschall Med
February 2023
Radiology, King's College London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Ultraschall Med
February 2023
Radiology, King's College London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Objective: To evaluate the evidence and produce a summary and recommendations for the most common heart and lung point-of-care ultrasound (PoCUS).
Methods: We reviewed 10 clinical domains/questions related to common heart and lung applications of PoCUS. Following review of the evidence, a summary and recommendations were produced, including assigning levels of evidence (LoE) and grading of recommendation, assessment, development, and evaluation (GRADE).
August 2022
professor, överläkare, kirurg- och anestesikliniken, Ersta sjukhus, Stockholm.
GERD is the most prevalent gastrointestinal disorder in the Western world and the extent of anatomic alterations underlying the mechanisms of GERD can be viewed upon as a spectrum from a single anatomic alteration (e.g. incompetent lower esophageal sphincter) to multiple anatomic alterations, such as diaphragmatic hiatal hernia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLakartidningen
August 2022
med dr, ST-läkare, medicin- och rehabiliteringskliniken, Piteå sjukhus.
Dual ventricular response, also called dual atrioventricular [AV] nodal non-re-entrant tachycardia, is a rare arrhythmic condition, characterized by 1:2 anterograde conduction via dual AV-nodal pathways, that is, one P wave is followed by two QRS complexes. The main symptom is palpitations, and it can be treated by catheter ablation. To date, less than 100 cases of dual ventricular response have been published in the scientific literature.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCirculation
October 2022
Department of Clinical Sciences' Section of Neurology' Lund University' Skåne University Hospital, Sweden (B.N.).
Background: There are no evidence-based recommendations on the optimal time point to initiate non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) after acute ischemic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. We aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of early versus delayed initiation of NOAC in these patients.
Methods: TIMING (Timing of Oral Anticoagulant Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke With Atrial Fibrillation) was a registry-based, randomized, noninferiority, open-label, blinded end-point study at 34 stroke units using the Swedish Stroke Register for enrollment and follow-up.
Undersea Hyperb Med
August 2022
Swedish Aerospace Physiology Centre, Division of Environmental Physiology, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems; School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
Background: Underwater rugby is a team sport where players try to score points with a negatively buoyant ball while submerged in a swimming pool. Reports of syncope incidents at the Swedish Championships led to us to investigate end-tidal oxygen and carbon dioxide levels during simulated match play.
Methods: Eight male underwater rugby club players of varying experience participated.
December 2022
Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine Solna, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
BMC Gastroenterol
July 2022
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Sunderby Research Unit, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.
Background: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is the method of choice for patients in need of long-term nutritional support or gastric decompression. Although it is considered safe, complications and relatively high mortality rates have been reported. We aimed to identify risk factors for complications and mortality after PEG in routine healthcare.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntensive Care Med
August 2022
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Via Rita Levi Montalcini 4, Pieve Emanuele, 20072, Milan, Italy.