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Purpose: Osteoradionecrosis of the jaw (ORNJ) is a severe iatrogenic disease characterized by bone death after radiation therapy (RT) to the head and neck. With over 9 published definitions and at least 16 classification systems, the true incidence and severity of ORNJ are obscured by lack of a standard for disease definition and severity assessment, leading to inaccurate estimation of incidence, reporting ambiguity, and likely under-diagnosis worldwide. This study aimed to achieve consensus on an explicit definition and phenotype of ORNJ and related precursor states through data standardization to facilitate effective diagnosis, monitoring, and multidisciplinary management of ORNJ.

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Industry updates from the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine in December 2024.

Regen Med

January 2025

Medical Center for Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Latest developments in the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine compiled from publicly available information and press releases from non-academic institutions in December 2024.

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Clinical inertia - It is imperative to avoid delays in managing common conditions in pregnancy.

Clin Med (Lond)

January 2025

Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust, Nuneaton, UK; Warwick Applied Health, Warwick Medical School and Centre for Global Health, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. Electronic address:

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Bi-allelic KICS2 mutations impair KICSTOR complex-mediated mTORC1 regulation, causing intellectual disability and epilepsy.

Am J Hum Genet

February 2025

Institute of Medical Genetics and Applied Genomics, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; Center for Rare Disease, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany; Genomics for Health in Africa (GHA), Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence (CoRE). Electronic address:

Nutrient-dependent mTORC1 regulation upon amino acid deprivation is mediated by the KICSTOR complex, comprising SZT2, KPTN, ITFG2, and KICS2, recruiting GATOR1 to lysosomes. Previously, pathogenic SZT2 and KPTN variants have been associated with autosomal recessive intellectual disability and epileptic encephalopathy. We identified bi-allelic KICS2 variants in eleven affected individuals presenting with intellectual disability and epilepsy.

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Programming of synthetic regulatory DNA for cell-type targeting in humans.

Mol Cell

January 2025

Randall Centre for Cell & Molecular Biophysics, King's College London, New Hunt's House, Guy's Campus, London SE1 1UL, UK; Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Kemivägen 10, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden; Institute of Biotechnology, Life Sciences Centre, Vilnius University, Sauletekio al. 7, LT10257 Vilnius, Lithuania. Electronic address:

In a recent study in Nature, Gosai et al. introduce a framework to engineer and validate synthetic DNA regulatory elements showing cell-type-specific activity in human cell lines, closing the distance to the machine-driven design of functional regulatory sequences with therapeutic applications in humans.

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Large-scale evaluation of outcomes after a genetic diagnosis in children with severe developmental disorders.

Genet Med Open

October 2024

Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences, Medical School, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Exeter, United Kingdom.

Purpose: We sought to evaluate outcomes for clinical management after a genetic diagnosis from the Deciphering Developmental Disorders study.

Methods: Individuals in the Deciphering Developmental Disorders study who had a pathogenic/likely pathogenic genotype in the DECIPHER database were selected for inclusion ( = 5010). Clinical notes from regional clinical genetics services notes were reviewed to assess predefined clinical outcomes relating to interventions, prenatal choices, and information provision.

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Cardiogenic shock (CS) carries a 30-50% in-hospital mortality rate, with little improvement in outcomes in the last decade. Challenges in improving outcomes are closely linked to the frequent late presentation or diagnosis of CS where the 'point of no return' has often passed, leading to haemodynamic dysregulation, progressive myocardial depression, hypotension, and a downward spiral of hypoperfusion, organ dysfunction and decreasing myocardial function, driven by inflammation and metabolic derangements. Novel therapeutic interventions may have varying efficacy depending on the type and stage of shock in which they are applied.

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Compact and cGMP-compliant automated synthesis of [F]FSPG on the Trasis AllinOne™.

EJNMMI Radiopharm Chem

January 2025

School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King's College London, St Thomas' Hospital, London, SE1 7EH, UK.

Background: (S)-4-(3-F-Fluoropropyl)-ʟ-glutamic acid ([F]FSPG) is a positron emission tomography radiotracer used to image system x, an antiporter that is upregulated in several cancers. Not only does imaging system x with [F]FSPG identify tumours, but it can also provide an early readout of response and resistance to therapy. Unfortunately, the clinical production of [F]FSPG has been hampered by a lack of robust, cGMP-compliant methods.

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Background:  The benefits and risks of extending anticoagulant treatment beyond the first 3 to 6 months in patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) in clinical practice are not well understood.

Methods:  ETNA-VTE Europe is a prospective, noninterventional, post-authorization study in unselected patients with VTE treated with edoxaban in eight European countries for up to 18 months. Recurrent VTE, major bleeding, and all-cause death were the primary study outcomes.

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Importance: Active surveillance (AS) for patients with prostate cancer (PC) often includes fixed repeat prostate biopsies that do not account for the varying risk of reclassification to significant disease. Given the invasive nature and potential complications of biopsies, a personalized approach is needed to balance the burden of biopsies with the risk of missing disease progression.

Objective: To develop and externally validate a dynamic model that predicts an individual's risk of PC reclassification during AS.

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Background: The effect of worsening renal function and baseline chronic kidney disease (CKD) on outcomes in patients with chronic coronary syndrome in the setting of optimal medical therapy remains unknown.

Methods And Results: The REAL-CAD (Randomized Evaluation of Aggressive or Moderate Lipid Lowering Therapy With Pitavastatin in Coronary Artery Disease) study is a prospective, multicenter, randomized trial of high-dose (pitavastatin 4 mg/day) or low-dose (pitavastatin 1 mg/day) statin therapy in 12 118 patients with chronic coronary syndrome. The primary end point was a composite of cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, stroke, or unstable angina requiring hospitalization (major adverse cardiac and cerebral events [MACCE]).

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Background: Valvular heart disease (VHD) management has evolved rapidly in recent decades, but disparities in health care access persist among countries with varying socioeconomic backgrounds.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate global mortality trends from VHD and assess the difference between middle- and high-income countries.

Methods: We obtained mortality data from the World Health Organization Mortality Database for VHD and its subgroups (rheumatic valvular disease [RVD], infective endocarditis [IE], aortic stenosis [AS], and mitral regurgitation [MR]) from 2000 to 2019.

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Introduction: Fibromyalgia has a high female predominance and research work has been focussing mainly on women.

Objectives: We aimed to answer (1) gender differences in pain scores and quality of life, (2) any gender-specific subgroups defined by quantitative sensory testing (QST), and (3) correlations of QST parameters with pain intensity and questionnaire scores.

Methods: We evaluated clinical presentations and QST profiles from 38 male and 38 age-matched female patients.

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Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) is a treatment option for relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) that are refractory to disease-modifying therapy (DMT). AHSCT after failure of high-efficacy DMT in aggressive forms of relapsing-remitting MS is a generally accepted indication, yet the optimal placement of this approach in the treatment sequence is not universally agreed upon. Uncertainties also remain with respect to other indications, such as in rapidly evolving, severe, treatment-naive MS, progressive MS, and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD).

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Background: Rapid identification of individuals with acute respiratory infections is crucial for preventing nosocomial infections. For rapid diagnosis, especially in EDs, lateral flow devices (LFDs) are a convenient, inexpensive option with a rapid turnaround. Several 'multiplex' LFDs (M-LFDs) now exist, testing for multiple pathogens from a single swab sample.

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Nil by mouth in intensive care - A qualitative, multiformat survey exploring the impact of mandatory oral restriction, from the health care providers perspective.

Intensive Crit Care Nurs

April 2025

Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom; Royal Brompton Hospital, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom; Division of Anaesthesia, Pain Medicine and Intensive Care (APMIC), Surgery & Cancer, Imperial College London, United Kingdom; Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, United Kingdom. Electronic address:

Introduction And Objectives: Nil by mouth (NBM) is a frequent imposition for patients recovering from critical illness. Its impact on patients' wellbeing and rehabilitation is under researched. We sought ICU multidisciplinary opinion to primarily assess the relevance of taste deprivation on patient care and recovery, and to identify future opportunities for innovation and research.

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Assessment of the thymus in fetuses prior to spontaneous preterm birth using functional MRI.

Early Hum Dev

February 2025

Department of Women and Children's Health, St Thomas' Hospital, King's College London, London, UK; Department of Perinatal Imaging, St Thomas' Hospital, King's College London, London, UK.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to utilise T2* relaxometry (an indirect method of quantifying tissue oxygenation) to assess the fetal thymus in uncomplicated pregnancies throughout gestation and in a cohort of fetuses that subsequently deliver very preterm.

Methods: A control group of participants with low-risk pregnancies were recruited and retrospectively excluded if they developed any pregnancy related complications after scanning. Participants were recruited who were deemed to be at very high risk of delivery prior to 32 weeks' gestation and retrospectively excluded if they did not deliver prior to this gestation.

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Neuropathic pain following peripheral nerve injury results from maladaptive changes in neurons and immune cells contribution to mechanisms underlying chronic pain. Specifically, in dorsal root ganglia (DRG), sensory neuron cell bodies release extracellular vesicles (EVs) which promote pro-inflammatory macrophage accumulation that facilitates nociceptive signalling. Here, we show that macrophages shuttle EVs to neurons.

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Background: Non-anaemic iron deficiency is highly prevalent in people living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) but is underdiagnosed and undertreated, especially in earlier stages of CKD. A multicentre trial assessing the effect of intravenous iron supplementation in iron-deficiency but not anaemic people with CKD included a qualitative sub-study that aimed to explore the patient experience and psychosocial impact of living with CKD and iron deficiency, and the experience of the therapeutic intervention (intravenous iron and exercise).

Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 23 trial participants blinded to treatment.

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Background: Low blood absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) may predict severe COVID-19 outcomes. Knowledge gaps remain regarding the relationship of ALC trajectory with clinical outcomes and factors associated with lymphopenia.

Methods: Our post hoc analysis of the Therapeutics for Inpatients with COVID-19 platform trial utilized proportional hazards models to assess relationships between Day (D) 0 lymphopenia (ALC < 0.

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How I diagnose and treat systemic mastocytosis with an associated hematologic neoplasm.


January 2025

Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.

Over the last decade significant advances have been made by honing in on the diagnostic evaluation and the significance of molecular profiles in patients with systemic mastocytosis (SM), non-advanced and advanced.This is reflected in the 2022 iterations of the World Health Organization Edition 5 and International Consensus Criteria classifications.The impact of targeted KIT inhibitor therapies on patients treated within global trials has demonstrated significant improvements in the prognosis and overall survival for patients, leading to a change the treatment paradigm.

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