72 results match your criteria: "Gonville and Caius College[Affiliation]"

An effective introduction to structural crystallography using 1D Gaussian atoms.

Eur J Phys

November 2017

Diamond Light Source Ltd, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, United Kingdom.

The most important quantitative aspects of computational structural crystallography can be introduced in a satisfactory way using 1D truncated and periodic Gaussian functions to represent the atoms in a crystal lattice. This paper describes in detail and demonstrates 1D structural crystallography starting with the definition of such truncated Gaussians. The availability of the computer programme CRONE makes possible the repetition of the examples provided in the paper as well as the creation of new ones.

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Background: The benefits of vaccination have been comprehensively proven; however, disparities in coverage persist because of poor health system management, limited resources, and parental knowledge and attitudes. Evidence suggests that health interventions that engage local parties in communication strategies improve vaccination uptake. As mobile technology is widely used to improve health communication, mobile health (mHealth) interventions might be used to increase coverage.

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The alloying mechanism of high-capacity tin anodes for sodium-ion batteries is investigated using a combined theoretical and experimental approach. Ab initio random structure searching (AIRSS) and high-throughput screening using a species-swap method provide insights into a range of possible sodium-tin structures. These structures are linked to experiments using both average and local structure probes in the form of operando pair distribution function analysis, X-ray diffraction, and Na solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR), along with ex situ Sn ssNMR.

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We report the case of a Brodie abscess of the femoral capital epiphysis from which was isolated. This is to the best of our knowledge the first report of a Brodie abscess of the femoral capital epiphysis from which was isolated.

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Objective: To illustrate our experience when managing a complex patient with potentially life-threatening bilateral otological disease facing multisensory compromise including complete loss of audiovestibular function and visual disturbance Clinical presentation: A 67 year old lady, presented with a large left vestibular schwannoma and extensive right cholesteatoma encircling the otic capsule. She underwent translabyrinthine resection of the vestibular schwannoma, resulting in profound sensorineural hearing loss, vestibular hypofunction and corneal scarring following an initial temporary facial palsy. Due to the extent of the disease and good right-sided bone conduction thresholds, the cholesteatoma was managed conservatively utilising a bone-anchored-hearing-aid with regular review by the Skull-Base team.

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During the second half of the nineteenth century, land frontiers became areas of unique significance for surveyors in colonial India. These regions were understood to provide the most stringent tests for the men, instruments, and techniques that collectively constituted spatial data and representations. In many instances, however, the severity of the challenges that India's frontiers afforded stretched practices in the field and in the survey office beyond breaking point.

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Objective:  To examine whether a very large effect (VLE; defined as a relative risk of ≤0.2 or ≥5) in a randomised trial could be an empirical marker that subsequent trials are unnecessary.

Design:  Meta-epidemiological assessment of existing published data on randomised trials.

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OperandoNa solid-state NMR and pair distribution function analysis experiments provide insights into the structure of hard carbon anodes in sodium-ion batteries. Capacity results from "diamagnetic" sodium ions first adsorbing onto pore surfaces, defects and between expanded layers, before pooling into larger quasi-metallic clusters/expanded carbon sheets at lower voltages.

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The 2015 Varsity Medical Ethics debate convened upon the motion: "This house believes nootropic drugs should be available under prescription". This annual debate between students from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, now in its seventh year, provided the starting point for arguments on the subject. The present article brings together and extends many of the arguments put forward during the debate.

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Every day we perform learnt sequences of actions that seem to happen almost without awareness. It has been argued that for learning such sequences parallel learning networks exist - one using spatial coordinates and one using motor coordinates - with sequence acquisition involving a progressive shift from the former to the latter as a sequence is rehearsed. When sequences are interrupted by an out-of-sequence target, there is a delay in the response to the target, and so here we transiently interrupt oculomotor sequences to probe the influence of oculomotor rehearsal and spatial coordinates in sequence acquisition.

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Operando pair distribution function (PDF) analysis and ex situ (23)Na magic-angle spinning solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS ssNMR) spectroscopy are used to gain insight into the alloying mechanism of high-capacity antimony anodes for sodium-ion batteries. Subtraction of the PDF of crystalline NaxSb phases from the total PDF, an approach constrained by chemical phase information gained from (23)Na ssNMR in reference to relevant model compounds, identifies two previously uncharacterized intermediate species formed electrochemically; a-Na(3-x)Sb (x ≈ 0.4-0.

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The paper by Ewens and Lessard (2015) adds to the progress that has been made in exploring the discrete-generation analytical version of Fisher's Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection introduced by Ewens (1989). Fisher's continuous-time theorem differs from the version described by Ewens and Lessard by using a different concept of fitness. Ewens and Lessard use the conventional 'viability' concept whereas for Fisher the fitness of a genotype was its relative rate of increase or decrease in the population.

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Microsomal Prostaglandin E Synthase-1-Derived PGE2 Inhibits Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Calcification.

Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol

January 2016

From the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology (C.G., Y.F., X.Z., L.Z., F.Y., Y.Z., Y.G., X.W., W.K.) and Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences (Y.L.), School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, P.R. China; Key Laboratory of Molecular Cardiovascular Science, Ministry of Education, Beijing, P.R. China (C.G., Y.F., Y.L., X.Z., L.Z., F.Y., Y.Z., Y.G., X.W., W.K.); Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom (S.S.X.); and Cardiovascular Division, King's College London BHF Centre, London, United Kingdom (Q.X.).

Objective: Chronic administration of selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors leads to an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction and stroke. Vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) calcification, a common complication of chronic kidney disease, is directly related to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Here, we tested whether specific COX-2 inhibition affects vascular calcification during chronic renal failure.

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Neutron diffraction with isotopic substitution has been used to characterize the bulk liquid structure of the technologically relevant electrolyte solution, 1 M tetrapropylammonium bromide (TPA Br) in acetonitrile (acn), and of pure deuterated acetonitrile. Empirical potential structure refinement modeling procedures have been used to extract detailed structural information about solvent-solvent, solvent-ion, and ion-ion correlations. Analysis of the refined data shows the expected local dipolar conformation of acn in the pure solvent.

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The background to R.A. Fisher's enunciation of his Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection in 1930 is traced and the Theorem in its original form explained.

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Robert Heath Lock (1879-1915), a Cambridge botanist associated with William Bateson and R. C. Punnett, published his book Recent Progress in the Study of Variation, Heredity, and Evolution in 1906.

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Punnett's square.

Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci

March 2012

Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge CB2 1TA, UK.

The origin and development of Punnett's Square for the enumeration and display of genotypes arising in a cross in Mendelian genetics is described. Due to R. C.

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The relationship between father and son is a highly nuanced and persistent theme in Goethe's late novel Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre, but has received relatively little critical attention. Drawing on various aspects of the text, from the relationship between Wilhelm and his own son Felix, to the theme of migration from the ‘fatherland’, this essay contends that the relationship of the younger generation to the older traces a pattern of departure and return. The development in the son of an identity distinct and independent from that of the father is a preoccupation of the earlier chapters of the Wanderjahre in particular; but this process of individuation tends to be accompanied in the novel by continued, even increased, identification with the father, which may be conscious or unconscious.

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Mathematizing Darwin.

Behav Ecol Sociobiol

March 2011

Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Ernst Mayr called the first part of the evolutionary synthesis the 'Fisherian synthesis' on account of the dominant role played by R.A. Fisher in forging a mathematical theory of natural selection together with J.

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Typically, modern economics has steered away from the analysis of sociological and psychological factors and has focused on narrow behavioural assumptions in which expectations are formed on the basis of mathematical algorithms. Blending together ideas from the social and behavioural sciences, this paper argues that the behavioural approach adopted in most economic analysis, in its neglect of sociological and psychological forces and its simplistically dichotomous categorization of behaviour as either rational or not rational, is too narrow and stark. Behaviour may reflect an interaction of cognitive and emotional factors and this can be captured more effectively using an approach that focuses on the interplay of different decision-making systems.

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Statistical methods for evolutionary trees.


September 2009

Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge CB2 1TA, United Kingdom.

In 1963 and 1964, L. L. Cavalli-Sforza and A.

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