1,556,239 results match your criteria: "Germany; Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry[Affiliation]"

Easily accessible dichloroarsanes are suitable precursors for the synthesis of rarely explored triazaarsoles, the arsenic analogues of tetrazoles and triazaphospholes. Calculations on the DFT level gave insight into the electronic structure of such planar compounds, indicating a high degree of aromaticity. Our preliminary investigations pave the way for accessing and investigating a whole variety of new heterocycles, that contain a low-coordinated arsenic atom.

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Exploring the Anion Site Disorder Kinetics in Lithium Argyrodites.

J Am Chem Soc

March 2025

Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Münster, Corrensstrasse 28/30, Münster D-48149, Germany.

Lithium argyrodites LiPS ( = Cl, Br, I) are a promising class of solid-state electrolytes with the potential to achieve high conductivities (>10 mS·cm) necessary for use in solid-state batteries. Previous research has shown that structural factors, in particular, site disorder between the sulfide and halide anions, can impact the ionic conductivity of lithium argyrodites. One current hypothesis for this correlation between anion site disorder and ionic transport is a connection to the lithium-ion substructure.

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Background: For a growing number of food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs), diet optimization is the tool of choice to account for the complex demands of healthy and sustainable diets. However, decisions about such optimization models' parameters are rarely reported nor systematically studied.

Objectives: The objectives were to develop a framework for (i) the formulation of decision variables based on a hierarchical food classification system; (ii) the mathematical form of the objective function; and (iii) approaches to incorporate nutrient goals.

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We studied a family of coordination compounds with short intramolecular spatial separation between an organic chromophore and a metal centre. The specific geometry was realized by means of anthracene-functionalized tertiary aryl phosphanes. Their silver and gold complexes (1, 2) operate as conventional fluorophores, with photophysical behavior defined by anthracene-localized allowed transitions.

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Background: In Germany, the incidence of traumatic spinal cord injury is approximately 16 per million inhabitants per year. This article aims to present evidence-based diagnostic and therapeutic measures for the first 14 days after injury to minimize neural damage, prevent complications, and preserve functioning as much as possible.

Methods: After the formulation of key questions, systematic literature searches were carried out on multiple topics.

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Background: There were 2227 drug-related deaths in Germany in 2023, corresponding to a rise of 12% over the previous year and a doubling over the course of a decade. Approximately 60% of these deaths were related to opioid consumption. In this narrative review, we discuss whether take-home naloxone (THN) might lower the mortality of persons with opioid dependency.

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The estimation of accurate free energies for antibiotic permeation via the bacterial outer-membrane porins has proven to be challenging. Atomistic simulations of the process suffer from sampling issues that are typical of systems with complex and slow dynamics, even with the application of advanced sampling methods. Ultimately, the objective is to obtain accurate potential of mean force (PMF) for a large set of antibiotics and to predict permeation rates.

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Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common cardiac diseases and a complicating comorbidity for multiple associated diseases. Many clinical decisions regarding AF are currently based on the binary recognition of AF being present or absent with the categorical appraisal of AF as continued or intermittent. Assessment of AF in clinical trials is largely limited to the time to (first) detection of an AF episode.

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Parkinson's disease is characterized, in part, by hypoactivity of direct pathway inhibitory projections from striatum to the globus pallidus internus (GPi) and indirect pathway inhibitory projections from globus pallidus externus (GPe) to the subthalamic nucleus (STN). In people with Parkinson's disease (n=32), we explored the potential use of intracranial stimulation for eliciting long-term potentiation (LTP) of these underactive pathways to produce improvement of symptoms that persists beyond stimulation cessation. During GPi deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery, we found strong evidence (p<.

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Environmental influences on traits and associated transgenerational epigenetic inheritance have widespread implications but remain controversial and underlying mechanisms poorly understood. We introduce long-term environmental induction experiments on alternative diets in , a nematode exhibiting mouth-form plasticity including predation, by propagating 110 isogenic lines for 101 generations with associated food-reversal experiments. We found dietary induction and subsequent transgenerational inheritance of the predatory morph and identified a role of ubiquitin ligase EBAX-1/ZSWIM8 in this process.

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Recalcitrant biofilm infections pose a great challenge to human health. Micro- and nanorobots have been used to eliminate biofilm infections in hard-to-reach regions inside the body. However, applying antibiofilm robots under physiological conditions is limited by the conflicting demands of accessibility and driving force.

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To provide protection, anticipatory T cell-dependent immunity is reliant on the generation and maintenance of a naïve T cell repertoire, which is sufficiently diverse to ensure recognition of newly encountered antigens. Therefore, under steady-state conditions, a given individual needs to maintain a large pool of naïve T cells, ready to respond to potential threats. Here, we demonstrate that N-myc downstream-regulated gene 3 (Ndrg3) is essential for naïve T cell stability.

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We propose a mechanism for generating single photons in the mid-infrared (MIR) using a solid-state or molecular quantum emitter. The scheme uses cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) effects to selectively enhance a Frank-Condon transition, deterministically preparing a single Fock state of a polar phonon mode. By coupling the phonon mode to an antenna, the resulting excitation is then radiated to the far field as a single photon with a frequency matching the phonon mode.

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African swine fever virus (ASFV) is a large DNA virus of the Asfarviridae family that causes a fatal hemorrhagic disease in domestic swine and wild boar. Infections with moderately virulent strains predominantly result in a milder clinical course and lower lethality. As target cells of ASFV, monocytes play a crucial role in triggering T-cell-mediated immune defense and ASF pathogenesis.

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Precise Identification of Inhibitors for Coagulation Reactions from Complex Extracts through Monitoring of Biological Aggregates Combined with a Targeted Fishing Technique.

Anal Chem

March 2025

Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, School of Pharmacy, Key Laboratory of Protection, Development and Utilization of Medicinal Resources in Liupanshan Area, Ministry of Education, Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan 750004, China.

Biological aggregates play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of thrombotic diseases, especially thrombin-induced biological aggregates. Therefore, the efficient discovery of thrombin inhibitors is of great significance for the prevention and treatment of thrombotic diseases. In this study, the aggregation precursor protein fluorescent probe was successfully prepared for monitoring the production of biological aggregates induced by thrombin.

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Coping with chronic periprosthetic joint infection after failed revision of total knee and hip arthroplasty: a qualitative study on patient's experiences in treatment and healing.

PLoS One

March 2025

Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany.

Periprosthetic joint infections (PJI), along with the extensive medical and surgical interventions required for treatment, impose a substantial psychological burden on patients. Given the need for patients to adapt to long-term physical limitations and ongoing medical challenges, this qualitative study aims to explore the nature of psychological coping amongst patients with chronic cases of PJI. A total of 18 patients (8 men and 10 women, aged 55 to 92) who underwent a total knee or hip arthroplasty revision due to chronic PJI were recruited at a single academic institution between August 2022 and July 2023.

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Is beauty beyond the eye of the butterfly?

PLoS Biol

March 2025

Faculty of Biology, LMU, Munich, Germany.

The bright colors observed across the animal world are often used during mate choice. An exciting new study in PLOS Biology suggests genetic and neural mechanisms contributing to the evolution of visual mating decisions in Heliconius butterflies.

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Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) play a pivotal role in immune responses, particularly against viral infections. pDCs exhibit diverse functions, including interferon production, cytokine secretion, and antigen presentation. Here, we investigate the antigen cross-presentation capacity of pDCs and their role in CD8 T cell activation.

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Women's attitudes towards physical intimate partner violence are a major determinant of the likelihood of their exposure to physical intimate partner violence. In this study, we scrutinize the third, fourth, and fifth rounds of the National Family Health Survey using descriptive analyses and logistic regression models to understand the trends, patterns, and drivers of women's attitudes towards physical intimate partner violence across various demographic and socioeconomic groups in India. Our findings reveal a noticeable decline in the level of women's acceptability of physical intimate partner violence over the past 15 years, albeit at a slow pace.

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The effective delivery of drugs remains a major challenge in the development of new therapeutic molecules. Several strategies have been employed to address this issue, with cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) standing out due to their ability to traverse cell membranes with minimal cytotoxicity and their relatively straightforward synthesis when conjugated with other molecules. However, while CPPs can successfully enter the cytoplasm, they often lack specificity for particular organelles, leaving target engagement to the drug itself.

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Longitudinal neuroimaging studies offer valuable insight into brain development, ageing, and disease progression over time. However, prevailing analytical approaches rooted in our understanding of population variation are primarily tailored for cross-sectional studies. To fully leverage the potential of longitudinal neuroimaging, we need methodologies that account for the complex interplay between population variation and individual dynamics.

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Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) are a group of membrane spanning lipids produced by both Archaea and Bacteria. Branched GDGTs (brGDGTs) are a class of these tetraether lipids known to be produced by certain bacteria and are commonly found in terrestrial environments. Due to their environmental ubiquity, high preservation potential, and role in membrane adaptation, brGDGTs form the basis of many widely employed paleoenvironmental proxies.

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Background: The cerebellum is one of the major central nervous structures consistently altered in obesity. Its role in higher cognitive function, parts of which are affected by obesity, is mediated through projections to and from the cerebral cortex. We therefore investigated the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and cerebellocerebral connectivity.

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Bacilladnaviruses are single-stranded DNA viruses that infect diatoms that, so far, have been primarily identified in marine organisms and environments. Using a viral metagenomics approach, we discovered 13 novel bacilladnaviruses originating from samples of mud-flat snail (; =3 genomes) and benthic sediments (=10 genomes) collected from the Avon-Heathcote Estuary in New Zealand. Comparative genomics and phylogenetic analysis of the new bacilladnavirus sequences in the context of the previously classified members of the family helped refine and further expand the taxonomy.

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Despite the vast heterogeneity of myelodysplastic neoplasm (MDS), treatment options are limited and an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) remains the only curative approach. While, subsequently, allo-HSCT is the treatment of choice in fit high-risk MDS patients younger than 70 years, it should only be considered in young and fit low-risk MDS patients who suffer from severe and life threatening cytopenias, and fail all available conservative treatment options. With the increasing use of mismatched or haploidentical donors, the majority of MDS patients will have a suitable donor available, however, matched donors should still be preferred if rapidly available.

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