2,071 results match your criteria: "Fundacion Universitaria[Affiliation]"
Int J Mycobacteriol
December 2023
Group of Tropical Dermatology, Hospital Universitario Centro Dermatológico Federico Lleras Acosta, Bogota, Colombia.
Background: The lepromatous leprosy (LL) disease is caused by Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis which is characterized by inadequate response to treatment, a propensity to drug resistance, and patient disability. We aimed to evaluate current immunomodulatory medicines and their target proteins collectively as a drug repurposing strategy to decipher novel uses for LL.
Methods: A dataset of human genes associated with LL-immune response was retrieved from public health genomic databases including the Human Genome Epidemiology Navigator and DisGeNET.
Surg Endosc
February 2024
School of Medicine, Universidad de los Andes, Carrera 1 # 18a-12, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia.
Background And Aims: Single-operator cholangioscopy (SOC) offer a diagnostic and therapeutic alternative with an improved optical resolution over conventional techniques; however, there are no standardized clinical practice guidelines for this technology. This evidence-based guideline from the Colombian Association of Digestive Endoscopy (ACED) intends to support patients, clinicians, and others in decisions about using in adults the SOC compared to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), to diagnose indeterminate biliary stricture and to manage difficult biliary stones.
Methods: ACED created a multidisciplinary guideline panel balanced to minimize potential bias from conflicts of interest.
Front Psychiatry
December 2023
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Fundación Universitaria Sanitas, Psychopathology and Society Research Group, Bogotá, Colombia.
Introduction: Adjustment disorder (AD) is a diagnosis that must be differentiated from major depressive episode (MDE) because of the therapeutic implications. The aim of this study is to understand the experience of patients who in their lifetime have been diagnosed with AD as well as MDE to establish the characteristics of each disorder.
Methods: A descriptive phenomenological approach was used with in-depth interviews to four patients and the method proposed by Colaizzi to understand the experiences and reach the description of both disorders.
November 2023
Orthopedic trauma surgeon, Fundación Universitaria Sanitas, Clínica Universitaria Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
Objectives: To determine the incidence of cut-out, cut-in, cut-through, Z-effect, and reverse Z-effect in two cephalomedullary nail (CMN) systems: one with single cephalic screw fixation and the other with dual-screw fixation using a lag screw and an anti-rotation screw.
Methods: A retrospective study from a cohort of patients was conducted between January 2017 and August 2019 in patients with intertrochanteric fractures treated with osteosynthesis using CMN.
Results: One hundred ninety-six patients with intertrochanteric fractures who met the inclusion criteria were recruited.
According to the literature, biobehavioural interventions or combined strategies would reduce the risk of HIV infection by more than 7,000 new cases each day, which would contribute to the battle facing Latin America, where despite the high incidence and prevalence of HIV in the region, access to PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is very limited. The objective of this research was, consistent with the PRISMA guidelines (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses), to conduct a scoping review to assess the evidence of available outcome data on biobehavioural interventions and programs to address gaps in the PrEP continuum of care in Latin America. The search was conducted in the databases EBSCOhost, WoS, Scopus, and ProQuest, and include all studies published from 2010 to 2021.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHeliyon
December 2023
Faculty of Health Sciences and Sports, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, ZIPATEFI Research group, Pereira, Colombia.
Introduction: Cancer, particularly breast cancer, is a significant cause of death worldwide, and physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk of developing cancer and improve the prognosis of patients diagnosed with cancer. However, there is a lack of detailed analysis of publications related to physical activity in breast cancer patients, hindering the provision of strong evidence in this area.
Materials And Methods: The Core Collection database of Web of Science (WoS) was used as the source of the bibliography, with a search conducted on October 16, 2023.
Background: Comprehensive healthcare for patients with gender dysphoria includes access to gender-affirming hormone therapy. It may cause cutaneous and adnexal side effects, which often affect quality of life, are underdiagnosed, and do not receive timely treatment. The literature on this subject is scarce.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSemin Dial
April 2024
Department of Nephrology, Fresenius Medical Care, Bogotá, Colombia.
Background: The nutritional status of incident patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD) has been associated with survival outcomes. Bioimpedanciometry (BCM) enables to establish a nutritional diagnosis, the volume status, and correlates these findings with survival.
Methods: This study used a retrospective multicenter historical cohort.
Patient Prefer Adherence
December 2023
Grupo de Investigación en Farmacoepidemiología y Farmacovigilancia, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira-Audifarma S.A, Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia.
Infect Med (Beijing)
June 2023
Department of Rheumatology, Universidad de la Sabana, Chía 250001, Colombia.
Background: Tuberculosis is a disease of great relevance since it is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Gastrointestinal tuberculosis is an unusual presentation. It is defined as the involvement of any segment of the digestive tract, associated viscera, and peritoneum.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfect Med (Beijing)
March 2023
Universidad del Norte, School of Medicine, Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia.
Int J Mol Sci
November 2023
Infectious Diseases Department, Clinica Universitaria Colombia, Clínica Colsanitas S.A., Bogotá 111321, Colombia.
The microbiome has shown a correlation with the diet and lifestyle of each population in health and disease, the ability to communicate at the cellular level with the host through innate and adaptative immune receptors, and therefore an important role in modulating inflammatory process related to the establishment and progression of cancer. The oral cavity is one of the most important interaction windows between the human body and the environment, allowing the entry of an important number of microorganisms and their passage across the gastrointestinal tract and lungs. In this review, the contribution of the microbiome network to the establishment of systemic diseases like cancer is analyzed through their synergistic interactions and bidirectional crosstalk in the oral-gut-lung axis as well as its communication with the host cells.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeurosci Biobehav Rev
January 2024
Facultad de Psicologia, Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, Colombia.
Considerable progress has been made in elucidating the relationships between early life psychobiological and environmental risk factors and the development of tobacco addiction. However, a comprehensive understanding of the heterogeneity in tobacco addiction phenotypes requires integrating research findings. The probabilistic epigenesis meta-theory offers a valuable framework for this integration, considering systemic, multilevel, developmental, and evolutionary perspectives.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDiabetes Metab Syndr
December 2023
Faculty of Nursing, Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud-FUCS, Bogotá, Colombia.
Aims: Given the implications of impaired hypoglycemia awareness in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), it is necessary to identify reliable and valid instruments for its measurement. The Hypoglycemia Awareness Questionnaire (HypoA-Q) measures impaired awareness, symptom severity, and symptom frequency. The present study evaluated the HypoA-Q validity for assessing awareness of hypoglycemia in patients with T2D treated with insulin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBraz Oral Res
December 2023
Universidad El Bosque , UNICA - Caries Research Unit, Research Department , Bogotá , Colombia .
The aim of this study was to develop and achieve consensus on a cariology teaching framework for dental schools in Latin American Spanish-speaking countries. The Delphi process, with a ≥8 0% pre-defined participants' agreement, included three phases and a Coordinating Group. During the Preparation phase three panels of experts were selected and invited to participate: a) Regional academic/professional Dental Associations (Associations-Panel): n = 12; b) Regional Dental Schools (Dental-Schools-Panel): existing dental schools (n = 263) from the 19 Spanish-speaking regional countries; c) International academic/professional associations Peer Experts (Peer-Panel): n = 4.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo
December 2023
Fundación Universitaria San Martín, Grupo GEINCRO, Sabaneta, Colombia.
One of the main challenges in the clinical management of dengue is the early identification of cases that could progress to severe forms of the disease. A biomarker that may enable this identification is the presence of genetic polymorphisms in genes associated with immune responses. The objective of this study was to perform a systematic review of the Latin American literature on these genes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFExpert Opin Pharmacother
January 2024
Grupo de Investigación en Farmacoepidemiología y Farmacovigilancia, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira-Audifarma S.A, Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia.
Background: To characterize the use of sacubitril/valsartan in a group of patients with heart failure in Colombia.
Research Design And Methods: Follow-up study of patients with heart failure who started sacubitril/valsartan and were affiliated with the Colombian health system between 2019 and 2021. Sociodemographic, clinical, and pharmacological variables and adherence and persistence of use were identified.
Hand (N Y)
March 2025
Clínica Medicentro Familiar IPS, Bogotá, Colombia.
Background: Articular fractures of the base of the first metacarpal (Bennett fractures) have been studied for years to determine the best method of reduction and fixation. This study aims to show the application of the percutaneous reduction and internal fixation technique with cannulated screws and arthroscopic assistance in articular fractures of the base of the first metacarpal.
Methods: Descriptive cohort study in a series of 30 patients, the first cohort in our country and the largest series published so far, in which 8 patients presented with type 2A fracture and 19 patients with type 2B of the Torres-Becerra classification underwent the mentioned technique under direct vision and control of the articular reduction by arthroscopy evaluating the intraoperative characteristics of the articular surface, stability of de reduction and fixation.
New Microbes New Infect
January 2024
Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Peru.
J Consult Clin Psychol
December 2023
Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University.
Objective: Untreated mental disorders are important among low- and middle-income country (LMIC) university students in Latin America, where barriers to treatment are high. Scalable interventions are needed. This study compared transdiagnostic self-guided and guided internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (i-CBT) with treatment as usual (TAU) for clinically significant anxiety and depression among undergraduates in Colombia and Mexico.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlast Reconstr Surg Glob Open
November 2023
Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Fundación Universitaria Sanitas, Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Background: Tranexamic acid (TXA) is used to reduce bleeding in body contouring procedures; however, there are no studies that show the effectiveness of TXA when it is also used in the immediate postoperative period.
Methods: A controlled, randomized, parallel, and open-label clinical trial was carried out in adult patients undergoing liposculpture and/or abdominoplasty. A control group administering presurgical TXA and a study group with presurgical and postsurgical TXA were formed.
Front Neurol
November 2023
Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia.
Augmented reality (AR) integrates computer-generated content and real-world scenarios. Artificial intelligence's continuous development has allowed AR to be integrated into medicine. Neurosurgery has progressively introduced image-guided technologies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPLoS One
November 2023
Grupo de Investigación en Farmacoepidemiología y Farmacovigilancia, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira-Audifarma S.A, Pereira, Colombia.
Introduction: Hemophilia A and B are disorders associated with the deficit of coagulation factors VIII and IX.
Objective: Was to determine the incidence of complications in a cohort of patients diagnosed with moderate and severe hemophilia A or B under treatment in a specialized institution.
Methods: A retrospective study of a cohort of patients with replacement therapy for hemophilia A or B, evaluating treatment and complications between January/2012 and July/2019.
Polymers (Basel)
November 2023
Faculty of Engineering and Basic Sciences, Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, Bogotá 111221, Colombia.
Poly(dicyclopentadiene) (poly-DCPD) is a thermoset with potential for high-performance applications. In this research, epoxy resin was blended with different concentrations of fly ash class F particles at 0.0, 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Pers Med
October 2023
Marie Curie Science Research Center, Greensboro, NC 27407, USA.