2 results match your criteria: "From the Texas Medical Institute of Technology[Affiliation]"
J Patient Saf
December 2013
From the *Texas Medical Institute of Technology, Austin, Texas †Mayo College of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota; ‡University of Utah and Pascal Metrics, Salt Lake City, Utah; §Department of Radiology, Mayo College of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota; ∥Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio; ¶Global Patient Safety Forum & World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland; and #Brigham & Women's Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.
Objectives: We will provide a context to health information technology systems (HIT) safety hazards discussions, describe how electronic health record-computer prescriber order entry (EHR-CPOE) simulation has already identified unrecognized hazards in HIT on a national scale, helping make EHR-CPOE systems safer, and we make the case for all stakeholders to leverage proven methods and teams in HIT performance verification.
Methods: A national poll of safety, quality improvement, and health-care administrative leaders identified health information technology safety as the hazard of greatest concern for 2013. Quality, HIT, and safety leaders are very concerned about technology performance risks as addressed in the Health Information Technology and Patient Safety report of the Institute of Medicine; and these are being addressed by the Office of the National Coordinator of HIT of the U.
J Patient Saf
September 2011
From the Texas Medical Institute of Technology, Austin, USA.