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Practice is required to improve one's shooting technique in basketball or to play a musical instrument well. Learning these motor skills may be further enhanced by transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). We aimed to investigate whether tDCS leads to faster attainment of a motor skill, and to confirm prior work showing it improves skill acquisition and retention performance.

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The Fallacy of a Single Diagnosis.

Med Decis Making

February 2023

Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA.

Background: Diagnostic reasoning requires clinicians to think through complex uncertainties. We tested the possibility of a bias toward an available single diagnosis in uncertain cases.

Design: We developed 5 different surveys providing a succinct description of a hypothetical individual patient scenaric.

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(1) Sleep disorders are prevalent in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients and predict cardiac events and prognosis. While increased oxidative stress (OS) has been associated with sleep disorders, less is known about its relationship with sleep quality. Similarly, little is known of how this relationship might change with exercise, which can improve sleep quality.

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This cross-sectional study compares rates of emergency department visits and hospitalizations for assault and maltreatment by age category and sex in Ontario, Canada, before vs during the COVID-10 pandemic.

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Does a deep learning inventory predict knowledge transfer? Linking student perceptions to transfer outcomes.

Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract

March 2023

Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

Students are often encouraged to learn 'deeply' by abstracting generalizable principles from course content rather than memorizing details. So widespread is this perspective that Likert-style inventories are now routinely administered to students to quantify how much a given course or curriculum evokes deep learning. The predictive validity of these inventories, however, has been criticized based on sparse empirical support and ambiguity in what specific outcome measures indicate whether deep learning has occurred.

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Importance: Patient-reported symptom burden was recently found to be associated with emergency department use and unplanned hospitalization (ED/Hosp) in patients with head and neck cancer. It was hypothesized that symptom scores could be combined with administrative health data to accurately risk stratify patients.

Objective: To develop and validate a machine learning approach to predict future ED/Hosp in patients with head and neck cancer.

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Introduction: Following a cancer diagnosis, patients and their caregivers face crucial decisions regarding goals of care and treatment, which have consequences that can persist throughout their cancer journey. To foster informed and value-driven treatment choices, evidence-based information on outcomes relevant to patients is needed. Traditionally, clinical studies have largely focused on a few concrete and easily measurable outcomes such as survival, disease progression and immediate treatment toxicities.

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Study Design: Qualitative descriptive study.

Objectives: To gain insight into if and how participation in intensive balance training impacted the daily lives and risk of falling of people living with incomplete spinal cord injury or disease (SCI/D), as well as to understand what motivated participation and what benefits and challenges, if any, they experienced while completing training.

Setting: Tertiary rehabilitation hospital.

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This study aimed to determine the relationship between lower limb muscle strength and explosive force with force plate-derived timing measures of reactive stepping. Nineteen young, healthy adults responded to 6 perturbations using an anterior lean-and-release system. Foot-off, swing, and restabilization times were estimated from force plates.

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Objective: Evidence suggests that hearing loss increases the risk of cognitive impairment. However, the relationship between hearing loss and cognition can vary considerably across studies, which may be partially explained by demographic and health factors that are not systematically accounted for in statistical models.

Design: Middle-aged to older adult participants (N = 149) completed a web-based assessment that included speech-in-noise (SiN) and self-report measures of hearing, as well as auditory and visual cognitive interference (Stroop) tasks.

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Article Synopsis
  • The study aimed to evaluate the effects of epinephrine on coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) during CPR in a multicenter trial, addressing limitations of single lab experiments with varying patient populations.
  • Forty-five swine were used across five laboratories, with three treatment groups: continuous IV epinephrine infusion, boluses of epinephrine, or placebo, after inducing ventricular fibrillation and CPR.
  • Results showed no significant differences in CPP between the treatment groups, indicating that standard doses of epinephrine did not improve outcomes compared to placebo, while highlighting inter-laboratory variability in results.
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the barriers and facilitators to physical activity from multiple stakeholder perspectives including individuals with LLA and health professionals.

Materials And Methods: A qualitative descriptive study situated within an interpretive research paradigm was conducted. Semi-structured interviews were held with individuals with LLA recruited from rehabilitation hospitals in a metropolitan city in Canada.

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Background: Cardiovascular symptoms in pregnancy may be a clue to psychological distress. We examined whether electrocardiogram testing in pregnant women is associated with an increased risk of subsequent postpartum depression.

Methods: We conducted a population-based cohort study of pregnant women who delivered in Ontario, Canada comparing women who received a prenatal ECG to women who did not.

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Introduction: Recent studies have implicated changes in the blood-central nervous system barriers (BCNSB) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The objective of this scoping review is to synthesize the current evidence for BCNSB structure and functional abnormalities in ALS studies and propose how BCNSB pathology may impact therapeutic development.

Methods: A literature search was conducted using Ovid Medline, EMBASE, and Web of Science, from inception to November 2021 and limited to entries in English language.

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Background: Social status gradients are powerful health determinants for individuals living in poverty. We tested whether winning an Academy award (Oscar) for acting was associated with long-term survival.

Methods: We conducted a longitudinal cohort analysis of all actors and actresses nominated for an Academy award in a leading or a supporting role.

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Objectives: Communication among trauma team members in the trauma bay is vulnerable to errors, which may impact patient outcomes. We used the previously validated trauma-non-technical skills (T-NOTECHS) tool to identify communication gaps during patient management in the trauma bay and to inform development strategies to improve team performance.

Methods: Two reviewers independently assessed non-technical skills of team members through video footage at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.

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Objective: Reactive stepping is critical for preventing falls and is impaired in people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS); however, which aspects of stepping relate to falls remains poorly understood. Identifying outcomes most related to falls is a first step toward improving rehabilitation for fall prevention. The purpose of this study was to assess whether reactive step latency or length during forward and backward losses of balance were related to a history of falls in PwMS.

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Enhancing Outpatient Symptom Management in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: A Qualitative Analysis.

JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg

April 2022

Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Importance: Patients with head and neck cancer manage a variety of symptoms at home on an outpatient basis. Clinician review alone often leaves patient symptoms undetected and untreated. Standardized symptom assessment using patient-reported outcomes (PROs) has been shown in randomized clinical trials to improve symptom detection and overall survival, although translation into real-world settings remains a challenge.

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Article Synopsis
  • A study is looking at how to reduce blood transfusions needed during liver surgery because many patients still need them after surgery, which can be risky.
  • Researchers will test a drug called tranexamic acid (TXA) on 1230 people to see if it can help lower blood loss during surgery and reduce the need for transfusions.
  • The study is approved by health authorities, and results will be shared to help others learn from the findings.
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Background: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among men. Family caregivers (often female spouses) play a key role in ensuring patients' needs are met, frequently assuming their role with no formal training, which can contribute to a high burden. The purpose of this study was to pilot -the first dyadic, Tailored, wEb-based, psychosocial and physical activity self-Management PrOgram for men with prostate cancer and their caregivers.

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Objective: Best practice guidelines recommend that aerobic exercise (AEx) be implemented as early as possible poststroke, yet the prescription of AEx remains limited in stroke rehabilitation settings. This study used theoretical frameworks to obtain an in-depth understanding of barriers and enablers to AEx implementation in the stroke rehabilitation setting.

Methods: A qualitative, descriptive study was conducted.

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