20 results match your criteria: "Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac[Affiliation]"
Ann Phys Rehabil Med
December 2015
Laboratoire de physiologie de l'exercice, EA4338, University of Savoie, domaine universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, 73376 Le Bourget du Lac, France.
Background: The Romberg test, with the subject standing and with eyes closed, gives diagnostic arguments for a proprioceptive disorder. Closing the eyes is also used in balance rehabilitation as a main way to stimulate neural plasticity with proprioceptive, vestibular and even cerebellar disorders. Nevertheless, standing and walking with eyes closed or with eyes open in the dark are certainly 2 different tasks.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Phys Rehabil Med
October 2010
EA 4338, laboratoire de physiologie de l'exercice, université de Savoie, domaine universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, 73376 Le-Bourget-du-Lac cedex, France.
Aim Of The Study: To assess the validity of the sitting position when testing lumbar braces for the maintenance of lordosis.
Patients And Methods: Twelve young adult subjects participated in the experiment, in which they were seated on force platform. The four experimental conditions (with or without a brace and with or without enforced lordosis) were chosen in order to distinguish between the roles played by lordosis and the brace, respectively.
Curr Aging Sci
July 2009
Laboratoire de Modélisation des Activités Sportives, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac - 73376 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex, France.
The simple postural task of quiet standing, which requires minimal attentional resources, is generally paired with cognitive activity. Competition for attentional resources is a consequence of simultaneously performing balance tasks and cognitive tasks, and impairment of attentional resource allocation with aging leads to increased risks of fall. We investigated age-related changes in posture control during dual task performance, using a paradigm that crossed a static (quiet standing) and a dynamic (keeping balance on a translational force plate) postural task and cognitive tasks of low demand (mental arithmetic) and high demand (spatial memory).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAging Clin Exp Res
February 2009
Laboratoire de Modélisation des Activités Sportives, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, Le Bourget du Lac cedex, France.
Background And Aims: Complex interactions between visual, vestibular and somatosensory information and the cerebellar system are involved in the maintenance of upright posture. Previous studies have shown that normal aging and pathologies may lead to deterioration of the control of upright standing posture.
Methods: In order to investigate postural control during quiet standing in the elderly, the center of pressure (CoP) was analysed on two force platforms in three different groups.
Motor Control
April 2008
Laboratoire de modelisation des activites sportives, Universite de Savoie, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, Le Bourget du Lac cedex, France.
To assess the postural strategies developed by patients after total hip arthroplasty (THA), 14 patients were measured 12 days after surgery. The respective role played by both sound and prosthetic legs and the compensatory mechanisms were assessed through a separate measure of the center-of-pressure (CP) trajectories under each foot. The movements of the center-of-gravity (CG) were estimated from those of the resultant CP to determine postural performance.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Neurol (Paris)
November 2007
Laboratoire de modélisation des activités sportives, UFR CISM, Université de Savoie, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, 73376 Le Bourget du Lac.
Introduction: One of the main features of multiple sclerosis (MS) is the deterioration of motor pathway axons, and in some cases, sensory system axons. Consequently, experimental sensori-motor testing with the undisturbed upright stance paradigm might be useful. It can be hypothesized that the postural strategies could be differently affected depending on the degree of dysfunction of both sensory and motor tracts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClin Biomech (Bristol)
November 2007
Département STAPS, Université de Savoie, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, 73 376 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex, France.
Background And Purpose: Regaining control of sitting posture is one of the first goals in the rehabilitation of patients with stroke. So, it requires a precise quantification of this postural behaviour. The purpose of the present investigation was thus to assess postural control during sitting in people with hemiparesis through a biomechanical analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeurophysiol Clin
December 2006
Laboratoire de modélisation des activités sportives, université de Savoie, domaine universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, 73376 Le Bourget-du-Lac cedex, France.
Aims Of The Study: To assess to which extent performing saccadic eye movements modifies the postural strategies aimed at maintaining balance.
Materials And Methods: Twelve healthy adults were tested on a force platform in several conditions including one in which they were required to stare a visual target and four in which small and larger saccadic eyes movements were performed vertically and horizontally. The displacements of the centre of pressure (CP) were then processed through frequency analysis and modelled as fractional Brownian motion (fBm).
Ann Readapt Med Phys
March 2007
Laboratoire de modélisation des activités sportives, université de Savoie, domaine universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, 73376 Le-Bourget-du-Lac cedex, France.
Objective: To limit sensorimotor impairment associated with various diseases, devices aimed at easing such impairment are usually prescribed. A better knowledge of the specific effects of these devices in healthy subjects should help to assess the prescription.
Materials And Methods: Sixteen young healthy individuals were required to stand still on a double-force platform with an asymmetrical body weight distribution over the 2 legs and to reduce as much as possible their motions.
J Integr Neurosci
December 2004
Laboratoire de Modélisation des Activités Physiques et Sportives, UFR CISM, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, F73 376 Le Bourget Du Lac cedex, France.
To assess the effects of changes in somesthetic plantar information on upright quiet stance, a rotary plantar massage was applied under the feet of healthy subjects for ten minutes. The controlling variable, the centre of pressure (CP) displacements, were recorded, before and after massage, through a force platform and decomposed into two elementary motions: the vertical projection of the centre of gravity (CG(v)) and the difference between the latter and the CP (CP-CG(v)) along medio-lateral ML and antero-posterior AP directions. These motions were processed through frequency analysis and modelled as fractional Brownian motion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClin Biomech (Bristol)
October 2004
Laboratoire de Modélisation des Activités Sportives, Université de Savoie, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, F 73 376 Le Bourget du Lac cedex, France.
Objective: To assess the effects of visual feedback gain, which express the amplitudes of the displacements of the centre of pressure displayed on a computer screen.
Design: The controlling variable, the centre of pressure trajectories, recorded using a force platform, were decomposed into two elementary motions: (1) the horizontal displacements of the centre of gravity and (2) the vertical projection of the difference between centre of pressure and the centre of gravity. These motions were processed through frequency analysis and modelled as fractional Brownian motion to assess their spatio-temporal linkage and their degree of control.
Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot
May 2004
Laboratoire de Modélisation des Activités Sportives, UFR CISM, Université de Savoie, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, 73376 Le Bourget-du-Lac.
Purpose Of The Study: To assess the effects of idiopathic scoliosis on undisturbed postural control in young female teenagers.
Material And Methods: The centre of pressure (CP) displacements, measured through a force platform, were decomposed into two elementary components in order to differentiate the net postural performance, as revealed by the horizontal motions of the centre of gravity (CGh) and the level of muscular activity expressed by the vertical difference CP-CGv. The CG horizontal displacements were estimated from those of the CP with a low pass filter taking into account the subjects' anthropometry.
Clin Biomech (Bristol)
June 2004
Laboratoire de modélisation des activités sportives, Université de Savoie, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, F 73 376 Le Bourget du Lac cedex, France.
Objectives: To assess various ankle orthoses presenting different physical characteristics.
Design: The postural performance in bi-pedal stance of 14 healthy adults was assessed during four different ankle orthoses conditions.
Background: Resultant ankle stiffness is an important component in undisturbed upright postural regulation.
Ann Hum Biol
September 2003
Laboratoire de Modélization des Activités Sportives, UFR CISM, Université de Savoie, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, F73376 Le Bourget du Lac cedex France.
Background: Morphologic characteristics such as height and body weight determine body inertia, an important factor related to postural stability. However, whilst investigations have classically analysed these parameters separately, global morphology has been poorly researched. Secondly, the influence of gender on postural stability demonstrates opposing trends, some authors observing that men sway less than women, and others noting the contrary.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeurophysiol Clin
April 2003
Laboratoire de modélisation des activités sportives, université de Savoie, domaine universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, 73376 cedex, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France.
Aims Of The Study: To assess to which extent the non visual somato-sensorial information may, through a recalibration process, induce a reorganisation by the central nervous system to control undisturbed upright stance.
Materials And Methods: Ten healthy adults were placed in complete darkness for a 24 min period. Their postural performance was recorded through a force platform on which they were required to stand still at regular intervals.
Clin Biomech (Bristol)
May 2003
Laboratoire de modélisation des activités sportives, Université de Savoie, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, Le Bourget du Lac Cedex F 73 376, France.
Objective: To evaluate the instantaneous effects of visual feedback on undisturbed stance control mechanisms.
Design: The controlling variable, the centre of pressure trajectories, recorded using a force platform, were decomposed into two elementary motions: (1) the horizontal displacements of the centre of gravity and (2) the vertical projection of the difference between centre of pressure and the centre of gravity. These motions were processed through frequential analysis and modelled as fractional Brownian motion.
Rev Neurol (Paris)
February 2003
Laboratoire de Modélisation des Activités Sportives, Université de Savoie, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex, France.
In most protocols aimed at testing balance abilities, patients are generally required to close their eyes in order to gain insight about proprioceptive cues and the way the central nervous system (CNS) uses this information. However, one should not exclude possible interaction with the physiological mechanisms involved in eyelid closure, thus leading to a biased neurological evaluation. To assess this possible involvement, 15 healthy adults were required to keep their eyes open in the dark (YOn), to close normally (YF) and forcibly their eyelids (YFF), respectively in random order.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Readapt Med Phys
February 2002
Laboratoire de modélisation des activités sportives, université de Savoie, domaine universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, 73376 Le Bourget du Lac cedex, France.
Objective: To evaluate, in normal and healthy adults, the postural effects induced by a protocol of body sway mirror feedback.
Materials And Methods: Two experimental conditions, one consisting in staring eyes open (EO) and one consisting in mirror feedback (MFB), are randomly proposed. Displacements of the centre of pressure (CP), issued from a force platform, are advantageously decomposed along medio-lateral ML and antero-posterior AP directions into two elementary components: the horizontal motions of the centre of gravity (CG(h)) and the difference CP-CG(v).
Ann Readapt Med Phys
November 2001
Laboratoire de modélisation des activités sportives, université de Savoie, Domaine universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, 73376 cedex, Le Bourget du Lac, France.
Objective: An ordinary and practical method to assess the postural control mechanisms is to measure, through a force platform, the point of application of the resultant reaction forces. The recorded signal, the centre of pressure CP, is used to compute the motions of the vertical projection of the centre of gravity (CG(v)) and those of the difference CP-CG(v). The former is considered in this postural task as the controlled variable whereas the latter is thought to express the ankle resultant stiffness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNeurosci Res
September 2001
Laboratoire de Modélisation des Activities Sportives, Departement STAPS, UFR CISM, Universite de Savoie, Domaine Universitaire de Savoie-Technolac, F-73 376 cedex, Le Bourget du Lac, France.
Body leaning effects on postural control have been assessed by recording the centre of pressure (CP) displacements in healthy subjects under three experimental conditions (REF, BWD and FWD corresponding to upright, backward leaning and forward leaning of the body, respectively). The CP displacements were used to compute the motions of the vertical projections of the centre of gravity (CG(v)) and those of the difference CP-CG(v). A frequential analysis shows that the main effect takes place on CP-CG(v) motions, suggesting increased muscular activity in these leaning postures.
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