502 results match your criteria: "Columbia University College of Dental medicine[Affiliation]"

Sialosis, Gout Induced or Idiopathic? Case Report.

J Oral Maxillofac Surg

February 2017

Director, Salivary Gland Center; Associate Dean and Clinical Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dental Medicine, Salivary Gland Center, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York, NY. Electronic address:

Sialosis is observed in relation to diabetes, alcoholism, and malnutrition. An assumed relation between gout and sialosis is probably based on confusion that originated from the therapeutic use of phenylbutazone for gout and the sialadenitis that the medication caused. This report describes a case of sialosis in a patient with a longstanding history of gout that was idiopathic in origin.

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Background: Recreational use of cannabis, following its legalization in some countries, poses emergent oral and periodontal health concerns. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between frequent recreational cannabis (FRC) (marijuana and hashish) use and periodontitis prevalence among adults in the United States.

Methods: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011 to 2012 were analyzed.

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Modeling Social Capital as Dynamic Networks to Promote Access to Oral Healthcare.

Soc Cult Behav Model (2016)

January 2016

Department of Geography, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, 105 Wilkeson Quad, Buffalo, NY 14261, USA.

Social capital, as comprised of human connections in social networks and their associated benefits, is closely related to the health of individuals, communities, and societies at large. For disadvantaged population groups such as older adults and racial/ethnic minorities, social capital may play a particularly critical role in mitigating the negative effects and reinforcing the positive effects on health. In this project, we model social capital as both cause and effect by simulating dynamic networks.

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This study extends the concept of third places to include community sites where older adults gather, often for meals or companionship. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research guided program implementation and evaluation. Depending upon health promotion program needs, the physical infrastructure of a site is important, but a supportive director (champion) can often overcome identified deficits.

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Simultaneous Bilateral Hypertrophies of the Parotid Gland and Masseter Muscle: Case Report.

J Oral Maxillofac Surg

January 2017

Director, Salivary Gland Center; Associate Dean and Clinical Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York, NY. Electronic address:

Increased salivary demand can lead to enlarged parotid salivary glands, and increased activity of the masseter muscles can cause masseter hypertrophy. This report describes a most unusual case of simultaneous bilateral hypertrophies of the parotid gland and masseter muscle originating from the very extensive habit of chewing gum. An extensive literature review uncovered many cases of the independent existence of masseteric or parotid hypertrophy, but no example of the simultaneous occurrence of these 2 conditions.

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Maxillary Sinus Grafting With Biphasic Bone Ceramic or Autogenous Bone: Clinical, Histologic, and Histomorphometric Results From a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.

Implant Dent

October 2016

*Resident, Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry, New York, NY. †Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York, NY. ‡Clinical Researcher, Avicenna Research Institute, Dental Research Center, Oral Surgery Division, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran. §Director, Advanced Program in Periodontics, Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry, New York, NY. ¶Director, Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, Advanced Program in Implant Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry, New York, NY. ‖Associate Director of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, Bluestone Center for Clinical Research; Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, New York University College of Dentistry, New York, NY. #Head, Section of Implant Dentistry and Oral Rehabilitation, Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences (Chairman: Prof. R. L. Weinstein), IRCCS, Galeazzi Institute, Milan, Italy; Private Practice, Como, Italy.

Purpose: The present, randomized, controlled clinical trial compared the histologic and histomorphometric results from maxillary sinus augmentation with either biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) (60% hydroxyapatite and 40% β-tricalcium phosphate) or autogenous bone (AB) as bone-grafting materials.

Material And Methods: Ten patients received bilateral sinus elevation surgery with intraoral AB chips (control group) on one side and BCP (test group) on the contralateral side. After a healing period of 6 to 8 months, implant sites were created and trephine cores were harvested for histological and histomorphometric analysis of the grafted areas.

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Leukoplakia is the most common precursor lesion of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Currently, the risk of progression to OSCC is assessed based on histopathologic examination alone. However, this method fails to identify the subset of microscopically innocuous leukoplakia that ultimately transforms to OSCC.

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A 21-year-old male (body mass index: 28.3) with a history of asthma and reactive airway disease since childhood underwent left shoulder arthroscopy and labral repair surgery under monitored anesthesia care. Because the procedure was performed in the beach chair position, access to the patient's airway was limited throughout.

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Tissue-engineered autologous grafts for facial bone reconstruction.

Sci Transl Med

June 2016

Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, 500 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027, USA.

Facial deformities require precise reconstruction of the appearance and function of the original tissue. The current standard of care-the use of bone harvested from another region in the body-has major limitations, including pain and comorbidities associated with surgery. We have engineered one of the most geometrically complex facial bones by using autologous stromal/stem cells, native bovine bone matrix, and a perfusion bioreactor for the growth and transport of living grafts, without bone morphogenetic proteins.

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Article Synopsis
  • Several systematic reviews indicate that maxillary sinus augmentation is a reliable and effective method for improving the atrophic posterior maxilla.
  • The authors found a gap in the literature as no comprehensive reviews had examined all clinical aspects of the procedure.
  • They conducted a thorough search of multiple databases to gather studies on topics such as maxillary sinus anatomy, surgical methods, materials used, and possible complications related to sinus augmentation.
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Clinical Decisions: Determining When to Save or Remove an Ailing Implant.

Compend Contin Educ Dent

April 2016

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Periodontics, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York, New York.

The basis for the decision to either save or remove an ailing implant is multifactorial, and, as such, it has become one of the more controversial topics in the field of dental implantology. While bone lost to peri-implant disease can now be augmented with increasing predictability, the degree of success still varies depending on the size and configuration of the osseous defect. Concurrently, with the development of improved high-reverse torque instrumentation, minimally invasive techniques can be used to easily remove an implant that is malpositioned, causing an esthetic problem, or showing advanced bone loss.

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Idiopathic Gingival Fibromatosis: Case Report and Review of the Literature.

Am J Dermatopathol

June 2016

*Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY; †Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York, NY; ‡Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY; and §Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY.

Gingival fibromatosis (GF) is a condition characterized by a progressive, normal colored enlargement of the gingiva caused by an increase in the size of submucosal connective tissue. Both familial and idiopathic variants of the condition exist. The authors present a case report of a 38-year-old African American man who presented with an impressive overgrowth of the maxillary and mandibular gingivae, subsequently diagnosed as idiopathic GF.

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Adaptation of an interim partial removable dental prosthesis as a radiographic template for implant placement.

J Prosthet Dent

July 2016

Full Professor, Lisbon University College of Dentistry, Lisbon, Portugal; Assistant Professor, New York University College of Dentistry, New York, NY; and Clinical Director, Implantology Institute, Lisbon, Portugal.

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Infection and Pulp Regeneration.

Dent J (Basel)

March 2016

Division of Endodontics, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, 630 W. 168th St. PH7Stem #128, New York, NY 10032, USA.

The regeneration of the pulp-dentin complex has been a great challenge to both scientists and clinicians. Previous work has shown that the presence of prior infection may influence the characteristics of tissues formed in the root canal space after regenerative endodontic treatment. The formation of ectopic tissues such as periodontal ligament, bone, and cementum has been observed in the root canal space of immature necrotic teeth with apical periodontitis, while the regeneration of dentin and pulp has been identified in previously non-infected teeth.

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This case report describes a unique C-shaped mandibular second premolar with four canals and three apical foramina and its endodontic management with the aid of cone-beam computer tomography (CBCT). C-shaped root canal morphology with four canals was identified under a dental operating microscope. A CBCT scan was taken to evaluate the aberrant root canal anatomy and devise a better instrumentation strategy based on the anatomy.

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Pregnancy Tumor in a 31-Year-Old Female with a Facial Port-Wine Stain.

Case Rep Dent

January 2016

Private Practice, Metropolitan Oral Surgery Associates, New York, NY 10022, USA; Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY 10065, USA.

Pyogenic granuloma is a type of inflammatory hyperplasia often seen in the oral cavity and occurs in response to stimuli such as local irritants and hormonal factors. Pyogenic granulomas associated with pregnancy are referred to as pregnancy tumors. This report describes the presentation and surgical management of a large pregnancy tumor occurring in a patient with an overlying isolated facial port-wine stain.

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Bilateral Parotid Swelling in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

J Oral Maxillofac Surg

May 2016

Director, Salivary Gland Center; Associate Dean; Clinical Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York, NY. Electronic address:

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is recognized by the presence of polycystic ovaries, irregular menstruation, and increased androgen levels. Many patients have insulin resistance or impaired glucose tolerance and an associated development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. A patient with PCOS is presented whose cosmetic concerns centered on the prolonged existence of substantial bilateral parotid swelling.

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The secondary cartilage of the mandibular condyle is unique as it undergoes endochondral ossification during growth and robustly remodels in response to changes in its mechanical loading environment. This cartilage is derived from mesenchymal progenitor cells that express markers of early osteoblast differentiation, namely alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2). Interestingly, these progenitor cells then differentiate into cartilage with appropriate mechanical loading.

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Article Synopsis
  • Obesity influences bone health through altered lipid metabolism and bone homeostasis.
  • In a study using mice, a high-fat diet with palmitic acid led to greater alveolar bone loss when exposed to the bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis, compared to oleic acid or normal diets.
  • Elevated palmitic acid was linked to higher inflammation levels and decreased bone metabolism, emphasizing the role specific fatty acids play in bone health during periodontal disease.
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Objectives: There is a recognized need for valid risk assessment tools for use by both dental and nondental personnel to identify young children at risk for, or with, precavitated stages of early childhood caries (i.e., early stage decalcifications or white spot lesions).

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Studies conducted over the past 25 years have focussed on the role of periodontitis, an inflammatory condition of microbial aetiology that destroys the tooth-supporting tissues, as a systemic inflammatory stressor that can act as an independent risk factor of atherosclerotic vascular disease (AVSD) and adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs). It has been suggested that periodontitis-associated bacteraemias and systemic dissemination of inflammatory mediators produced in the periodontal tissues may result in systemic inflammation and endothelial dysfunction, and that bacteria of oral origin may translocate into the feto-placental unit. Epidemiological studies largely support an association between periodontitis and ASVD/APOs, independently of known confounders; indeed, periodontitis has been shown to confer statistically significantly elevated risk for clinical events associated with ASVD and APOs in multivariable adjustments.

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Use of quality measurement across US dental delivery systems: a qualitative analysis.

J Public Health Dent

March 2016

Dental Medicine and Health Policy & Management, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.

Objectives: Dentistry is increasingly challenged by payers and the public to demonstrate quality measurement (QM) activities that substantiate value. Unknown is how various components of the US oral health-care financing and delivery systems have adopted QM. The objective of this study is to explore QM activities by US dental delivery, management, financing, and related organizations.

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Current Role of Carnoy's Solution in Treating Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumors.

J Oral Maxillofac Surg

February 2016

Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery and Voluntary Attending, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY; Voluntary Attending, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY; Private Practice, Metropolitan Oral Surgery Associates, New York, NY. Electronic address:

Purpose: To understand the frequency of use of Carnoy's solution, as a means of chemical curettage, for treating the keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT).

Materials And Methods: A Web-based survey was distributed by e-mail to 6,880 members listed in the 2013 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons directory.

Results: Eight hundred nine participants across the United States responded to the survey (12% response rate).

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Introduction: Clinical reports have been published using acellular dermal matrix (ADM) as a barrier for guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedures. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first known case report that demonstrates histologically in humans that it can successfully function in this capacity.

Case Presentation: GBR, using tenting screws, bovine bone xenograft, cancellous allograft, and acellular dermal allograft as a membrane, was performed to augment a significant horizontal and vertical ridge deficiency in the area of teeth #7 and #8 of a 47-year-old female.

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