13 results match your criteria: "Cliniques Universitaires UCL St Luc[Affiliation]"
J Med Case Rep
February 2017
Department of Pediatrics, Queen Paola Children's Hospital, Lindendreef 1, 2020, Antwerp, Belgium.
Background: It is not uncommon that a child with a febrile illness of unknown etiology is admitted to the hospital. When the complete blood count reveals a pancytopenia, the diagnostic process can be a real challenge.
Case Presentation: A 13-year girl of Arab-Berber descent presented with abdominal pain and fever after a holiday in northwestern Morocco.
J Clin Anesth
February 2017
Department of Neurology, Cliniques Universitaires UCL St-Luc, 10 avenue Hippocrate, 1200, Brussels, Belgium. Electronic address:
Movement disorders following heart surgery are very unusual. Post-pump chorea is mainly a pediatric complication of heart surgery, typically manifesting after a latent period of normality and is usually related with long extracorporeal circulation time and deep hypothermia. We report a 73-year-old woman, without risk factors predisposing to paroxysmal movement disorders, presenting acute choreoathetoid movements 5 days after aortic valvular replacement with normal extracorporeal circulation time and perioperative normothermia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActa Neurol Belg
September 2017
Neuroradiology Section, Department of Radiology, Cliniques Universitaires UCL St-Luc, 10 Avenue Hippocrate 10, 1200, Brussels, Belgium.
Acta Neurol Belg
September 2017
Department of Neurology, Cliniques Universitaires UCL St-Luc, 10 Avenue Hippocrate, 1200, Brussels, Belgium.
October 2016
From the Department of Neurology (F.L., A.P.P.) and the Neuroradiology Section of the Radiology Department (T.D.), Cliniques Universitaires UCL St-Luc, Brussels, Belgium.
Acta Neurol Belg
June 2017
Department of Neurology, Cliniques Universitaires UCL St-Luc, 10 avenue Hippocrate, B-1200, Brussels, Belgium.
Acta Neurol Belg
December 2015
Department of Neurology, Cliniques Universitaires UCL St-Luc, 10 Avenue Hippocrate, 1200, Brussels, Belgium.
Acta Neurol Belg
June 2015
Department of Neurology, Cliniques Universitaires UCL St-Luc, 10 Avenue Hippocrate, 1200, Brussels, Belgium.
Leuk Res
May 2014
Centre Hospitalier de Jolimont, Jolimont, Belgium; Institut Jules Bordet, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Background: Most patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) require transfusions at the risk of iron overload and associated organ damage, and death. Emerging evidence indicates that iron chelation therapy (ICT) could reduce mortality and improve survival in transfusion-dependent MDS patients, especially those classified as International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) Low or Intermediate-1 (Low/Int-1).
Methods: Follow-up of a retrospective study.
Expert Opin Pharmacother
August 2009
Cliniques Universitaires UCL St Luc, Pediatrics Department, 10 Avenue Hippocrate, 1200 Brussels, Belgium.
Background: Treating HIV-infected children remains a challenge due to a lack of treatment options, appropriate drug formulations and, in countries with limited resources, insufficient access to diagnostic tests and treatment.
Objective: To summarize current data concerning new opportunities to improve the treatment of HIV-infected children.
Methods: This review includes data from the most recently published peer-reviewed publications, guidelines or presentations at international meetings concerning new ways to treat HIV-infected children.
Ann Hematol
September 2004
Department of Hematology, Clinical Biology and Pathology, Cliniques universitaires UCL St Luc, Brussels, Belgium.
A patient with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) of the pleomorphic blastoid subtype is reported. The disease was clinically aggressive and refractory to chemotherapy, and the patient survived only 2 months. Cytogenetically, a t(11;19;14)(q13;q13;q32) was found.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFActa Otorhinolaryngol Belg
March 1994
Service O.R.L., Cliniques Universitaires UCL St. Luc, Bruxelles.
Perilymphatic fistulas of the round or oval window in a traumatic context or following middle ear surgery or pathology, are reported. Rapid surgical exploration secures the best clinical results.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDiabete Metab
January 1992
Département de Médecine interne, Cliniques Universitaires UCL St-Luc, Bruxelles, Belgique.
The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the prevalence of microalbuminuria in type 1 and 2 diabetic patients with or without high blood pressure levels. 653 patients were involved in the study [type 1: n = 413 (normotensive: n = 298; hypertensive: n = 115); type 2: n = 240 (normotensive: n = 93; hypertensive: n = 147)]. In type 1 diabetic patients, the prevalence of microalbuminuria was of 21 per cent.
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