9 results match your criteria: "Citrus College[Affiliation]"

Psoriasis and atopic dermatitis are prevalent skin conditions affecting many children, each driven by distinct immunological pathways. Psoriasis is characterized by the activation of the Th17/IL-17/IL-23 axis, leading to rapid skin cell proliferation and the formation of thick, scaly plaques. In contrast, atopic dermatitis is primarily driven by the Th2/IL-4/IL-13 pathway, resulting in intense itching and disruption of the skin's protective barrier.

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In China, parents, teachers, and society generally oppose adolescent romance, believing it impedes youth from academic success. However, research that investigates factors influencing one's involvement in adolescent romance is scarce, especially among rural Chinese youth. Drawing upon 1,262 youth and their mothers in rural Gansu province, China, this study examined how gender and parenting practices in the family and community contexts influence adolescent romance among Chinese rural youth.

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Tiny Earth: A Big Idea for STEM Education and Antibiotic Discovery.


February 2021

Wisconsin Institute for Discovery and Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

The world faces two seemingly unrelated challenges-a shortfall in the STEM workforce and increasing antibiotic resistance among bacterial pathogens. We address these two challenges with Tiny Earth, an undergraduate research course that excites students about science and creates a pipeline for antibiotic discovery.

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Article Synopsis
  • The First Care Provider (FCP) model aims to train non-medical individuals on life-threatening injury recognition and interventions, emphasizing that rapid evacuation is as critical as hemorrhage control in disaster situations.
  • A study was conducted where two demographic groups were formed—one trained in the FCP curriculum and the other untrained—who then participated in a simulated mass casualty event to assess their responses.
  • The results showed that the trained group reacted significantly faster than the untrained group in both recognizing the first action needed and resolving the scenario, indicating the effectiveness of the training program.
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Here we report experimental simulations of hydrothermal chimney growth using injection chemical garden methods. The versatility of this type of experiment allows for testing of various proposed ocean / hydrothermal fluid chemistries that could have driven reactions toward the origin of life in environments on the early Earth, early Mars, or even other worlds such as the icy moons of the outer planets. We show experiments that include growth of chemical garden structures under anoxic conditions simulating the early Earth, inclusion of trace components of phosphates / organics in the injection solution to incorporate them into the structure, a switch of the injection solution to introduce a secondary precipitating anion, and the measurement of membrane potentials generated by chemical gardens.

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During a demonstration of hypnotically induced anesthesia and following a suggestion for a Novocain-like numbness, a totally unanticipated and dramatic swelling of 1 cheek appeared. The participant had forgotten to inform the psychologist that she had experienced the identical reaction to Novocain when she received an injection a few weeks earlier. The swelling was quickly removed by a countersuggestion based upon a simulated injection of the antidote previously administered by the dentist.

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