7 results match your criteria: "Centre hospitalier de Remiremont[Affiliation]"
J Epidemiol Popul Health
February 2025
Vice-présidente du comité d'organisation, Centre hospitalier de Remiremont, 88200, Remiremont, France.
Emerg Med J
March 2024
Emergency Department, CHU Angers, University of Angers, CHU Angers, Angers, France.
Background: The HOME-CoV (Hospitalisation or Outpatient ManagEment of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection) score is a validated list of uniquely clinical criteria indicating which patients with probable or proven COVID-19 can be treated at home. The aim of this study was to optimise the score to improve its ability to discriminate between patients who do and do not need admission.
Methods: A revised HOME-CoV score was derived using data from a previous prospective multicentre study which evaluated the original Home-CoV score.
February 2020
Neonatal Department, Necker Enfants Malades Hospital, 75015 Paris, France.
Most studies assessing the macronutrient content of human milk are published retrospectively using analyzers that fail to determine sodium content and do not take into account the role of volume in milk composition. We aimed to describe macronutrient content and sodium content in human milk over time, observe any associations between them, and determine the factors associated with the evolution of milk composition. A prospective, longitudinal, monocentric study was undertaken.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOrthop Traumatol Surg Res
September 2017
Équipe de recherche inter Psy (EA 4432), université de Lorraine, 13, place Carnot, 54035 Nancy, France.
Introduction: The French Code of Public Health (CSP) does not explicitly require that patients should be given a certain amount of time to think about a procedure, except for cosmetic surgery, where 15 days is required (Art. L 6322-2 CSP). We hypothesized that patients require a waiting period during their decision-making process for scheduled shoulder arthroscopy procedure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTherapie
September 2017
Laboratoire de pharmacologie clinique et toxicologie, centre régional de pharmacovigilance de Lorraine, hôpital Central, CHRU de Nancy, 29, avenue du Maréchal-de-Lattre-de-Tassigny, CO 60034, 54035 Nancy, France.
Introduction: Acetaminophen is the most involved active substance in both unintentional and intentional drug poisoning. However, its availability outside community pharmacies is being debated in France.
Methods: We made, via a self-administered questionnaire, a prospective assessment of knowledge, use and acetaminophen overdose risk in patients consulting their general practitioner, in the Metz Métropole urban area, between May 2015 and February 2016.
J Radiol
May 2000
Service de Radiologie, Département de Gastro-Entérologie, Centre Hospitalier de Remiremont, Remiremont, France.
In the differential diagnosis of colonic obstruction, the endometriosis is an uncommon disease, rarely reported. The endometriosis of the bowel should be suspected on young women with a history of colonic symptoms and gynecologic complaints. The preoperative diagnosis is difficult, based on the clinical history, the imaging modalities and the endoscopic explorations.
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