93 results match your criteria: "Centre de tabacologie[Affiliation]"
Rev Mal Respir
February 2006
Centre de tabacologie, CHU Côte de Nacre Caen, France.
Rev Mal Respir
February 2006
Centre de tabacologie, Centre Hospitalier, Béziers, France.
Rev Mal Respir
February 2006
Centre de Tabacologie, CHR Bon Secours, Metz, France.
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris)
April 2005
Centre de Tabacologie, Centre hospitalier, 2, rue Valentin-Haüy, 34500 Béziers.
Smoking has numerous effects on skin. Some of them are well established, others are more debatable. Smoking is a cofactor of skin aging after chronic sun exposure, as demonstrated by recent histological, biochemical and cutaneous relief studies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRev Mal Respir
September 2004
Centre de Tabacologie, CHU de Poitiers.
Introduction: We have studied the relationship between urinary cotinine and other tobacco markers to assess the relevance of urinary cotinine in the dosage of nicotine substitutes.
Methods: One hundred and fifty-five patients, who were regular cigarette smokers not taking any nicotine substitutes took part in the study. The parameters examined were daily consumption, nicotine contents of the cigarettes, the Fagerström test score, levels of carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaled breath air and urinary cotinine.
Presse Med
August 2004
Centre de tabacologie, Pavilion René le Blaye, CHU la Milètrie, Poitiers.
Presse Med
October 2002
Centre de tabacologie Hôpital Albert Chenevier, 40, rue de Mesly 94000 Créteil.
Introduction: Measurement of expired air carbon monoxide expired is an essential examination to be conducted in smokers during consultation. However, this can be the source of errors, such as that identified in the case report we present here.
Observation: A 65 year-old man, wishing to stop smoking, consumed a large quantity of polyol-rich sweets and exhibited increased expired air carbon monoxide levels, intestinal gases and increased volume of his liver.
December 2002
Centre de Tabacologie, Hôpital A.-Chenevier, 94010 Créteil cedex, France.
The association between tobacco dependence and various forms of anxiety and depressive disorders is well established. The presence of these disorders constitutes a key cause of failure in subjects seeking to stop smoking. In addition to the clinically manifest forms of such anomalies, systematic screening for minor forms of these disorders was performed at the Centre for Tobacco Studies of Créteil, France; as well as the standard questionnaire concerning personal and familial history and current psychological well-being, subjects were asked to complete two self-questionnaires, the HAD (Hospital Anxiety Depression score) and the BDI (Beck Depression Inventory, abridged version) together with the MINI (structured mini-interview).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSoins Psychiatr
August 2002
Centre de tabacologie Paul-Guiraud, Villejuif.
Soins Psychiatr
August 2002
Centre de tabacologie, Hôpital Albert-Chenevier, Créteil.
Presse Med
February 2002
Centre de Tabacologie, Hôpital Albert Chenevier, 40 rue de Mesly F94000 Créteil.
To be efficient, nicotine substitution therapy (NST) must be part of a global strategy comprising several stages. The first consists in evaluating and re-enforcing motivation, since smoking cessation is impossible unless the patient is clearly motivated. The second stage is the withdrawal period that lasts for several days or months.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArch Pediatr
May 2001
Centre de tabacologie du CHU de Caen, service de médecine du travail et de pathologie professionnelle, CHU Côte-de-Nacre, avenue de la Côte-de-Nacre, 14033 Caen, France.
Bull Acad Natl Med
November 1999
Centre de Tabacologie, Hôpital Albert Chenevier, Créteil.
The behavioral and pharmacological mechanisms of nicotine addiction are comparable to those of other addictive substances such as heroine, cocaine...
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPresse Med
March 1998
Centre de Tabacologie, Hôpital Henri Modor, Créteil.
J Mal Vasc
October 1997
Centre de Tabacologie, Policlinique, CHU Henri-Mondor, Créteil.
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of cigarette smoking on biologic and rheologic tests, chiefly on the red blood cells (RBC) in measuring the deformability by the Cell Transit Analyser (CTA) and their aggregation by using an ultrasonic interferometry method based on A-mode echography allowed for the measurement of the accumulation rate of particles in a solid plate which is related to their sedimentation rate (Echo-Cell). Nine male smoker subjects with a high nicotine addiction measured by Fagerström questionnaire (> 8) and level of carbon monoxide (CM) in the breathed out air (> 20 ppm), have been compared with ten healthy no-smoker volunteers (CM < 3 ppm). One smoker has been eliminated of statistic evaluations because his glucose level showed a diabetes (10.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPresse Med
February 1997
Centre de Tabacologie, Policlinique, Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil.
Objectives: Describe characteristic use of cannabis and tobacco.
Case Report: A young couple were nicotine-dependent smokers who also regularly used cannabis. After treatment for nicotine withdrawal they no longer had a craving for cigarettes but use of hashish increased.
J Mal Vasc
March 1997
Centre de tabacologie, Policlinique, Hôpital Henri-Mondor, Créteil.
Despite the risk, smoking has only slightly decreased and the percentage of heavy smokers increases. The reason for the paradoxical situation has now been identified in more than 95% of the cases and is due to behaviour amplified by a pharmacological dependence on nicotine. The psycho-active effects of nicotine binding to nicotine receptors in the brain, produce a quasi constant physical dependence and a psychic dependence in certain smokers.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPresse Med
August 1996
Centre de Tabacologie, Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil.
A 43-year-old high-level athlete used nicotine gum to stop his smoking habit. Later, use of nicotine gum was directly related to improved sports performance. It is suggested that nicotine might be added to the official list of prohibited drugs in athletes.
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