1 results match your criteria: "Cattedra e Servizio Clinicizzato di Endocrinochirurgia. pe.costanzo@tiscali.it[Affiliation]"
Ann Ital Chir
December 2005
Università degli Studi di Catania, P.O.U. "San Luigi e San Currò" Catania, Cattedra e Servizio Clinicizzato di Endocrinochirurgia.
Introduction: Thyroid microcarcinoma is a malignant thyroid tumor with potential multifocality and a maximum of 1 cm of diameter. This carcinoma has been discovered more frequently like incidentaloma.
Aim Of The Study: To appraise the incidence of MCT in the benign thyroid diseases and the advantages offered from the total thyroidectomy, performed for benign diffused thyroid diseases, which surgical treatment "therapeutic" performed for these malignant tumors.