3 results match your criteria: "California Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians[Affiliation]"
West J Emerg Med
November 2024
California Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, Sacramento, California.
Acad Emerg Med
May 2019
Department of Emergency Medicine, California Hospital Med Center, Los Angeles, CA.
Objectives: We wanted to estimate the frequency and describe the nature of emergency department (ED) procedural sedation restrictions in the State of California.
Methods: We surveyed medical directors for all licensed EDs statewide regarding limitations on procedural sedation practice. Our primary outcome was the frequency of restrictions on procedural sedation, defined as an inability to administer moderate sedation, deep sedation, and typical ED sedative agents in accordance with American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) guidelines.
West J Emerg Med
November 2009
Immediate Past-President, California Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians.