91 results match your criteria: "C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology[Affiliation]"
Prog Clin Biol Res
November 1990
C.I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
April 1991
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
A 22-year old female patient with psycho-motor retardation, statural hypotrophy and clinical picture characteristic of the 9p deletion syndrome, i.e., trigonocephalia (corrected surgically), epicanthus, hypertelorism, long filtrum, micrognathia, low inserted and malformed ears, filiform fingers, is presented.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
April 1991
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
Eighteen healthy children were given 50 micrograms synthetic AVT intranasally and samples of serum for GH, magnesium and alpha-amino-nitrogen were drawn 30, 60 and 120 minutes later. There was a significantly different mean of GH peak level (13.1 +/- 3.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis theoretic study deals with some biochemical considerations 1) of a general nature, on cellular regulation both by the messenger systems: type A and type C (MS-A & MS-C) and by the allosteric system, and 2) of a special nature, taking into account, for example, the antagonism between the catabolic oxidation of free fatty acids (FFA) and anabolic aerobic glycolysis, as a major mechanism of allosteric short-term regulation of glycemic homeostasis. The discussion at molecular level is facilitated by presentation of a detailed scheme of a didactic and integrative character which consists not only of an original and rational assamblage of the main anabolic and catabolic pathways of the intermediary glucidolipidic metabolism in the liver ("chemical anatomy") but also of the messengerial and allosteric regulation of these pathways ("chemical physiology"). The author also presents a second scheme, more stylized and resumative which seems to show more clearly the antagonism between hepatic oxidation of FFA (expressing the catabolic phase) and aerobic glycolysis (expressing the anabolic phase); this may partly explain why the two phases cannot be simultaneously but only alternatively functional.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTestosterone-17-hemisuceinate (T-17-HS) by esterification with succinic anhydride technique and Testosterone-3-carboxy-methyl-oxyme (T-3-CMO) derivatives were synthesized. The T-protein (BSA) conjugates were prepared by the condensation with carbodiimide technique, for the T-17-HS derivative and by the mixed anhydride technique, for the T-3-CMO. Both the derivatives and the T-BSA conjugates were characterized by melting point, ultraviolet and infrared spectra, thin layer chromatography.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
April 1991
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
The three cases of subacute thyroiditis treated by radioiodine were refractory to systemic corticoid therapy (2-3 recurrences in a mean duration of 7.6 mos) and to external antiinflammatory radiotherapy (relapses after 2 and 4 mos, respectively). No relapse after radioiodine administration has appeared (mean follow-up period: 3 yrs) and post-iodine hypothyroidism was mild.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
April 1991
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
In order to investigate the effects of myelin basic protein (MBP) on sleep parameters, adult cats received 10 micrograms of guinea pig MBP into the third ventricle of the brain and were subsequently recorded for 8 hours. In comparison with both saline solution (0.1 ml) and 10 micrograms basic proteins (protamines and histones), MBP specifically produced a rebound-like pattern of the REM sleep (REMS); it decreased the REMS latency, increased the number of REMS episodes and dramatically increased the REMS percent during the 3rd and 6th hour of recording.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
May 1990
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
The antidiuretic activity of an arginine vasotocin (AVT) solution (10 microU/ml) was studied in comparison with an arginine vasopressin (AVP) solution (10 microU/ml) after their incubation for 1 h at 37 degrees C with the supernatants (S) or the pellets (P) of the habenular nuclei (HN) or frontal cortex (FC) fragments homogenized in saline solution, removed from adult or newborn rats. Both SHN and SFC from adults inactivated about 5 microU/ml AVT and 10 microU/ml AVP, PHN and not PFC inactivated only about 7 microU/ml. In newborns the phenomena were in the same direction, but the specific inactivation of AVT by the PHN was of about twice greater than in adults.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
May 1990
C.I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
Circadian rhythms of 23 biochemical parameters were studied in the serum of 194 children 11 +/- 1.5 years of age, 43 young adult subjects 21 +/- 2 years of age and 200 elderly subjects 77 +/- 8 years of age. In the children and the elderly subjects, the investigations extended over all four seasons allowing also the study of seasonal variations or circannual rhythms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
December 1989
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, România.
Standard electroencephalographic (EEG) anomalies were correlated with the intensity of the acute intranasally administered arginine vasotocin (AVT) effects on the REM sleep of 27 healthy prepubertal children (aged between 4 and 13 years). In comparison with saline controls, AVT greatly enhanced REM sleep parameters in subjects with alpha rhythm anomalies, theta waves or with low-voltage EEG as well as in those without hyperpnea-induced EEG anomalies, than in those without (and respectively with) these anomalies. No statistical significant correlation could be established between the intensity of AVT effects on sleep and age, sex, appearance of incidental delta waves or of paroxysmal activities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
December 1989
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
December 1989
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
December 1989
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
One-hundred and ninety-four children (11 +/- 1.5 years of age), 43 young adult subjects (21 +/- 2 years of age) and 149 elderly subjects studied in 278-24 hour profiles (77 +/- 8 years of age) were studied over one or several 24-hour spans. All subjects followed a diurnal activity pattern with rest during the night.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
December 1989
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
The hypophyseal human growth hormone (hGH), a Raben type laboratory preparation, was re-evaluated as regards its innocuity for therapeutic use. Besides the usual control tests recommended by the Romanian Pharmacopoeia, the contamination of the hGH for clinical use with acute and slow viruses, was investigated taking into account the withdrawal of this hormone in many developed countries. The contamination was absent both with acute viruses as resulted from hemadsorption on cell cultures and counterimmunoelectrophoresis, and with slow viruses as observed from a two year-follow up of guinea pigs injected intracerebrally with the hGH preparation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
November 1989
C.I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
The present paper offers a simple, reliable and specific method for the evaluation of salivary level of conjugated MHPG in 16 children (5-16 years) selected as control group. In the chosen group, we established the urinary level of NA: 17.64 +/- 1.
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November 1989
C.I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
The urinary iodine excretion was measured in 193 children 11 +/- 1.5 years of age living in the endemic goiter area of Dîmboviţa, Romania. One hundred and thirty four of the children showed some degree of endemic goiter, 59 showed none.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
November 1989
C.I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
November 1989
C.I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
This is a synthetic presentation of the data accumulated along almost fourty years in the Institute of Endocrinology in Bucharest, on the biology of the pineal gland. Most of these were included in the book treating on the pineal gland as an organ of metabolic regulation. The works revealed hypoglycemic, anabolic, anticholesterolemic and glomerulotrophic action of the pineal peptides as opposed to the pinealectomy which induced completely opposite effects.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
August 1989
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
The effect of the pineal extract and that of two fractions, f1 and f2, one above, the other 10,000 daltons obtained by ultrafiltration of the extract, on HDL-cholesterol as well as on cholesterolemia and testosterone, under basal conditions and under exogenous HCG stimulation was followed up. Under basal conditions, the pineal extract induced a statistically significant decrease in the 3 biochemical indices, an effect which was also recorded with the two fractions, with the difference that the effect of f2 is more intense and significant as compared to f1, whereas the effect of the pineal extract appears more intense than that of the fractions. Under exogenous HCG stimulation, the pineal extract and less the fractions, partly inhibited the lowering effect of HCG on cholesterol and the rising effect of this hormone on testosterone.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
August 1989
C.I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
A 57-year old male patient with unilateral exophthalmos was transferred to our hospital from an Ophthalmologic Clinic for suspicion of Graves' disease. Lateral skull X-ray showed the optic holes and orbits within normal limits. Orbital echography and CT scan revealed an intraorbital tumor which on histopathologic examination proved to be malignant lymphoma.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEndocrinologie
August 1989
C.I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
August 1989
C. I. Parhon Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania.
Thirty nine patients with abnormal high basal hGH levels were selected and analysed as a part of a retrospective study of the results of 1,500 insulin stimulation tests (IST), applied in children and adolescents with growth deficiency. Their height, weight, and bone age were lower than their corresponding chronological age. Both in girls and in boys groups, responders and nonresponders subgroups were detected as judging by the results of the secretagogue action of insulin on hGH.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUrinary excretion of monoamine metabolites (noradrenaline-NA, adrenaline-A, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl glycol-MHPG, homovanillic acid-HVA, 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid-5 HIAA) was studied in four groups of children as follows: Group I consisting of obese children subjected to caloric restriction and to a short term course of thyroid extract in "low" dosage (1-2 mg/kg bwt), Group II consisting of obese children subjected to diet alone, Group III consisting of children myxedema and subjected to a short term course of thyroid extract given in the "high" dosage (3-5 mg/kg bwt) and Group IV consisting of GH deficient short children having (many of them) thyrotropin deficiency and subjected to a short term course of thyroid extract in "very high" dosage (5-10 mg/bwt). In obese, calorie-restricted children, the previously low mean level of 5 HIAA excretion was further lowered by thyroid extract. In obese children subjected to calorie restriction alone no urinary abnormality was noted.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEighty six obese children and adolescents (44 males) were screened for urinary 5 HIAA and MHPG, noradrenaline (NA), and adrenaline (A) and the results compared with age- and sex-matched controls. Significantly lower amounts of 5 HIAA were found, by contrast to the significantly higher levels of MHPG. These findings cannot be easily explained but an alteration of the normal equilibrium between the adrenergic and the serotonergic tonus may be circumstantially invoked.
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